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Sorcs and pvp


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I have played every class for PvP, and don't do too bad on most classes. I'm currently maining an operative for PvP, have just made a jugg, which is fun, and am leveling my sniper. I can kill almost anything with my operative, except for healer sorc. Jugg, i can kill anything but madness sorc because of all the roots, and on my sniper, i can kill everything but madness sorc, because they just line of sight me and DoT me... I know some of you will say reroll to another class, or you suck. I have played madness sorc, lightnning sorc, and the healer spec sorc. I almost never die to a melee class, i never die to anything really, except in a 4v1 against me. Before i hit 60 in 3.3 with my sorc, i remember a hypergate where i did 1.9mil dmg, and 1.2mil healing, 0 deaths. Then i got bored or sorc because it was too easy. Now that sorcs has phase walk as well at GOD BUBBLE, they are incredibly hard to kill. Tbh, you don't have to be good at sorc to play it. It is the easiest class in game and takes little to no skill. It has started to piss me off that the top players in ranked are sorcs. The worst part is they think they are good, because they almost never die. But we all know sorcs don't take much skill to play. The reason why sorcs are so over powered right now, is because some of the devs play them. The devs either need to get good at the game and play other classes or just not play and let the top players in the game decide what should happen and balance out the classes. Sorcs need a major nerf. The game hasn't been balanced since before 3.0. BW needs to do balance the game.


Sorry for my rant, but i feel this is one of the biggest issues in game.


One more thing... Stop making the pvp rewards look like trash and make new wz's...

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Look here it is on my server i playing with this guy every day almost. Yes he Good Player! even if we focus him he can die 5-7 times but he doing crazy dps every wz.... and wipe us all thats why on ToFN people Focus sorcs only sorcs mercs never let sorcs freecast... it anyway 6.5k dps----> http://imgur.com/oKhUFRn Edited by Dayyzee
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Look here it is on my server i playing with this guy every day almost. Yes he Good Player! even if we focus him he can die 5-7 times but he doing crazy dps every wz.... and wipe us all thats why on ToFN people Focus sorcs only sorcs mercs never let sorcs freecast... it anyway 6.5k dps----> http://imgur.com/oKhUFRn


hahah true story bro! :D

Yea man sorc just log in and do 4.5 mill dmg in a WZ. What was the goal here? For what you were aiming at? A nice big nerf due to that screenshot? I so much like these self class lobby threads! Really : D


4.5 mill just like that? Let's nerf let's say.. 90% of their dmg : D

And I like that it's yellow and the letters are a bit bigger! Like this a drastic nerf is actually inevitable!

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I really can feel your pain. Losing a WZ can hurt! Such-much pain in the a*s :(


:jawa_angel: Sorry for trolling a bit but look, I can not miss this:


I have played every class for PvP, and don't do too bad on most classes. ... I have played madness sorc, lightnning sorc, and the healer spec sorc. I almost never die to a melee class, i never die to anything really, except in a 4v1 against me.


It's actually not even bad! :cool:

Only 1v4... man.. never to a melee! Oh my oh my we have a true Jedi here!


they are incredibly hard to kill. Tbh, you don't have to be good at sorc to play it. It is the easiest class in game and takes little to no skill.


So true, that's why 80% of ranked focus on sorce first :D

It's golden! A pure golden sentence! :D


The worst part is they think they are good, because they almost never die.


hah! what a misbehavior!


The reason why sorcs are so over powered right now, is because some of the devs play them. .




Thanks god we have solution:

let the top players in the game decide what should happen and balance out the classes.

I almost never die to a melee class, i never die to anything really, except in a 4v1 against me.

Sorcs need a major nerf.

Stupid devs! You see how easy it is? hah! Noobs!


Sorry for my rant, but i feel this is one of the biggest issues in game.

Come on! It was a very good constructive post! And you are right, as soon as your hated class get a "major nerf" the game will shine, pvp will be a blast and millions of ppl will non stop queueing for warzones :D


Here, take a tissue :(

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I expected these responses and im going to guess you people play sorc. Right? No skill require? EZ game? Sorcs are easy, *******s play madness, takes no skill. You say everyone's trash because oh, wow, sorcs can do so much dmg...


How to play madness:


DoT > DoT > Root > Run > Heal > LoS > AoE > DoT rinse and repeat


no skill

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I expected these responses and im going to guess you people play sorc. Right? No skill require? EZ game? Sorcs are easy, *******s play madness, takes no skill. You say everyone's trash because oh, wow, sorcs can do so much dmg...


How to play madness:


DoT > DoT > Root > Run > Heal > LoS > AoE > DoT rinse and repeat


no skill


oh my, oh my... such a skill less nooby "EZ" class :(


How you imagine your beloved wipe on sorc class? You would cut down their legs so there would be just :

DoT > DoT > Heal > AoE > DoT? :cool:


But really, how you imagine the change to make them as much skillful role as the one what YOU play?


Oh, that 3.0 era! The golden days of the smash monkey! If we would be able to turn back time! :(


Here, take another tissue! :(


But honestly, can you describe that what skills you would change to make the class "skillful"? Or this all was a big crying a river on the forum coz you went down tonight to a source as a melee role?

Edited by Csillagkari
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I expected these responses and im going to guess you people play sorc. Right? No skill require? EZ game? Sorcs are easy, *******s play madness, takes no skill. You say everyone's trash because oh, wow, sorcs can do so much dmg...


How to play madness:


DoT > DoT > Root > Run > Heal > LoS > AoE > DoT rinse and repeat


no skill


I mainly play sent/mara/jugg/guardian/sniper/gs/sin/shadow and I kill sorcs all of the time.


Sniper wins if the sorc can not los, sorc wins if he/she can los - working as intended, fair tradeoff for the burst snipers get.


Jugg vs madness is a good fight, both have a decent chance of winning (depending on utilites/etc).


You should not be able to solo healers, so the fact that you can solo the other two healing ac's is sad.


Sorcs are OP in solo ranked, can work in team ranked if your tank can make up for the sorc being shut down (very possible given how broken tank dps is atm), and can be dangerous in regs when they run in packs.


I would love to see them give sorcs back their teeth and would gladly exchange some of the healing capabilities that the class has to do so, at the moment sorcs are super trolly and great for padding numbers, but other classes/specs are capable of pulling similar raw dps and are much more bursty.

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Look here it is on my server i playing with this guy every day almost. Yes he Good Player! even if we focus him he can die 5-7 times but he doing crazy dps every wz.... and wipe us all thats why on ToFN people Focus sorcs only sorcs mercs never let sorcs freecast... it anyway 6.5k dps----> http://imgur.com/oKhUFRn


Lol he had a pocket healer, and 50 other fotm classes to draw the attention away.

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There should be a 1$ charge to account every time someone complains about sorc heals on this forum. We'll call it 'too lazy to read even post titles' fee.


Yet, here you are bumping another sorc post to the top by leaving a comment in it. If you really want to stop it then stop posting in them.


I know calling classes out for being game breaking overpowered happens a lot on these PVP forums, but this really is a case that has merit.


Bioware, sorc healers.... I think it's finally enough now. You need to balance them now and not later. Sorc healers have made some classes irrelevant in this game and that's a dev team failure.

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Jugg, i can kill anything but madness sorc because of all the roots


Madness has one root baseline and one from a utility. If that's stopping your Jugg, then its user error.


How to play madness:


DoT > DoT > Root > Run > Heal > LoS > AoE > DoT rinse and repeat


no skill


If you think that's how you play Madness, then it's really you who have no skill.

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You should not be able to solo healers, so the fact that you can solo the other two healing ac's is sad.

No. No, no, no, just no. I don't know who decided that this was somehow a valid argument, but this entire line of asinine "reasoning" needs to stop, right now. Artificially elevating one class or role without a counter, and for no reason other than "just because" is about the STUPIDEST idea I have ever seen.


What if I said nobody should be able to solo a tank? Their entire job is to SURVIVE and outlast you, so why not? Or what about the argument that "no one should be able to solo a DPS, their entire job is to KILL YOU". What makes healers magically so special that no one should be able to kill one solo? That is the very antithesis of balance.


Here is how role balance has been done classically: TANK > DPS > HEALER > TANK. Checks and balances, not "I play a certain role therefore I am entitled to faceroll anyone 1v1". And yes, Sorc/Sage needs a serious nerf because as it sits right now, the most effective way to win an arena against one, is to actually IGNORE it and focus the DPS, which is just absurd.

Edited by Cortimi
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No. No, no, no, just no. I don't know who decided that this was somehow a valid argument, but this entire line of asinine "reasoning" needs to stop, right now. Artificially elevating one class or role without a counter, and for no reason other than "just because" is about the STUPIDEST idea I have ever seen.


Well said.


I'd take it a step further and say, I'm fine with healers in PVP being powerful. But they shouldn't be able to 1v1 or 1v2 dps unless they have a tank guarding them. Healers should be balanced around having Guard and people actually snaring/rooting/knocking back the dps trying to kill them so that they can keep the other people being focused alive unhindered. This game has too many CC effects as is, I don't see a reason why this shouldn't be the case.


I said it in another thread and I'll add it here as well. There is no depth or challenge when one team has 2-3 healers and there is nothing the other team can do because they have 0 or when both teams have 2-3 healers and no one ever dies. That's the epitome of boring, stalemate or curbstomp. I will add however that I don't think spreading the healing debuff around is the solution, that just creates an arms race where every dps role wants it, rather than spreading the debuff they either need a blanket debuff to healing in PVP or just nerf healers straight out.

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No. No, no, no, just no. I don't know who decided that this was somehow a valid argument, but this entire line of asinine "reasoning" needs to stop, right now. Artificially elevating one class or role without a counter, and for no reason other than "just because" is about the STUPIDEST idea I have ever seen.


It's not "just cause". It's because if healers can be soloed by one DPS, given equal skill of both combatants then healers are useless. Healers are force multipliers. Their contribution isn't in damage and they don't fill the same role. Healers have a counter, it's both damage dealers on the team.


What makes healers magically so special that no one should be able to kill one solo? That is the very antithesis of balance.


Only if you consider balance simplistically. A single healer should not be able to kill anyone, but likewise should die to no one solo. Thus a DPS v Healer or a Tank v Healer should be a stalemate. Healers are there to make a team more effective. What makes it balanced that no one can take them solo is that they depend on the damage dealers to kill the other team and the tank to help them stay alive.


Here is how role balance has been done classically: TANK > DPS > HEALER > TANK.


Perhaps in Pokemon. But I don't even see how you believe such a rock-paper-scissors set up can work. How does a healer, with the lowest damage defeat a tank with the strongest defense? That's just silly.


Killing is the damage specs job. The tanks job is to redirect damage and harry the other team. The healer's job is to keep everyone alive.


Checks and balances, not "I play a certain role therefore I am entitled to faceroll anyone 1v1". And yes, Sorc/Sage needs a serious nerf because as it sits right now, the most effective way to win an arena against one, is to actually IGNORE it and focus the DPS, which is just absurd.


Why should "focus the healer" always be the best strategy? That's significantly more absurd. People should adapt to what's going on. You focus a DPS because hitting a guarded healer can be futile. After the damage dealers are down, then the tank and even the healer can contribute to finishing off the tank/healer combo. That's why people do it. It's smart play.


You attack the player you're most likely to be able to kill or who provides the biggest threat. Bursting down a DPS before they get guard swap and healed isn't absurd at all.

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Well said.


I'd take it a step further and say, I'm fine with healers in PVP being powerful. But they shouldn't be able to 1v1 or 1v2 dps unless they have a tank guarding them.


No healer is killing two DPS on their own. Surviving? Perhaps, but what does that matter when the goal is to defeat the other team. Yes, it can make for many a boring stalemate, but it's not unfair.

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No healer is killing two DPS on their own. Surviving? Perhaps, but what does that matter when the goal is to defeat the other team. Yes, it can make for many a boring stalemate, but it's not unfair.


Because once you start adding a healer beyond the first, then it creates that boring stalemate. I will say it is, in my opinion, unfair that a team without healers should autolose against a team that does. Once again in my opinion, a team of 8 dps should have just as much a chance to win against a team that also has 8 dps, a team of 3 healers and 5 dps, or a team of 2 tanks 2 healers and 4 dps and vice versa.

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I think it's about skill of the players overall on dps classes... I really am starting to think this is the bigger issue.


The more and more I pay attention to the teams, it seems a big part of it is yes, sorc heals are easy to play and can be quite strong healers, but mostly dps are average or less in their efficiency.


Many dps are not easy to play and so, if you have 4 or more average or even wrose, BAD dps and the other team has 2-3 healers, it always ends up with the healer-heavy team winning and it seemingly like nothing can ever die.


As soon as I am in a match where we have 4 or more dps that actually do high damage, I end up having a chance to win, no matter who is on the other team.


I even had some teams where we had no healers... And we won the match because our team had lots of capable and good dps players.


I am not sayijng I am a great dps, but I know how to target heals or switch targets to one that is near death and I play a class that has decent burst.


I see way more dps that simply are bad with either targeting or damage output.


Often times it's these same players who cry about how they can't kill anything because of overpowered healers... Then I look at their end stats and I realize why.


Yes, they fail to kill anything because they do bad damage.

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I think it's about skill of the players overall on dps classes... I really am starting to think this is the bigger issue.


The more and more I pay attention to the teams, it seems a big part of it is yes, sorc heals are easy to play and can be quite strong healers, but mostly dps are average or less in their efficiency.


Many dps are not easy to play and so, if you have 4 or more average or even wrose, BAD dps and the other team has 2-3 healers, it always ends up with the healer-heavy team winning and it seemingly like nothing can ever die.


As soon as I am in a match where we have 4 or more dps that actually do high damage, I end up having a chance to win, no matter who is on the other team.


I even had some teams where we had no healers... And we won the match because our team had lots of capable and good dps players.


I am not sayijng I am a great dps, but I know how to target heals or switch targets to one that is near death and I play a class that has decent burst.


I see way more dps that simply are bad with either targeting or damage output.


Often times it's these same players who cry about how they can't kill anything because of overpowered healers... Then I look at their end stats and I realize why.


Yes, they fail to kill anything because they do bad damage.


I think you're not giving yourself enough credit lance, I've been paired with you and against you and you generally pull good numbers and are more threatening than 90% of the trash that queue on TEH.


I was against you in a match last night on your commando and I rolled taunts and cc on you because the premade on your team was below average and you were, without a doubt, the most dangerous dps on your team; you lost that match but if the rest of your team had even been close to your numbers you would have won (we had a pve made on imp side, I honestly felt like the only dps on my team :<).

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I think you're not giving yourself enough credit lance, I've been paired with you and against you and you generally pull good numbers and are more threatening than 90% of the trash that queue on TEH.


I was against you in a match last night on your commando and I rolled taunts and cc on you because the premade on your team was below average and you were, without a doubt, the most dangerous dps on your team; you lost that match but if the rest of your team had even been close to your numbers you would have won (we had a pve made on imp side, I honestly felt like the only dps on my team :<).


Thanks. Only part I don't like about commando dps is in 4v4s. It doesn't matter if the other team decides to lock me down I can't kite and I die pretty fast without doing much damage. Makes me feel useless.


In regs though, if our team has 3-4 above average dps, usually the team does well. I rather have competent dps tbh, than anything else nowadays. :p

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Thanks. Only part I don't like about commando dps is in 4v4s. It doesn't matter if the other team decides to lock me down I can't kite and I die pretty fast without doing much damage. Makes me feel useless.


In regs though, if our team has 3-4 above average dps, usually the team does well. I rather have competent dps tbh, than anything else nowadays. :p


Yeah, I find that the new jet out ability is amazing if I can set up somewhere and use it while people approach me, but it's next to useless if I am attempting to run from multiple people.

Edited by alexsamma
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