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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gunnery is better


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Dot tabbing was never viable.


Assault sucks because a large amount of damage was stripped out of the spec tree so it has a complex rotation and no damage advantage vs gunnery.




Assault/IO was never about the dot tabbing. It actually had higher single target damage than gunnery/arsenal in 3.x but wasn't as good for hardswaps - a tradeoff. Now gunnery doesn't really have a DPS disadvantage, bursts very well on fresh targets and has an easier rotation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I read your posts and it looks like doing a tons of damage is the only thing that matters on a PvP match... I play a AS Commando and wouldn't change it for Gunnery to play on PvP for nothing.


Gunnery is far less mobile in PvP, even with alacrity, i can make stealthers visible all the time with AS... AS creates a lot of Havoc, maybe you can't give that punch, but you sure can control and evade much more.


You can play Gunnery and do more overall damage in PvP? Yes and no... Saying it's better? I don't agree at all.

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Straight, single target burst is better than dot tabbing




DPS burst damage is great WHEN you can actually see your target...


Maybe we should get rid of all those noob DOT players (and why not get rid of all DOT specs) that try to keep stealthers visible using DOT Damage for you GODLIKE burst damage players to hit...


BURST DAMAGE ISN'T EVERYTHING, PvP is becoming the same not only because of development, but because everyone plays the same way... No one thinks outside of the box. I'm killing AP PT's/T VG's easilly, i'm not being killed by Sin's/Shadows that easy (being able to even kill them when they can actually get near me), wait!... I'm also being able to make Sorcs/Sages so concerned trying to keep alive that they loose focus on healing teammates, all this with my weak, puny and worst of the worst class and spec to play... The AS Commando.


Well, i guess i'm just lucky...

Edited by pjaogg
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I started out using Gunnery, but switched to Assault, and then to Medic. Why the change? Because in Gunnery, I was constantly covered by giant yellow swirlies and other egregious particle effects. What ever happened to making the effects look somewhat realistic? In Assault, I was saddled with constant giggling in combat, which is what made me delete the Operative I'd been playing since beta. I should be deciding if and when my character is going to giggle, the game shouldn't be doing it for me.


That leaves being a medic. It's not terrible, I do usually play healers in most games I play. The problem with this is threefold.


One, as a healer, I'm relegated to being a healbot. Even the toughest tanks I've seen require more or less continuous healing, and if I stop to do anything else, people get killed.


Two, energy costs on my attacks are so high that I'm essentially forced to use only my basic attack, or I'll be out of power in seconds and unable to heal or do much of anything else.


Three, I'm astonishingly squishy, despite the heavy armour. That means I have to use my healing to survive, and that means I can't use my attacks because of the power costs. In turn, that means my dps is incredibly poor.


The end result of all this is that I just don't play my Commando anymore. It's a crying shame.

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I started out using Gunnery, but switched to Assault, and then to Medic. Why the change? Because in Gunnery, I was constantly covered by giant yellow swirlies and other egregious particle effects. What ever happened to making the effects look somewhat realistic?

its star wars.

its game.

its not realistic?

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its star wars.

its game.

its not realistic?


People always say this, and they're missing the point entirely.


Tell me any time in the films when we saw giant yellow swirls around any of the characters? The setting is realistic because it behaves in a realistic way. You could transpose the entire thing into World War 2 with no real changes and it would work just the same.

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Dot tabbing was never viable.


Assault sucks because a large amount of damage was stripped out of the spec tree so it has a complex rotation and no damage advantage vs gunnery.


I feel like Arsenal / Gunnery is MORE FUN, not necessarily better. And yeah, post 4,0 AP / IO is just sad. You've to put so much effort only for average results. Hell, after so much work put into setting your opponent up etc, you get maybe slightly better dps than Arsenal. Which is lol seeing how Arsenal has got to be one of the easiest "rotations"(I am not even sure if it qualifies for one) in the game.


I feel like pre 4,0 AP / IO was fair seeing how difficult / strict / intensive it is(especially when compared to Gunnery / Arsenal). Loads of work = loads of rewards. Especially when not.../fml /smh :rolleyes::o

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  • 2 weeks later...
I feel like Arsenal / Gunnery is MORE FUN. Post 4,0 AP / IO is just sad. You've to put so much effort only for average results. Hell, after so much work put into setting your opponent up etc, you get maybe slightly better dps than Arsenal.


Yeah. I pushed an alt commando IO spec just to really get deeper into it, got to 65 and it sits shelved now. Exactly as above, what Cuiwe writes is my experience with the spec.

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People always say this, and they're missing the point entirely.


Tell me any time in the films when we saw giant yellow swirls around any of the characters? The setting is realistic because it behaves in a realistic way. You could transpose the entire thing into World War 2 with no real changes and it would work just the same.


I completely agree.

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Gunnery and Arsenal are outright better even in standstill pve pew pew cases easier target switching better burst better def easier energy etc. Even tho IQ has the delayed burst just like tactics its moves in general don't hit nearly as hard, the only reason someone might play IQ is that they enjoy it otherwsie it does nothing better.
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Three, I'm astonishingly squishy, despite the heavy armour.


You could say this about any merc / mando player (not to be confused with pt / vg). Arsenal / Gunnery has a slightly better set of DCDs than IO / AS though, although not as useful as the ability you get to self heal as Combat Medic / Bodyguard.


Has to be far worse since Austin gutted self heals on DPS mercs / mandos though. Not even a jack of all trades class anymore. :(

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You could say this about any merc / mando player (not to be confused with pt / vg). Arsenal / Gunnery has a slightly better set of DCDs than IO / AS though, although not as useful as the ability you get to self heal as Combat Medic / Bodyguard.


Has to be far worse since Austin gutted self heals on DPS mercs / mandos though. Not even a jack of all trades class anymore. :(


Healing yourself as a combat medic/bodyguard is not a DCD or anything special for that matter as they're healers its there role....

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  • 2 weeks later...
"Realistic" is a poor word indeed, but bubble gun animations are terrible, and assault has a terrible mechanics and rotations. Assault was suppose to be a mobile spec, but in reality it's the opposite or u deal no damage. Not even talking about that sages/sorcs have 100 times better def and mobility.
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  • 2 weeks later...
"Realistic" is a poor word indeed, but bubble gun animations are terrible, and assault has a terrible mechanics and rotations. Assault was suppose to be a mobile spec, but in reality it's the opposite or u deal no damage. Not even talking about that sages/sorcs have 100 times better def and mobility.


Assault/Innovative Ordnance is not easy, and thus poor statements abouts it's viablity are based upon general idea of playing with it but not understanding it. In my experience i had seen only a few good As/IO players. It's because you need to think much like "engineering sniper" from patch 1.6 "out of the box". There are heat tricks you do not understand or do not want to. There are mobility measures arsenal/gunnery can only dream of, and the burst - oh man, yes it takes 1GCD more to fully utilize it, but the effect is much better than you would ever get from gunnery.


Played both since 1.0 and as much as i think it was amazing in 3.0, the additional utility and mobility from 4.0 made it much better IMO.

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Assault/Innovative Ordnance is not easy, and thus poor statements abouts it's viablity are based upon general idea of playing with it but not understanding it. In my experience i had seen only a few good As/IO players. It's because you need to think much like "engineering sniper" from patch 1.6 "out of the box". There are heat tricks you do not understand or do not want to. There are mobility measures arsenal/gunnery can only dream of, and the burst - oh man, yes it takes 1GCD more to fully utilize it, but the effect is much better than you would ever get from gunnery.


Played both since 1.0 and as much as i think it was amazing in 3.0, the additional utility and mobility from 4.0 made it much better IMO.


(thumbs up)

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