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Flying as a team


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I generally (>90% of the time) queue solo. Because of that, my ship choice is usually made based on what my team is flying, and I end up flying all types of ships.


However, I see many players who queue only as premades fly only one ship, some going as far as having only one or two ships on their bar.


They are usually great on their particular ship, but on the rare cases I've seen them fly a different type of ship they they can't fly it. It seem like their game is limited to one dimension.


So my question is this: to those of you who queue as premades often, do you think that such gameplay hurts your team, or is it good to build a team around one particularly good gunship or scout?

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Having a proper composition of ships is good within a premade, as is knowing what people enjoy playing as well as what they shine in. Some players are good at playing all roles, while others clearly excel at certain roles, and often, instead of switching ships, they are able to utilize their chosen craft for a variety of tasks which would not normally be attributed to the craft they are flying.


It is important for every player on the team to be at least competent at flying every ship type, not so much so that they become effective in it, but so that they can internalize its strengths and weaknesses when facing that craft, as well as knowing what their teammates are capable of. However, in tough games, many players (including myself) tend to stick with what they are best at, as long as it fits into the team's strategy for that particular match. As long as you don't pigeonhole yourself (or your team) into too much of a niche (all scouts, ect.) there can be strength in primarily manning a ship that you feel you are capable of performing well in no matter the circumstances.


However, some pilots play much more specialized builds, and require their entire bar to react to certain situations. I know of some of my teammates frantically searching for cartel ships so they can have different builds of the same ship on their bar at once. It is all up to the player and how adaptable they are.


That being said, I believe having only one ship on your bar is arrogant, as there will always be situations where you may be required to switch your tactics to react to an unusual situation in game. The folks with one ship on their bar are basically laying all the responsibility on their teammates for support, and their play style in game is usually reflective of that, at times even showing a disregard for the safety and performance of their team, and subsequently becoming frustrated when their team, as a result of their reckless, solo oriented flying, performs poorly.


No matter if you group que or solo que, GSF is always a team game.

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Thanks, that sums it up nicely.


I guess this means that if you have a team that can take the other roles you can fly only one ship.


Yes, this is true, but in in team setting you can also afford to be much more specialized than when you try to solo carry, or fly with an uncoordinated group.

Edited by Lavaar
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That being said, I believe having only one ship on your bar is arrogant, as there will always be situations where you may be required to switch your tactics to react to an unusual situation in game. The folks with one ship on their bar are basically laying all the responsibility on their teammates for support, and their play style in game is usually reflective of that, at times even showing a disregard for the safety and performance of their team, and subsequently becoming frustrated when their team, as a result of their reckless, solo oriented flying, performs poorly.


This sums up nicely the difference between the good and the better pilots. Flying with just the one ship is putting everything on your team should the tactics go against you. Also if you're only going to have the one ship on your bar you'd best be brilliant at flying it.


If the opposing team go bomber heavy and you're on a Flashfire and its all you can bring then its, potentially, going to be a long game for you.


Knowing the strengths of your teammates is also very helpful. Its rare that I'll fly bomber simply because its not my strength, but I can fly the rest of the ships adequately and that lets me have a different ship layout on my bar because I know I don't need to fill the bomber roll.


The problem on our sever, Close, is that the competition isn't always there and that lets people get away with only having the one ship on the bar. Its easy to farm new pilots in a mastered Flashfire or Gunship.


No matter if you group que or solo que, GSF is always a team game.


Against good opponents this is most certainly true. You have to have a team mentality if you're going to beat an opposing group playing as a team. Unfortunately a group of new pilots can just be shredded by a single pilot.

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Your guys could always go impside more... But then there'd be a problem pubside (not counting the other GSF guild).

Why don't you try flying lots of CP pikes? That'd give other people a fair chance :p


Seriously though, I guess this is the reason I mostly queue alone. I can always switch sides and die with the rest...

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No offense Greezt but I have played you a handful of times and you have a lot to learn about the game bub. Listen to tilia and vexxial they are aces


personally I am probably the best T2 gunship player in the game, but there are times when there are too many bombers and I need to switch to mangler or quarrel to get the ion on. then there are times when a beehive of scouts is attacking me and I need to play something creative

Edited by Krixarcs
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I have flown with and against all of you and I know I am a better support flier on a team and let the rest of you do the killing. Even when I'm solo queue, I prefer support, but no matter the case, I bring what is needed to win.

My strengths are GS and bomber, that is about all you see me in. I make a poor scout pilot and a SF is not usually a good choice.

Between level 1-10, though I am only GS, even if I have a scout and sf on my bar because I can't fly either well. I know what I'm good at and stick to them.

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Putting a single ship on your bar has nothing to do with any team tactic.


Unless its a T2 scout built to tank the opposing team so to speak. All evasion and mobility built to harass and pull the entire opposing team to follow you. Leaving sats and being "the" target in TDM.


It starts with the psychological tactic that the opposing team may think your an ace(only one ship on bar). Which naturally draws the attention of the opposing team.


For this to be effective though you kinda have to "be" an ace LOL. Otherwise its just a trick hehe. :cool:

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No offense Greezt but I have played you a handful of times and you have a lot to learn about the game bub. Listen to tilia and vexxial they are aces


None taken. If I thought I knew it all, I wouldn't be here... Who did you fly as, out of interest?


I have flown with and against all of you and I know I am a better support flier on a team and let the rest of you do the killing. Even when I'm solo queue, I prefer support, but no matter the case, I bring what is needed to win.

My strengths are GS and bomber, that is about all you see me in. I make a poor scout pilot and a SF is not usually a good choice.

Between level 1-10, though I am only GS, even if I have a scout and sf on my bar because I can't fly either well. I know what I'm good at and stick to them.


You're underselling yourself a bit... You give me pains even solo. Might be because krixarcs is right, but I'd still rank you better than most on TRE.

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I generally (>90% of the time) queue solo. Because of that, my ship choice is usually made based on what my team is flying, and I end up flying all types of ships.


However, I see many players who queue only as premades fly only one ship, some going as far as having only one or two ships on their bar.


They are usually great on their particular ship, but on the rare cases I've seen them fly a different type of ship they they can't fly it. It seem like their game is limited to one dimension.


So my question is this: to those of you who queue as premades often, do you think that such gameplay hurts your team, or is it good to build a team around one particularly good gunship or scout?


Yes, so it is. In a Premade shine the pilots who are just as capable of flying one of twelve ships halfway without major accidents. Therefore Premades are also so popular with mediocre pilots. :D

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Putting a single ship on your bar has nothing to do with any team tactic.


Unless its a T2 scout built to tank the opposing team so to speak. All evasion and mobility built to harass and pull the entire opposing team to follow you. Leaving sats and being "the" target in TDM.


It starts with the psychological tactic that the opposing team may think your an ace(only one ship on bar). Which naturally draws the attention of the opposing team.


For this to be effective though you kinda have to "be" an ace LOL. Otherwise its just a trick hehe. :cool:


I've actually flown a couple of times with a friend from another server against someone I'd consider and ace and who has one ship on his bar... And even though my friend KNEW how good that ace was, his reaction was pretty much the same as vexxial's... Just funny how that happened.


By the way, only just saw this and had to comment.

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I generally (>90% of the time) queue solo. Because of that, my ship choice is usually made based on what my team is flying, and I end up flying all types of ships.


However, I see many players who queue only as premades fly only one ship, some going as far as having only one or two ships on their bar.


They are usually great on their particular ship, but on the rare cases I've seen them fly a different type of ship they they can't fly it. It seem like their game is limited to one dimension.


So my question is this: to those of you who queue as premades often, do you think that such gameplay hurts your team, or is it good to build a team around one particularly good gunship or scout?


Here are my feelings on it, coming from the perspective of someone who is OK at the game and sometimes puts up good stats, but will get rolled by the really good teams.


However good the single ship pilots are and many of them are quite good, I consider them to be poor team players for the most part that are focused on getting kills, regardless of whether it's a TDM or Domination match. And for the purposes of this discussion, I consider a single ship pilot to be someone that always flies the same ship regardless of how many they have on their bar. If you have five ships in your hangar, but you only ever fly a Mangler/Quarrel or Sting/Flashfire (and there are several who fall into that category) even if it becomes apparent two minutes into a match that what your team needs more than anything else is a properly placed Hyperspace Beacon, then you are a single ship pilot. I'm personally most effective in Bombers, occasionally OK in gunships, and probably the worst scout/striker pilot on the planet (even counting people who have never played the game). But I'll still fly all of the ships. I'll tensor the beginning of a Domination match and try to cap a sat really quickly and then switch to a bomber or a gunship depending on what it seems like we need. But that's also going in knowing that I am very rarely going to lead a team in kills (unless my team just isn't very good or the opposing team doesn't punish me for my flaws, so my purpose in most matches is to help better pilots help the team win.


The guys that really impress me are the ones that tear me up in their battle scouts and their gunships and then switch to their strikers and still do really well. That's a level that I am a long long way away from.

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Ya Scrab was who I had in mind, he is the real deal!


@Greetz you fly on Red Eclipse right? I just re-started flying there on my Skywallkr toon and would like to fly with ya sometime. Pub side toon BTW. ;)


See you over the weekend :)

Look for Close-shave pub side.

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Why don't you try flying lots of CP pikes? That'd give other people a fair chance :p


Using CP against noobs is just cruel.


The Pike may be the worst ship in a serious match, but is quite powerful in noob-bashing deathmatches. Much better than the Clarion, Spearpoint and (non-CP) Rampart.


Just for fun, here are Pike stats from three of my pilots.


Jaesa - FT-6 Pike: 19.0 kills/battle, 70,441 damage/battle


Jerle - FT-6 Pike: 20.7 kills/battle, 101,499 damage/battle


Nadia - FT-6 Pike: 21.5 kills/battle, 96,017 damage/battle

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