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Premades on Tuesday evening


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Bottom line, I enjoy playing with my friends. Don't be so intimidated by the guild tag being there


If you pulled against 7 to 8 from a Guild You Know Which on Your Server, that runs 2 snipers, a guard tank, a sorc healer, two maras and 2 stealth, on Tuesday, that just might give you a pause. I am sure the comp will change, but well. You get the picture. They will have a node denial team, the node steal team, and the Powered by Predation Death by Burst Squad.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Actually it is so much more preferable when you can simply call out in your voice chat, "Hey i got 2 inc" instead of typing and hoping some one is paying attention. Odds are you dont know these people or there awareness.


Oh and lets not forget that there is no matchmaking at all so you can get into a imp vs imp warzone with 5 healers on one side and 0 on the other. Even if you premade thats entirely on Bioware. They have a way to tell what spec you are when you queue, there really is no excuse for it.


Had an unranked Arena pop. Imp vs Imp last night with 3 healers and me on one side, and 2 healers a tank and DPS on the other. ***


Grping up ensures you are playing with people you like. God forbid you take on challenging oppenets with friends...what is this, an MMO? Oh wait.


Sometimes the people who queue up are *** hats. Sometimes they are ******es. Grping up ensures you are playing with people you like, even if you arent that great. You win some, you lose some. Do you stop queueing with your grp of friends if you lose a match? Hell no! I still have fun and its enjoyable, lets do it again!

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I find it interesting enough that people will come qq about premades on the forums (basically telling everyone how they feel) but they won't group up and form their own "premade"; be it with friends or guildies...


Idk what it is..I just have a hard time figuring this out.


I agree.

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If you pulled against 7 to 8 from a Guild You Know Which on Your Server, that runs 2 snipers, a guard tank, a sorc healer, two maras and 2 stealth, on Tuesday, that just might give you a pause. I am sure the comp will change, but well. You get the picture. They will have a node denial team, the node steal team, and the Powered by Predation Death by Burst Squad.


Yes Domi, I understand your point. I have also been in a fair amount of those matches myself and they can be unpleasant whilst grouped with the average pug. But those sorts of premades are far more the exception than the norm. Would you really want to deny the rest of the folks, who are far below the skill level of those you mentioned shrekking regs (likely with their ranked teams), the ability to queue WZs with their friends because of a few poor matches?


I completely understand the frustration here, however, lobbying for people to be completely unable to roll premades is not the answer. Some sort of matchmaking I think would be a much better solution (which is likely to never occur).


Edit: Even IF BW were to remove the ability to queue grouped, folks would still queue sync (I would). So, there likely wouldn't be much of a difference anyways.

Edited by EAbovee
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I agree.


I also agree. Its funny, i dont see people complaining in WoW forums about premades or other games. Stop this complaining about premades. I left the game for over a year. Came back all my friends were gone. So did qq about premades in forums when i solo qued? No. I solo qued, asked people in the wz the best pvp guilds were. Found one I liked. They extended an invite, I joined. Now im in a PvP guild and have readily people that want to PvP and will group with me, regardless of spec or class. This entire process took less than an hour.


If you put as much effort in finding people to PvP with as you do writing a forum post about how you hate people who have in game friends, then you might not need to make that post.

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You have little to no control over what other people do, but almost complete control over your own actions. Playing in a like-minded group is clearly beneficial and advantageous no matter the player level involved. It is also more interesting because it involves all the extra strategic and combination drills. Seriously, if there is one thing I regret of not doing in PvP, it's playing in bigger groups. Yes, even on my 'just out of the swaddling clothes' level.


I cannot comprehend the denial of the obvious. And I never understood why those who can don't group up?


Your logic is 100% sound but for people like me who do not have a normal schedule and who just likes to play when I get a chance, putting together a premade of people I know and am familiar with can be difficult.


I would never want to find a way to punish people who want to try to play together because this is a social game after all being as it is an MMO but it can be frustrating.


What I like to do when I am clearly running with Newbs is I take the time to discuss a strategy and little things like "Run more orbs to the pylon" which are simple concepts that less experienced players can understand and sometimes we are able to edge out a win.


I also make it a point to place myself where I am needed most with the type of class that pugs are lacking. IF we lack heals, I hop on my Sorc, of we lack DPS, I hop on my...well my other Sorc, ha! If we need more damage mitigation, I hop on my Assassin.


Yes, experienced premades have a large advantage but coordination from pugs who are willing to listen to each other and carry out a plan can be just as effective.

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If this game turns into one where only premades ( that are willing to play against other premades) are expected to have a fair chance of winning at all (and it is getting there nowadays moreso than even one year ago on many servers) then pvp is going to flatline. Already q times have gone up a lot in more than one bracket on TEH at least and it's not the gear grind chasing people away.
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I'm one of the few people I know who has spent a LOT of hours solo-queing and also grouping for pvp matches. Most people either do one or the other.


In my experience, I am vastly more likely to end up against a pre-made if I'm in one myself. Also, when I solo-que and there's a premade on my team, there is usually a premade on the other side too. So I think there is some attempt to match premades against each other.


There are some weird quirks if you only que with 3 people instead of 4, though.


I think solo-queing can warp your perception because (esp on Tuesday and Wednesday) you get tossed into so many in-progress hopeless losing matches. But that is just because so many people have already quit those matches.


I mean, I've had nights solo-queing where I never got through a single match, start-to-end, with all the same players we started with.

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All I ever want is balance. I have been saying that for years, and it's clearly never going to happen in this game. I want to be challenged, to get some adrenaline pumping, to win a close match against someone slightly above or below me. A capable premade on only one side does not fulfill this criteria, and that is partly why I stay clear of them myself.


If this game was riddled with try-hard premades, then yes I would be forced to find my own premade or guild. But then it wouldn't be a problem anymore, as both sides would have good premades, and the matches would be somewhat balanced. But that is not status quo. Most games are just random players of various level of competence and thus I stay clear of premades. I find it just as boring to stomp someone as I do being stomped. I have quit several games when it was clear that we were stomping them. It's just utterly pointless. And for the record, this is my take on premades.



I don't want to run with the same people an entire evening, let alone the same guild members month after month. I get that this is how a good team is formed - people getting to know each other intuitively - but It sounds very boring to me. I change classes far to often for that to be practical.


But this discussion is dreadfully idiotic and will lead us nowhere. We have been down this rabbit hole so many times now, and it's clear that people have a near religious stance on either side.

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Yes Domi, I understand your point. I have also been in a fair amount of those matches myself and they can be unpleasant whilst grouped with the average pug. But those sorts of premades are far more the exception than the norm. Would you really want to deny the rest of the folks, who are far below the skill level of those you mentioned shrekking regs (likely with their ranked teams), the ability to queue WZs with their friends because of a few poor matches?


I was simply belaboring the point. Nobody ever complained about friends grouping up. What people complain about if facing an overwhelming force. Frankly, the 'premade' is simply a euphemism for the overwhelming opposition, because I doubt the folks that are complaining really do care if that 8M was put together by intelligent design or by a mischievous chance.


Your logic is 100% sound but for people like me who do not have a normal schedule and who just likes to play when I get a chance, putting together a premade of people I know and am familiar with can be difficult.


You do not need to explain this to me, I live in MST time zone, and I do start work early, so by the time folks start to PvP the little figures on the screen start to blurr together for me. I also try to play consistently with a few folks, but the problem is one of them is EST, one is PST, one is from Germany and one was APAC. In over my year and a half, I ran in a full group of 4 on maybe 4 or 5 different occasions.


That's why I said 'those who can', both by skill and by consistency of playtime.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I've seen just as many dumb plays from members of premades as solo players.


My favorite premade fail was a Huttball match where I'm trailing our ball carrier (who is one of the premade guys) as he makes his way towards the goal. Inexplicably he stops in front of the goal line and throws the ball into nowhere and resets it (there was no one around him. AT ALL :confused: )

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