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1v1 Battlescout Dogfighting Challenge


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It is interesting to observe that often it is the players who do not try out other servers and stick around on the smaller, less frequented servers that harbor the notion that their own servers are the most challenging in terms of skill level. I have observed it countless times. It is also these servers where a single group often rises to the top to hold supremacy, and is able to get away with strange tactics and builds (due to not fighting any organized opposition for a lengthy period of time) and start to believe that these tactics are effective.


Part of the reason SRW moves around like we do is to shake things up on servers where things have become too comfortable. We like to show the "rulers" of the server proper, organized opposition in order to get them motivated to improve themselves, rather than further digging themselves further into trap builds and tactics that work simply because they are always 2v1.


I hardly ever see this "My server is the hardest server" attitude among traveling GSFers, as they have seen some ****.


That being said, my server IS the hardest server :p.


Seriously though, your guys sure help mix things up...

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I hardly ever see this "My server is the hardest server" attitude among traveling GSFers, as they have seen some ****.


I usually don't play much on other servers but I've seen so many different qualities of games and players it's absurd. It's possible that the same person can be considered an ace on one server and cannon fodder on another. Sometimes the quality of the matches varies extremely depending on who's online.

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It is interesting to observe that often it is the players who do not try out other servers and stick around on the smaller, less frequented servers that harbor the notion that their own servers are the most challenging in terms of skill level. I have observed it countless times. It is also these servers where a single group often rises to the top to hold supremacy, and is able to get away with strange tactics and builds (due to not fighting any organized opposition for a lengthy period of time) and start to believe that these tactics are effective.


Part of the reason SRW moves around like we do is to shake things up on servers where things have become too comfortable. We like to show the "rulers" of the server proper, organized opposition in order to get them motivated to improve themselves, rather than further digging themselves further into trap builds and tactics that work simply because they are always 2v1.


I hardly ever see this "My server is the hardest server" attitude among traveling GSFers, as they have seen some ****.


You will never rob us The Ebon Hawks hicks of our backwards ideas! :D


More seriously, when you guys come around, we (Eclipse Squadron) are happy to queue against you for a few matches, take the loss(es), and then say to ourselves, "Man, those guys are coordinated and skilled -- a well oiled machine."


That being said, it does not necessarily "motivate us to improve ourselves". Most of us fly the builds we do because they are fun, and because we spend most of each day queuing against opponents who don't have enough skill to mandate toeing the meta line.


I don't fly S2E in TDM because I think it's the best. I fly it because it's what I have the most fun in. I fly it because I like being able to go fast, grab DO's, and control where and who I fight. S2E lets me largely ignore Flashfires, because I hit and fade and keep them out of range. But I am fully aware that the lack of DF makes me especially vulnerable to coordinated Gunships, and that I would ultimately do better with a more traditional build.


Even if everyone in Eclipse Squadron switched to "meta approved" builds when SRW comes around, we still would have no chance competing against you.


Eclipse Squadron is a big casual guild that takes all skill levels. We have a few "aces" that partake competently in Super Serious when they can, but many Eclipse Squadron pilots are new. Even many of our veterans have plateaued in skill--even in fully mastered, optimal builds, they've just reached the cap of their spatial awareness or reflexes or something (honestly I don't fully understand how those plateaus happen). But they (and I) are content with that.


Moreover, even when we fly as unit, we are rarely on voice. Lots of us are watching Netflix with our wives in the room or whatever while we fly. Half the time when I'm flying, I've got a laptop on my lap and a cat or two on my arms.


We never make any claim to be "the best" or "rulers of our server". At most, when recruiting, I might claim we are the oldest GSF guild--because I want prospective members to know that we offer stability and a pool of experienced pilots. It's a safe claim to make I think--I created the guild right when GSF has launched, and to my knowledge, there aren't any other GSF-focused guilds that have survived the whole duration of GSF, though I might be wrong on that. Certainly we are the oldest on TEH, as we are usually the only GSF focused guild :)


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is ... at least with regard to Eclipse Squadron and The Ebon hawk, we really don't need you to convince us that we are "playing wrong" or to humble us or to try and catalyze some revolution of our GSF culture. Our server has never been a hypercompetitive "pro" environment.


I view it as NCAA level. Some games are close. Some are grossly mismatched. Some are determined by some truly unorthodox, wacky (but still entertaining) play.


The NCAA analogy fits our players, too. Some only log into queue for GSF. They have some good raw talent, and with the right nurturing and training could play at the "pro" level.


But most queue for GSF while doing something else. Just like a college athlete who has no intention of going onto the pros--he's at college for a number of reasons (education, social experience, sports), but he still plays for the school team.


Sure, the "pro team" (SRW) might come by for an exhibition game at times, but it still doesn't change the culture of the server nor the majority of players who play there. We don't really want it to. I don't think it's a bad thing that each server has a different culture, with varying adherence to optimal play.


Anyway, not trying to say you guys shouldn't come by--you should. It does keep everyone on the server from getting too big a head. But please don't try to turn every server into a pro league. It won't happen, and ultimately there will be a class of players that can just never keep up with that--either due to lack of talent or lack of desire.

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We never make any claim to be "the best" or "rulers of our server". At most, when recruiting, I might claim we are the oldest GSF guild--because I want prospective members to know that we offer stability and a pool of experienced pilots. It's a safe claim to make I think--I created the guild right when GSF has launched, and to my knowledge, there aren't any other GSF-focused guilds that have survived the whole duration of GSF, though I might be wrong on that. Certainly we are the oldest on TEH, as we are usually the only GSF focused guild :)

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is ... at least with regard to Eclipse Squadron and The Ebon hawk, we really don't need you to convince us that we are "playing wrong" or to humble us or to try and catalyze some revolution of our GSF culture. Our server has never been a hypercompetitive "pro" environment.


Being the most competitive GSF guild on Ebon Hawk is your #1 goal. Literally, it says that right on your homepage as goal #1. So you can't be surprised if people show up expecting Eclipse Squad to push back and fight and play competitive GSF.


When you originally mentioned Eclipse Squadron to me you claimed it had 100s of pilots. I transferred toons and mind you this was before the 90CC days, more like 1800CC a pop. There was maybe 3 people on and at most 5-6. Not all even flying, and guild chat was dead. I don't know why none of you use TS, it's on your website (TS module), so I don't get that. If I had known what I know now, I would not have spent 3600CC and transferred characters there. However, the most disappointing thing I saw was the lack of desire of Eclipse to build community. The guild runs no GSF events, and I rarely see any of its members showing up to GSF events. From an outsider's perspective, your guild seems to have evolved into a Nemarus fanclub of sorts, where you fly with a few friends, do whatever you want with whatever ships you want while streaming Netflix and chillin' with cats apparently. All of this made possible by the very low skill level of the average Ebon Hawk player. If all your pilots learned how to fly well and challenged themselves, it would threaten the way of life on Ebon Hawk for you. If you couldn't carry teams and imagine yourself as Poe Dameron, which is what you claim--in gsf chat--as being rewarding and enjoyable, would GSF appeal to you any more? I don't have anything against you personally Nemarus, but I feel like you often advertise your guild under false pretenses. If you want to just fly and do whatever that's fine, but then stop trying to lure pilots into Eclipse Squad on reddit and the forums. If someone wants to really learn GSF and not goofy builds that work because there's no competition, they will be sorely disappointed joining Eclipse Squadron I think. I also know that not everyone in Eclipse Squad or on Ebon Hawk shares your views of the server or the guild, although you throw around the royal "we" quite a bit.

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I have claimed that Gone Sithing and Jawa's Order on Harbinger to have the highest amount of pilots, which is true, neither of them is a pure gsf guild. We have never put on any events, but have joined all of them when they have been on the server. Many in each guild solo queue or are like me and fly with anybody. Personally, I could care less what guild a person is in to fly with. If they are not in a guild, I try to recruit, but if the answer is no, I'll still fly with them.

One of the reasons, I didn't accept the srw challenge Vexxial put out was because I'm a casual flier (usually). Yes, I play to win, but not roflestomp the opposition into the dirt so they won't queue again. That was one thing that made Harbinger unique in gsf, there was very little 3 capping or spawn camping in the past 9 months or so.

Something that is lacking on other servers is the "go easy on the noobs" approach I have. I tried to instill that into the Harbinger community and for the most part, it worked.

When Despair flew, it was roflestomps. When srw flies, it is roflestomps. Nothing I can do about it. Fliers have moved toons over from other servers or rolled up new toons on Harbinger and brought this "win at all cost" mentality with them. Whether against veterans or noobs, it is "win at all cost". No going easy and it makes the noobs not what to queue again. If there was anything I could actively do to stop this from happening I would. Other than request a person to leave a node to the noobs, or trade it back and forth so people can get req on ships, there's nothing that can be done.

However, this conversation is way off the what the original topic is supposed to be about.


When and where will the challenge be?

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Being the most competitive GSF guild on Ebon Hawk is your #1 goal. Literally, it says that right on your homepage as goal #1. So you can't be surprised if people show up expecting Eclipse Squad to push back and fight and play competitive GSF.


When you originally mentioned Eclipse Squadron to me you claimed it had 100s of pilots. I transferred toons and mind you this was before the 90CC days, more like 1800CC a pop. There was maybe 3 people on and at most 5-6. Not all even flying, and guild chat was dead. I don't know why none of you use TS, it's on your website (TS module), so I don't get that. If I had known what I know now, I would not have spent 3600CC and transferred characters there. However, the most disappointing thing I saw was the lack of desire of Eclipse to build community. The guild runs no GSF events, and I rarely see any of its members showing up to GSF events. From an outsider's perspective, your guild seems to have evolved into a Nemarus fanclub of sorts, where you fly with a few friends, do whatever you want with whatever ships you want while streaming Netflix and chillin' with cats apparently. All of this made possible by the very low skill level of the average Ebon Hawk player. If all your pilots learned how to fly well and challenged themselves, it would threaten the way of life on Ebon Hawk for you. If you couldn't carry teams and imagine yourself as Poe Dameron, which is what you claim--in gsf chat--as being rewarding and enjoyable, would GSF appeal to you any more? I don't have anything against you personally Nemarus, but I feel like you often advertise your guild under false pretenses. If you want to just fly and do whatever that's fine, but then stop trying to lure pilots into Eclipse Squad on reddit and the forums. If someone wants to really learn GSF and not goofy builds that work because there's no competition, they will be sorely disappointed joining Eclipse Squadron I think. I also know that not everyone in Eclipse Squad or on Ebon Hawk shares your views of the server or the guild, although you throw around the royal "we" quite a bit.


Interestingly, I made that front page back before GSF was even released. I thought it was going to be a huge success, and that there would be other GSF guilds for us to compete against. Obviously that didn't pan out. I'll update the page soon to be more representative of our current culture and goals.


And I am sorry if any statements I made caused you to spend money and then be dissatisfied. Perhaps you were that anonymous guy who accosted me on reddit? If so, I'm sad you didn't just come to me privately to voice your frustration and criticism.


As it is, the GSF population on TEH and in Eclipse Squadron wavers with the season and with content available in SWTOR in general. Before KOTFE, things were very slow. Especially when Battlefront came out, but also before that during the summer. When KOTFE launched, the guild came back, but everyone was running through KOTFE and not flying much. Afterward, people started flying again. We started getting new recruits.


In terms of building community, I created both GSF channels on TEH. I was hugely involved in both sides.


I spent the first two years of GSF repeatedly going to Cantina Tour in multiple cities, talking to Musco, Devs, and Creative Directors about GSF. Telling them about not only Eclipse Squadron, but our community in this forum, Super Serious Nights, Strike Nights, etc. I came back to this forum with full transcripts (as best as I could manage) of my Q&A's with BioWare. When the devs conducted Twitch stream chats, I made threads here collecting questions, many of which were asked and answered on the stream.


It was a lot of work based on a thread of hope. But it's clear now that hope was false.


Meanwhile, on TEH, our GSF channels were largely poisoned by a few toxic individuals.


This, coupled with BioWare obviously dropping support of GSF, reduced my motivation a bit. I have other things to do besides trying to resuscitate GSF. Certainly, I don't see a reason in devoting myself to nightly TS sessions where I fight the same people, flying the same ships, using the same strategies, night after night.


What I am still motivated to do is chat with my friends in the guild (about GSF sure, but also about other things too). And to invite non-guildies to fly with me, just so they can get some wins and confidence. And while I enjoy a competitive game from time to time, and don't enjoy total stomps, I do like games that offer me some room to mess around. I fly my S2E in TDM because it's fun, and because I enjoy carrying (who doesn't?). In Dom, if things aren't high pressure, I might spend the entire match in a Bloodmark. Against a fleet of 2-shippers, I might jump in a double-torp Dustmaker.


When SRW shows up, do I stop queuing? No. I keep trying. I try to give you guys a decent match, even though I know you won't get one. But I'm not going to devote my evening to that purpose.


As for recruiting, if I see someone asking about GSF on reddit or in this forum, I'll let them know, "Hey... TEH has a decent GSF environment, and I've got a GSF-devoted guild on the Imperial side. Let me know if you're interested." I'm not sure when that became a crime. Might they pick up a few habits that get them murdered by SRW? Sure. But the other 99% of the time, they'll be in a casual group of people that likes to fly and doesn't condemn them for flying what's fun to fly. And they will likely do better than they would have flying alone.


Given your above feedback, I'll try harder to temper any hyperbole that may create false expectations. I think your case is a bit unique in that you paid real money to join us. I am flattered, and I am sorry that we didn't end up matching your expectations.


As for people being disappointed with Eclipse Squadron, I don't hear it much. Lots of people join. A fair number stay. A few leave silently. Relative to other guilds of all kinds, there's very little drama, because we ask very little of our members. The only criteria we have are, "Queue for GSF a fair amount" and "Don't be a jerk."


The few members that are hyper competitive are free to queue on other servers or with other pilots. Sriia does so all the time, and that's fine. And if someone in my guild wanted to try and build an ultra competitive team, they are welcome to. They can even make use of Eclipse Squadron's website teamspeak, which I pay for out of my pocket.


If BioWare had not dropped GSF, then perhaps my outlook would be different. Perhaps I would be more interested in building a truly competitive GSF guild that wanders server to server, klling queues. Perhaps I would be more motivated in making room in my RL schedule (and my wife's expectations) in order to get on TeamSpeak more regularly, so to coordinate matches of space chess.


But as it stands, it's more enjoyable for me, in the few hours night I log in, to just jump in whatever ship I feel like and blast stuff, and help out friends and new pilots along the way. Maybe if BioWare ever does an update, I'll get re-energized.

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When and where will the challenge be?


I drafted several hundred words in response to some recent posts, but decided to delete them because Maulkat put it best above: this is really the point of the thread. Valid commentary above, sure (and I might weigh in those issues elsewhere), but @krix/tomm - sorry for participating in any threadjacking.


So - when will this showdown take place? I want to see it.

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FWIW, I never quite understood the infatuation with DPS. Yes, the 279 DPS in any match is a disgusting number, but it's a single number from a single game. If I were to try to toot Tommm's horn, not that I think he would need me to, mind you, I'd be far more likely to point to this.


That's average stats over 100 games in a Skybolt/Ocula, and as average stats with a T2 Scout... Those are sick numbers.


Outside of that... Such the measuring going on. I is teh s'kerr'd.

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FWIW, I never quite understood the infatuation with DPS. Yes, the 279 DPS in any match is a disgusting number, but it's a single number from a single game. If I were to try to toot Tommm's horn, not that I think he would need me to, mind you, I'd be far more likely to point to this.


That's average stats over 100 games in a Skybolt/Ocula, and as average stats with a T2 Scout... Those are sick numbers.


Outside of that... Such the measuring going on. I is teh s'kerr'd.


Word. Those numbers are flat-out nuts. The only one I can best is average damage per battle, but in a T1 GS...which is cheating.


Aside: dude, where the holy hell have you been?


And apologies, yet again, for minor threadjacking.

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Aside: dude, where the holy hell have you been?

I don't usually fly... But when I do, I fly JC.


So the correct question is... Where the holy hell have YOU been? Off fraternizing with SRW, I heard. Disavowed your own server, they said. :eek:


In truth, I don't fly too much anymore. Don't really do much of SWTOR-anything anymore... But I saw the challenge thread and acceptance a few days ago, and have been meaning to hop on to point out that the DPS number, while stupid good, is largely irrelevant. It's 1 match. The sickest part is that TSB does that shizzle consistently.


But I have also been amused by some of the discussions of late. I may not ever post, since I never have my sec key-thingy, so can't sign in, but some of the threads lately have been the funnies. ;)

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well I am glad you ladies hashed out all of that, shall we move on now? If nemarus really looked like Poe Dameron I think his wife wouldnt boss him around so much TBH. and for the record TOFN is a rubbish server full of half wits no different then the guy going red in the face trying so hard to squeeze out a proper english sentence. I think the only good players there was neutrinos and georgewhite but they left for greener pastures long ago. posting DPS records and stat records against noobs is like bragging about how fast you can beat the original mario bros game. but then you fail miserably at mario bros 2 lost levels just like you will fail vs a real challenger like the handsome Krixarcs :rak_03:



tuesday night on harbinger works for me. I will be on republic side.

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So the correct question is... Where the holy hell have YOU been? Off fraternizing with SRW, I heard. Disavowed your own server, they said. :eek:


lolwut? I mean, yes, fraternizing with SRW for sure, and messing around on servers I'd never set virtual foot upon until recently. Getting a kick out of TRE these days, for example. But I'm still on JC every day, more than any other single server. If I've been disavowed...I'll...I'll...I don't know, railgun something into oblivion. With great vengeance, and furious anger.


Or something.


Back to the matter at hand: when do we get to witness this epic scout battle?


EDIT: krix posted before I was done with the nonsense above. I await this spectacle with bated breath.

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well I am glad you ladies [words I stopped reading...]

That's nice, dear, but if you would please refrain while the grown ups are chatting. The kiddie pool is over there. That's a good lad.


lolwut? I mean, yes, fraternizing with SRW for sure, and messing around on servers I'd never set virtual foot upon until recently. Getting a kick out of TRE these days, for example. But I'm still on JC every day, more than any other single server. If I've been disavowed...I'll...I'll...I don't know, railgun something into oblivion. With great vengeance, and furious anger.


Or something.

Just making a slight joke at your expense. :D

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lolwut? I mean, yes, fraternizing with SRW for sure, and messing around on servers I'd never set virtual foot upon until recently. Getting a kick out of TRE these days, for example. But I'm still on JC every day, more than any other single server. If I've been disavowed...I'll...I'll...I don't know, railgun something into oblivion. With great vengeance, and furious anger.


Or something.


I suggest you refrain... Or I may bring my terrifying Double Torp :p Backed up by its little bro, the Novadive.



Krix, before you start spouting non-sense about T2 Sheep being ultimate ship and what not. It is an inside joke between a few JC pilots.. I've flown T2 Sheep before you. And I've known how much of a piece of **** it is since I started with it. I just like to troll my opponents with ships worst than their own and still pull out a kill.


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Krix, before you start spouting non-sense about T2 Sheep being ultimate ship and what not. It is an inside joke between a few JC pilots.. I've flown T2 Sheep before you. And I've known how much of a piece of **** it is since I started with it. I just like to troll my opponents with ships worst than their own and still pull out a kill.


Is that the one from Stasie's guide? Getting kills on that is SOOO hard...

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Is that the one from Stasie's guide? Getting kills on that is SOOO hard...


I don't know. My double torp is

- HLC (right, left)

- Protorp (right, right)

- Thermite (right, left)

- Directionnal (left)

- Barrel (right)

I use Suppression.


It is hard.. But ti's really fun when you land a double torp on something and it goes pouf!

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I don't know. My double torp is

- HLC (right, left)

- Protorp (right, right)

- Thermite (right, left)

- Directionnal (left)

- Barrel (right)

I use Suppression.


It is hard.. But ti's really fun when you land a double torp on something and it goes pouf!


The fun is when you land a thermite on a scout that escapes from you only to die 15 seconds later:)

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Hey Krixarcs, I'd be glad to step in Yallia's place to accept your challenge. Yallia flies mostly Bombers and Strikes. Myself, Xcal, and Mbwun are SRWs primary scout pilots.


While I personally would love to see this, Krix did say that he wants this streamed (which I think is why he mentioned Yallia specifically). Not saying you're incapable of streaming, Siraka, I just haven't seen you do it before.


That said - maybe you could battle Krix while fellow SRW-folk attempt to ensure the integrity of the 1-on-1 (grouping and keeping the rest of the opposition out of the way, to the best of our ability), while Yallia streams the whole thing? Wouldnt be as good as the view from one of the scouts' perspectives, but better than nothing. Just a thought.


EDIT: to clarify, I propose this in addition to - not instead of - the Krix vs tomm battle. Because that is something I desperately want to see. I'm assuming Krix is open to multiple challenges, given his mad skillz.

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While I personally would love to see this, Krix did say that he wants this streamed (which I think is why he mentioned Yallia specifically). Not saying you're incapable of streaming, Siraka, I just haven't seen you do it before.


That said - maybe you could battle Krix while fellow SRW-folk attempt to ensure the integrity of the 1-on-1 (grouping and keeping the rest of the opposition out of the way, to the best of our ability), while Yallia streams the whole thing? Wouldnt be as good as the view from one of the scouts' perspectives, but better than nothing. Just a thought.


EDIT: to clarify, I propose this in addition to - not instead of - the Krix vs tomm battle. Because that is something I desperately want to see. I'm assuming Krix is open to multiple challenges, given his mad skillz.



Yea that's what I'm thinking. I don't have a good enough computer to stream.

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Woah woah woah woah woah one at a time here lads! theres enough of me to go around I swear. tonight I dont have a whole wack of time but I will be flying at 10pm eastern standard time on harbinger republic side. please do not interfere with me and tommyboy. you will all get your chances to lose
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