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Everything posted by mangleswore

  1. So here's the thing. There's something gratifying and wonderful about being able to draw connects between your favorite star wars stories, which is why I think it's great that Disney has established that forevermore all star wars stories exist within the same universe and canonical continuity. But it leaves TOR victim to the other edge of the same sword that will make the future of star wars great (I hope). Swtor continues to put out content and is a huge resource for background information on star wars lore. Everyone has their own head canon to some degree.The idea of this thread is to explore your own head canon to legitimize Swtor going forward (until it is impossible to do so, or Disney absorbs this universe somehow validating it). The debate on canonical politics (Disney vs EU) is much less enjoyable than trying to draw connections between periods of time separated by thousands of years that havent been 100% proven (yet) to break continuity between each other, no?
  2. One thing that I tried once was a star wars themed skyrim playthrough. Confused? Allow me to explain. Mod lightsabers into the game (obviously). mod force powers into the game. mod college of winter hold into a jedi temple or sith temple. The idea here is very role playing dependant. options are to role play as an untrained force sensitive on a relatively secluded planet (planet tamriel or something of that nature). you must limit your force power learning to studying at the "temple", where either jedi/sith or church of the force followers train to as a padawan, and you follow their simple quests as trials to become a jedi. the script obviously doesn't contain words like "jedi" or "force" in the voice acting, but this can be explained away by considering skyrim as system not capable of hyperspace travel, this lack in technology fits nicely into the lack of typical star warsy type buildings, clothes, people, etc. this leads me into the second option for the role playing experience, in which you begin your adventure as a Hedi Knight on a mission to this highly antiquated planet (skyrim/tamriel) to accomplish (insert quest objective here) this quest will require you to keep your identity as a jedi secret (the population might not even know what a jedi is). you could follow the main quest to defeat the dragons (a stretch because of the lore involved) or to collect the dragon priest masks, or role play to convert the beliefs of the populace to the force, instead of "magic" by doing people lots of favors/learning about the world, converting the college of winter fell to a jedi temple, etc. really the role playing possibilities are endless. you just have to set some rules for your playthrough that force (pun intended) skyrim to fit into the star wars mythos. once the lightsabers and force powers are there the rest is only limited by your imagination and role playing ability. There's your open world star wars experience right there. also, feel free to insert the same concept into fallout (perhaps as some kind of trooper or smuggler instead of a jedi?) (sorry for the grammar, typing on a handheld device)
  3. In some of the new books Palpatine actually becomes quite frustrated with the very existence of his empire and the responsibility it thrusts on him as emperor. His primary goals seemed to be (based on his thoughts) 1)destroy all jedi. 2)Gain personal power through unlocking secrets of the dark side. Its not clear that he "cares" about the sith legacy beyond the teachings it provides him to obtain force power. He specifically mentions that he needs have) Vader to perform dark side rituals (immortality type stuff I believe) safely. This seemed to be the true reason for his adoption of vader as his apprentice, knowing full well that vader has greater force potential than he does.
  4. Boyega was awesome, but so were Rey, and Poe. If any one of them was in a scene, it was pretty much awesome. The only character from the "new guard" that left me with a sour taste in my mouth was Ben Solo (Kylo Ren was awesome).
  5. I posted this on another thread, but it quickly became much longer than intended, to the point that I feel a new thread is warranted. The question... Does TFA ruin the continuity of swtor lore? Is swtor confirmed to be in disagreement with Canon material? To me this question is the biggest conflict between swtor and Disney canon. Han says, those who know Luke best believe he left to search for the first Jedi temple. Its been confirmed that the planet Luke was found on its not Tython, so that's a bummer. I'm still trying to grasp at something that explains this controversy between tor lore and canon lore, and have come up with three potential explanations so far. 1)We don't know for sure that Han's belief that Luke was searching for the first temple is ACTUALLY what Luke was doing (it probably was though, why mislead the audience that way) . 2) We don't know that Luke has completed his search for the first temple, maybe he never found it (this seams unlikely because the map correctly directed Rey to Luke, which means he either found the temple, gave up looking, or point one above is accurate. The ruins in the final scene certainly allude to an ancient structure unfortunately) 3) (This is the point that I hope out how for as the most likely scapegoat for tor, but I need the help of people more familiar with tor lore to confirm my hopes. ) We know that Tython is the birthplace of Force users/Jedi, BUT I'm not aware of it ever being explicitly stated that the first TEMPLE was built on Tython. Obviously it would be assumed that the first temple was Tythonian, but if it's never directly referenced in the game, then you could argue that the jedi first constructed a temple elsewhere, possibly somewhere more relevant to the Republic, or more secretive to preserve the purity of the order (away from the Republic). 4) It is Disney canon that jedi archives can be erased of information (Kamino) by individuals/groups (effectively erasing knowledge of that planet's existence from the entire galaxy. Its still possible that Tython and the Disney planet (Ahch-To) are the SAME. The name tython has simply been lost to time and/or an intentional removal of that planet's existence from galaxy wide knowledge (not an unreasonable possibility). Even if Ahch-To is a water world, you could believe that Tythons climate changed, polar ice caps melted, and water unleased on 90% of the surface. All of this is obviously crazy, but it really pulls me out of the swtor universe when I know that it is the equivalent of fan fiction in terms of the validity of the stories being told; the stories I want to invest time and emotion into. Please, those more knowledgeable in topics I've posted here, enlighten me on aspects of the lore that enable or disprove my theories.
  6. To me this question is the biggest conflict between swtor and Disney canon. Han says, those who know Luke best believe he left to search for the first Jedi temple. Its been confirmed that the planet Luke was found on its not Tython, so that's a bummer. I'm still trying to grasp at something that explains this controversy between tor lore and canon lore, and have come up with three potential explanations so far. 1)We don't know for sure that Han's belief that Luke was searching for the first temple is ACTUALLY what Luke was doing (it probably was though, why mislead the audience that way) . 2) We don't know that Luke has completed his search for the first temple, maybe he never found it (this seams unlikely because the map correctly directed Rey to Luke, which means he either found the temple, gave up looking, or point one above is accurate. The ruins in the final scene certainly allude to an ancient structure unfortunately) 3) (This is the point that I hope out how for as the most likely scapegoat for tor, but I need the help of people more familiar with tor lore to confirm my hopes. ) We know that Tython is the birthplace of Force users/Jedi, BUT I'm not aware of it ever being explicitly stated that the first TEMPLE was built on Tython. Obviously it would be assumed that the first temple was Tythonian, but if it's never directly referenced in the game, then you could argue that the jedi first constructed a temple elsewhere, possibly somewhere more relevant to the Republic, or more secretive to preserve the purity of the order (away from the Republic). 4) It is Disney canon that jedi archives can be erased of information (Kamino) by individuals/groups (effectively erasing knowledge of that planet's existence from the entire galaxy. Its still possible that Tython and the Disney planet (Ahch-To) are the SAME. The name tython has simply been lost to time and/or an intentional removal of that planet's existence from galaxy wide knowledge (not an unreasonable possibility). Even if Ahch-To is a water world, you could believe that Tythons climate changed, polar ice caps melted, and water unleased on 90% of the surface. All of this is obviously crazy, but it really pulls me out of the swtor universe when I know that it is the equivalent of fan fiction in terms of the validity of the stories being told; the stories I want to invest time and emotion into. Please, those more knowledgeable in topics I've posted here, enlighten me on aspects of the lore that enable or disprove my theories.
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