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Everything posted by -HP-

  1. I'll sign up. Yoola / Scoundrel / Scrapper / Republic
  2. Bump for what is actually a really cool idea for a skill. Actually laying down smokescreens in general would be cool for opening and shifting as a group.
  3. ... but also trolling premades who think the fact they can call targets over voice comms makes them the greatest players in the world somehow. Actually that has less to do with DPS and more to do with peeling...
  4. Yoola Scoundrel Arena 3 solo kills 2 healer solo kills and a partridge in a pear tree http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/353897557284252046/839D2EC5EE2586D56590B5618EB7B80C019A5EDD/ Plus the video for good measure: http://www.twitch.tv/hp__/v/35358701
  5. Thonh Commando Warzone 5th biggest hit: 26764 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/353897557283821530/A33E88562D649FF99E6356E326D1CDF88C49213E/
  6. Solo ranked should be 8s, it's a much bigger player pool these days and it would be tremendous fun to play 8v8 without having to deal with premades focus firing pugs.
  7. -HP-

    Best 1v1 Class?

    Conc op for 1v1, 2v2, 1v2, 1v3, 1v8, etc.
  8. Premades in a pug will never be impressive. If you want to know who the best guilds are in ranked though, this should help: http://www.swtor.com/lb/data?page=1&column=pvp_ranked_group&shard=the-harbinger&season=6
  9. Yoola Scoundrel Arena 982397 Total Damage and 2932.53 DPS http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/353896369582592443/788583DF17C457D304C93B7CF618C4BF6B541645/
  10. Yoola Scoundrel Arena 905,197 total damage and 0 kills http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389923815255250649/61FD4F33D90BD82B8492E4BB3D9C9B2E390DD250/
  11. Yoola Scoundrel Arena 759,738 total damage http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389923815251850137/B40A867175C3ADCE9CDF87B1DC972CF24DF4677D/ and Yoola Scoundrel Arena 704,516 total damage http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389923815251850059/73C0F4DC11A982A2821D00BC3E2B762607F4B8B0/
  12. Yoola Scoundrel Arena 490,003 total damage http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389923270503499438/0B7D3878241C96126BFE8D862BDE6AAB6AF98F3D/ (somebody had to start it)
  13. A lot of competitive types don't find playing with an inherent advantage to be all that fun or interesting.
  14. Pubs have a reputation for being hopeless in PvP. And while it's a reputation that is mostly deserved, having transferred to Harb from Jedi Covenant about a month ago I can tell you it's not all that bad here. In fact, I've been on some long win streaks while solo queuing the past few nights, streaks that would have been utterly impossible on JC, and during those streaks there are some names I'm starting to notice show up a lot. So thank you to the following Pubs for bucking the trend and refusing to switch to the easy mode faction: Riggs Dyknow Aykon Bell'cranel Dr-Meds Assume Rochelle'rochel Seeing any of your names in a WZ always makes me feel like we've got a shot.
  15. Serious question: what is the point of queuing ranked in preseason? There aren't any rewards right? The queues are way longer and there's less variety, I don't really see the point?
  16. The best PvP guardian on the server is Aykon and it isn't close.
  17. Yoola Scoundrel Arena 3 Solo Kills http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389922548156720846/5F6F7E262F0D75E34E58CC91E83B7B3C1797D59A/
  18. Yoola Scoundrel Arena 2786.84 DPS http://i.imgur.com/FrVuM0t.jpg Yoola Scoundrel Arena 2 solo kills http://i.imgur.com/yNcu9ss.jpg
  19. Yoola Scoundrel Biggest Hit: 20760 Warzone http://i.imgur.com/nNdcxwr.jpg And I feel like a warzone with 0 team deaths should be listed in here somewhere: http://i.imgur.com/tr0q0ev.jpg
  20. Yoola Scoundrel 2778.85 DPS Arena http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389921374360689696/6C637469AD4705C0415CDDB77C45EBE2743509FA/
  21. Gametype: Warzones Name: Yoola Class: Scoundrel Category: Overall Damage - 2545723 Category: DPS - 2800.58 Link: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/391046545673927505/6DDFF887601A485EA571855310734D2E947CC155/ Gametype: Arena Name: Yoola Class: Scoundrel Category: Overall Damage - 836662 Category: DPS - 2527.68 Link: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/391046545673927605/E0526CB46DE5DECE6634AE18FC24F985E9F58606/
  22. Type: Arena Name: Yoola Category: Most glorious victory Class: Scoundrel Link: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/391046545654760688/657877F10F3815B5F04ED1AC7C0C5A5BA4977E56/
  23. My subscription ends tomorrow so tonight I'm marathoning warzones in an attempt to hit 500 kills. Anyone out there who is wondering about the PvP effectiveness of fully geared DPS (Scrapper) Scoundrels might want to check it out. It'll be live and uncut so you'll see all the pros and cons of the class. I'm sure I'll run into geared and undergeared opponents, premades and pugs, so it should give you a pretty good idea of how the class plays in general. Anyway if you want to check it out the stream URL is http://www.twitch.tv/hp__ and if you miss it and want to check it out later it'll be under http://www.twitch.tv/hp__/videos with the title "My 500 Kill Farewell to SWTOR". Farewell and good ganking to all my Scoundrel DPS brothers and sisters out there.
  24. This is so brilliant I can't even adequately express it. You win this thread sir. Because after I started shooting that first Mercenary that walked by and saw the blaster bolts coming out of the tree I and the people watching my stream at the time pretty much all started laughing uncontrollably. And we were going to win anyway. /tree
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