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Anyone else losing their credits from sales on the cartel market?


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So far ive lost about 2 million in sales, i have the letters there i read them, no money attached and some have been there for 10 hours, when i was sleeping, no one knows my account password ect... its happened to all my characters also, all their credits are gone! And its happened on multiple guys
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I'm only half joking, but maybe this is Bioware's way of fixing the economy.


They can't track all the exploited credits down, so they just looked at the total number of credits the day before 4.0 dropped, then the total the day of the patch, and set the servers to randomly delete that many credits from the economy from random players.


Yes, probably just tinfoil hat nonsense, but still, it seems weird that all these GTN/server issues just happened all of a sudden.

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My sales have gone through fine - there is the usual lack of buyer's name and what they bought (because of the server restart during today's unscheduled maintenance period), so while the initial notice of the sale gives no information about what was sold or how many credits are coming, the actual mail with the credits appears fine.
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So far ive lost about 2 million in sales, i have the letters there i read them, no money attached and some have been there for 10 hours, when i was sleeping, no one knows my account password ect... its happened to all my characters also, all their credits are gone! And its happened on multiple guys


Well, I would check your email ....

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I'm only half joking, but maybe this is Bioware's way of fixing the economy.


They can't track all the exploited credits down, so they just looked at the total number of credits the day before 4.0 dropped, then the total the day of the patch, and set the servers to randomly delete that many credits from the economy from random players.


Yes, probably just tinfoil hat nonsense, but still, it seems weird that all these GTN/server issues just happened all of a sudden.


I believe you but I'm also a big fan of conspiracy theory so there is that. It wouldn't surprise me anyway.

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This right here tells us all we need to know about you.


That I'm a high-volume merchant/crafter? I had close to a billion before spending about half that on instant 60 tokens.


Jumping to that conclusion tells me all I need to know about you.

Edited by MrLaku
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I believe I read in another thread that they were zeroing out the value of anyone caught cheating the latest exploit to avoid them laundering it through the GTN.


If you are 100% sure you're not caught up in this ( which ideally includes buying up massive amounts of exploited goods like super cheap stacks of gifts ) then you'll most likely need contact CS to sort the issue.


I don't see Bioware doing anything globally based on forums posts as removing all the illegally generated credits and items is of higher priority. Greater good n all that.

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So far ive lost about 2 million in sales, i have the letters there i read them, no money attached and some have been there for 10 hours, when i was sleeping, no one knows my account password ect... its happened to all my characters also, all their credits are gone! And its happened on multiple guys


you probably exploited, and they took those credits back, just a thought :D

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That I'm a high-volume merchant/crafter? I had close to a billion before spending about half that on instant 60 tokens.


Jumping to that conclusion tells me all I need to know about you.


dude if you have a billion credits you exploited in some fashion whether you believe you did or not. Or you spent tens of thousands of real cash on cartel market items to resell which i doubt. ;)

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dude if you have a billion credits you exploited in some fashion whether you believe you did or not. Or you spent tens of thousands of real cash on cartel market items to resell which i doubt. ;)


I have been reselling since 1.0, and this exploit came out in 4.0, and probably have made nearly 4b credits in total (strongolds, decors, CM items, credits) legitimately on the Gtn.

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I didnt go near the exploit, and i have 100m right now, we wont even count the around 500m i put into my SHs in the past few months :p (most before 4.0)


I have 22 gatherer characters and 6 crafters. Its -very- easy to amass money legitamately via the GTN selling Relics, dyes, augments, and ship parts. (Yes, i said ship parts, i make several million a week alone just selling ship parts) Then you throw in selling highly wanted crafted outfits and it adds up quick (Outcast and Hooligan sets fly off the shelves)


◆◆Edited to put correct image link to SH◆◆

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I have been reselling since 1.0, and this exploit came out in 4.0, and probably have made nearly 4b credits in total (strongolds, decors, CM items, credits) legitimately on the Gtn.


god damn you guys invest a lot of time in this game lol. i thought i was doing good with 10 mil

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I have been reselling since 1.0, and this exploit came out in 4.0, and probably have made nearly 4b credits in total (strongolds, decors, CM items, credits) legitimately on the Gtn.


Be quiet already, you admitted to cheating and getting suspended for it - I doubt many people believe your billionaire story you keep going on about lately and that's magically appeared since the exploit.

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Be quiet already, you admitted to cheating and getting suspended for it - I doubt many people believe your billionaire story you keep going on about lately and that's magically appeared since the exploit.


The exploit started in 4.0, I haven't bought that many stacks to make over 300m profit, and I have been reselling since 1.0 what else is there to prove? I also said I wouldn't mind them taking away the creds I've made off selling just the completed bounty contracts, and also taking away the rest of the ones I have atm, cause I know how many creds I've made off them compared to how much stuff I've been selling since 1.0.


Also if I was really into buying everything I would have bought up all those companion gifts as well but I didn't.

Edited by Theeko
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I talked to a CS rep and they said you can submit a ticket and they have records of every transaction. Hopefully they can clear this up. If not, I'm off to FFXIV. Not much keeping me here anymore anyway.


I'd cheer for you, but FFXIV is an even crappier mmo than this one, so i feel sorry for you lol.

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