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If you haven't bought the game, please read


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Don't listen to the hate threads. The only reason you see more hate threads then appreciation threads on here is simple. Those who hate the game, flame the game on the forums. Those who enjoy the game, are PLAYING the game. I mean seriously, I'd be on right now if it wasn't due to the new patch, which includes a ton of bug fixes I'm excited about, making the game even better. The flashpoints are fantastic, the stories leave me wanting more, and the PVP with minor tweeking could be fantastic. So if you haven't bought the game yet, Please give it a shot, you won't put it down!



Constant, Vanguard -Dark Reaper


EDIT: Felt this needed to be addressed because before I subbed I seriously thought about not buying the game just by reading the forums, and I feel others are the same way.

Edited by Connact
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Thanks for the appreciation, seen so many hate threads, turning away new interested players... Yeah I should have mentioned that nothing like the satisfaction of finishing like 10 quests in one zone after a long hard fight and porting out to the location of the questgivers feeling like a boss!
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spread the word to all that the forums are not an indication of how the game is. the first DAY they saw 1 million subs or more. that didn't include christmas! I thank you for this thread and we need to keep bumping this to the top soon enough! :) anyways enjoy the game! and May the Force be with you, but make sure to let your anger and rage fuel the Force inside you!


Darth Freki

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This is typical in every MMO release (and afterwards). The disappointed ones are the ones who voice their opinion more strongly.


Although I could bet that most of the people posting that they cancelled or will not play are actually playing right now too :D

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The hate is coming from the leetbois that raced through over 200hrs of content in 7 days or less now at lvl 50 they cant do anything cause 95% of their server is still lvl 40 or less.




Here is the deal if you get into the game and play it your will love its not WoW. Its so much better in everyway.



But if you buy the game and run out and race your toon to lvl 50 your going to upset cause your going to have missed an epic story that they likely just space bared through.




Personaly i blame WoW for this kind of mentaltity. In WoW there was so much pointless grinding everyone was looking for ways areound it. Well ToR isnt grinding even if your killing 50 mobs there is reason and you knwo what its going to contribute alot of XP to your lvl. Its not I killed 50 frogs and got 1000xp but I needed 5,000,000 for the next lvl.




I truely hope the people cring about this game leave it. Cause once they go back to whatever POS they were playing they will see what they missed here.

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You should be reading constructive threads before you waste $60


This game is a bad single player rpg with almost no community


The mobs dont move or path, You walk right by them and they just stand there in groups of 3-4 looking stupid. When you engage its like shooting at a sign post with the level of AI. The combat does not flow, boring bland and pvp is terrible. Youll spend more time in unneeded cut scenes then actually playing a game. If you like boring walk through single player games that center on a TON of cut scenes go for it, but keep in mind the combat in between scenes is NOT fun, it has no life to it, same as the worlds which you are shuttled from box to box, many of the worlds are not even open zones. Nothing changes, looks the same every time you talk though. Good luck!

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bump great game im so glad i bought this game it is amazing i see so many hate threads on here so much im geting to the point were checking general discussion isnt even worth it.


i love that they made this game have a really story and not just hand u a bunch of quest saying kill this x times for this amount of xp over and over again.


great job! bioware and i CAN NOT WAIT to see what major patch updates bring!!:D:D

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This is an awesome game..I can't pull myself away from it. I don't think I can ever go back to regular questing in other mmo's after this. I know some people will not be interested in watching and just skip to the answers..they just want to grind to max asap and do whatever...that's fine, everyone is different.


But I love the star wars universe, I love the lore that's in the game, and I really enjoy watching my 'character' progress through the different quest lines.


Yes there are some buggy things and some wrinkles to be ironed out...but as far as mmo launches go and I have been through a few now; this was actually really good.

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Great Op. :) Though I no more than any other have suffered a few minor set backs. This IS a GREAT game. And for me has to go down to being one of the smoothest Launches I have ever played. And at my age, I've played many hehe.


For a game to have this much content and story, and as stable as it is. Is amazing. the fact this is only the Foundation upon which all patches future content and Expansions will be put atop. This can only mean greater things to come. And I for one, look forward to them with great expectations. ( No Christmas pun there intended :p ).


And to all the haters out there, let go of all that negative energy, becuase you keep all that bottled up, you and only you are going to have very misserable lives. Move on and grow. Peace. ;)

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I agree, OP. There are many reasons why people bash any game, but this one in particular. The majority of hate threads I see are, quite simply, opinion, which is by its very nature biased. Couple that with the fact that there are a TON of veteran gamers out there (WoW for 7 years) that have never experienced an MMO launch before, and have no idea what to expect.


I've said before, Bioware said they wanted to be able to compete with current WoW, not equal it. They've done a fine job of that so far, but the game HAS to mature over time to truely compete in EVERY aspect, for much the same reasons that a high school musician will never display the same tone quality and technique as that first chair at Carnegie Hall.


The game is fantastic, and it has a SOLID foundation for both leveling and end-game. All aspects of the game are FUNCTIONAL, while not necessarily optimal. That's a lot more than I can say for many other games at launch (WoW especially).

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If anything this game is too good. Meh, guess I'll be getting B's next semester. :)


Really? come on, look I get that you all want to proclaim the game as great but this is just misleading, as good as the game is there ARE some problems, this kind of comment is just as disturbing as the blind haters, you have to be realistic, this will just build up expectations that won't be matched by what is really there, this is by far not the best MMO ever, it's not even the best Star Wars themed MMO ever, it is simply the most recent MMO and decent, you can play it and enjoy it for the most part, bugs will be fixed and new ones will come up, classes will be perpetually out of balance one way or another, repeating things will get boring after awhile but it is still well made and enjoyable.

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You should be reading constructive threads before you waste $60


This game is a bad single player rpg with almost no community


The mobs dont move or path, You walk right by them and they just stand there in groups of 3-4 looking stupid. When you engage its like shooting at a sign post with the level of AI. The combat does not flow, boring bland and pvp is terrible. Youll spend more time in unneeded cut scenes then actually playing a game. If you like boring walk through single player games that center on a TON of cut scenes go for it, but keep in mind the combat in between scenes is NOT fun, it has no life to it, same as the worlds which you are shuttled from box to box, many of the worlds are not even open zones. Nothing changes, looks the same every time you talk though. Good luck!


That is the most untruthful and downright silly account of this game that I have heard.


  • I have met many new friends while playing TOR my server is extremely active.
  • The Mobs move and path just fine they wander and have idle animations just like every other MMO and I can provide video to back that up.
  • I find combat smooth and very action oriented; no you do not have an auto attack button so you actually have to think about what you are doing.
  • The story is exciting and engaging I have played several characters and each one feels like I am playing a new game.


This isn't an exaggeration it isn't false it isn't painting the game in a good light it is the truth. I can take valid and honest criticism of this game but blatant agenda based smearing will be called out.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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As one who was totally turned off from Beta, cancelled his Collectors Edition and was on the fence about even playing, I am glad I picked up the regular edition and launched. I have done a complete 180 and absolutely loving this game, to the point of having rolled 6 characters. The game is extremely well done and a true work of art. It is among the best MMO's I've played since 1997.


I do wish PvP would get a lot more attention but agree with the OP.

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One thing in common with every hate spewing one page write up is how they have been level 50 since around launch day. I mean because thats something I do to, get a game and say "wow I really don't like this game, but I'm going to go ahead and play it 20 hours out of every day for ten days straight anyway". And if that is not how they reached 50 so fast then it was a combination of space bar'n and empty warzone ques, and I don't usually follow opinions from ADD afflicted children.


MMO games constantly change and improve and swtor will be no different, it is how people can play them for so many years.

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As a serious Adult Gamer, who has been playing MMO's since the internet saw fit to birth them I can say I have alot of experience with MMO launches and their extended or in some cases short lived lifespans.


SWtoR has been so anticipated that it was nearly impossible for the actual game to live up to the publics expectations. I won't speak for the public, but as part of that public I can say that I am very happy.


I won't list the shortcomings as they are few and far in between AND mostly due to launch growing pains. Simple things that should be readily fixed over the coming months.


I have played a BH to lvl 20, a Consular to lvl 12, an Agent to lvl 16 and an Inquisitor to lvl 4 (just started him).


I agree whole heartedly with the positive speakers in this thread, that the voices of the complainers often seem to be more numerous because the vast majority of players who are enjoying the game are PLAYING.


As a new parent and husband, I dont get to put the hours into my gaming that I used to (30-40hrs a week). Nowadays I settle for 2-3 hrs a night after the wife and baby are alseep, and then crawl into work tired and seeing laser trails, and flame bursts overlayed onto my bosses face, or client forms... :)


The game is really good. Anyone who feels differently is certainly entitled to their opinion, but in my experience, they are probably people who would also find complaints with other incredible games, and other nice things in life.


"Ohhh...Her chest is too perky"

"A hundred dollar bill, where am I gunna cash this!"

"A game developer that actually delivered what it claimed to... Now what am I gunna whine about?"




Thanks to all the players, devs, program writers, voice actors, and back office peeps who have made this game into a truly immersive experience. I still don't feel like I'm grinding, but adventuring. I DO feel like my convo choices matter, and often sit there for several moments tormented over my desire to put a blaster bolt into a contacts face, but worried it might impact me poorly later.


Again, great job.


See you all in game.... (After I get my son to sleep :)



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