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PvP Unbearable


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It's gotten to the point PvP isn't even worth doing anymore.... the fun is completely gone unless your one of the 3-4 groups rolling through with the tank/heal groups.


It's a simple strategy....team of 8. 4 healers and 4 tanks. You attack any of the healers, they get guarded and healed by everyone around them. You literally can not kill anyone on their teams. So you nerfed dps because "burst was broken in pvp" and now no one is getting killed in war zones because of this. Yah sure I can survive all day too because no ones doing enough damage to take me out as I kite them blah blah...but what exactly am I supposed to do when I'm blowing people up with 20k crits and their health bars just fill back up immediately from all the heals rolling around the groups? I've done 7 war zones today, only ONE of these was not one of those groups. It's downright abusing game mechanics...with that much defensive ability even if one did die, you have 2-3 more guarding the objective till they get back. There is no way to take objectives. 100% impossible to lose with this set up. So....tell me how this is fair to anyone?


Also...explain to me how to counter this since I know there will be at least one of those "Your just bad" trolls. You know..those guys that claim to pull 5 million dps and burst healers down before they can ever heal.


So yah...pvp is dead in this game, and I'm one step closer to unsub

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Why don't you do the same thing, then?


Because I play this game to have fun...that would not be fun for me in anyway. I am not that desperate to win that I'd sell out to some wuss comp just for some cheap wins.

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if you queue solo, sometimes that's just going to happen. if you want to beat a group, bring a group. if you don't want to fight the group, try not to sync queue with them. if you don't have any gear that's probably not helping either. just keep getting gear, keep practicing until you catch up to them, and get a gaming mouse if you don't already have one. you don't just start as a professional able to beat the best premades solo. nobody likes losing but someone has to. if your going up against 4 healers yeah your probably going to lose. but if you see a healer, and hes just sitting there healing away, don't let him do that. if you think you can kill him jump on him every chance you get. if you cant kill him your taking heals away from his team, and he has to heal himself. that is helping already.
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Simple answer: get 3 friends - all DPS and all attack same target so wolf- packing your way through the opposition.


Solo is a lottery - sometimes you're on the losing side, and you feel bad, sometimes you win and your opponent feels bad.


But, yeah, you have to get thick-skinned and smart to survive solo PVP - Queuing at the right time/ avoiding the big guild teams/ finding a few others who you can trust and play with/ getting gear/ being aware of what the enemy players are doing.....


But if you're letting the opposition freecast to victory, that's up to you and your team to close them down. - Some well-placed CCs/ stuns, knockbacks, roots, debuffs & interrupts can go a long way to really disrupting their rhythm.


For instance I have a friend who plays sniper, and they keep their heal debuff on CD, + 2 main DoTs, and root/slow shots - specced utility for extra duration. -then they camp near the enemy spawn, and continually slow the other players re-joining the fight. When there are no respawns, he parks up and goes through his rotation, picking off anyone with <~50% health. -Okay so it doesn't always pan out, nor is it so great for Huttball, or get top DPS but sometimes this simple denial tactic completely devastates the enemy.


I don't claim to be the best PvPer, but I keep my eyes peeled, have played hundreds of WZ and hopefully make fewer mistakes than some people, -and that goes a long way.


Bottom line: if it isn't fun anymore, move onto something that is.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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funny how people complain about "guard" and "healing" and stuff and yet nobody can actually be bothered to Assist.


guard takes 2 people

healing takes someone else


why do you think you should be able to solo-kill someone ? get a friend, or just, i dunno, ASK IN OPS IN A WARZONE, or just run with someone and hit what they hit, suddenly you melt people


how wierd is that, its almost like a team game has a teamwork reward mechanic

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why do you think you should be able to solo-kill someone ? get a friend, or just, i dunno, ASK IN OPS IN A WARZONE, or just run with someone and hit what they hit, suddenly you melt people



Exactly. - 3 or 4 well-co-ordinated DPS in an arena can bait-and-switch to separate the guard+ heals and then CC+melt a healer in way less than 10 GCDs.

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Me on the other hand, I do agree with the post.


PvP lost any fun factor for me too. I liked, really liked, to do WZ with totally random people. I do not need to win every time to have some fun out of PvP.


However, these days there are only 2 types of WZ for a single "queue'er":

a) you go with a PvP orientated pug against premades and you get wiped (not lose - wiped!)

b) you go into WZ with PvE orientated pug that just want to do faken quest and you get your asses whooped by either pvp pug or premades


Times when you go against equal group are so rare as Lotto winnings...


And there is another factor to blame - imho. FORCING people, that do not want to do pvp in the first place, to do exactly so...

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Because I play this game to have fun...that would not be fun for me in anyway. I am not that desperate to win that I'd sell out to some wuss comp just for some cheap wins.


Ok, then group up with a troll comp if you want to have fun with that issue. Bring 4 combat sents and make them explode.

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You can also make a new character and play lowbies. Same zones, but less controlled by the guilds and easier to manage when you are not a pro who can flawlessly track multiple abilities usage on 15 toons simultaneously while reading the calls in chat, while off-healing or off-taunting, and rocking the socks off the world.
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You can also make a new character and play lowbies. Same zones, but less controlled by the guilds and easier to manage when you are not a pro who can flawlessly track multiple abilities usage on 15 toons simultaneously while reading the calls in chat, while off-healing or off-taunting, and rocking the socks off the world.


On TEH and Harb there are a couple guilds that get on voice and camp either/both of the lower brackets for long periods of time - even recently I went up against a full 8-man team in mids that had at least one person on my side praising their skill and doing only token dmg (likely a player from the other team) - this went on for at least three consecutive games. And plenty of vets like to hang out for long periods of time in those brackets as well. There's nowhere for new people to learn the ropes: the pool is a "deep end" everywhere. BW needs to implement x-faction, merge servers and setup qs so that premade groups get prioritzed to go up against other premades (also nerf sorcheals and guard and reduce cc spam). Most of us have been asking for these things for years but BW's response has been blank stares or "we're working on it" mantras.

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Yes, I am aware that the premades run in the lowbies as well, and that they stack the early blooming classes. But they are not as prevalent as in 65s.


Midbies are not a great place, because most folks there have those 60+ abilities, so they are really no different than the 65s, and you stay food grade for a long time.


But in the lowbies, you get a reasonably competitive character between 28 and 40. You get to 28 very fast, and it lasts for a week or two, as long as you put that free gear on and spend 7 comms on a helmet. A gap in the power levels between an average and a good player is far lesser than in the midbies and 65s. The battle pace is slower, so you have time to actually develop the spatial awareness.


I've ran on voice in PvP only a couple of times, but I do try to group up with someone else. It does help, even if to have someone to keep your spirits up when losing!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Me on the other hand, I do agree with the post.


PvP lost any fun factor for me too. I liked, really liked, to do WZ with totally random people. I do not need to win every time to have some fun out of PvP.


However, these days there are only 2 types of WZ for a single "queue'er":

a) you go with a PvP orientated pug against premades and you get wiped (not lose - wiped!)

b) you go into WZ with PvE orientated pug that just want to do faken quest and you get your asses whooped by either pvp pug or premades


Times when you go against equal group are so rare as Lotto winnings...


And there is another factor to blame - imho. FORCING people, that do not want to do pvp in the first place, to do exactly so...


ive beaten "pro pvp" guild premades with pugs. its all about coordination

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ive beaten "pro pvp" guild premades with pugs. its all about coordination


like you can coordinate pug group which consists of 3 "first-timers" or pve players doing "stupid quest" for MX4 or Pierce... come on! I've been playing this game from beta. And yes, there were times and miracles when pug won against premades. WERE... it was long long time ago, in a far far galaxy when people who were doing pvp were doing it because they wanted to, and at least they knew what they are up to...

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That assumes that they read chat. And wear the free gear provided by BioWARE. But you get 3+ players on your team who are ignoring everything, stand around, and do not wear helmet, offhand, implants, and ear, plus miss half the bits in their orange armor, let alone crystals.... Good luck against a premade at the top 5 levels for the bracket, armed to the teeth.
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I also believe that the premade groups have incredible advantages, and that they require an enhanced skillset to stick together and coordinate as well as they do. I keep hoping that one day I will manage to improve enough to find a full group and learn to play in that setup when the folks synergize the abilities. It's just so absolutely mind-blowingly powerful when they do. The well-protected healers, the 4+ DPS focusing fire. The tank that leads the charge. The predation powered redeployment. Not wasted cc's and interrupts. That's how it was meant to be played. Not randomly running around hitting this and that, and not even having the time to process what is going on. Edited by DomiSotto
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