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Metrics Determine What Parts of the Game are Updated/Created


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I don't do ops, but I do believe they should have a little more. And I'm confident in 5.0 we will see some because Jeff Hickman said 4.0 is ALL story nothing but it and then come all the mmo bits. So just be patient. It's all coming!


So they want my patience AND my sub fee? I don't think they deserve both. My patience is not limitless, especially when I'm paying for this trickle of content, and the current content model is not worth a recurring subscription. My next payment is the second week of January. Unless I see some sort of roadmap by then, I will exercise my patience and cancel until August when all of the content is available at once.

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This doesn't come as a surprise to anyone does it? If you're running a business selling shirts and find the red shirts are selling your going to find ways to improve and make more red shirts. Meanwhile if your green shirts are sitting on the self you'd have to be a really crappy business person to make more green shirts.....LOL


Funny thing is I can't even begin to count the number of people I've seen post raging about how operations have been ignored then go on to talk about how they have 32 alts they completed the class and core world stories with ..... LOL ...what do you expect Bioware to make more of when you spent the last 3000 hours soloing the story content....hehe.

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This doesn't come as a surprise to anyone does it? If you're running a business selling shirts and find the red shirts are selling your going to find ways to improve and make more red shirts. Meanwhile if your green shirts are sitting on the self you'd have to be a really crappy business person to make more green shirts.....LOL


Funny thing is I can't even begin to count the number of people I've seen post raging about how operations have been ignored then go on to talk about how they have 32 alts they completed the class and core world stories with ..... LOL ...what do you expect Bioware to make more of when you spent the last 3000 hours soloing the story content....hehe.


I would Lol as much as you for this lol of a post but it wouldn't be worth the cost according to my metrics.

Edited by FerkWork
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This doesn't come as a surprise to anyone does it? If you're running a business selling shirts and find the red shirts are selling your going to find ways to improve and make more red shirts. Meanwhile if your green shirts are sitting on the self you'd have to be a really crappy business person to make more green shirts.....LOL


Funny thing is I can't even begin to count the number of people I've seen post raging about how operations have been ignored then go on to talk about how they have 32 alts they completed the class and core world stories with ..... LOL ...what do you expect Bioware to make more of when you spent the last 3000 hours soloing the story content....hehe.


More like if a business made red shirts and green shirts, and then left the green shirts outside to get rained on/snowed on/whatever else nature can throw at 'em, and then wondered why only the red shirts sold so they made more red shirts...


...Well of course the red shirts are going to be the only shirts selling if they are the only shirts that have halfway decent quality!

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The TLDR of this article is that if you want certain parts of the game to be given more attention, play them more.


I am not an OPS player; but I understand the frustration of those who love OPS and haven't seen a new one. From this article, it looks as though you will have to play the current OPS more to get that to happen. Thoughts.


So this is going to turn into a self fulfilling prophecy. All the Ops veterans are done with the old stuff, and since they're *NOT* going to farm the same old stuff from 2011-2013 then BW/EA will "be justified" by not making new Ops. Mark my words...

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This doesn't come as a surprise to anyone does it? If you're running a business selling shirts and find the red shirts are selling your going to find ways to improve and make more red shirts. Meanwhile if your green shirts are sitting on the self you'd have to be a really crappy business person to make more green shirts.....LOL


Funny thing is I can't even begin to count the number of people I've seen post raging about how operations have been ignored then go on to talk about how they have 32 alts they completed the class and core world stories with ..... LOL ...what do you expect Bioware to make more of when you spent the last 3000 hours soloing the story content....hehe.


You are missing the part where Bioware was specifically running a special on the "red shirts" in the form of 12X Story XP. Which made the "red shirts" far more appealing to customers.


I wonder how their metrics might look if they ran a 6 month special on raid credit drops, or crystal payouts, etc. You cannot incentivize one aspect of the game and then use your findings to say "See, players don't like XYZ".


Players do like XYZ just fine, there just happened to be more "juice for the squeeze" in activity ABC.


"According to our metrics, players are doing ABC more than anything else." Ya think?

Edited by ekwalizer
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You are missing the part where Bioware was specifically running a special the "red shirts" in the form of 12X Story XP. Which made the "red shirts" far more appealing to customers.


I wonder how their metrics might look if they ran a 6 month special on raid credit drops, or crystal payouts, etc. You cannot incentivize one aspect of the game and then use your findings to say "See, players don't like XYZ".


Players do like XYZ just fine, there just happened to be more "juice for the squeeze" in activity ABC.


"According to our metrics, players are doing ABC more than anything else." Ya think?


Reversal: Why do you think they choose to give the 12xp to Story quests rather than Warzones or Starfighter?

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Reversal: Why do you think they choose to give the 12xp to Story quests rather than Warzones or Starfighter?


Because people were complaining about the side quests. Edit: That's actually not even it. The first round of 12x was because they wanted people to be able to get their toons up to beginning SoR. My guess is when they announced 12x was coming again back in April, they had already started working on KotFE.


"I would level more toons if not for those side quests"


Ultimately it was a gimmick, plain and simple to keep people subscribed; seriously an xp event lasting 6 months. There was nothing wrong with the vanilla leveling system. I had a level 50 before the end of Early Access when the game launched. I had 12 level 50s before 2.0 and I had 22 level 55s before the first 12x event in October 2014. I leveled a bunch during both 12x events because that gave me more options for raiding and duplicate Specs made gearing easier.

Edited by ekwalizer
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You are missing the part where Bioware was specifically running a special the "red shirts" in the form of 12X Story XP. Which made the "red shirts" far more appealing to customers.


I wonder how their metrics might look if they ran a 6 month special on raid credit drops, or crystal payouts, etc. You cannot incentivize one aspect of the game and then use your findings to say "See, players don't like XYZ".


Players do like XYZ just fine, there just happened to be more "juice for the squeeze" in activity ABC.


"According to our metrics, players are doing ABC more than anything else." Ya think?


It's not just that. Imagine if, on top of that, they didn't have a weekly raid lockout. If the system wasn't set up with weekly operations and FP bonus quests? I mean even in the casual guild I am in we could finish a Rav and ToS in 60-90 minutes, then you had to wait a week. Half the reason some of us took advantage of 12xp was to simply have something to do, the other bit, for some of us, was to have another Character we could run OPs through because 2-3 hours a week was simply not enough.


I have come to the conclusion that one of two options lies behind the metric thing, in large part because they said in the interview the leveling vs end game metric was a "new metric."


1. They are smart, possibly Machiavellian, and purposefully created a self fulfilling prophesy in order to enable a PR campaign that did not say "this expac regrettably can't be just about the existing player, we are under pressure to grow because of the new Movie's release."

2. They are not smart and did not account for how the design of their game would influence the metrics.


Not sure which anymore.

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