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Self-destructing on spawn


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I have seen this happening every now and then. On JC (probably on other servers as well) people decide in a TDM:


1) That the opposing group needs to win

2) That the match can't be won by the team they are in


So they self-destruct each time on their spawnpoint as quickly as possible and when the match is over you'll notice the low number of kills, dmg and high number of deaths and a log filled with ********* self-destructed.


Sending in a ticket with details about the TDM / player doesn't seem to do anything.


I would like to hear opinions on this "match-fixing" and / or maybe how to handle this. Fortunately, this doesn't happen every day but IMO it's still something to discuss.

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I've seen the same thing on multiple servers. I was peripherally involved in the investigation of one particular case on SL; the name of the GSF secret agent will remain anonymous (but it wasn't me). We conclusively determined that the offender was doing it purely for conquest points. He or she was queueing, taking pops, and either botting or intentionally/actively SDing (I don't remember the details), frequently a dozen or more times in a single match. Game after game after game. It sucked. Hard.


So, I think usually conquest is the motivation for this intentional SDing. Though these days, GSF isn't quite as valuable in conquest (at least, without Clash in Hyperspace running). I believe I've seen less of this behavior recently.


There's also been the odd case of a lunatic announcing he was going to SD repeatedly, typically because he felt he wasn't getting enough support from his team, or was somehow otherwise annoyed with the matchup. I can think of two individuals who have done this on JC, neither of whom I've seen in quite a while. So I guess that happens too, though it's probably much less common.


Whatever the cause, the behavior is indeed extremely irritating, and I don't really think BW is going to do anything about it.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Sending in a ticket with details about the TDM / player doesn't seem to do anything.


I wouldn't be too sure about that. I reported someone for that a while back and haven't seen him since. Course, I also suggested that everyone else report him. And a GM may have taken note of the rather unpleasant tells he sent me for about 10 minutes after the match (though I didn't report that, only the throwing the match part.)

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I've seen the same thing on multiple servers. I was peripherally involved in the investigation of one particular case on SL; the name of the GSF secret agent will remain anonymous (but it wasn't me). We conclusively determined that the offender was doing it purely for conquest points. He or she was queueing, taking pops, and either botting or intentionally/actively SDing (I don't remember the details), frequently a dozen or more times in a single match. Game after game after game. It sucked. Hard.


So, I think usually conquest is the motivation for this intentional SDing. Though these days, GSF isn't quite as valuable in conquest (at least, without Clash in Hyperspace running). I believe I've seen less of this behavior recently.


There's also been the odd case of a lunatic announcing he was going to SD repeatedly, typically because he felt he wasn't getting enough support from his team, or was somehow otherwise annoyed with the matchup. I can think of two individuals who have done this on JC, neither of whom I've seen in quite a while. So I guess that happens too, though it's probably much less common.


Whatever the cause, the behavior is indeed extremely irritating, and I don't really think BW is going to do anything about it.


On the contrary, Clash in Hyperspace and Total Galactic War are the only conquest events that incentivize actually winning and earning medals in GSF. At all other times, the GSF objectives only require participation. If Medal of Bravery objective were always available, I think we would see less self-destruct spam. People would at least try to earn a few assist or healing medals, even in a TDM they are doomed to lose.

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On the contrary, Clash in Hyperspace and Total Galactic War are the only conquest events that incentivize actually winning and earning medals in GSF. At all other times, the GSF objectives only require participation. If Medal of Bravery objective were always available, I think we would see less self-destruct spam. People would at least try to earn a few assist or healing medals, even in a TDM they are doomed to lose.


Yeah, you're right. Those objectives don't encourage SDing. I guess I meant GSF is less on the conquest radar when those events aren't running. Totally anecdotal, but for whatever reason, the intentional SDs always seemed more prominent to me those weeks...perhaps simply because there's a noticeable bump in participation. More pilots, more pops, more SDs. I don't know.

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I have to say that it can happen.

If there is some pour under your optical mouse and/or you press a maneuver to fly fast towards the center, you could just crash on your flagship.

Many newbies, starting using F3 button, tend to use button 3 instead, and it may bring to a suicide.

I'd just ask the developers to set flagships and first asteroids way further to avoid this.

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A once in a while SD happens even to vets. It's the over and over ones that are the topic of this conversation. I recently was on SL and had an SDer on my team. Luckily there were enough good pilots to make up for it and we won. No shots fired, just 0s across the board and deaths.
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I have to say that it can happen.

If there is some pour under your optical mouse and/or you press a maneuver to fly fast towards the center, you could just crash on your flagship.

Many newbies, starting using F3 button, tend to use button 3 instead, and it may bring to a suicide.

I'd just ask the developers to set flagships and first asteroids way further to avoid this.

Anyone can accidently wham into an asteroid (well, maybe the really good players never do,) but the OP was referring to people who suicide repeatedly just to make the match over faster. Once is an accident, twice is fishy, three times crashing straight out of the gate and you're clearly doing it on purpose.

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