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Your characters in the Original Trilogy (AKA: the terrible fanfiction thread)


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Just for some silly fun: imagine if you will, your character(s) has somehow ended up in the time of the Original Trilogy, anywhere between 0 to 4 after the battle of Yavin in A New Hope. For simplicity's sake, let's also pretend they've got their ship, their gear, and default class companions along with general knowledge of the current state of Galactic Affairs.


How would they react to various OT characters? Who would they side with (if anyone)? And anything else you can think of.

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Let's say that KOFTE=JK storyline, for the fun of making it easier on me when I*m telling this.

PS: read on own risk; this will spoil both SWTOR and the new Star Wars movies for you, as it's all true and this rumor has a very trustworthy source.

Nox- Dies alongside most DC members in the defense of Kaas City; Becomes a Force ghost.

Close to the Original triology; A force-sensitive dark-sider user (without any alignments, but Sith-friendly) finds Nox's tomb; a great Sith Lord known as "the master of the dead"; Manipulates the young, rather weak force users into the ritual of force walk. However; Nox still has the 5 dead he bound once as his own ("then stay with me forever"- Nox to ghosts") can in theory be taken as "you're never free, not even when I die", and therefore Nox, with the power of his ghosts and his own, takes control over the young boy.

*blabla visits belsavis and the mother machine to fix his body,blabla*

Sees a war; decides that the best to do is to wait and see.

Emperor dies, blabla

Episode 7; "The force awakenes"

Supreme Leader Lord Kallig leads the First Order, built on his old principles. He leads it through the name "Snoke", as Snoke was the fool posessed and defeated by Lord Kallig.


And there, ladies and gentlemen, is why Lord Kallig, known as Darth Nox, Dark Lord of the Council, is the main-bad guy in the new Star Wars triology. Because he is, in fact, the Supreme leader of the First Order!!!


*The source may or may not be myself, we'll never know*

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Just for some silly fun: imagine if you will, your character(s) has somehow ended up in the time of the Original Trilogy, anywhere between 0 to 4 after the battle of Yavin in A New Hope. For simplicity's sake, let's also pretend they've got their ship, their gear, and default class companions along with general knowledge of the current state of Galactic Affairs.


How would they react to various OT characters? Who would they side with (if anyone)? And anything else you can think of.


Starting with the Trooper, because this one I really don't know. I suppose it really depends on how much outside knowledge he has of the current events. He may just see the Rebels the same way he saw the Separatists on Ord Mantel, and that didn't work out well for them. Especially knowing that there was a war against the Separatists not to long ago in this time line too, he may just see the Rebels as a splinter cell of that all over again, and decide to help put a stop to it. On the other hand, having worked with the Jedi before he may find it odd that they were all mostly executed and are being hunted down, thus he may realize the government is corrupt and needs to be stopped, especially if there are Sith and Inqisitors walking around now, since SW Rebels seems to be going that route, and that's canon as of now. Again really depends on what exactly he knows about the "current state of Galactic Affairs" cause that's still a very broad term, and there's a ton of things going on. It's very possible he could start out working for the Empire first, and then switch sides as he learns more about them. Or if he does know a lot about them from the start then he'd most likely assist the Rebels in any way he could.


BH : He would probably work for who ever pays the most. Hutts, or Empire or w/e.


Smuggler : Similar to the BH, make money where money can be made, let the other people sort their crap out. Just smuggling vs. you know bounty hunting.


JK : Since Disney now scrapped the EU and Palpatine's power level dropped considerably because of that, he'd probably walk in there and single handedly woop his punk ***, saving the Republic. Ok not really, Palp is still a powerful mofo, that even Yoda couldn't take on. But ya he'd probably help train Skywalker, and take the giant black ***** and the cripple down together.


JC : Similar to the Knight would help train Skywalker & maybe even his sister. She would be more likely to provide guidance and assistance to the Rebels than join a strait up fight against the Emperor like the JK but I imagine that she wouldn't hesitate to assist in that fight if she had too.


SW : I assume the Emperor's gift of immortality would not apply here, thus he'd have to be smart about it. I'd think he would help Skywalker and the Rebels destroy Vader and the Emperor, as soon as that was done he would stab Skywalker in the back, and begin to assume command of the Empire.


SI : On the one hand there's that over confidence provided by the force ghosts to just go in there and woop some ***. On the other hand there's that mentality of never do something that others could do for you. Would probably stay in the shadows playing both sides against each other. Than when the time is right, would attempt to take control of the Empire.


IA : I forgot about this one, but similar to the trooper I'm not sure exactly. She might start an organization of her own which focuses on gathering intelligence and work for the highest bidder. She might just do the same as the SI and play both sides against each other, while building up a base of operations of her own. Perhaps even manipulating the Hutts to get forced into this war to suit her needs in weakening the Empire, or the Resistance or both. There's honestly so many different avenues she could use I don't know with out putting a lot of thought into this.

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Smuggler: Beaten up by Han Solo for stealing his act.

JK: Beaten up by Luke (Ep6) for stealing his act.

JC: Beaten up by Obi-wan and/or Yoda for stealing their act.

Trooper: Inexplicably loses the ability to hit anything.


BH: Beaten up by Boba Fett for stealing his act

IA: Beaten up by Mara Jade for stealing her act.

SI: BFF with Palpatine

SW: BFF with Vader.



On a more serious note, interesting idea. I think the Force-users would break the setting (it's supposed to be just Vader and Luke active with the Emperor and Yoda/Obi-wan in their respective corners). The non-Force users on the other hand have more potential. What I'd envision them doing is sort of what I already headcanon them doing in their proper timeline.


The smuggler is basically a proto Talon Karrde, he's got his people and is more neutral and profit driven than Han Solo because he doesn't have the personal stake in the Rebellion that Han does (and if Risha is with him, even less since she's the opposite of Leia in that respect). That being said he still does the right thing in the end.


The Bounty Hunter is notBoba Fett.


The Imperial Agent is kinda like Mara Jade, except without the Force. My agent hates the Sith though so she wouldn't join Palpatine's Empire but would pretty much pounce on Thrawn's.


The trooper is... actually an unknown. I like the speculation by a previous user that they might join the Empire based on it technically being the rightful government and wanting to preserve order. If he doesn't know Palpatine's a Sith (he certainly doesn't dress like Sith from his time) it might even be plausible. Though Vader's a dead giveaway.

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Fun thread. :D


Sorc: Pretends to join Palpatine, but secretly organizes a resistance movement within the Empire to ursurp his power, realizing that the empire can never last if their cruelty isn't tempered. Becomes a rival to Vader, but obviously has vast reservoirs of ancient knowledge that even Sidious doesn't know about (yeah, I know, but seriously, a system where there are only ever two Sith means a a LOT of knowledge and techniques are going to get lost over the ages) and already has practical experience crippling cyborgs (though more likely he'd facilitate the reunion or father and son as a means of distracting Vader and increasing the schism between him and Sidious. .


Marauder: Estranged daughter of the Sorc. She'd likely support him, but only tangentially. She'd likely butt heads with the Empire if she didn't have the same freedom she had before. The minute Sidious senses her feelings for Vette all bets are off. He'd try and get Quinn to betray her, but he sacrifices himself so the rest can escape. She would likely cut a path through the Empire seeking asylum in the Rebellion (with help from the smuggler and BH secretly hired by her father), but never truly feeling at home or trusted by them.


Mercenary: First year would just be making all the other BHs in the galaxy realize why he's the winner of the Great Hunt. Boba would know better than to directly attack someone who could single-handedly take out entire republic capitol ships, but he wouldn't back down either. If they ever met Boba would probably do what everyone else wants to and punch Skadge into unconsciousness, earning a drink from my hunter and his respect. Having a good heart, and an old-fashioned Mandalorian sense of honor, he'd never really get along with most of the other hunters though.


Operative, long since done with being anyone's lapdog, would likely become an independent information broker with Kaliyo as his muscle. He doesn't like the empire, but isn't convinced the rebellion has a chance and would rather see it improved than torn down anyway. He's had too many bad dealings with Sith to completely trust the less homicidal option the sorc presents though.


Guardian would probably wander around and try to do good deeds until found by Luke or Vader. His real father is the sorcerer (who probably has more kids than Screaming Jay Hawkins), and actually does care for his son, so if Vader came after him he'd run interference from the shadows, preferring the boy be a strong Jedi than dead. He'd help his estranged sister when she flees the Empire, and becomes the pillar she relies on as she tries to find her new place in the universe. She helps him in turn realize he doesn't quite fit in the the Jedi any more than she does the Sith, and after the war they eventually part ways to find their own place in the galaxy.


Shadow would immediately join the rebel alliance and use her vast knowledge and experience not only as a diplomat, but reconnecting with races that have likely fallen out of contact in the millenia past, like the Voss. She'd bring a lot to the table as a unifier and ambassador, swaying planets into quietly resisting the Empire, and likely also assist Luke in his teachings and in finding other Jedi in hiding. Lt Iresso takes charge of her team and becomes the answer to Vader's inquisitors, surgically extracting force-potentials, and if necessary, assassinating the inquisitors that try to stop them (she's usually lawful good, but not above reaching into Zenith's bag of dirty tricks or letting Qyzen cleave enemies to pieces when innocent lives are at stake).


Smuggler would settle into the same role she had in the republic, as a privateer for the alliance. Her side-job would be helping Bowdar free his people from Imperial oppression and rescuing wookies that have been unjustly jailed, as well as helping Risha find out what happened to her people. I see her helping out Hera and Kanan (from Rebels) from time to time (though not always for free).


Seeing the evil of the empire, the Major would quickly join the rebellion and lead Havoc Squad to many notable victories. She'd realize quickly though that she can do far more good training the rebellion and giving their soldiers the benefit of her vast military experience though, and turns over command of the squad to Jorgan while she becomes one of the rebellion's most valuable instructors.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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For my current line up which are generally related in some way (whether birth or adoption) except for the Trooper (when I make a new one will likely become part of the family in some way). Them basically being royalty from a water planet (mostly water) taken over by space pirates generations ago, who's planet was destroyed by the Empire...so not a lot of love for the Empire even on the Empire side characters. :p


Warrior, assuming Theron made it through the frozen carbonite centuries nap, would likely join the Rebel side, but be more of a rogue agent. She doesn't want to be controlled and she's not looking to develop a personal power base, so in the end, she'd be nothing but a thorn in the Empire's side unless she was pointed at specific targets that would hurt the Empire, even if she stayed a pretty lone individual.


Inquisitor, she was always looking to turn the Empire around (or just escape it) she was a slave after all. Thinking the Empire is great as is, just doesn't make sense when one was a slave in it :p Likely discovered her immortality, or rather, her agelessness. With no more powerbase, she'd be much like the Warrior, a thorn in the side, but likely more willing to work with the Rebel Alliance.


Agent, well she just hates Sith plain and simple and here's a lack of Force users around, with the Empire now controlled by two of them. She'd join the Rebels (she did become a SiS agent after all), but in the end likely die at Vader's hands.


Hunter, no love for either side, so she'd likely be the double dealer. She couldn't be out bought during the job, but whoever bought her first would have her services for as long as the job is, which might mean one side keeps her in plenty of jobs, to avoid the thorn in their side.


Knight would go up against Vader and never give Luke a chance to obtain his destiny! Such is the fate of this Knight making it to that era.


Consular would likely change the course of events as well.


Should be noted, neither Knight or Inquisitor would reinstate the Council as it was as both are of the thought that the Jedi can be a bit to rigid.


Trooper would join the Rebels and then do every dirty tactic and sacrifice as many innocent lives (if she wasn't friends with them/didn't know them) as it took to get the win. She'd grab the planet destroyers and use them on the enemy. She has no desire to lead nations, but she's willing to go to great lengths to take out the evil enemy (not seeing that it makes her evil as well). So, she didn't do the sell weapons on the side for personal gain, like Vik, but she'd have taken Moff Tarkin's or any other Moff's loved ones, threatened to kill them if they didn't stand down, and when they did stand down, kill them anyways to send the message of don't mess with her or the Republic. :p


Smuggler would be the combination hero and rogue that she is. A time for profit, a time for doing the right thing and if she's lucky a time when both can be done at once.


Though, while anti Empire, and generally LS (except for the Trooper) none of them are purely LS. :p

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