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The new canon My likes and dislikes


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So what has been your favorite piece of new canon released so far? What has been your least favorite? what have you hated ? and what do you hope to see?Be it TV, novels, or comics.


I like how they seemed to tone down force powers to where they are not pulling anime style feats. I have been enjoying the Vader comic alot and the new Vader Down arc, that and Lords of the Sith have been my favorite so far, just started Lost Stars and it seems like it'll be good


Rebels ( i know its for kids) lets me down alot, i know alot of people like it and i agree it has its moments..but overall it feels weak to me. It feels alot of things end up anticlimatic. Mind you i'm not someone from the CW fandom that hates it because its not CW, but i cant get into the characters. Anymore the only reason i watch it is to see when Vader and Ahsoka duel (which i fear will end being weak), and to see what role Maul will have if he is indeed the Grand Inquisitor. But other than i don't find the main cast interesting at all save for maybe Kanan and hera. Im not one who believes darker is better..but what is at stake? everytime i see an episode that has confrontations with the empire i feel like im watching an 80s cartoon "lets see how the empire fails this week". The Vader i know would have killed Kallus already, and last night's episode was the perfect opportunity for them to get Kallus out of their hair for good..but nope force push and run. IF they have the guts to make Ezra turn dark andmake it a good story doing so i'll change my mind about it, other than that, its just a cartoon to me. Plus i hate zeb and satine's design. I mean you can love art without dipping your clothes in a bucket of mixed paint...


Novels Heir to the Jedi i was excited for because i initially thought it ws post RotJ and we get to see luke grow after saving his father..but when i learned it was betwween 4 and 5 i got bummed, still read it and..i was bored. New Dawn the same. Dark Disciple...i never will forgive lucasfilm for changing the character of one of my favorite jedi to what they have made Vos..lol i hated it in clone wars and it bugs me now lol. I know its not canon anymore but come on.


So whats been your opinion on the new stuff ?

Edited by ConVallian
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Forgot to mention Aftermath..not a fan lol


Aftermath was, for all intents and purposes, mediocre. The author stated that he may never have had finished the book if it wasn't for the pressure of fans on social media- and it shows. I feel like as the book went on, the author became more skilled in his work. The most glaring issue was the short (but technically correct) sentences throughout the novel. It was so distracting, to emphasize my struggle, I shall write the entirety of the rest of this post in its form.


As I was saying. Short sentences. Very short. Distracting but correct. Characters were interesting. Good team up. Good blend. Easy to relate to. For both the old and young fans. Early chapter time jumps were distracting. Over use of hyphens. Just as bad as the short sentences.


Not too badly written. Was in some parts. Those parts were glaring. It was like Fifty Shades of Grey. But in space.

Speaking of that. There was the homosexuality. I have no problem with it. Author made it important. Only two couples that were heterosexual. One included a long-dead father. Some scenes it felt unnecessary to mention. Felt preachy.

The good parts? The characters. The plot. The interludes were my favorite. They showed how the galaxy changed. Just outside of the main characters.

The bad parts? The writing style. The sentences. The hyphens- there were a lot of them. The preachiness. The lack of cooperation from the author when questioned. The fact that no main character died. They came "really close though."


The best part: That cliffhanger at the end. Potential for old EU character in new canon?



Of course, this is all my opinion. Feel no reason to agree. :)

Edited by Anysao
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Aftermath was, for all intents and purposes, mediocre.


Not too badly written. Was in some parts. Those parts were glaring. It was like Fifty Shades of Grey. But in space.

Speaking of that. There was the homosexuality. I have no problem with it. Author made it important. Only two couples that were heterosexual. One included a long-dead father. Some scenes it felt unnecessary to mention. Felt preachy.

The good parts? The characters. The plot. The interludes were my favorite. They showed how the galaxy changed. Just outside of the main characters.

The bad parts? The writing style. The sentences. The hyphens- there were a lot of them. The preachiness. The lack of cooperation from the author when questioned. The fact that no main character died.

Well the author is extremely liberal so i was sorta expecting stuff like that. But nothing about it appealed to me at all, it was disapointing to say the least considering how much it was hyped

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I like the willingness of the new Canon novels to focus on new characters, and genuinely let them take the spotlight, and I have enjoyed most of those characters in their own right as well - particularly the ones introduced in Lost Stars and Aftermath, (I still haven't read Twilight Company). I loved the Legends continuity, but I can appreciate the criticism that they never really let the movie characters pass the narrative torch onto the next generation, despite numerous times where books or series seemed to be setting it up.


I didn't care for Aftermath's writing style - the present tense didn't ruin it for me, but the short 'stylized' sentences were distracting as heck early on. By about a third of the way through the book I stopped noticing them as much and was able to just enjoy the story, but the style definitely pulled me out of the story more than a few times early on. That being said, as I indicated above I liked the characters themselves and enjoyed the plot - I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next for this new crew that's been assembled.


Aside from the writing style, my only complaints about Aftermath were that it used the "That character just died... Oh, nope, last-second miraculous survival" fakeout one or two times too many, and that Mr. Bones seemed unbelievably OP in a couple scenes.


I don't really see how it made homosexuality a 'thing' or 'important' though - some of the families had same-sex couples, some had opposite-sex couples, no big deal was made out of any of them, it was just the way those families were. There was a grand total of one scene where a character's orientation was given more than a passing reference - the 'oh, I don't play for that team' confusion between two characters, which came and went in a single page.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I just can't stand Rebels animation style. That and I know the force users in it have to die because they are never mentioned as part of the Rebel Alliance again. After all, if the rebellion had a couple other Jedi/Jedi types in their Arsenal, I think they might have hooked them up with Luke at some point. Edited by BlazeTomahawk
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I just can't and that Rebels animation style. That and I know the force users in it have to die because they are never mentioned as part of the Rebel Alliance again. After all, if the rebellion had a couple other Jedi/Jedi types in their Arsenal, I think they might have hooked them up with Luke at some point.

We'll see. A lot of people were saying "well obviously Ahsoka must die in Clone Wars since she's not around in Episode III".

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Like I said, I can't stand the animation style, so I don't watch Rebels. Why wasn't she in episode 3? I'm assuming they explain?

When the Clone Wars TV series started and Anakin was given a padawan (Ahsoka) a lot people assumed she would have to die because she never appeared in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. What actually ended up happening was she left the Jedi Order near the end of the series, before Order 66, and thereby survived at least until the Rebels era (I personally don't expect her to survive into the Original Trilogy era, but we'll have to see about that).


My point is that sometimes the writers choose to write characters out of the action without killing them off. I wouldn't be shocked if Ezra is still alive in the Original Trilogy era, just not an active part of the Rebellion anymore or has some other reason for not interacting with Luke.

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She just quit the Jedi order? And they were cool with it?


The Jedi strike me as the kind who wouldn't let a force trained individual walk away, because they are just asking to go darkside. And if you think that it's not the Jedi way to stop somebody, remember they are dedicated to being passionless and making choices for the greater good. If one padawan has to die to prevent a potential Dark Jedi arising I don't see them balking. That's kind of the job that Jedi Shadows are trained for.

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She just quit the Jedi order? And they were cool with it?


The Jedi strike me as the kind who wouldn't let a force trained individual walk away, because they are just asking to go darkside. And if you think that it's not the Jedi way to stop somebody, remember they are dedicated to being passionless and making choices for the greater good. If one padawan has to die to prevent a potential Dark Jedi arising I don't see them balking. That's kind of the job that Jedi Shadows are trained for.

That's nothing new - Dooku was one of the "Lost Twenty", Jedi Masters who voluntarily left the Order. The Jedi don't force Force Sensitives to join them 'or else' or anything like that.


I can understand your 'Cold Equation' logic and how it might make sense for the Jedi to adopt it, but no, they don't take that sort of 'ends justify the means' route - they are taught compassion and not to be outright 'soulless' even if they don't allow possession or emotional attachments.

"Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion[...] is essential to a Jedi’s life."

Edited by DarthDymond
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I just can't stand Rebels animation style. That and I know the force users in it have to die because they are never mentioned as part of the Rebel Alliance again. After all, if the rebellion had a couple other Jedi/Jedi types in their Arsenal, I think they might have hooked them up with Luke at some point.


Now we all know Filoni is not going to kill off any of these characters. He's going to find a way to bull $#!+ them out of the story like they did ahsoka..and they'll use the "what yoda said is still true because ahsoka, kanan, and ezra are not technically jedi" *wink*...

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I'm enjoying the new comics a lot, especially the quality of the artwork (very hard to go back and look at the atrocities of the Old Republic-era comics after that :D )


As for Rebels... I really like Hera and Sabine, but Ezra literally ruins the show for me, making it neigh unwatchable.

The obnoxious-teenage-brat protagonist is such a tired and exhausted cliché it makes me want to throw something at my screen every time he appears.


The true test for the new canon will be next week, of course! :)

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I'm enjoying the new comics a lot, especially the quality of the artwork (very hard to go back and look at the atrocities of the Old Republic-era comics after that :D )


As for Rebels... I really like Hera and Sabine, but Ezra literally ruins the show for me, making it neigh unwatchable.

The obnoxious-teenage-brat protagonist is such a tired and exhausted cliché it makes me want to throw something at my screen every time he appears.


The true test for the new canon will be next week, of course! :)


Ezra is by far my least favorite.

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That's nothing new...


Heh heh, you said force-force.

Ezra is by far my least favorite.


You see, Ezra is both my least and most favorite of the new series.


Least, because, well... Look at him. Everything about him is meant to be for kids. He hasn't really annoyed me to the point of screen destruction, save for that stupid little slingshot (WHAT ARE YOU??).

Best for a more complicated reason: he's a reminder of what the show could've been. For Revan's sake, the show is on Disney. It's not exactly meant to be dark and broody. To some, the expectation may be a cast full of Ezra's. To see this annoying twerp makes the rest of the crew of the Ghost look better, and I appreciate them more (I think Kanan is my favorite- He's a bad Jedi, but he's doing his best).

I'm enjoying the new comics a lot, especially the quality of the artwork (very hard to go back and look at the atrocities of the Old Republic-era comics after that :D )

I STILL have not read the new canon comics. They look pretty good, though... But the Old Republic comics have always looked very silly. You have to give credit to the illustrators, though. They were trying to make "an even longer time ago, in a galaxy actually closer to us at the time."

The true test for the new canon will be next week, of course! :)

I need to keep reminding myself that this is true! WOOOOOOOOTTT.

Edited by Anysao
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The Jedi had to let Ahsoka go. It was a huge embarrassment for them at the time; they had accused her of a murder and did not really make much of an attempt to side with her or even look into her claims, despite her protests. When it was clear she was innocent she had lost faith in them. She, still being very young, could see what the greybeards in the order could not, that something was wrong with it and it was rotting from within. And so she made the precocious and correct choice to walk away.


My guess is she will fall near the end of the series protecting the crew, Kanaan will die at some point as well, and Ezra will survive in obscurity, perhaps working from the background but giving up his Jedi path. I've had a few wild thoughts that maybe Kylo Ren = Ezra, having come out of carbon freeze or something, if only because of the similar complexion.

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She just quit the Jedi order? And they were cool with it?


The Jedi strike me as the kind who wouldn't let a force trained individual walk away, because they are just asking to go darkside. And if you think that it's not the Jedi way to stop somebody, remember they are dedicated to being passionless and making choices for the greater good. If one padawan has to die to prevent a potential Dark Jedi arising I don't see them balking. That's kind of the job that Jedi Shadows are trained for.


"If one padawan has to die to prevent.." That is "The ends justify the means." something the Jedi have always been against. Jedi have always in the lore let people that don't want to be part of the order to walk. You know what else causes people to fall? Forcing them to do something they don't want to do and aren't happy doing. That breeds resentment.


My guess is she will fall near the end of the series protecting the crew, Kanaan will die at some point as well, and Ezra will survive in obscurity, perhaps working from the background but giving up his Jedi path. I've had a few wild thoughts that maybe Kylo Ren = Ezra, having come out of carbon freeze or something, if only because of the similar complexion.


There's a problem with that. Kylo Ren has built an archaic poorly working lightsaber, is obsessed with Vader, and wants Anakin's old lightsaber. Ezra knows how to make a perfectly functional lightsaber. That alone makes it unlikely that he's Kylo Ren.

Edited by Rhyltran
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generally speaking, there is nothing to like.


For example just type ''Light Side of the Force'' or ''Dark Side of the Force'' or ''The Force'' or ''Moraband''(:mad:) or ''Bane'' or some other basic SW term, or anything honestly, in wookiepedia, and read the ''Canon'' section, not the ''Legends'' section.



It's apparent to me now that the real Star Wars is what is now considered ''Legends''. The Disney Canon is some kind of parallel universe in which Star Wars is a bare bones, streamlined and dumbed down crap.


The only good thing about it is that you get to see some SW stuff in a movie format. But the real Star Wars is the EU.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Years from now it's not really going to be canon as much as it is Lucus owned versus Disney owned. The Lucas owned was a Gary Gygax world with many alien species, spacecraft, hardware, and planets to immerse ourselves into. The Disney owned is just a gleaning over like Magic Kingdom theme ride , nothing more.


The don't want you to play in their sandbox. They want to turn the sandbox into a stage where they can do mickey mouse puppet shows decade after decade until they are no longer interesting to future generations who know nothing about the original trilogy.

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I have stopped reading SW material. I have all the books from the beginning up to the Force awakens.


What was canon is not canon now...what is soft canon is now hard canon..That is how it feels now...I don't do comics or cartoons very well.


with the torch being tossed over to Disney I will, most likely, watch from afar but not be the fan I used to be,.





much like Dungeons and Dragons and legend of the 5 Rings both sold out to other companies.

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I have stopped reading SW material. I have all the books from the beginning up to the Force awakens.


What was canon is not canon now...what is soft canon is now hard canon..That is how it feels now...I don't do comics or cartoons very well.


with the torch being tossed over to Disney I will, most likely, watch from afar but not be the fan I used to be,.





much like Dungeons and Dragons and legend of the 5 Rings both sold out to other companies.


I agree 100% with this guy

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