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If you haven't bought the game, please read


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To drive OP's point home, I'd like to talk about general chatter in the game. All the bile spewing, negativity, doomsaying you see en masse on these forums? You don't actually see any of that in general chat while you're playing. And I play on a busy server.
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Um, reality check time.


If you want a modern MMO, this is NOT the game for you.


If you want a dated single player that can co-op at times, you may be interested in this game, for like a month.


Fanbois are obviously just as capable of making ridiculous statements based on their opinions as much as the haters.

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Um, reality check time.


If you want a modern MMO, this is NOT the game for you.


If you want a dated single player that can co-op at times, you may be interested in this game, for like a month.


Fanbois are obviously just as capable of making ridiculous statements based on their opinions as much as the haters.


Don't listen to this guy. The people calling this a single player game are the people who are anti-social irl / in game.


I've grouped with TONS of people and made TONS of friends. This is a great MMO and everything I would expect from a game released in 2011, and then some.

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Don't listen to the hate threads. The only reason you see more hate threads then appreciation threads on here is simple. Those who hate the game, flame the game on the forums. Those who enjoy the game, are PLAYING the game. I mean seriously, I'd be on right now if it wasn't due to the new patch, which includes a ton of bug fixes I'm excited about, making the game even better. The flashpoints are fantastic, the stories leave me wanting more, and the PVP with minor tweeking could be fantastic. So if you haven't bought the game yet, Please give it a shot, you won't put it down!



Constant, Vanguard -Dark Reaper


EDIT: Felt this needed to be addressed because before I subbed I seriously thought about not buying the game just by reading the forums, and I feel others are the same way.


sniff sniff

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If you want a dated single player that can co-op at times, you may be interested in this game, for like a month.


Fanbois are obviously just as capable of making ridiculous statements based on their opinions as much as the haters.


If I play this game for more than a month and enjoy it as much in the second month as I do now, will you come back and apologize then?

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Don't listen to the hate threads. The only reason you see more hate threads then appreciation threads on here is simple. Those who hate the game, flame the game on the forums. Those who enjoy the game, are PLAYING the game. I mean seriously, I'd be on right now if it wasn't due to the new patch, which includes a ton of bug fixes I'm excited about, making the game even better. The flashpoints are fantastic, the stories leave me wanting more, and the PVP with minor tweeking could be fantastic. So if you haven't bought the game yet, Please give it a shot, you won't put it down!



Constant, Vanguard -Dark Reaper


EDIT: Felt this needed to be addressed because before I subbed I seriously thought about not buying the game just by reading the forums, and I feel others are the same way.


Do you really think people need this advert to decide whether or not to buy the game?


If you like SW, buy the game.

If you like single player but with chat, buy the game.

If you like PvP, don't buy the game.

If you like MMO's as they are known with all of the social aspects, don't buy the game.

Edited by Waypoc
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Do you really think people need this advert to decide whether or not to buy the game?


If you like SW, buy the game.

If you like single player but with chat, buy the game.

If you like PvP, don't buy the game.

If you like MMO's as they are known with all of the social aspects, don't buy the game.



This is the only problem that I have with the negativity. Most of it is based on pure ignorance, or at the least, lack of knowledge of the game.


Calling this a "single player" game is, well, its sophomoric at best. Its based on the fact that one can solo in this game, and it is intended. However, there is a plethora of opportunity to partake in the social aspects of the game if one chose. To not chose, then accuse is simply ridiculous.

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Do you really think people need this advert to decide whether or not to buy the game?


If you like SW, buy the game.

If you like single player but with chat, buy the game.

If you like PvP, don't buy the game.

If you like MMO's as they are known with all of the social aspects, don't buy the game.


Totally disagree with your last 2 points. SWTOR is an MMO whether you like it or not. There is definitley a sense of community, and maybe if you got out of your anti-social bubble, you would see that.


PVP is pretty good in this game, I enjoy doing it with friends / guild mates.

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SWTOR is a single player game with a chat box.

Enter a city and you may see 5 or 6 people, not like Stormwind were you may see 50-100 people.

Fly to a planet and see nobody. Enter a zone to quest and maybe see one or 2 people in a couple hours.

No customizable UI

Space Combat is a rail shooter

They removed any match armor color to your gear, so its possible to look like a rainbow colored Trooper (Google the pics they are funny)

No search function on the auction house

Mobs dont move they just stand still

No chat bubbles

No macros

No auto attack

No Add on support

The game engine is bad, watch flowers and grass grow as you walk in it since the draw distance is jacked up.

Heavily Instaced game with very long walks from point A to point B

No dungeon finder, spend hours looking for a group

Part UI is messed up and broken , nobody wants to heal because of this.

Slow combat and companion respoce time.

The list goese on and on and on , make your own decision but understand there are many problems with this game , dont let the big budget or the company that made this game fool you.

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It is a good game.

it has a few things that can improve.

But overall its well worth the price.


Great game considering it is about one week out of the gate. MMO's ship as a shell. They are added to as they go. If people read the developer threads, twitter, they will see that there is already alot on the board to be implemented.


It has had the best release that I can remember (Played all the big names since UO), and the Scheduled implementation of content is well ahead of any previous game.

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This is the only problem that I have with the negativity. Most of it is based on pure ignorance, or at the least, lack of knowledge of the game.


Calling this a "single player" game is, well, its sophomoric at best. Its based on the fact that one can solo in this game, and it is intended. However, there is a plethora of opportunity to partake in the social aspects of the game if one chose. To not chose, then accuse is simply ridiculous.


Not really.

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If you liked EQ and WoW (but no longer find it cool to admit it), then this game has pretty all the same elements of those games and should be just as enjoyable. In fact, I admire the developers iron-willed resolve in not letting the game get polluted by anything resembling so much as an original idea. Edited by Zhiru
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SWTOR is a single player game with a chat box.


You've started with hyperbole and conjecture and went downhill from there.


SW is not at all a single player game. One can chose to play solo, but if they do, then who's fault is it that they are not partaking in the game as it was intended?


Having the option to solo most of the content does not make anything, anything. It simply gives one a choice. You are choosing to avoid interaction, then blaming the game....which, again, goes back to my original point that most of the negativity is based upon ignorance or misunderstanding.

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If you liked EQ and WoW (but no longer find it cool to admit it), then this game has pretty all the same elements of those games and should be just as enjoyable. In fact, I admire the developers iron-willed resolve in not letting the game get polluted by anything resembling so much as an original idea.


There are original ideas. There is a building on previous games as there has been since Meridian, and UO.


We used to say that Wow was EQ done right. SW is Wow done right.

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SWTOR is a single player game with a chat box.

Enter a city and you may see 5 or 6 people, not like Stormwind were you may see 50-100 people.

Fly to a planet and see nobody. Enter a zone to quest and maybe see one or 2 people in a couple hours.

No customizable UI

Space Combat is a rail shooter

They removed any match armor color to your gear, so its possible to look like a rainbow colored Trooper (Google the pics they are funny)

No search function on the auction house

Mobs dont move they just stand still

No chat bubbles

No macros

No auto attack

No Add on support

The game engine is bad, watch flowers and grass grow as you walk in it since the draw distance is jacked up.

Heavily Instaced game with very long walks from point A to point B

No dungeon finder, spend hours looking for a group

Part UI is messed up and broken , nobody wants to heal because of this.

Slow combat and companion respoce time.

The list goese on and on and on , make your own decision but understand there are many problems with this game , dont let the big budget or the company that made this game fool you.


Pretty much spot on from what I see, although the list is missing the biggest issue for me personally: lack of a combat log.


A huge portion of my fun when I play an MMO is trying out skill rotations for my class and attempting to better my personal gameplay. Without a combat log, you have to rely on two things to receive immediate feedback on your play: how quickly the mob dies, and the floating combat text. It's a real bummer, and even though I desperately wanted to like the game despite all of the flaws listed above, the lack of a combat log was a deal breaker.

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