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How to double SWTOR income and increase subscriber growth


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Here goes:



  • A new OP every 4 months (Restore NIM ops too)
  • 1-3 New faction points every year
  • A new War-Zone every 4 months
  • New dynamic PVP events
  • Continued episodic story content modules every month
  • New Theme-park/world and heroics every year
  • BUG Fixes every single patch
  • New unique events added every year
  • Gree changed to 3 times a year
  • Rakghoul changed to 4 times a year
  • Bounty Event every 2 months
  • Life Day once year (expand new elements each year)
  • Chevin Event once a year
  • Slot machine event 2 times a year (plus expanded)
  • New mini games added 2+ a year (swoop racing, pazaak, new slot machines, pet warfare/combat etc)
  • Divert more armor/weapons/crystals from cartel market to mission drop rewards
  • Remove expertise completely to remove the barrier to entry for pvp
  • With the removal of expertise, add unique pvp rewards like armor, weapons, crystals, schematics, titles
  • Add all orange and purple armor to the collections system.
  • Overhaul the GTN and make it more user friendly.
  • Additional player strongholds with increased item count and separation of conquest goals
  • Increased scope and complexity of crafting/gathering (Make it a complimentary to FP/OPs grinding and make it a mini-game)



That's all I have for now, and sure it might be a pipe dream, but if the devs did this, there would be no issues between us and the devs. They would never have to worry about lack of communication, sub loss, or cash flow. EA would be touting its successes to anyone that would listen. Do the above. That's how you turn this around into a successful game gunning for the top spot.

Edited by Holocron
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Even if that would double their income, it also looks like it would probably increase their costs ten-fold or higher.


For a Triple A MMO Dev team that was on the ball, it wouldn't. On the skeleton crew dev team we have, the one coder that's still there, and the likely budget cuts from EA, then yeah you are probably right.

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Removal of expertise. Because it is bad enough we are all already turning into cookie cutter characters. I just started leveling my agent. Today, she made it to fleet, and spent 2 hours doing about 4 WZ's. She didn't cause the most deaths. She didn't do the most damage. However, she did better than a lot of the players with better gear. One player on my time had the basic PVP level 65 gear. Not a full set, but still. He was also DPS. I still did more damage than he did in the one match we were together in. I can't wait to see what happens when my agent is max level with full gear.


Should my level 15 agent really be able to be top dog in a wz? Absolutely not. Never. But because I can't be the best doesn't mean I can't train to do better. It doesn't mean I should keep practicing, and building up my valor and comms, so once I hit 65, I can buy gear to recycle into better gear. Not sure how far 20K will go, I have never done the math.

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Removal of expertise. Because it is bad enough we are all already turning into cookie cutter characters. I just started leveling my agent. Today, she made it to fleet, and spent 2 hours doing about 4 WZ's. She didn't cause the most deaths. She didn't do the most damage. However, she did better than a lot of the players with better gear. One player on my time had the basic PVP level 65 gear. Not a full set, but still. He was also DPS. I still did more damage than he did in the one match we were together in. I can't wait to see what happens when my agent is max level with full gear.


Should my level 15 agent really be able to be top dog in a wz? Absolutely not. Never. But because I can't be the best doesn't mean I can't train to do better. It doesn't mean I should keep practicing, and building up my valor and comms, so once I hit 65, I can buy gear to recycle into better gear. Not sure how far 20K will go, I have never done the math.



Too be honest it won't be much. Your level (access to abilities) plays the biggest role. The only place it really makes a difference is in Ranked pvp. Everyone is already bolstered in wz's now with no pvp gear, so why even have expertise at that point? I think if pvp were completely unrestricted, more people would likely try it, and potentially could stick with it. They could make pvp more rewarding in other ways, and add their grinding principle through new rewards rather than for the sake of a expertise stat.

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Oh look another wannabe armchair developer who thinks content falls from the sky and cost is imaginary.


I'm not a developer nor do I pretend to be one. I know that content takes time, but if they had an active staff this whole time, then we would be a in a much better place. You can't run an mmo, and be successful, with no dev team or resurces.


Also, I and many others don't give one rats-@ss about cost! They want our money, then that is something you have to manage as a supposed TRIPLE A MMO! Should we not expect any content, because the cost is always high? That is retarded, period, unless you love making excuses for their failures.

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I'm not a developer nor do I pretend to be one. I know that content takes time, but if they had an active staff this whole time, then we would be a in a much better place. You can't run an mmo, and be successful, with no dev team or resurces.


Also, I and many others don't give one rats-@ss about cost! They want our money, then that is something you have to manage as a supposed TRIPLE A MMO! Should we not expect any content, because the cost is always high? That is retarded, period, unless you love making excuses for their failures.


They still seem to be getting your money, regardless. I mean, you're here and your posting which means you're a sub.


You obviously don't give a rat's @ss about cost, otherwise you wouldn't be paying any more :)

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They still seem to be getting your money, regardless. I mean, you're here and your posting which means you're a sub.


You obviously don't give a rat's @ss about cost, otherwise you wouldn't be paying any more :)


Touché indeed. Maybe I should rectify that like so many others.

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Here goes:



  • Remove expertise completely to remove the barrier to entry for pvp
  • With the removal of expertise, add unique pvp rewards like armor, weapons, crystals, schematics, titles



Expertise is to appease PVEers btw, if you don't have expertise, PVP reward gear needs to be equivalent to the TOP TIER PVE rewards otherwise raiders have an advantage over pvpers in pvp which is stupid design.

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Expertise is to appease PVEers btw, if you don't have expertise, PVP reward gear needs to be equivalent to the TOP TIER PVE rewards otherwise raiders have an advantage over pvpers in pvp which is stupid design.


I have no idea why the 2 gear sets aren't similar. You either get the best gear from PVP or from OPS. Simple as that.

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Even if that would double their income, it also looks like it would probably increase their costs ten-fold or higher.


That is my thought exactly. My understanding is that this was one of the most expensive games ever developed. They probably felt the investment would reach X payoff. That didn't happen so costs were slashed.


I think the proposed list, which is excellent, would have happened if projected revenues had been realized.


I am guessing they are trying to find the right size of staff and cost to maintain existing subs. They naturally want more subs, but the lack of investment suggests to me they are risk averse and want to ride on the existing product as much as possible and make this a predictable stream of revenue.

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I have no idea why the 2 gear sets aren't similar. You either get the best gear from PVP or from OPS. Simple as that.


Because then why play Ops and jump through many hoops of luck when PvP gear is buy and wear, and customize any way you wish by accumulating comms throughout the leveling process. PvP gear is super-easy to get compared to the PvE one.

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I'd be happy with a new Operation every six months. Maybe 2-3 new Flash Points. A new Planet with daily quests for new rep. Some combination of the above.


When they said that they weren't even in a 'planning stage' for new Operations, that utterly gutpunched me and destroyed what hope I had left for The Old Republic.


We're not going to see a new OP until some time in 2017. We're gonna have a new President before we get a new Operation.

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We're not going to see a new OP until some time in 2017. We're gonna have a new President before we get a new Operation.


That really is the writing on the wall isn't it. I'm also surprised as some of the comments in this thread by other posters. They must too used to a down trodden and lackluster final product. They talk about skyrocket cost etc, which is normally part of an mmo revenue stream that is funneled back into the product. They kind of remind of those people who have been a abused for while, and are now identifying with and making excuses for their abuser.

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That really is the writing on the wall isn't it. I'm also surprised as some of the comments in this thread by other posters. They must too used to a down trodden and lackluster final product. They talk about skyrocket cost etc, which is normally part of an mmo revenue stream that is funneled back into the product. They kind of remind of those people who have been a abused for while, and are now identifying with and making excuses for their abuser.


Or maybe they remind you of people with some sense that understand things cost money?

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Or maybe they remind you of people with some sense that understand things cost money?


So the Millions of dollars that SWTOR generates every year is not enough to give us a new warzone in over two years, and no OP till likely 2017? They've already stripped out class stories, reduced stats, and removed the majority of voice acting, recycled all existing content for grinding, plus they have axed the CS department, and lost half their dev team. Their operating cost should be really minimal at this point, so it's not unreasonable to want more content. The profits must going towards their WOW subscriptions.


SO GET REAL! Cost is a part of the the cost of doing business (For all businesses). Total lack of content is not a completely cost issue either, it is a lack of vision, direction, or the skill needed to act competently in the development environment. Everyone is making excuses why we should be okay with an inferior product, and should be happy that we get what we get, that is just absurd.

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