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Darth Marr&Satele Shan Relationshp?


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There's a kinship between the two. Force Users on opposite side of the spectrum working together and slowly developing a mutual respect for the other to the point where they become great friends even in death....and hopefully that's it. We don't need every friendship to have some sort of romantic angle to it .


Yes, I'm aware of the fact that Across the Stars played while they talked in KOTFE.

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There's a kinship between the two. Force Users on opposite side of the spectrum working together and slowly developing a mutual respect for the other to the point where they become great friends even in death....and hopefully that's it. We don't need every friendship to have some sort of romantic angle to it .


I honestly think even "great friends" is kinda pushing it. Mutual respect, even kinship, maybe.

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They were able to set aside their differences together and devise means of combating a mutual foe in the past; Marr's death and being able to discuss with Satele--who he clearly respects on at least SOME level--the future of their factions isn't that surprising to me. Across the Stars playing suggested peace in their immediate discussion, not tension. This isn't the first time they've communed together, that's for sure. With the Dark Council wiped out except for one pawn remaining, Marr ran out of Sith equals to commune with a long time ago.


There are a lot of questions remaining, but I am positive there isn't a romance between them.

Edited by RayceUlrand
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There are a lot of questions remaining, but I am positive their isn't a romance between them.


LMFAO! I am picturing a Ghost featurette where Marr is playing the role of Patrick Swayze and Shan is Demi Moore and they sit at the fire making clay bowls. HAHAHA!!



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I'm pretty sure it's limited to a degree of mutual respect between two enemies, enough that they can work together in times when threatened by a common enemy. That said, it is interesting that Marr chooses to manifest in the presence of Satele, and so far, only Satele.
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I'm pretty sure it's limited to a degree of mutual respect between two enemies, enough that they can work together in times when threatened by a common enemy. That said, it is interesting that Marr chooses to manifest in the presence of Satele, and so far, only Satele.


Marr has been crushing on Satele for a long time.

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