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Star Wars Rebels Mid Season 2 Trailer


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Honestly I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I watched this trailer, after episode after episode of messing around on barren Lothal we're bombarded with new settings, new planets and real stakes!


Fingers crossed that the rest of Season 2 will be as good as it promises to be.

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At first I thought Maul was just in the Holocron as Ezra holds a Sith Holocron right before he appears but Maul sounds and looks quite a bit older which means he must have survived The Clone Wars and went back into exile.


I think we're going to learn quite a bit about "The Order of Ren" this Jedi cult is perhaps an earlier variation of that.

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Interesting, first time i've actually been interested in Rebels.

The whole Maul and Ezra thing..we might be seeing the origins of the Knights of Ren. I could see Maul escaping and going into exile studying the ways of the ancient sith and training new pupils that become the Knights of Ren Maybe those first pupils end up being Ezra and the 7th sister.


A Vader-Maul fight would awesome as well. If maul dies it has to be at the hands of Vader or Kenobi.


But I think its a tease. Ahsoka V Vader is a vision not them actually dueling.

and i doubt Aladdin...er...Ezra will truly turn to the darkside.

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dam Disney look at those ships in the trailer.


They refuse to make any of kotor cannon yet are fine stealing the ship designs.



you realize they canonized Rakata Prime and Malachor right?


disney's not gonna outright say that KOTOR is canon, because keeping it ambivilant is proably in both theirs and BWs intreasts, but they're definatly borrowing heavily.

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you realize they canonized Rakata Prime and Malachor right?


disney's not gonna outright say that KOTOR is canon, because keeping it ambivilant is proably in both theirs and BWs intreasts, but they're definatly borrowing heavily.

Yeah and Malachor is likely the Sith world we are seeing in this trailer.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Yeah and Malachor is likely the Sith world we are seeing in this trailer.


that's actually an intreasting thought, I never made the connection, but it'd make a lot of sense. honestly at this point I feel disney is gonna be heavily ujsing the old EU as their foundation and only making changes when they have to, or when they think an idea was perhaps, not that great and could be improved upon. a lot of the old EU wasn't so hot, I was trying to re-read tales of the jedi last night. it was HORRIABLE.

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If it's not Kenobi who kills Maul then all 49 years of Star Wars histoy was a waste of time.


On the contrary. Kenobi's interference in such big events after the ROTS, and killing a powerful Sith who was the apprentice of the Emperor himself, would be the real thing that could destroy the continuity.


I don't think Disney is that stupid. Their fan service should have limits.


I don't expect you to understand this anyways :rolleyes:

Edited by Permaximum
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that's actually an intreasting thought, I never made the connection, but it'd make a lot of sense. honestly at this point I feel disney is gonna be heavily ujsing the old EU as their foundation and only making changes when they have to, or when they think an idea was perhaps, not that great and could be improved upon. a lot of the old EU wasn't so hot, I was trying to re-read tales of the jedi last night. it was HORRIABLE.
Well the barren terrain, perpetual green lightning storms and underground caverns are all indicators. That and Kylo's lightsaber design that we see Ezra wielding in the trailer was said to date back to the "Great Scourge of Malachor."


But yeah I agree, hopefully we'll see more concepts from the Old Republic era find their way into Canon, at the very least it gives them a fresh lease of life and creates new possibilities.

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I haven't actually watched Rebels (should I?) but the trailer looks good. The only thing I don't like is Yoda's and Anakin's designs, the former seems too "Disney Infinity" and the latter looks too smooth IMO.


Also I really hope that we see a Maul vs Kenobi duel, it could happen without disrupting canon/logic as we know Obi-Wan is good at hiding so even if he finishes Maul off it's not like Vader/Sidious are going to get there instantly and follow him. In addition, Sam Witwer's Maul voice is excellent.

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Meh, having Kenobi kill Maul could only work by shoe-horning him into the programme, and wouldn't really do anything to serve the story beyond fan service. We've already had Maul vs Kenobi, decades have past and they've both moved on, that revenge story is over. Much more interesting to have Maul defeated by Vader or Ahsoka imo.
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Meh, having Kenobi kill Maul could only work by shoe-horning him into the programme, and wouldn't really do anything to serve the story beyond fan service. We've already had Maul vs Kenobi, decades have past and they've both moved on, that revenge story is over. Much more interesting to have Maul defeated by Vader or Ahsoka imo.

I'd just like to see one more duel, plus I doubt Kenobi would just let Maul begin training an apprentice. That said, I could also see a Sidious vs Maul match where Sidious just roflstomps him at the start.

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I'd just like to see one more duel, plus I doubt Kenobi would just let Maul begin training an apprentice. That said, I could also see a Sidious vs Maul match where Sidious just roflstomps him at the start.
Why? There is nothing left in that dynamic to explore other than fan service. And the guys hermiting on Tatooine, he isn't going to know anything unless someone decides to go get him, and that would be really dumb.


We've also already had Sidious & Maul. :jawa_wink:


EDIT: That and at this point Kenobi isn't powerful enough to defeat Maul, other than via a contrived plot point.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Why? There is nothing left in that dynamic to explore other than fan service. And the guys hermiting on Tatooine, he isn't going to know anything unless someone decides to go get him, and that would be really dumb.


We've also already had Sidious & Maul. :jawa_wink:

We have but at the same time it would be inconsistent for Sidious not to face him if he realizes that Maul is alive and is beginning to train an apprentice. Besides, it would serve as a power indicator and would make for a really stylish stomp. That said, I'm not sure how well the animation style of Rebels would mesh with Sidious.


As for Maul vs Kenobi, I just think it would be a bit of a let down considering their history, I mean Maul killed Qui-Gon and Satine and whilst I wouldn't want Kenobi to fight over vengeance I don't think he would have to. If Maul found out that Kenobi was alive it would be in character for Maul to try and find him, at which point Kenobi probably would act if he went near where Luke was. Also, besides Vader, Kenobi and Sidious who else has a realistic chance against him? I don't think Ahsoka could beat him (and that wouldn't really serve a purpose to the story) and Kanan and Ezra wouldn't stand a chance.


Edit: Just saw your edit, Kenobi probably has the best chance bar Vader and Sidious though.

Edited by PadsterPwns
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We have but at the same time it would be inconsistent for Sidious not to face him if he realizes that Maul is alive and is beginning to train an apprentice. Besides, it would serve as a power indicator and would make for a really stylish stomp. That said, I'm not sure how well the animation style of Rebels would mesh with Sidious.


As for Maul vs Kenobi, I just think it would be a bit of a let down considering their history, I mean Maul killed Qui-Gon and Satine and whilst I wouldn't want Kenobi to fight over vengeance I don't think he would have to. If Maul found out that Kenobi was alive it would be in character for Maul to try and find him, at which point Kenobi probably would act if he went near where Luke was. Also, besides Vader, Kenobi and Sidious who else has a realistic chance against him? I don't think Ahsoka could beat him (and that wouldn't really serve a purpose to the story) and Kanan and Ezra wouldn't stand a chance.

He has Vader to deal with that stuff now.


Meh, I just feel like that dance is done, almost two decades later and its time to move on, both from a storytelling perspective and an in-universe perspective. And Maul going to hunt down Kenobi would be a total plot deviation.


And Kenobi doesn't have a realistic chance against him Pads, not at his age and with Maul likely even stronger. Vader could take him down, and Ahsoka and Kanan could potentially team up to destroy him, we will see.


But really, do not expect Kenobi to appear out of nowhere, this story has nothing to do with him.

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He has Vader to deal with that stuff now.


Meh, I just feel like that dance is done, almost two decades later and its time to move on, both from a storytelling perspective and an in-universe perspective. And Maul going to hunt down Kenobi would be a total plot deviation.


And Kenobi doesn't have a realistic chance against him Pads, not at his age and with Maul likely even stronger. Vader could take him down, and Ahsoka and Kanan could potentially team up to destroy him, we will see.


But really, do not expect Kenobi to appear out of nowhere, this story has nothing to do with him.

Fair do's, I haven't actually watched Rebels though from what I saw I din't think Kenobi would be involved. One thing I hope they don't do is have Ahsoka beat Maul. I'd like to see Vader vs Maul but Kenobi or Sids would be my ideal match ups, the former for the stomp fest.

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Sidious made fun of him and his brother in TCW. What do you want more? I think as the Emperor he doesn't deal with stuff like this. He knows Yoda, Kenobi and Maul are all alive but he thinks they can't do ****. He'll be proven wrong in the future but that's what it is at this point of the story.
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Meh, having Kenobi kill Maul could only work by shoe-horning him into the programme, and wouldn't really do anything to serve the story beyond fan service.

You mean how they shoe-horning Maul in since TPM?


EDIT: That and at this point Kenobi isn't powerful enough to defeat Maul, other than via a contrived plot point.



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We've already had Maul vs Kenobi, decades have past and they've both moved on, that revenge story is over. Much more interesting to have Maul defeated by Vader or Ahsoka imo.


This exactly. Maul/Kenobi is over. Maul killed the great love of Obi Wan's life, and Obi Wan made a choice not to give into hate and despair and continue fighting Maul. He gave up his attachments.


The continued obsession some fans have with having Maul fight Obi Wan over and over is...odd and unimaginative.


There are also continued rumors of an Obi Wan film or even a series of films. I don't know that Rebels will want to really touch Obi Wan's story.


We'll see what happens with Maul, but for the first time ever, Maul and Vader exist in the same show and time period.


Maul vs Vader has always been the biggest fight Star Wars fans have wanted to see. It'd be great to actually see that happen.


Forgetting all the VS. stuff, it's nice to see Maul back anyway, and a much older version of him at that. Which is interesting in and of itself.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Sidious made fun of him and his brother in TCW. What do you want more? I think as the Emperor he doesn't deal with stuff like this. He knows Yoda, Kenobi and Maul are all alive but he thinks they can't do ****. He'll be proven wrong in the future but that's what it is at this point of the story.

Sidious may have stomped him but Maul is still around and if he finds out about him he'll either send Vader to deal with him or he'll go there himself. Out of the two I think the latter is most likely to happen as he probably wouldn't chance Maul getting away again and he knows he outright destroyed him. I don't see Sidious just leaving Maul.

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