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my petition in the hope of making a difference ....or not


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Scarlet...did you really feel it necessary to post this? You are better than this type of trolly stupid petty reply. Do you think you should preface every post with "In my opinion" as well? I'm disappointed in you...


I apologize Tux but lately I have seen too many posts of this sort that tends to think they speak for everyone and even I have my limits.

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Scarlet...did you really feel it necessary to post this? You are better than this type of trolly stupid petty reply. Do you think you should preface every post with "In my opinion" as well? I'm disappointed in you...


In Scarlet's defense, there is a difference between their statement of opinion with the implied "in my opinion" and the OPs explicit statement that: "no one who subs to your game really cares about your story"


Yes, we should assume an implicit "in my opinion" at the start of every post.


No, the OP was not even attempting to state an opinion. They explicitly claim to be speaking for every single subscriber and make the claim that none of them hold any contrary opinions.


...of course, that was soundly contradicted by 8 pages of posts.

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i think that had more to do with the companion nerf than anything else


That's my suspicion as well; that's when I saw server numbers decline. The fact that they rushed to rebuff them provides some circumstantial support for the idea.


Incidentally, I just barely subbed for the first time ever, though I've been Preferred for ages. Part of my decision was simply my approval of the direction the game is going. They say to vote with your wallet. I did.

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There are niches of people who keep finding TOR sub worthy;

* people who are physically unable to stop loving every single second they get to watch a head talk can play through story 10000 times and enjoy every second of it. Huge value to money and time.

* weird people who really enjoy GSF and like the experience of playing SW:TOR as a pilot!

* People bound to game by friendships, guilds they like etc.

* Star Wars fans who feel they must play a Star Wars MMO. (See: continued success of SWG)

* I meant to continue the listing but can't think of anyone else really.

I'd say huge majority of former player base doesn't belong in any of these minorities.


Our of curiosity, where is your evidence that these are minorities? At the very least, people who replay games for story (i.e. the RPG part of MMORPG) and Star Wars fans who play Star Wars games are, in my experience, fairly solid groups. Bioware got their reputation through solid RPGs, the kind where the average player wanted to play through more than once to try different things out.

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I'm sorry to say but it probably won't make a difference. It's pretty clear that Bioware has made a strategic pivot away from the MMO-style game-play and more towards single-player. No offense but there have been far more eloquent and lengthy posts on here and on Reddit pleading with the game developers for better content in regards to raids and PVP.


While I am a PVE'er at heart, I do feel bad for those who enjoy PVP in SWTOR because they are getting the shaft. Not to mention that focusing on making SWTOR a single-player/story dependent (and ignoring everything else) will hurt the game's life-span, no matter how great the story is.


It's a troubling trend in gaming development nowadays where instead of working on improving a game/franchises shortcomings, game developers end up half-a&^ing or ignoring those elements all-together.

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Scarlet...did you really feel it necessary to post this? You are better than this type of trolly stupid petty reply. Do you think you should preface every post with "In my opinion" as well? I'm disappointed in you...

I hope you're just joking around, because this is not the first time you have called someone out for doing exactly what you do.

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just kind of curious how many posts this would attain

I simply ask if you agree post - I


SWTOR devs ..... no one who subs to your game really cares about your story they don't care about a hk droid or playing as a hk droid


all we want !!


is more ops and more PVP arenas and content and more flashpoints maybe a new class or two for fun why not


please find logic in just simply listening to every one on fleet, all the people who are leaving the game when they don't really want to, stop giving us lazy cheap crap content companions are nice but there are nothing more than a side salad to what we want .


give us what we are paying for before you run this game into the ground


Actually quite the opposite for me. I subscribe to support the game because I love the story and the little bonus's they give for subscribing are just that for me, a tiny bonus. I'd subscribe regardless of these perks. I pvp but it is not the reason that I play, it's just another aspect of the game that I enjoy.

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I enjoyed the story a lot. Love the solo play!

Alliance is ok, a bit too grindy for my long term interest, but I do continue to do it. Star Fortress was fun for a week or two (got all the cheeves).


I like revisiting the old OPs in HM, although, you can take Op-9, Tanks and UL out of the mix. People still fail at them so I stopped pugging those. Also the puzzle in HMKP keeps me from finishing it sometiimes. Heals should not have to do it everytime. I think it's mostly the post -older OP and new people with their fresh 60 (which they have no clue on) that make them uncompletable. Sometimes I think they don't even want to learn mechanics. Running these Ops for so long 5 levels+ above them got people in a bad habit of cheesing/facerolling and the behavior continues. They also like to run them in groups I named "1-Tank Wonders" They seem to think every Op is easy with 1 tank even though I know it's because they don't want to wait for the capture of the rare, elusive Tank Monster. If I am healing, I usually bail before we start 1-tank wonder groups which often results in the random /w asking why I left and then some random profanity. You know what random whisperer???, I can give a **** less and it makes me smile. Stuns or CCs are targeted IMMEDIATELY...I wonder if they think that is the intended target?...hehe. Perhaps a huge red X when you cast stuns and ccs might help lol.


I stopped doing Tacts and FPs (no reason for crap rewards and they are as bad as mini-Ops), I don't do GSF or peeveepee, just not my thing. I would love a couple of new OPs with fun mechanics instead of just high health bosses with massive AOE damage and "don't stand-in-stupid" tests on the floor.


I would like some solo-mode content that could provide me with 216-220+ token gear because as it is now, most times I just don't feel like dealing with a pug group and the fail. I do enjoy the 2x a week grouping with my guild for Ops but that only keeps one of my able-bodied chars busy.


I am sure some people wouldn't find my wish list to their liking, however, it's mine not yours and "choices matter" right???

Edited by Darkwords
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I apologize Tux but lately I have seen too many posts of this sort that tends to think they speak for everyone and even I have my limits.

No apology needed - I respect you quite a bit :)


And I know you do, but you're smart enough to know they don't, despite any claim otherwise. NOBODY thinks someone else speaks for them...not here. Argue the subject, nitpicking how it's said is silly. Everyone speaks for themselves.

In Scarlet's defense, there is a difference between their statement of opinion with the implied "in my opinion" and the OPs explicit statement that: "no one who subs to your game really cares about your story"


Yes, we should assume an implicit "in my opinion" at the start of every post.


No, the OP was not even attempting to state an opinion. They explicitly claim to be speaking for every single subscriber and make the claim that none of them hold any contrary opinions.


...of course, that was soundly contradicted by 8 pages of posts.

Stated or not, do you honestly think anyone here is so insecure as to believe one player speaks for all of us? It's so ridiculous that to even mention it is absurd imo. NOBODY believes that. It's unnecessary to even pretend it needs to be said. Anyone assuming to speak for you is wrong from the start, and some people take things far too literally...hyperbole and exaggeration isn't as uncommon as forum folk pretend it is.


Everything I don't say or write myself, is someone else's opinion.

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