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Premades on Tuesday evening


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just spent another tuesday evening full of boring premades ensuring totally one sided games left right and centre and i want to ask WHY ARE PREMADES NOT BEING MATCHED AGAINST EACH OTHER MORE?


i just played 3 games against 3 premades different ones...WHY do they seem to keep avoiding each other....THIS I FIND A BIT INTERESTING and boring as pvp only comes to life when a game goes down to the wire.


They DO NOT want to play with friends they WANT easy wins...DO NOT FOOL YOURSELF

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I find it interesting enough that people will come qq about premades on the forums (basically telling everyone how they feel) but they won't group up and form their own "premade"; be it with friends or guildies...


Idk what it is..I just have a hard time figuring this out.

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It's called the Faceroll Tuesday for a reason :)


Of course people group up to clear their Weeklies and keep running till they do. It's what MMO revolves around. If you play at predictable times, and can meet the performance benchmarks, try joining a group. Otherwise, just wait till Thursday-Friday to start playing, or take the facerolls and demos of what can be done. (Shrug) BioWARE is not going to change things.

Edited by DomiSotto
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just spent another tuesday evening full of boring premades ensuring totally one sided games left right and centre and i want to ask WHY ARE PREMADES NOT BEING MATCHED AGAINST EACH OTHER MORE?


i just played 3 games against 3 premades different ones...WHY do they seem to keep avoiding each other....THIS I FIND A BIT INTERESTING and boring as pvp only comes to life when a game goes down to the wire.


They DO NOT want to play with friends they WANT easy wins...DO NOT FOOL YOURSELF


It's also a matter of ppl queuing to avoid being in the same teams as a bunch of bads/newbies/pve-ers/etc. Easy solution is to either:

  • Reset valor at the start of each season and use it as a pairing tool. (Right now, it is probably the most useless stat still present in the character user pane, yet it could be the most useful for pvp purposes.) OR
  • Get rid of the split between ranked and unranked and actually have rankings relate to all pvp play.


Either method above could be used to lump all the premades, cheaters, exploiters, macro-users, and "good players" into the same warzones so that they could beat each other up. And the rest of us could actually enjoy warzones in peace.

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I find it interesting enough that people will come qq about premades on the forums (basically telling everyone how they feel) but they won't group up and form their own "premade"; be it with friends or guildies...


Idk what it is..I just have a hard time figuring this out.


A lot of competitive types don't find playing with an inherent advantage to be all that fun or interesting.

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A lot of competitive types don't find playing with an inherent advantage to be all that fun or interesting.


my experience suggests just the opposite: they have a low tolerance for anyone less skilled than them and will always try to fill as many slots as possible with the best players.


that's based on what I know of good players, not "experience" running around in WZ. you just don't see a lot of the good players going it solo very often. meaning I know good players who will run down the list of online players and /invite until they get a grp. and then there's the predominately pvp guilds who you'll rarely ever see alone. that's not friends playin' with friends. it's (mostly) increasing your odds of a good team and/or avoiding the next paragraph...


of course, you see a lot more 2nd and 3rd tier premades. and then there's the 25th tier premades who you wish would solo so as to water down their high degree of suck to both teams. but they're not maliciously bad. it's just a quirk of the mixed queue system.


but w/e. cry about this all you want from either angle. that's all you're doing is having a good cry. nothing will change. BW won't even comment on it. not even to give their "official opinion" on the matter. they know they'll get blow back either way, and lose more angry customers in a huff than what they're slowly bleeding out now. best to stick with the slow bleed and try to nurse ppl back with "story mode" in an MMORPG. heh.

Edited by foxmob
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Because they totally chose not to get queued with/against each other. It definitely isn't because the queue system is random with no matchmaking whatsoever.


Seriously. If there were so many, why arent they facing each other.


Although; sometimes I think they do and I just get the worst ones. What was the one? Brazil Force or something?

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I find it interesting enough that people will come qq about premades on the forums (basically telling everyone how they feel) but they won't group up and form their own "premade"; be it with friends or guildies...


Idk what it is..I just have a hard time figuring this out.


Some people just need something to blame. I solo queue for the most part. I have never been on a ranked geared, FOTM, voice chat premade. And yet I have no problem with them. Most people grouping up are not that make up. It's mainly a couple of friends who like to play together no matter the class, gear level, voice chat or no.


I have been on pug teams that absolutely destroy premades. I have also been on teams where the other half is a premade and guess which ones were the least effective....the premade.


There are slight advantages to premades, but nothing that practice can't overcome. If you are being absolutely destroyed by every premade you meet then it is obviously a learn to play issue. If people would spend less time blaming imaginary problems and QQ'ing, the they might actually learn to play. But of course that would make too much sense and we can't have that in this game....

Edited by Saikochoro
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my experience suggests just the opposite: they have a low tolerance for anyone less skilled than them and will always try to fill as many slots as possible with the best players.


that's based on what I know of good players, not "experience" running around in WZ. you just don't see a lot of the good players going it solo very often. meaning I know good players who will run down the list of online players and /invite until they get a grp. and then there's the predominately pvp guilds who you'll rarely ever see alone. that's not friends playin' with friends. it's (mostly) increasing your odds of a good team and/or avoiding the next paragraph...


of course, you see a lot more 2nd and 3rd tier premades. and then there's the 25th tier premades who you wish would solo so as to water down their high degree of suck to both teams. but they're not maliciously bad. it's just a quirk of the mixed queue system.


but w/e. cry about this all you want from either angle. that's all you're doing is having a good cry. nothing will change. BW won't even comment on it. not even to give their "official opinion" on the matter. they know they'll get blow back either way, and lose more angry customers in a huff than what they're slowly bleeding out now. best to stick with the slow bleed and try to nurse ppl back with "story mode" in an MMORPG. heh.



They could offer ranked 8vs8 again and then announce ranked for team unranked for random and a number of new wz's.....then they'd be heroes.


MORE COMPETITIVE WZ's is whats being asked for to faceroll win or lose is just naff and for the points is just not enough its boring so you come on here to point out whats wrong hope the community agree and maybe they'll agree and do something about it to make the game continually better for everyone.

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Tuesday evening premades indeed. Ran into several republic premades last night and called them out on it. But it's cool, as I am now adopting a new strategy. Whenever a premade enters rotation, I will switch sides to get on their team and deliberately do my damndest to throw the match :D


Like being a node guard and allowing the other side to cap.

Or carrying the ball in the wrong direction, and actively trying to pass it to the other team.

Oh oh and pulling a team mate that is just about to cap!


This should be fun :D

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How dare teams in the NFL and Premier league all field pre-made teams that have all trained together?


Forget teams, such as the Patriots and Leicester city.....


It should be the first 22 players that turn up at the football ground. - Spectators, kids, people wearing the wrong shirt, people from dating websites looking to re-kindle an old flame.....


I accept that a scratch team can excel, but PvP is a team game. If you queue solo, expect to get 7 idiots......... who also got 7 idiots on their side.

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actually great analogy.the nfl ala swtor forum trolls, (half the teams are professional nfl players, they've been grouped for years, they know each others moves, they've practiced all is good. Now its playoffs so how do we decide the best professional team?..easy go to the local elementary pressgang about 60 grade 6 students, roll some dice to decide their teams and then watch them take on the New York giants, OMG they lost!...yup nothing says superior sportsmanship like stacking the competition with automatic failure.) PS. those whiny grade 6's...Learn to Play!
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I find these threads kind of weird in an MMO forum.


It's pretty easy OP. If you don't have guildies or usual queue buddies ask some people if they want to queue. Put some on your friends list. Then you too can help minimize the number of muppets that will be on your team just like other premades that aren't awful do.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I find these threads kind of weird in an MMO forum.


It's pretty easy OP. If you don't have guildies or usual queue buddies ask some people if they want to queue. Put some on your friends list. Then you too can help minimize the number of muppets that will be on your team just like other premades that aren't awful do.


Or people could just stop trying to get an insane advantage in a PUG queue...

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You have little to no control over what other people do, but almost complete control over your own actions. Playing in a like-minded group is clearly beneficial and advantageous no matter the player level involved. It is also more interesting because it involves all the extra strategic and combination drills. Seriously, if there is one thing I regret of not doing in PvP, it's playing in bigger groups. Yes, even on my 'just out of the swaddling clothes' level.


I cannot comprehend the denial of the obvious. And I never understood why those who can don't group up?

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Or people could just stop trying to get an insane advantage in a PUG queue...


Sure some do, and the few that put together tight comps full-time in regs so they can spew memes in chat instead of queuing 4s on a populated server deserve to be pointed and laughed at. Others get an advantage from grouping but not because they care. Some just want to play with people they're familiar with. Many groups that queue suck.


Anyway, the queue is for solo or group. Saying otherwise is bogus.

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Who's to say the premades are all that good? I am in a predominantly PvE guild (because I like clearing HM PvE content as well) but we do venture into the PvP foray with groups of four on occasion. However, some of my own guildies that I'm running with aren't all too fantastic yet because they are still learning the ropes. Which goes back to my question, who is to say premades are always that good?


Bottom line, I enjoy playing with my friends. Don't be so intimidated by the guild tag being there. ;)

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