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What would you want to see in the SWTOR story?


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Hum..mostly what happend while you were frozen . I mean sure , Lana update you but it would be nice if you could go back and see how is the repb and empire doing with everything going on .


Hum like during revan expansion when the ennemy attacked Tython .


And no , I dont want to see Revan..even as a bloody Ghost. God no more......let him die for good .

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More stuff with the LIs and more awesome lightsaber duels with the non force users getting their butts handed to them a bit more when up against awesome force users...make them really work for it/get lucky.


This kind of nonsense is why I hope TOR seriously de-emphasizes the space mages with their magic swords. Let's see the Jedi and Sith really sweat against normal people.

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I'd like to see the continuation of the Inquisitor story which started with the SoR class mission.

I'd also like to see the Inquisitor's abilities and powers being recognized in the future story to avoid pure facepalm moments like the SI fight with Arcann.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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This kind of nonsense is why I hope TOR seriously de-emphasizes the space mages with their magic swords. Let's see the Jedi and Sith really sweat against normal people.


We can lift enemies into the air (choke them at the same time if desired) and the idea that this never seems to happen to those who can't fight the force (because they're not force users) seems off to me :p

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Less dumb Force nonsense and its attendant idiots with glowsticks and arbitrary plot powers.


Why are you even playing Star Wars if not for that?

Sure, the races and tech is interesting but The Force has always been the driving force. No pun intended, lmao.


Unless you're one of those hipsters that mains non force users and actually thinks canonically they can handle a force user. Gameplay=/=Lore

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Why are you even playing Star Wars if not for that?

Sure, the races and tech is interesting but The Force has always been the driving force. No pun intended, lmao.


Unless you're one of those hipsters that mains non force users and actually thinks canonically they can handle a force user. Gameplay=/=Lore


And yet there are none force users that have killed force users, even the highly skilled master level ones (and yes even in canon, not just legends stuff). It's not unrealistic to accept that with cybernetics and adrenals (something force users avoid) that none force users can kill force users. Especially in a time where there are so many of them, that I have zero problems believing there are tactics dedicated to fighting force users.


Thinking that the force gives you god mode is idiotic at best honestly.

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And yet there are none force users that have killed force users, even the highly skilled master level ones (and yes even in canon, not just legends stuff). It's not unrealistic to accept that with cybernetics and adrenals (something force users avoid) that none force users can kill force users. Especially in a time where there are so many of them, that I have zero problems believing there are tactics dedicated to fighting force users.


Thinking that the force gives you god mode is idiotic at best honestly.


And on the flip side, thinking it's not a big deal is also idiotic. It gives heightened awareness, reflexes, strength, and literal wizard powers which include easily lifting up and throwing anyone. I'm going to assume most of the Non-Force User beating/killing a MASTER is only through surprise/ambushes or by someone like Bobba/Jango who have the right gear and some natural immunity to the force.

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And yet there are none force users that have killed force users, even the highly skilled master level ones (and yes even in canon, not just legends stuff). It's not unrealistic to accept that with cybernetics and adrenals (something force users avoid) that none force users can kill force users. Especially in a time where there are so many of them, that I have zero problems believing there are tactics dedicated to fighting force users.


Thinking that the force gives you god mode is idiotic at best honestly.


Thinking the best non force user beats the best force user is also idiotic at best :p


Yes, out numbering a force user or taking the best of the best when it comes to non force user and putting them up against the "just okay" force user should have the best of the best going home the victor (at least most of the times).

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To the 2 posters above me, what the actual fu....?!


I never said or even implied that force users can't beat none force users. Reading comprehension goes a long way. But when you say something stupid like


"Unless you're one of those hipsters that mains non force users and actually thinks canonically they can handle a force user. Gameplay=/=Lore"


None force users have handled force users that's the thing, and either had a draw, or a win. It's rare but it happens. So I pointed out how that statement is false, and stated that cybernetics / tech and drugs can help leave the playing field. I never actually said force users can't beat none force users, Jesus...

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To the 2 posters above me, what the actual fu....?!


I never said or even implied that force users can't beat none force users. Reading comprehension goes a long way. But when you say something stupid like


"Unless you're one of those hipsters that mains non force users and actually thinks canonically they can handle a force user. Gameplay=/=Lore"


None force users have handled force users that's the thing, and either had a draw, or a win. It's rare but it happens. So I pointed out how that statement is false, and stated that cybernetics / tech and drugs can help leave the playing field. I never actually said force users can't beat none force users, Jesus...


We weren't talking about the average run of the mill force user though. :p We're talking about the best of the best force users.


We're talking about force users who in a one one fight should just be tossing around the non force user like a rag doll (like the jedi are often doing to run of the mill droids, but never think to do it to others).

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And here we have Force user players that need to compensate for something. "Boohoo non force using classes should have it harder or we are not special anymore boohoo"

Seriosly, that's it. Yes the force user classes are "the best of the best". But they aren't gods that can't be killed.

TOR play in an era, where force users are very common, you know the typical line "We were trained to kill sith!" and stuff.

Could the non force users fight the emperor or Arcann? No, surely not. But they can still fight force users. The BH killed the damn Jedi Battlemaster. Not just any master, the battle master.


Seriously, why are the force user players in these forums such *****? "The don't have lightsabers, they shouldn't have it as easy!":rolleyes:

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And here we have Force user players that need to compensate for something. "Boohoo non force using classes should have it harder or we are not special anymore boohoo"

Seriosly, that's it. Yes the force user classes are "the best of the best". But they aren't gods that can't be killed.

TOR play in an era, where force users are very common, you know the typical line "We were trained to kill sith!" and stuff.

Could the non force users fight the emperor or Arcann? No, surely not. But they can still fight force users. The BH killed the damn Jedi Battlemaster. Not just any master, the battle master.


Seriously, why are the force user players in these forums such *****? "The don't have lightsabers, they shouldn't have it as easy!":rolleyes:


You're really reaching here. At the end of the day, the Imperial Agent/Trooper/Bounty Hunter/Scoundrel cannot actually best the Sorc/Warrior/Consular/Knight in single combat. Unless they ganged up on them, or used less than honorable methods. For example, the Agent couldn't do a thing to Jadus and won without actual combat. And before you pull out the "Jadus is only 2nd to the Emperor", the player characters are definitely there too.

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We weren't talking about the average run of the mill force user though. :p We're talking about the best of the best force users.


We're talking about force users who in a one one fight should just be tossing around the non force user like a rag doll (like the jedi are often doing to run of the mill droids, but never think to do it to others).


1) Good force users have been killed too, they don't have to be average or below average.


2) You do understand that through the entirety of the game's story the game does not revolve around a 1 on 1 fight right? i That's why you have your companions at such an early level, and even though you don't get to use them all at once (because that would be broken) the game implies that the companions are always there on the field with you. There's even a part in the trooper story where you actually do get to see all your companions in action at once (limited as that is). Ya sure a Sith or Jedi could force choke someone, but while their concentrating on that, with their hand raised high like an idiot trying to suck the life out of you, they'll take a blaster to the face from a companion. Then the choices are either drop the force choke and deflect the shot or die. That's why these fights aren't as stupid as you think they are. You can't just stand there and expect nothing to happen as you use your magic to throw people around, it actually doesn't work that way. Never has never will. That's why your whole notion of 1 on 1 is pointless and in vein. It's not a 1 on 1 type of game. It's always you and your companion, vs someone, and in those cases it's completely legitimate that you can win.

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I never said that they couldkill the Inquisitor, Warrior, Knight or Consular. They are the Mary Sues of their orders. (just like the non force using classes), of course no one can beat them. I just meant, that it's stupid that people, who don't want to be a jedi or sith should be "punished" for it by getting a harder experience.

And the non force users can still take on sith/jedi. Not the best of the best of course, no trooper would be able to shoot the emperor to face or something like that. But many force user players act like the non force users did nothing to get where they are now.

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1) Good force users have been killed too, they don't have to be average or below average.


2) You do understand that through the entirety of the game's story the game does not revolve around a 1 on 1 fight right? i That's why you have your companions at such an early level, and even though you don't get to use them all at once (because that would be broken) the game implies that the companions are always there on the field with you. There's even a part in the trooper story where you actually do get to see all your companions in action at once (limited as that is). Ya sure a Sith or Jedi could force choke someone, but while their concentrating on that, with their hand raised high like an idiot trying to suck the life out of you, they'll take a blaster to the face from a companion. Then the choices are either drop the force choke and deflect the shot or die. That's why these fights aren't as stupid as you think they are. You can't just stand there and expect nothing to happen as you use your magic to throw people around, it actually doesn't work that way. Never has never will. That's why your whole notion of 1 on 1 is pointless and in vein. It's not a 1 on 1 type of game. It's always you and your companion, vs someone, and in those cases it's completely legitimate that you can win.


Well if we're being realistic about combat (Because anybody can take over a hundred blaster shots and live in this game), then a lightsaber wielding space magician flying at a regular joe will cut them in half with one move. Don't take this the wrong way, since I'm a regular joe myself. I'm just saying that you're really downplaying the universe's space magicians.


I never said that they couldkill the Inquisitor, Warrior, Knight or Consular. They are the Mary Sues of their orders. (just like the non force using classes), of course no one can beat them. I just meant, that it's stupid that people, who don't want to be a jedi or sith should be "punished" for it by getting a harder experience.

And the non force users can still take on sith/jedi. Not the best of the best of course, no trooper would be able to shoot the emperor to face or something like that. But many force user players act like the non force users did nothing to get where they are now.


What they did or did not do in the game is irrelevant. A trooper will not kill a Sith Lord unless it's plot armor, just like Jace surviving his suicide grenade just fine while Malgus took damage.

Edited by CannotDeny
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Well if we're being realistic about combat (Because anybody can take over a hundred blaster shots and live in this game), then a lightsaber wielding space magician flying at a regular joe will cut them in half with one move. Don't take this the wrong way, since I'm a regular joe myself. I'm just saying that you're really downplaying the universe's space magicians./


Wait, wait what?! Did you really just say, that anyone in this game can take a 100 blaster bolts, but can only take 1 light saber attack before getting cut down? I must be using Hax then. Holy ****.


Ok, before I get a migraine from reading this Jedi BS, propaganda here's the thing.


1) Yes we can take a lot more damage in the game, which should normally kill people (but then the game would suck if you were one shotted all the time)


1A) For force users this is assumed that they're deflecting attacks, and why they can take a beating. For Troopers and BH this is assumed that their shields are absorbing attacks, and for IA & Smug it's assumed that they're taking cover and not getting hit. At least I would imagine that's how Bioware wishes to portray things.


2) The amount of ways to kill force users is actually pretty high. Now that doesn't make it easy by any means but there are ways to do it.


I'm going to leave this here for you, and people like you, who are like ze forse make meh invizcible. Took me a while to find, but since it's made by the same people making this game, it's safe to say this is how they felt about the issue.



As such you can see how by Bioware's own logic, there are weapons that can deal with force users (some but not all we have access too as none force using classes) and even shield generators (which some but again not all) have access too, to block those light sabers that are apparently going to cut us in half with 1 swing as you put it.

The other half of the none force users who lack all the special gadgets, have the advantage like stealth which seems to work, or just think the force is a joke, which seems to make it harder for the force to effect those people. Either way you slice it (no pun intended) it's not a clear cut victory for the force user. There are actually ways of dealing with their ****. But ya I'm done, as otherwise I'm just going to sound like a broken record.


Back on track of the topic.


Even though I hate the whole Yuuzhan Vong storyline. I would actually love it, if it made it in to SWTOR right now so I can laugh at all the force users, and start giving them **** about how they wouldn't be able to hold a candle against them, and need the none force users to save their butts. Plus it would be something different so you know.

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And here we have Force user players that need to compensate for something. "Boohoo non force using classes should have it harder or we are not special anymore boohoo"

Seriosly, that's it. Yes the force user classes are "the best of the best". But they aren't gods that can't be killed.

TOR play in an era, where force users are very common, you know the typical line "We were trained to kill sith!" and stuff.

Could the non force users fight the emperor or Arcann? No, surely not. But they can still fight force users. The BH killed the damn Jedi Battlemaster. Not just any master, the battle master.


Seriously, why are the force user players in these forums such *****? "The don't have lightsabers, they shouldn't have it as easy!":rolleyes:


There's a big error in that bolded statement. That assumes players stick to one character.


I haven't seen anyone say the Hunter PC isn't the best of the best. There's just some of us who say the best of the best force users are better than the best of the best non force user.


Han Solo (best of the best smuggler) loses to Vader (best of the best Warriors) likely to Palpatine (best of the best Inquisitor) Luke (best of the best knight) as I don't recall in any reading that it was Han who stopped a Dark Side Luke.

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Well I could say, during the time of the movies, there aren't as many jedi/sith as in TOR. More of them = more "trash" Jedi/Sith that loose to infantry/bounty hunters/smugglers or Agents.


And by no means, I don't think that any force user player has to compensate something with the "I have force, I'am gawd" talk. But it annoys me how it's just "Non Force users have plot armor, they can't do ****" when the force users have plot armor too. I mean who would want a hero that dies instantly when facing someone that wields the force? That's what the stories about, about being the hero, every class in it's own way. (well except for smuggler and bounty hunter maybe)

But I must say, I think the smuggler could kill a sith/jedi. The trooper and agent have traing and special weapons, while the bounty hunter (if you joined the mandalorians) has mandalorian armor and the newest stuff for these armors.


But back to the real topic: Something that will most likely not happen: More Class specific content. Whil I like the KotFE Storyline, it just felt wrong playing anything non force related.

Let the trooper capture enemy generals or storm fortresses, let the bounty hunter hunt again and I don't know what.

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Well I could say, during the time of the movies, there aren't as many jedi/sith as in TOR. More of them = more "trash" Jedi/Sith that loose to infantry/bounty hunters/smugglers or Agents.


And by no means, I don't think that any force user player has to compensate something with the "I have force, I'am gawd" talk. But it annoys me how it's just "Non Force users have plot armor, they can't do ****" when the force users have plot armor too. I mean who would want a hero that dies instantly when facing someone that wields the force? That's what the stories about, about being the hero, every class in it's own way. (well except for smuggler and bounty hunter maybe)

But I must say, I think the smuggler could kill a sith/jedi. The trooper and agent have traing and special weapons, while the bounty hunter (if you joined the mandalorians) has mandalorian armor and the newest stuff for these armors.


But back to the real topic: Something that will most likely not happen: More Class specific content. Whil I like the KotFE Storyline, it just felt wrong playing anything non force related.

Let the trooper capture enemy generals or storm fortresses, let the bounty hunter hunt again and I don't know what.


They do have plot armors to beat the force users one on one. They have no force ability to resist a force choke. One on one, that's all the force user had to do.

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Except unless their hands are also being restrained, a sufficiently trained or disciplined non-Force user can take a shot, throw a grenade, or otherwise take action to force the Force User to shift their energy elsewhere or strain their concentration enough that they can't maintain that choke.


The Force is an incredibly powerful and versatile tool, but the people wielding it still have limits. It takes concentration and effort to do anything with it and usually requires being able to see whoever you want to effect with it as well. Given the arsenals and skills the Non-Force using player characters are capable of bringing to bear, I would say they have quite a bit of wiggle room to work with there.

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