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To the new guildmasters and/or wanting a create a guild


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to the new guildmasters or those wanting to create a guild,


please do not get offended and have an open mind. i have looking for an active, good guild with no success. i getting tired of seeing the same cycle over and over again. i see a reoccurring pattern.




1. i see very slow or non-existent progress to build an active guild. the guildmasters and officers are hardly on or hardly not working on progress like creating guild events/activity


2. lack of respect, acknowledgement, acceptance, response of any guildie feedback or advise regardless if it is a guildie problem or a suggestion or advise or a leaving notice.


3. lack of influencing, enforcing, promoting intra-guildie relationships to form guild groups to do group content, help, do guild events.


4. guildmasters and officers give up too fast to engage the guild problems instead of the backbone or the gusts to engage and solve problems like removing or kicking out guildies that don't want to do anything in the guild just leech out the xp gains and find like new minded players quickly.


final comment is a guild is suppose have like minded players doing group activities. it is very hard and requires time and great responsibility. before you even create a guild, be honest with yourself, think ahead, turn off your ego, don't be stupid and ignorant, and ask yourself a question - 'do i have the time and the gusts to manage a guild?'. if you can't or you are indecisive, don't bother. if you really can, break this failing guild cycle and make like minded players happy and enjoy the game.

Edited by DarkJediMage
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You're talking about a virtual club in a computer game, not a social justice movement. Sounds like you are taking the subject a tad bitsy too seriously.


final comment is a guild is suppose have like minded players doing group activities. it is very hard and requires time and great responsibility. before you even create a guild, be honest with yourself, think ahead, turn off your ego,

To have their ego stroked is the reason people start guilds in the first place, so this is a nonsensical suggestion or request or whatever it is.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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You're talking about a virtual club in a computer game, not a social justice movement. Sounds like you are taking the subject a tad bitsy too seriously.


no. i am tired of joining inactive or failed guilds. do you rather pug with strangers or group up with like minded guildies?

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You're talking about a virtual club in a computer game, not a social justice movement. Sounds like you are taking the subject a tad bitsy too seriously.



To have their ego stroked is the reason people start guilds in the first place, so this is a nonsensical suggestion or request or whatever it is.

with the ego only, they will fail.

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I feel the same. Whil maybe not as serious as the OP, I am sick of guild hopping.

I want to be in a guild where when I log in, there are at least 3 people that will respond when I say "whats up?" because no one ever does. The last 3 guilds I will type something and IF I get a reply its 20 minutes later and I forgot what I asked. But usually I get nothing at all.

"Well, you are just a member why should they greet you every login? You are not that important" Well, that is not quite what I mean. Whenever I ask if people want to group up for a FP..or plan on a GF Op or something I dont get replies. It would be nice to be in a guild with others than be in a guild with a few hundred people, but no one social at all.

I was a guildmaster at one point and I hooked up a site and weekly contests. One of those Screenshot contests. You would get the most current cartel pack If you did a SS of your main and a short intro in the intro forums. And there was a section for the contest. People could sumbit Funny, cool, or just odd SS's and the winner of each week would win the current hypercrate...yet zero entries after the first week.

In another guild I was the sole person using guild bank. Depositing 500k-1.5mil a week, prototype mats, conquest supplies, Cartel armor (no bracers or items that were less than 20k. Wanted guildies to be able to get good stuff), and various green mats that are high in demand.

ANYWAYS,, in short, I found a guild I helped pay for a ship, and filled the bank , but now I need to leave that again and solo it because guilds are just out

there for EXP boosts and not much else..

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I feel your pain about guilds, not in just this game, but all games in general. In my gaming experience, most guilds have a life expectancy of around 6 months from the start of a game or expansion and then people leave/get bored and it ends. It pains me to admit this, but I have only been a member of a quality guild 3 times, and I'm still friends with a majority of those guildies today.


That imo is what makes a quality guild, a guild that exists not just in game, but in RL as well. It's tough to do, and doesn't always work, but once people get personally involved in something, they all want to make it better, not just the leader. It helps if everyone has a common interest besides the game, and once you establish a solid 8-10 person core that uses vent or TS, links up on FB, and, actually gets to know each others real names and stories, you have the beginnings of a great guild.:)

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Our guild has been together for a number of years now under different names, across multiple games that we play (EverQuest, EverQuest II, Lotro, Rift, Vanguard, and others). We met over in EverQuest II a number of years ago. We are not large these days, we've downscaled and play at a much more relaxed pace, but we do have fun and get along great.


We expanded all of our guilds here in TOR a couple of years ago and were actively recruiting. Everything was great until we had taken a short break to try another game and ended up loosing one of our guilds because of the terrible way leadership is handled in this game. Our banks were cleaned out and the person(s) promptly left, automatically passing leadership to the next in line, who was absent as well. We contacted customer support only to be told that they do not interfere with guild matters and to be more careful who we invite and to be sure they can be trusted.


We decided then to create a new guild and only invite our core people that we'd known for years and everything has been fine ever since. We do not recruit for this game anymore and just keep to ourselves for the most part.

Edited by Jerqa
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Actually I've found a few good guilds in this game. If you want one with a fairly large amount of people on check the Conquest leaderboards. I see a few that I have been a part of - that have nice helpful folks. But most of them don't usually use chat, but an outside audio program. (Ventrilo, TS3, etc.)
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To have their ego stroked is the reason people start guilds in the first place, so this is a nonsensical suggestion or request or whatever it is.


I'm not quite sure what guilds you've been a part of, but the NOT all the GM's start guilds to stroke their ego.

GOOD guild leaders don't start guilds for ego. They start it to have a better base of like minded players to enjoy the game with.

Tired of waiting for the GM to log in & do things. Or Officers. Being told they can't do stuff without the approval of higher ranks. Getting kicked out of events because not in guild as long as other members. Etc...

So they start a guild.

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Guilds will be varied depending on what the guild leader(s) had in mind for the guild when it was created.


My boyfriend and I run a small guild (been here since launch) but we knew what we wanted when we created our guild. We have specific rules for our guild and we don't advertise in general chat. We watch general chat and watch how people interact and then if we think they will be a good fit, we will send them a message.


We have officers in the guild that have been there since the beginning. We do have a problem when there are individuals looking for a guild telling us what they want but when we ask what they are willing to contribute or help with they can't answer so those individuals we already know are not a good fit for our guild. We have only had to kick one person in all these years.

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