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New Pack - No Nexu Companion


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After 400 packs later, I have everything and still no Nexu Companion, is it bugged or missed or so damn rare it's worth 500$ USD?


400? :eek: I think it would have been more efficient to just sell a couple of hypercrates and buy the Nexu off the GTN.

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Probably just REALLY bad luck.


However, this brings us to a point I tried to make in a post 2 packs ago. Why are GENERIC combat companions being dumped into boxes as ultra ultra ULTRA rare items? Wouldn't it make more sense to build a new section of the Cartel Market, and add a new generic companion up ever few weeks (there is a list floating around the forums about a mile long with requested generic companions) and make it a steady stream income item?


I can't imagine right now that the time invested by the developers on this is being covered by the 1 or 2 people per server who are rich enough to actually chase these companions down, and being GENERIC companions, they certainly don't entice people to try for them when the chance of getting it is like 0.00001%.


Just another head-scratcher move by the marketing "gurus" at Bioware...

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As other have said who got it I'm sure it like all companion rare, but I don't think it's anymore rare then other companions. I guess you just got really unlucky but that how these things work. One person can buy a pack and get it, the next buy a 400 still not get it.


As other said you should just sell the pack and buy the thing you want. You'll probably make enough off the items you don't want to still buy it.

Edited by SithEmpress
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Wow that is some gosh darn bad luck, as others have suggested if you really want something it's best to get it from the GTN.


Just wanted to add that these companion seem to be insanely rare. I wanted to grab the probe droid companion but the cheapest I could find on the GTN was 10.5mil and there were only four on there, I would love to have it but not for 10 mil, I'm waiting for it to come down a little (I hope).

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After 400 packs later, I have everything and still no Nexu Companion, is it bugged or missed or so damn rare it's worth 500$ USD?


Good gracious, not sure what to say other than thanks for supporting this game we all enjoy. Wish you had gotten your companion.

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However, this brings us to a point I tried to make in a post 2 packs ago. Why are GENERIC combat companions being dumped into boxes as ultra ultra ULTRA rare items?



the person who just spent 500 dollars on packs hoping for one is the answer to your question

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Bought some underworld crates on the GTN. Opened up 81, I think, and sold 9 closed. No Akk dog.


Bought some force crates, around the same number, ended up with four or five probe droids.


Haven't played in a couple of days. Future uncertain for me and the game. Nexu not as appealing as the Akk dog to me. Probe droid wasn't either, for that matter, especially after I discovered that I could not send these companions (at least not the probe droid) on missions.


I have 5 class companions and the ship droid.

I am close to getting HK-47.

I went ahead and added the probe droid.

When (if) I start KFE I then get however many more companions?


Hard to get excited about adding new companions, especially ones that won't even run missions, when I have all the companions I will ever need already with a lot more to come.

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I bought two 30-pack crates. I got:

* Minas Wasp (B-29 cockpit) speeder with a folding-wings flourish.

* Moonlight Vrake mount

* Jungle Gundark mount

* Czerka Z-3B speeder

* Dasta Colossus speeder

* Hyrotti YH-55 speeder

* Meirm Dart Frog speeder

* MSM JT-9 Jetpack

* Two different boxes of Darth Malgus armour (but of course there are three boxes, and I'm missing the trousers)

* Lots and lots of missile rack decorations

* Numerous other decorations

* Two mystery decorations that the game doesn't know how many of them I have

* More Farmhand (blue) crystals than I know what to do with, all on the wrong character for 36 hours

* A bunch of incomplete sets of non-Malgus armour boxes

* Many, many companion gifts - Lana was able to eat half a dozen purple tongues, but other Lana-compatible ones seemed in short supply

* A couple of full stacks of green Jawa junk

* Most of a stack of blue Jawa junk

* A dozen or so pieces of purple Jawa junk

* Four different kinds of Zakuulan Exile guns

* One statue of Jace Malcolm



So this time around, in two crates, I got *all* the mounts and speeders including some duplicates, all the weapons, at least some parts of all the armour sets, most if not all of the decorations, including the one that's likely to be in short supply and long demand, and the true prize, the Nexu companion. Of course I went straight to Fleet and turned in the ticket with the trainer. No way in lleh was I going to sell *that*.


I haven't been in combat with it, because I was showing off on Fleet, but I also spent long enough feeding it tents, camping supplies, and other military gear that I had lying around that it is now rank 5 influence.

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I'd say bad luck and you have a gambling problem if you spent so much.


I got a Nexu on my third box opened out of the two hypercrates I purchased. I only got the one, but that means it had at least a 1 in 60 chance (or 1 in 120 given that you get two major items in each pack now).

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To the OP. There are certainly loot windows at play when opening cartel packs. It's not noticeable to people who just open a few here and there, but it very noticeable for people who regularly open crates/multicrates.


These loot windows seem to be about every 5-10 minutes while opening. If you are opening packs quickly you will notice a lot of immediate duplicates dropping in the process. This can both hinder or help you. If you open in rapid succession during the loot window you will get more of the high end stuff. If you open quickly during the down cycle you will get a bunch of copies of the same junk, and you will just be wasting packs.


Some other things to note when opening crates. If you leave each unique item in your inventory during the process, the game will try and cycle through the whole set so that you wind up with complete sets. This is really obvious with decorations and armors. If you get a rare item (s) throw it in your bank real quick and open another pack. The game tries to pick up where it left off in the cycle and usually sees that you don't have that rare piece, so it gives it to you as again. I've made a mint using that technique, and once you notice it in action, then your pack openings will be much more enjoyable.


Oh and there does appear to be a drop bias on the item type based on the class you are opening them with. ie sabers and crystals and jedi type armors drop more on force using classes, and guns and armors more on gun profession characters etc. The game will still try and cycle like I mentioned above but majority of the junk will be geared to the profession you are on.

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I'd say bad luck and you have a gambling problem if you spent so much.


I got a Nexu on my third box opened out of the two hypercrates I purchased. I only got the one, but that means it had at least a 1 in 60 chance (or 1 in 120 given that you get two major items in each pack now).

By that reasoning, if I buy one pack and get item X in that pack, then item X has a 100% chance (1 in 1) of being received.


No, you'd have to open many, many more than just 60 packs (2 hypercrates) to establish a good value for the probability distribution by item. And by "many many more" I mean thousands.


Thousands of hypercrates, that is.


And even then, you won't be 100% certain of the values you get. Only by accessing the internals of what's happening on the servers can you do that.

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Oh and there does appear to be a drop bias on the item type based on the class you are opening them with. ie sabers and crystals and jedi type armors drop more on force using classes, and guns and armors more on gun profession characters etc. The game will still try and cycle like I mentioned above but majority of the junk will be geared to the profession you are on.

Ah, OK. That explains why I got so many crystals last night.


Oh, wait.


I was opening on a trooper.


Nice troll. Would read again.

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