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KotFE fan theory: Vaylin


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Don't patronize? Kind of like you did with that icky comment you made to Xia about 'worrying her pretty little head'?


Well that's called having a sense of humor, it's a fascinating thing, you should check it out sometime.


Not all men like her, my husband hates her, so you can't generalize about men either. As far as I'm concerned Vaylin looks like she was beaten with the ugly stick, and her personality ranks right up there with cat vomit. I think she's dull, not even in the least bit interesting as a 'Jezebel' or a villain. It's only 9 chapters in so far, so I'm hoping something interesting and unexpected will happen, but I'm not holding my breath.


Oh that's very "moral high ground" of you. Hating on someone over something as superficial as looks. Even if you hate her forother reasons, that's a really low blow in any situation. And how would any man admit to liking a character with a woman so passionately antagonizing that character.

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Every girl i have seen on these forums hate her. Even in-game and in my guild. Why is that?


If anyone has seen ''300 : Rise of an Empire'' and the scene with Artemisia and that athenian guy would know why many men like here. This is one example of why they do, in case you are wondering.


At least Artemisia was interesting. I liked her back story, and how she rose up through the ranks. Didn't mind her really, although I'm more partial to '300'. I enjoyed the Queen in that movie more.

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Well that's called having a sense of humor, it's a fascinating thing, you should check it out sometime.




Oh that's very "moral high ground" of you. Hating on someone over something as superficial as looks. Even if you hate her forother reasons, that's a really low blow in any situation. And how would any man admit to liking a character with a woman so passionately antagonizing that character.


You're amusing lol. You judge me for hating her looks and yet you're all over the forum pedalling your little pixel crush. So what, maybe I am superficial, I've been called worse. My husband has taste, and he actually voiced his dislike for her before I said anything at all. In fact the 'ugly stick' comment was quoting him lol.


I can stand on my moral high ground if I like. I do what I want.

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My pet theory is that she has a bit of Valky hanging out in her head, too. A slightly more dastardly chunk.


I can't say I have really strong opinions on short, dark and hoody yet. I'll have to see a bit more of her and figure out what is her actual deal (beyond "Damaged goods, gnaws scenery") before I really commit to a particular perception.

Edited by AKHadeed
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My pet theory is that she has a bit of Valky hanging out in her head, too. A slightly more dastardly chunk.


I can't say I have really strong opinions on short, dark and hoody yet. I'll have to see a bit more of her and figure out what is her actual deal (beyond "Damaged goods, gnaws scenery") before I really commit to a particular perception.


Love your initial impression description lol. I'm starting to get almost a Voldemort-esque vibe, that different people are carrying Valkorian horcruxes around with them.


Now...I wonder, if you're forced to keep Valkorian in your head...and if by some bizarre reason you'd want to romance Vaylin...would that be incest lol? They could creep in on Game of Thrones territory while they're are it lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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Now...I wonder, if you're forced to keep Valkorian in your head...and if by some bizarre reason you'd want to romance Vaylin...would that be incest lol? They could creep in on Game of Thrones territory while they're are it lol.


Actually that's a great way right there to get him out of your head :p "Look Valkorion dude... I know you wanna be inside my head and all that, but either you leave now, or you will be forced to watch me screw your daughter, so which is it going to be?"

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Actually that's a great way right there to get him out of your head :p "Look Valkorion dude... I know you wanna be inside my head and all that, but either you leave now, or you will be forced to watch me screw your daughter, so which is it going to be?"


Yeah, I suppose that would work lol. Unless... 'that's how it is in their family.' (to quote Edward Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.)

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If in the future you can recruit Vaylin, you may have companions who'll leave. Koth would leave since he threw a tizzy with Senya, but Senya didn't do as nearly as much destruction as Vaylin has. Lana might not due to her more pragmatic viewpoint, with Vaylin not only being a powerful force user but also the second person in charge of Zakuul so she may have intel they need. Senya would most likely rejoice that her daughter has turned over a 'new leaf' but then again, it's all speculation on whether or not Vaylin is more than this evil psycho that kills people because "I don't like odd numbers so instead of killing one more person for an even four, i'll kill another three for an even six."


But I doubt it. It seems she's played up to be this unstoppable force user, that even the Emperor had to even put limitations on. AKA the dragon, to Arcann



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I'm sorry but Vaylin comes off as too childlike to me and the idea of romancing her seems squicky on that basis. However, as far as villains go, I don't see her as particularly competent or in control. She seems just like Valkorian describes them both. The difference between her and Arcann is that she has enough raw power to power through most roadblocks that she makes for herself due to lack of discipline or concern. However, I trust there is depth to her character. I believe it revolves around why she seems emotional stunted and lacking in empathy and probably around why Valkorian wanted nothing to do with his children.
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Oh that's very "moral high ground" of you. Hating on someone over something as superficial as looks. Even if you hate her forother reasons, that's a really low blow in any situation. And how would any man admit to liking a character with a woman so passionately antagonizing that character.


I dont "hate her because of her looks" I hate her because she is a caricature of "big bad evil" tropes. Just like i hate Saresh for being a warmongering moron who pretends to be serving the greater good but only cares about advancing her own status and revenge plot.


Thana Vesh annoyed me for the same reason, cartoonishly caricaturish evil with a huge side of stupid.


Do i hate all "Evil Female NPCs in the game? Nope, one of my favorite female comps is Kaliyo, who a -huge- chunk of people despise.


As i said before your attempting to -rationionalize- her psycho behavior to suit your own hopes and desires since you want to have sex with her :p


She killed 3 more guards, to make a total of 6, just because she didnt like odd numbers, but in your own words:


. Vaylin is not an evil person by default.


Right...thats not an evil whackado, not at all... (That was sarcasm by the way)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Don't be discouraged OP, haters gonna hate. They have the right to continue being wrong.:D


I too eagerly await some Vaylin good times. Interesting theory. I think it's clearly established there's more to her than meets the eye. Bioware can of course still drop the ball (they've done far worse). But I am most intrigued to see where they'll take her next.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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People have made the comparison before, but I think it bears mentioning again, for this sad, weird little subset of posters who apparently think that only liberal females (?) hate Vaylin 'cause ooh, she's dark and manipulative and misunderstood but evil and totally sexy!


Vaylin is like a one-dimensional version of Azula from Avatar. And female fans loved Azula as much as the male fans.


For now, Vaylin bores me, but I am actually hopeful that there will be more to her than we see on the surface. I think the writers are trying to give her hidden depths, but have simply fumbled the ball and made said depths too hidden, for now.


As for the looks, most of the problem is this game's damn clipping issues. She has a unique face shape and her eyeballs clip through her eyelids as a result; the whole thing is just kind of poorly rigged. It makes her look much worse than the actual character design would indicate.

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The flaw with this theory is this argument here:


It starts at the end of the dream sequence where the player walks with Valkorion. We find ourselves in the Zakuul throne room where Arcann sits upon his throne and Vaylin senses the player's presence. Valkorion explains Vaylin's extraordinary force sensitivity. At this point the player has a final dialog option of which option number 1 is to ask Vaylin to wake the player up. When she pierces through you with her lightsaber, this is exactly what happens: you wake up.


Not everyone picks option number 1 and addresses her, yet the outcome is always the same.

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People have made the comparison before, but I think it bears mentioning again, for this sad, weird little subset of posters who apparently think that only liberal females (?) hate Vaylin 'cause ooh, she's dark and manipulative and misunderstood but evil and totally sexy!


Vaylin is like a one-dimensional version of Azula from Avatar. And female fans loved Azula as much as the male fans.


For now, Vaylin bores me, but I am actually hopeful that there will be more to her than we see on the surface. I think the writers are trying to give her hidden depths, but have simply fumbled the ball and made said depths too hidden, for now.


As for the looks, most of the problem is this game's damn clipping issues. She has a unique face shape and her eyeballs clip through her eyelids as a result; the whole thing is just kind of poorly rigged. It makes her look much worse than the actual character design would indicate.


The problem I have with her looks is that her mouth looks like a grouper and she has cartoon witch claws. Add her very annoying, screechy voice and I shudder every time she's on the screen.


So far I haven't seen any convincing arguments that she isn't an immature, psychopathic Mary Jane. Lots of people hoping she has hidden depth, but so far the story doesn't look promising for anything beyond hackneyed cliches. Every serial killer has groupies, Vaylin is no different.

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Not sure why some people are putting her down so much because of her antics. They explained in KotFE(think it was Senya) that Valkorion used some method to lock a big chuck of her Force potential away, along with her mental capacity, sanity or w/e.


edit: yep, just found that convo:

Edited by Kaedusz
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Not sure why some people are putting her down so much because of her antics. They explained in KotFE(think it was Senya) that Valkorion used some method to lock a big chuck of her Force potential away, along with her mental capacity, sanity or w/e.


edit: yep, just found that convo:


That's exactly how I felt about Vaylin throughout the story. Plus I've never been chased around by a pretty girl like that before :3

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I HOPE with all my heart and soul that your theory and ending is true cuz then i get 2 of the 3 things i want out lf this expansion


1. To keep the Valkorion power. I bowed and i use his power all the time plus try to please him in the end i should get to keep them


2. I want to ruel Zakuul. Again bowed i should be the permanent ruler


3. I want to ro,ance Vaylin and have her rule at my side


If u r right than that assures 2 and 3

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Well, Bioware, you read it. All guys here want to romance Vaylin.

Yeah itd be perfect if they made it so that in one of the chapters (near) u would have to make a choice that drastically affected your outcome. It would be like either side with Valkorion and get new comps like vaylin or dont. If u choose valkorion u permanently keep his power and can call on it any time plus gain a lot of dark points, new comps like vaylin, and when u beat arcann u get to take over zakuul.

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Currently I'm more convinced, that Vaylin will be the new big bad after Arcann and might even stab him in the back before we get to kill him. Conversations like the one where he says something along the lines of: "I would die to see my vision for the galaxy become reality" followed by Vaylin cheerfully saying: "Yes you will", seem like not to subtle foreshadowing.

Also honestly guys, you really want to romance her? She would most likely rip your private parts off and force you to eat them. And then she'd rip the private parts of three other people off and force you to eat those as well because she hates odd numbers.

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Currently I'm more convinced, that Vaylin will be the new big bad after Arcann and might even stab him in the back before we get to kill him. Conversations like the one where he says something along the lines of: "I would die to see my vision for the galaxy become reality" followed by Vaylin cheerfully saying: "Yes you will", seem like not to subtle foreshadowing.

Also honestly guys, you really want to romance her? She would most likely rip your private parts off and force you to eat them. And then she'd rip the private parts of three other people off and force you to eat those as well because she hates odd numbers.


Kaliyo Is A Better Wife Than Vaylin,And Kaliyo Is A Total Sociopath.

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Well, Bioware, you read it. All guys here want to romance Vaylin.


Male here. Hate Vaylin. I prefer my characters to have some common sense, I'd call her a female malak, but even Malak was smarter then her, hell, the Inquisitor is smarter then her.


Personally really hope that her mental block is taken away soon, because if she takes the throne with it still there...We win. All the character's would have to do is sit back and relax as she destroys her own empire. She would be without a doubt one of the most incompetent leaders as shown through out the story, she continues to kill more of her own people for no good reason ("I killed three of them to make sure he was telling the truth, then three more because I hate odd numbers") and destroys her own resources because SHE IS TO STUPID TO TAKE A 2 MINUET WALK TO PERSUE THE WOUNDED OUTLANDER IN A BUILDING FULL OF HER ROBOTS! Then proceeding to basically destroy most of her own city.

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I love this theory!! =) She's totally crazy-pants but I can see the wheels of intelligence and cunning turning behind the veil there.


It makes sense, too, that she basically let Senya beat her. There is no way Senya is more powerful in a fight than Vaylin. Nothing is what it seems when it comes to crazy royals. All is subterfuge!


And yeah. I am female and so if my character. Vaylin is sexy (though, she needs some lip balm) but Lana has my heart!

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