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Slicing got "nerfed"?


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In Patch Notes: Rewards from Slicing have been reduced to bring them into balance with other skills.


I knew that was going happen, especially when a friend of mine was at like 300k at lvl 20.





I haven't finished creating my own private economic empire yet. This can't be happening!

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I currently have a 37 Smuggler with 300k, after maxing all proffs and buying every skill avaliable for them. (expensive stuff people!)


Shame I can't give those credits to my Imperial Agent, I like playing my IA better. Think I'll skip slicing and get UT.

Edited by Alundo
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I currently have a 37 Smuggler with 300k, after maxing all proffs and buying every skill avaliable for them. (expensive stuff people!)


Shame I can't give those credits to my Imperial Agent, I like playing my IA better. Think I'll skip slicing and get UT.


This is really odd. Have a smuggler and also an IA?! Same here we should hang out...:cool:

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My fiance and i are both level 50, we've had 400 in slicing since level 25. I've had close to 2 million credits, my fiance has about 500k.


See the big difference? Both got slicing, one immensely richer than the other.


I've also got 400 in cybertech, scavenging, and my alt has 400 armortech and 400 underworld trading. I also dropped slicing, a temporary measure so I could get diplomacy to 400, which i planned to drop to take up slicing again, but i may ditch that idea if the nerf was to much.

Edited by SinisterWarlock
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It was needed indeed.


Although I can't say I made big bucks (got about 20K or so) since I only started playing a couple of days ago, it instantly hit me that when sending a companion on a quest which costs 300 credits (give or take) gets back with 1500 credits things are bound to get nerfed.


I was enjoying the cash, but can't blame them for doing it :)

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It was needed indeed.


Although I can't say I made big bucks (got about 20K or so) since I only started playing a couple of days ago, it instantly hit me that when sending a companion on a quest which costs 300 credits (give or take) gets back with 1500 credits things are bound to get nerfed.


I was enjoying the cash, but can't blame them for doing it :)


1500 credits is the average payoff for a level 50 slicing mission, and those cost about 1200 credits each.


To get 1500 credits from a 300 credit cost mission is uncommon.

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Just have to wait to see how big the nerf was, odds are its still far more viable for wealth building than selling on GTN.


Basically this. If Slicing nets any profit whatsoever, it will probably be better than any actual crafting profession in this game for months.

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Most MMO vets seen this nerf comming.. hence the reason they power leveled slicing and rode it till the wheels fell off.


I admit to being one of these people. Hit 400 somewhere in the late 20s and had way more money than was reasonable. Since then farmed it on every crew member available.


It's not really an issue late game though. I'm getting lots more money just killing trash at level 44. :D

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All they need to do now is remove all cash from characters with the slicing skill.......




Bingo this should happen, if you choose to exploit you should have to pay the piper.


just in case you not aware.


An exploit, in video games, is the use of a bug or design flaw by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.

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I am almost up to a million......I still really dont think the returns are that impressive.....If you nerf it more it will be even less useful....Just saying in my experience you really dont get that much for every single run....but I just keep sending my NPCs non stop so thats what makes the money in the long run.
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This does nothing but make it even easier for credit seller (which are already whispering people in game) to sell their credits. With how expensive they make everything this will just drive people to the credit sellers. This will fix nothing at all.
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Bingo this should happen, if you choose to exploit you should have to pay the piper.


just in case you not aware.


An exploit, in video games, is the use of a bug or design flaw by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.


Yes, of course, everyone who did slicing was exploiting. LMAO. Ban all slicers!

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