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Star Wars Episode 7- -Who is your favorite from the new maincast and why?


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Hy there,


before moving on the tread, be aware, this might contain spoilers. So be aware! Those are not the drois you are looking fore. Move along, move along!


I'd like to know who was your favorite actor or/and protagonist from the new cast from Episode 7.


Mine is totally John Boyega and also his role as Finn. He is quite the talented actor, a pretty nice guy in the interviews and funny as heck. Beside that he did such a great work selling this Stormtrooper who is acutally just the janitor. It was hillarios. Actually I can't remember one scene with him not stealing the spotlight. Bu those are only my impession.

Edited by Isnogut
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Toss-up between Daisy Ridley and John Boyega for me. Both absolutely nailed it IMO.


I usually have a very low tolerance for 'Mary Sue'-tendencies in characters, but for some reason Rey didn't set off any of those alarms, despite how easily the character could have slipped into that trap (she is basically 'what if we took Han Solo and made him a Jedi! Ooh, and added a tragic past, too!'), and I think a lot of that came down to Ridley's performance selling her as a real, plausible character. And Boyega nailed the comedic beats throughout - he gave a lot of life to Finn and made the character fun.


If I had to pick just one, I'd go with Ridley - but I am really looking forward to seeing more of them both as the trilogy continues.

Edited by DarthDymond
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... The only character from the "new guard" that left me with a sour taste in my mouth was Ben Solo (Kylo Ren was awesome).
Oh, I wasn't disapointed in Adam Driver at all. And neither in Ben Solo nor Kylo Ren. Driver did also a good work. We learn to dispise Ben Solo and at least I have mixed felings about Kylo Ren. But this protagonist is in the making. As JJ Abrams and Adam Driver already said in the interviews, Kylo Ren is in the forming. He is now where Anakin went Vader, but during a longer duration. They said, he is good, but people told him, he has to be bad, because he is the legacy of his grandfather. So everything he is doing is to prove the world and himself, he is his grandfathers grandson.

All those mixed feelings about him are wanted by the director.


But when I liked him so much, why Boyega then? - Because he sold himself the best. Same goes for Boyega vs Ridley vs Jakob. I think they all are great and sold their roles good, but Boyega had the twist. It got so far with me liking him, I got butthurt when he fought Kylo Ren in the woods and was chopped open. "Dafuk?! U don't do that to the Stomjanitor!! Darn you Kylo! It was as worse as JJ would've killed Luke.":mad::D

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Hy there,


before moving on the tread, be aware, this might contain spoilers. So be aware! Those are not the drois you are looking fore. Move along, move along!


I'd like to know who was your favorite actor or/and protagonist from the new cast from Episode 7.


Mine is totally John Boyega and also his role as Finn. He is quite the talented actor, a pretty nice guy in the interviews and funny as heck. Beside that he did such a great work selling this Stormtrooper who is acutally just the janitor. It was hillarios. Actually I can't remember one scene with him not stealing the spotlight. Bu those are only my impession.


Hey now. He was a storm trooper who had weapon knowledge (he was sent out to take out the camp...likely his first fight) his first assignment was just the janitor positions. :p


As for favorite, mine was Rey. I don't think she came out as a mary sue as some have said. To me she was just the new Luke/Anakin, able to do many things, just like they did. :)

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TR-8R, duh....


Hehe...Not really. He did become the new Boba Fett thanks to the internet tho, unlike Phasma, who was supposed to be. My favorite characters...yes, two...Would have to be Kylo and Rey. Rey better come back in Episode VIII with a double-bladed lightsaber, or make one in said episode.

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Hands down Daisy for me. She was (to me) the absolute gem in this movie as much as I am a fan of Adam Driver in this and a big fanboy of Kylo Ren. Daisy's acting made it sooooo easy to pick up on the different emotions that she was displaying that for example the scene where she is shooting at Kylo in the forest while backing up with this defeated/about to break down and cry look on her face I instantly picked up on the emotions too and had that same feeling like I was about to start crying/tear up. She is just an incredible actress to me I'm a big fan.


Sorry i'm not very good at explaining things in English properly sometimes.

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This is really hard because I liked both Finn and Rey a great deal. I think both actors gave very good performances.... even considering what a giant Harrison Ford was and what a phenomenal performance he also turned in. I think I might have to give the nod to Finn just because he seems more like a normal guy, and thus I identify with him. I kind of feel like, if I ended up in the SW universe, I would be more Finn than Rey. I wouldn't have Force powers, but hopefully I'd give as good an accounting of myself as he did. Plus he was extremely funny. Again, he was able to hold his own for laughs with Harrison Ford and not just Ford, but Ford playing Han Solo with absolute relish. A lesser actor would have been swamped by that but instead he really nailed it.


I also have to give a nod to BB-8. I did not think I could like another astromech the way I like R2-D2, and BB-8 is still not R2, but he was pretty fun in the movie as well. He won me over.


I did not like Snoke at all. I keep thinking of him as Darth Voldemort. They tried to make him too evil and intimidating and it just did not work, IMO. It came out flat.

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Finn for me although Boyega's acting was kinda bad at times. Still acting performance of others were below Boyega's. Driver's acting was compareble to Boyega but I don't like his look and it wasn't a good cast choice. (He shouldn't have removed that mask it was a let down seeing that face).


I gave the movie 6/10 anyways. From best to worst, ranking of the movies:









I won't even list the first two :)

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Rey for sure. This, other than student films, is Daisy Ridleys first movie. She absolutely nailed it. Her acting was completely believeable, facial expressions were perfect. It was good to see a female role that was strong and independent. FYI I am an old man with a daughter. I like the idea that my daughter has someone she can idolize.
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Daisy Ridley. By far the best.


Top scenes of her were:

- Friendzone part

- The whole part where we see her for the first time, scavenging, that part was REALLY good. With Unkarr, in her AT-AT-home... Really powerful.

- "You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open". But this scene was also good because of Daniel Craig :D

Edited by PSVEindhoven
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In terms of my favorite character? Probably Rey. Shes pretty much Luke Skywalker so him being my all time favorite, its an easy decision.


Like I saw above, as far as the movies go and my favorites from best to what i think are the worst. ((As star wars movies, not just what looks the best)).










I rate 7 as the last because the movie was just 2 and half hours of one-liners and cheap nostalgia imagery. The plot made no sense, the setting made no sense, Rey was really the only new character (and they ****ed that up too) the tension was dissolved at every opportunity, and all these different aspects of the movie existed only to prop up nostalgic imagery because Hollywood knows cookie-cutter productions make a hell of a lot more money than art.


This movie was only better than the prequels because of the visuals. Once you get past that it's actually on the same level.

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In terms of my favorite character? Probably Rey. Shes pretty much Luke Skywalker so him being my all time favorite, its an easy decision.


Like I saw above, as far as the movies go and my favorites from best to what i think are the worst. ((As star wars movies, not just what looks the best)).










I rate 7 as the last because the movie was just 2 and half hours of one-liners and cheap nostalgia imagery. The plot made no sense, the setting made no sense, Rey was really the only new character (and they ****ed that up too) the tension was dissolved at every opportunity, and all these different aspects of the movie existed only to prop up nostalgic imagery because Hollywood knows cookie-cutter productions make a hell of a lot more money than art.


This movie was only better than the prequels because of the visuals. Once you get past that it's actually on the same level.


Well, even the first and second movie's general story, concept and plot were far better than the last movie's. I accept that. However, the directing and the screenplay were horrible in the first two movies. In this one the directing was decent and the screenplay was better than the first two because it would be too hard for any writer to come with worse dialogue than that.

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Driver's acting was compareble to Boyega but I don't like his look and it wasn't a good cast choice. (He shouldn't have removed that mask it was a let down seeing that face).

Why keep people complain exact fo this anyway? I myself liked exactly this. Kylo Ren was shown to be still human, and this in particular keeps im apart from beeing just a Vader fanboy wannabe. You can see, he is just a "boy". He is not evena Sith if you watch correctly. The mnore I see him and have to think about his role, he rather reminds me of a puppet who has its own will, but the strings are been played by someone other. He tries to be a "good" boy, do the "right" choice to please his master. But you can see, he is terrified by any outcome. Adam Driver did, at least for me, sold this antagonist extremly well, because I do not feel anger, am not despised of him, but feel sorry. I belive he even got the worse fate than Anakin.


Rey for sure. This, other than student films, is Daisy Ridleys first movie. She absolutely nailed it. Her acting was completely believeable, facial expressions were perfect. It was good to see a female role that was strong and independent. FYI I am an old man with a daughter. I like the idea that my daughter has someone she can idolize.
Liked Daisy Ridley as well as Rey. She is the first Star Wars "princess" who doesn't have to show skin to be very attractive and she is also the first who is not only brave but sassy. She actually is the Marry Sue in this movie. But in an good way. :D Edited by Isnogut
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Why keep people complain exact fo this anyway? I myself liked exactly this. Kylo Ren was shown to be still human, and this in particular keeps im apart from beeing just a Vader fanboy wannabe. You can see, he is just a "boy". He is not evena Sith if you watch correctly. The mnore I see him and have to think about his role, he rather reminds me of a puppet who has its own will, but the strings are been played by someone other. He tries to be a "good" boy, do the "right" choice to please his master. But you can see, he is terrified by any outcome. Adam Driver did, at least for me, sold this antagonist extremly well, because I do not feel anger, am not despised of him, but feel sorry. I belive he even got the worse fate than Anakin.


Yeah I tend tio agree, most of the hate Kylo Ren gets is from people who want a Darth Vader Sith Bad ***. and along comes Kylo Ren, revealed to be a deeply conflicted, handsome young man. It's one of the areas, incidently, where TFA has deviated from being a complete copy of the original movie. Darth Vader as we saw him was a fully formed man, encased in a shell of steel, leather, and self loathing. Kylo Ren meanwhile hasn;t. once you stop demanding your SW villians be all clones of Darth Vader, and understand who and what Kylo Ren is, he becomes a more intreasting character.


In many ways he represents a savvy design choice. I'm sure from day 1 they realized that the new villian would be compared, and proably found wanting, next to Darth Vader, (the character is a movie icon, Lucas captured lightning in a bottle when he created him) so instead of trying to directly compete with vader, they made someone whose entire character arc is that, no matter how hard they try, they'll never BE Vader.


Another thing to remember, we've only seen the one movie so far, Vader didn't REALLY come into his own until TESB.

Edited by BrianDavion
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