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Is there any reason to play PvP on Republic?


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I decided to check it out for the first time. Played a bunch of matches and not one of them was even remotely close. Most games a single kill was a miracle. We can't even get someone past 75% most times even when its 3v1. And every single game is like this.


Is this just the state of PvP in this game generally?

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if you are going to be solo queuing often, go imp


if you are going to be rolling with guildies and a group with a decent enough class layout most of the time, republic will be fine


I beg to differ.


I play solo a lot of the time....on the Ebon Hawk.


If you are on harb, it might be an issue. ON the Hawk we have solid pubside that wins a good portion of games. The only tiems we ever lose is if some tryhard fails from impside spend some money on insta-60 characters and decide to have an FOTM fest. Then again, because they were fails, a good group of non-goofers pretty-much annihilates them.

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I decided to check it out for the first time. Played a bunch of matches and not one of them was even remotely close. Most games a single kill was a miracle. We can't even get someone past 75% most times even when its 3v1. And every single game is like this.


Is this just the state of PvP in this game generally?


Every single game?

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You play for the Republic because you want to play for the Republic on a Republic character. Everything else is random and irrelevant. You can transfer till the cows come home, tweak your gear's stats, reroll powerful classes, ask for groups, whatnot, but why bother? The end result is not going to be significantly enough different from just playing what you want where you want when you want it. Edited by DomiSotto
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I decided to check it out for the first time. Played a bunch of matches and not one of them was even remotely close. Most games a single kill was a miracle. We can't even get someone past 75% most times even when its 3v1. And every single game is like this.


Is this just the state of PvP in this game generally?


You could just be having a bad day. I've had game after game where I do 3x the damage of the entire team combined while topping objectives. It happens. Now I can't speak for other servers, but on TOFN at least, our rep side side is strong most of the the time and we do win a lot.


Lately however the sorc healer epidemic has become a real problem. Every game yesterday had a minimum of 3 and had an arena against 4. These games are sucking the fun out of PvP, especially rep side where we're lucky to get 1 healer most of the time.


If you're talking about ranked, then yes, rep side is completely dead.

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You play for the Republic because you want to play for the Republic on a Republic character. Everything else is random and irrelevant. You can transfer till the cows come home, tweak your gear's stats, reroll powerful classes, ask for groups, whatnot, but why bother? The end result is not going to be significantly enough different from just playing what you want where you want when you want it.


uhh what?..

Edited by jamesaff
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I just feel that folks keeps looking for some sort of a magic thing that will let them win all of a sudden. I just don't think such a thing exist, so it is better to put your nose to the screen and just play whatever you want. Be it a faction, a server, a class. The only thing that will change the outcome significantly is one's own individual progress. Edited by DomiSotto
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If it's truly 3v1 and you can't drop the 1 below 75percent, you're part of the problem, but yes; there is a problem pub side.


Holding your own against 3 DPS, or 2 DPS and 1 tank, is pretty easy as a healing Sorcerer/Sage. At least until you've blown through your cooldowns, but you can stay alive for up to a minute due to roots, LOS, stuns, invulnerability, and massive self-healing.


I ran to the enemy's side in that Novare Coast thing and interrupted their cap. I then proceeded to stay alive until my buddies arrived to help secure it. The enemy team had 2 Juggernauts and a Sniper there. With all the instant, or uninterruptable, heals, not to mention that ridiculous self-heal-while-bubbled thing, I healed myself for around 180,000 while interrupting their cap over and over again.


As soon as I see cross-healing from two Sorcs/Sages in a Warzone, I bail. If their team has two, and we don't, it's a lost cause 9 out of 10 times.


BioWare should put some more effort into whatever POS algorithm is used for the Warzone matchmaking. There should always be an equal amount of tanks and healers on both sides. Having an extra damage-dealer does not make up for a healer. A tank, sometimes, but never a healer. Hell, I'd trade two damage-dealers for a healer. Most pewpew players are hovering around 50% of the top damage/kill score, anyway.

Edited by Qaoz
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Holding your own against 3 DPS, or 2 DPS and 1 tank, is pretty easy as a healing Sorcerer/Sage. At least until you've blown through your cooldowns, but you can stay alive for up to a minute due to roots, LOS, stuns, invulnerability, and massive self-healing.


I ran to the enemy's side in that Novare Coast thing and interrupted their cap. I then proceeded to stay alive until my buddies arrived to help secure it. The enemy team had 2 Juggernauts and a Sniper there. With all the instant, or uninterruptable, heals, not to mention that ridiculous self-heal-while-bubbled thing, I healed myself for around 180,000 while interrupting their cap over and over again.


As soon as I see cross-healing from two Sorcs/Sages in a Warzone, I bail. If their team has two, and we don't, it's a lost cause 9 out of 10 times.


BioWare should put some more effort into whatever POS algorithm is used for the Warzone matchmaking. There should always be an equal amount of tanks and healers on both sides. Having an extra damage-dealer does not make up for a healer. A tank, sometimes, but never a healer. Hell, I'd trade two damage-dealers for a healer. Most pewpew players are hovering around 50% of the top damage/kill score, anyway.


Again. The enemies you just described are terrible. Not for not killing you. For not CCing and capping. Even that heal 2 full bubble is CC without adding resolve.


Herein lies the problem with OP classes. When they describe it as a L2P issue, they are generally half right. Not because they are not OP, but because people try to just beat them with brute force rather than thinking

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Again. The enemies you just described are terrible. Not for not killing you. For not CCing and capping. Even that heal 2 full bubble is CC without adding resolve.


One of them tried to recap while I was bubbled, but I just let it run and then interrupted him once my bubble faded (to get the largest shield and self-heal possible). 99% cap is still not a cap in Novare Coast. :p


Herein lies the problem with OP classes. When they describe it as a L2P issue, they are generally half right. Not because they are not OP, but because people try to just beat them with brute force rather than thinking


True, but still... it should not take advanced tactics and three random people working together to kill one healer. If that's the case, they would need to buff Operatives and Mercenaries to be on par with Sages/Sorcerers. When the name of the game is node-capping, Sorcerers are just too damn strong. Their control of the battle, coupled with their ability to reset the fight through invulnerability, roots, and massive instant-cast self-heals makes them kings of the node game.


That being said, I think BioWare should use this as an opportunity to move away from nodes in Warzones. Huttball is my favorite type of Warzone, because even a team full of Sorcerers can be beaten if you've got a competent ball carrier (or they don't). The lack of creativity in Warzone design is making me so sad. "Cap this node and defend it while your friends are having fun in middle." Such a snooze fest where the outcome is decided by the pushing power of the team (i.e. who has the most healers).

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You play for the Republic because you want to play for the Republic on a Republic character. Everything else is random and irrelevant. You can transfer till the cows come home, tweak your gear's stats, reroll powerful classes, ask for groups, whatnot, but why bother? The end result is not going to be significantly enough different from just playing what you want where you want when you want it.


Agreed. Republic side has fallen apart on the Harbinger. But I still main my Balance Sage, because I like playing her.


For giggles though, I created a Madness Sorcerer and geared him exactly the same. It's sad how much better he does. :(

Edited by Master-Nala
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Avoid Harbinger pubs at night and on weekends. You probably aren't going to have a good time against the better players who are all imps.


Ah, but changing the sides, does not remove those better players from the queue. Every time I wanted to be oh, so crafty! and trade Padawan Tu for Apprentice Ru to get me a slice of those easy Imperial wins, one of the following three things happened:


1. My haphazard Imperial pug went against the Republic’s seasoned vets, resulting in a loss with a poetic justice flavor

2. My haphazard Imperial pug went against the Empire’s seasoned vets, resulting in a loss with an ironic twist flavor

3. The playful Fate filled the Random Drop from Nooberland vacancy with Apprentice Ru on a squad of the Empire seasoned vets, resulting in a carry to win with a be careful what you wished for flavor

4. A fairly even match with the same frequency as Padawan saw, either win or loss


Thinking of those outcomes, made me feel goofy rather than crafty. I have a number of reasons, both practical and emotional, to play certain Imperial toons, but chasing the better win ratio ain’t one of them. Call me nuts, but I’d rather be facerolled than carried.

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Is there any reason to play PvP on Republic?


Challenge. Simple enough. If you're decent at PvP and soloq'ing a lot, you'll have overall more fun imp side (imp vs imp delivered me some very hard WZ where everybody knows his stuff and actually try hard, those are the best warzones)


But if you think you're a great PvP player, sometimes it's good to switch to Rep side. Because if you soloq Rep side, you will have to carry your team most of the time, keep explaining basic pvp stuff in chat, and have to try hard to win a single wz (at least on TRE). Can be exhausting somedays, but first, when you actually manage to win you got a legit feeling of achievement, and second, when you actually meet above average Rep pvpers on your side you can do wonders and feel pretty much like movie heroes, bashing the average weak-minded Imperials all day long. (and group them to do it again)


Because Rep is forever underdog in uWZ, winning as Rep is a pleasure in itself. Plus, if you take an early lead in uWZ as Rep, I've noticed most Imps mentally give up and start wandering aroung killing red stuff (that's because they're - WE Imps are not used to fight decent reps, most of the time it's a one-sided stomp so when Reps actually fight back, we're so disturbed in our habits most of us just prefer switch their brain off and let Reps free win).

At least that's what I used to saw on TRE.

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Ah, but changing the sides, does not remove those better players from the queue. Every time I wanted to be oh, so crafty! and trade Padawan Tu for Apprentice Ru to get me a slice of those easy Imperial wins, one of the following three things happened:


1. My haphazard Imperial pug went against the Republic’s seasoned vets, resulting in a loss with a poetic justice flavor

2. My haphazard Imperial pug went against the Empire’s seasoned vets, resulting in a loss with an ironic twist flavor

3. The playful Fate filled the Random Drop from Nooberland vacancy with Apprentice Ru on a squad of the Empire seasoned vets, resulting in a carry to win with a be careful what you wished for flavor

4. A fairly even match with the same frequency as Padawan saw, either win or loss


Thinking of those outcomes, made me feel goofy rather than crafty. I have a number of reasons, both practical and emotional, to play certain Imperial toons, but chasing the better win ratio ain’t one of them. Call me nuts, but I’d rather be facerolled than carried.


I don't look at it that way because I don't get carried. I do my job every match, but pubs are literally impossible to carry alone most nights/weekends. At least on imp side you might get some of the decent players on your team and have a chance to win.

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Challenge. Simple enough. If you're decent at PvP and soloq'ing a lot, you'll have overall more fun imp side (imp vs imp delivered me some very hard WZ where everybody knows his stuff and actually try hard, those are the best warzones)




I agree , the best matches which i played during last months were imps vs imps , without healers and tanks


reps usually don't have balls to queue solo or without healer and can win only with 2 tanks + 2 healers etc , tryharding objectives like in ranked games ... thats why i find rep side superboring and play 99% of the time on imp side

Edited by mikofil
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I don't look at it that way because I don't get carried. I do my job every match, but pubs are literally impossible to carry alone most nights/weekends. At least on imp side you might get some of the decent players on your team and have a chance to win.


How often do you try to play the Pub side? Because it just doesn't correspond to my experiences but well, I can't play every day, and all that, so maybe I am just lucky.

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Challenge. Simple enough. If you're decent at PvP and soloq'ing a lot, you'll have overall more fun imp side (imp vs imp delivered me some very hard WZ where everybody knows his stuff and actually try hard, those are the best warzones)


But if you think you're a great PvP player, sometimes it's good to switch to Rep side. Because if you soloq Rep side, you will have to carry your team most of the time, keep explaining basic pvp stuff in chat, and have to try hard to win a single wz (at least on TRE). Can be exhausting somedays, but first, when you actually manage to win you got a legit feeling of achievement, and second, when you actually meet above average Rep pvpers on your side you can do wonders and feel pretty much like movie heroes, bashing the average weak-minded Imperials all day long. (and group them to do it again)


Because Rep is forever underdog in uWZ, winning as Rep is a pleasure in itself. Plus, if you take an early lead in uWZ as Rep, I've noticed most Imps mentally give up and start wandering aroung killing red stuff (that's because they're - WE Imps are not used to fight decent reps, most of the time it's a one-sided stomp so when Reps actually fight back, we're so disturbed in our habits most of us just prefer switch their brain off and let Reps free win).

At least that's what I used to saw on TRE.


^This is pretty spot on. If I felt like really trying to get everyone organized it may be fun for a challenge but the bold part really hits home. I just can't carry them. I'm decent but I am not a super elite player that stands a chance to do so, nor am I the type that wants to try to be vocal in chat when everything should be pretty obvious. I'm not going imp to be carried; i just want others who are decent enough to just do their job and I will do mine.

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How often do you try to play the Pub side? Because it just doesn't correspond to my experiences but well, I can't play every day, and all that, so maybe I am just lucky.


Most of the time I PvP is on my Guardian. Did 5 matches last night and got stomped in all of them. We won a single match because we got farmed hard by the imps and someone ninja capped the door in VS. Not really a win, but that's what the scoreboard shows.

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