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So this may seem like a dumb question, but...


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Why does this game have a group finder, exactly?

No, I mean, what purpose does it serve?


There's no point in a function that allows me to group with 7 random strangers for an Operation and 3 random strangers for a Flashpoint IF THE CONTENT ISN'T FREAKIN FRACKIN FRACASSIN FRICASSEEIN BALANCED AROUND 4-8 RANDOM STRANGERS COMPLETING IT.


Look, I get challenge. I do, I swear. People don't want to steamroll all over stuff, all the time. And I think that's fair. Personally, I think there gets to a point (with HM Ops, for example), that it becomes work, and I already have a job that actually pays me. So I'm not really into that, but more power to those who are.


But there's content in the game that can't be completed without meeting a "warm bodies" quota, and it's frankly enough of a pain just to rely on people to be warm bodies, but even beyond that, with the content in this game, it's fully possible that one person can ruin an entire run for everyone else in the team. Plus, to top it all off, it's not even a thing where I can do the solo content for the story and ignore the group stuff, because some of the story content is based on events in said group content.


But it's not even really about that anyway. It's the damn group finder, and absolutely abysmal balance for it. What's even the point?

Edited by JLazarillo
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Most of the GF people I know go in they say are perfectly fine...are you sure it's not you if your struggling that often in groups?

I typically run with guild but I did run a few on my alt. 2/3 went very well and we 1 shot every boss without even needing to explain. One I needed to help guide them, and we wiped once on a more unusual mechanic but adjusted and did fine on next try.

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Plus, to top it all off, it's not even a thing where I can do the solo content for the story and ignore the group stuff, because some of the story content is based on events in said group content.



From http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire

For Flashpoints, we have made quite a few changes to give you more options on what to play, and how to play them. For starters, all of the Flashpoints which are important to the core story have had a Solo Mode added, similar to what we did for the Forged Alliances Flashpoints. Also, those Solo Modes are repeatable, so you can play through them again if you want!


I'm not sure I see what your complaint is. Yes, there are some flashpoints that don't have a solo mode. No, you do not need to complete those to see any real story. Even if you did, two in relatively decent gear + companions can clear tacticals right now.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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You can get some real bad PUGs, but I'll take those over the incredibly boring slog that is LFR in Warlords of Draenor. That was a situation in which the playerbase said "idiots shouldn't be able to wipe the raid", and Blizzard listened, and in doing so turned the game into Cookie Clicker for anyone who wasn't a hardcore raider. Edited by RebelTelevision
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Most of the GF people I know go in they say are perfectly fine...are you sure it's not you if your struggling that often in groups?


It could be. Let it never be said that I'm not fair minded. I consider myself, honestly, a probably slightly below average player, at least at endgame content, since as noted, I'm not interested in making a second job out of playing a game (and that's what high end play feels like to me). That said, I am generally of the opinion that Story Mode play should still generally be something complete-able by even significantly below average players. And, for that matter, that if my skills are on the level I think they are, I should not be able to completely ruin a run for other players.


I'm not sure I see what your complaint is. Yes, there are some flashpoints that don't have a solo mode. No, you do not need to complete those to see any real story. Even if you did, two in relatively decent gear + companions can clear tacticals right now.


For one thing, it's not just Flashpoints. Numerous bits of post-Chapter 3 solo content make a big stink about how you're busy fighting the Dread Masters: Section X, Oricon (obviously), Seeker Droids...but that only happens if you do the various Operations. And again, I understand people want a challenge. But if the intent is that any random people can queue up and do it, then it should be something that generally any random group can queue up and do. I would gladly forego all the "Hard Mode" content, there's nothing new or interesting for me there (although the Rak FPs, which are still, strictly speaking, still story content, don't have Tactical equivalents, either).

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It could be. Let it never be said that I'm not fair minded. I consider myself, honestly, a probably slightly below average player, at least at endgame content, since as noted, I'm not interested in making a second job out of playing a game (and that's what high end play feels like to me). That said, I am generally of the opinion that Story Mode play should still generally be something complete-able by even significantly below average players. And, for that matter, that if my skills are on the level I think they are, I should not be able to completely ruin a run for other players.




For one thing, it's not just Flashpoints. Numerous bits of post-Chapter 3 solo content make a big stink about how you're busy fighting the Dread Masters: Section X, Oricon (obviously), Seeker Droids...but that only happens if you do the various Operations. And again, I understand people want a challenge. But if the intent is that any random people can queue up and do it, then it should be something that generally any random group can queue up and do. I would gladly forego all the "Hard Mode" content, there's nothing new or interesting for me there (although the Rak FPs, which are still, strictly speaking, still story content, don't have Tactical equivalents, either).


TLDR version: easier SM ops pls

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Complaining about multiplayer activities in a multiplayer game. Some people are just hilarious.


More "complaining that multiplayer isn't fun in a game where players should feel encouraged to play multiplayer".


TLDR version: easier SM ops pls


I would also accept them just not being offered via Group Finder. Granted, I would prefer they make them into something a group could do effectively without one bad player ruining everything. But just not offering them to groups that are not designed to complete them would be an alternative.


Not that I expect much of either, but I've been having a lot less fun in group content lately, and I need to vent.

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I would also accept them just not being offered via Group Finder. Granted, I would prefer they make them into something a group could do effectively without one bad player ruining everything. But just not offering them to groups that are not designed to complete them would be an alternative.


Not that I expect much of either, but I've been having a lot less fun in group content lately, and I need to vent.


Operations have bolster, and the mechanics were nerfed in pretty much all of them. There are a couple that are still a challenge, but they are by no means difficult in story mode. They don't need to be easier, either. You aren't missing much story from missing a string of boss fights, but you can always go check Youtube for videos if you don't believe that.

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I use group finder all the time, and OP does have a point. Bioware thinks that upping enemy stats a certain percentage and adding kolto stations for boss fights makes for a tactical. It doesn't. A lot of these FPs were made with the MMO Holy Trinity in mind, and without enemy AI adjusted to attack everyone equally, then the person running a squishy wizard in light armor is going to be the one constantly getting jumped by everything in the room.


I swear, there's no way Bioware actually tested out the updated FPs with a group of 4 DPSs (which is what you'll get 80% of the time in GF). Lv 23 players have no business getting thrown into "Depths of Manaan" where you've got timer mechanics and mid-bosses that cover half the room in death lightning (to say nothing of spoilers for stories they haven't even made it to yet).


I love hitting FPs with PUGs, but it's okay to admit that group finder and the FPs have serious balancing issues that need fixing. Tweek the FPs a bit so they can be handled by groups with no tank, and tweek GF so FPs unlock and are added as the player levels.


And maybe make the SoR FPs optional in group finder, so people can still pick up their dailies and not run into spoilers for expansions they haven't started yet.

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