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Jaesa Willsaam KotFE idea/theory


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They are not going to kill romances.


I do think one of each class is going to have the choice to die.


The theory that she will show up "gray" would be interesting. All players have the choice to make her dark or light sided...a lot could happen in 5 years.


This is BW though, they couldn't be bothered to change Theron's outfit. I doubt they will do anything meaningful with her. Expect one vanilla type for everyone.

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I had the impression that the SI can lose TWO companions so far. You can reject Xalek and, I got the impression you could also send Talos home.


EDIT: In retrospect, I think that most classic companions are going to be optional, you can take them or get rid of them as you decide. The opposite (They join you no matter what or there is no way you can get them back) is going to be the exception, more likely.

Edited by Cicgnar
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  • 2 months later...
Apparently Khem is getting replaced, so we're likely to lose someone, however it won't be Quinn I don't think, a lot of female players love that treacherous little bugger, the uproar would be insane, I'm hoping it's Broonmark I still want to kill Quinn though. I hope it's not Jaesa because the whole turning her to the dark side thing was one of the best things in this game & losing such an important companion to the story would suck. Not sure how they'll work it with LS and DS though, I think non warriors would get DS Jaesa.
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Here's a theory...


Trooper's don't get Vik back. In fact, he can be killed off. So, that's Trooper down one companion.


What if every class is going to lose one companion, because if they make the Trooper lose one and not everyone else, Trooper only players will cry out that it's unfair. So, the only way to make it fair is for all classes to lose one companion.


So what if the one Warrior loses is Jaesa?



AND remember, even if you do not kill Vic, he's still on Asylum and not part of your Alliance -- so he won't be back either way .... unlike if you voluntarily kill other companions; they could have come back, but you killed them -- YOUR choice


That is part of the logic of my own theory about companions -- nice to see that someone else saw the possible pattern too -- as the pattern stands now, LIs will be back --- we know that ---

and logically, we need to have one for the females, and one for the males --- duplicates?

well, I know some male smugglers, agents, and sith warriors might be happy; but what about the other classes that only have ONE LI per gender ?

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I actually wanted a romanceable LS Jaesa...DS is too...cliche.


Way too cliche. Sounds like she is trying to hard to be a murder machine. Which yes...that is very inherently wrong for a proper story.


Now, as for raising kids, I love that idea! I want to have some with Vette and force Quinn to pull nanny duty...hehe. :)

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  • 4 months later...
Honestly there are better things to do, I only hope I will have option to kill Quin since I wanted to do that when he betrayed Wrath first time and I don't like that kind of people.I doubt there will be child or anything else complicated, it will be simple like with other characters.
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i adore LS Jaesa and don't like the DS one, but let's face it - chances of getting her back even as one-type-for-all are slim.


Just look at Khem Val. Depending on choices of the SI he is either himself, or is replaced by Zash. How did Bioware got around this? They didn't. They just gave us another Deshade.

Edited by Gelious
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Ak'ghal Usar is not meant to replace Khem Val. I mean they don't appear as the same character on the Contacts and Companions screen, do they?

He's not meant to replace Khem Val in the sense that maybe, someday, the writers will think of way they can bring Khem back and make him work. But he's almost certainly meant as an equivalent, since he uses the same vocal samples after his initial cutscene, and the same companion customizations. As for Jaesa, I definitely suspect she'll be kept away as long as possible for similar reasons.

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He's not meant to replace Khem Val in the sense that maybe, someday, the writers will think of way they can bring Khem back and make him work. But he's almost certainly meant as an equivalent, since he uses the same vocal samples after his initial cutscene, and the same companion customizations. As for Jaesa, I definitely suspect she'll be kept away as long as possible for similar reasons.


Not to ruin people's fun, but Khem Val is gone. BW does not know and/or does not want to spend the resources to have people's Zash Khem or normal Khem be part of the story. So they will make a brand new Dashade for the story for people to play with and tell them that Khem has not been replaced.


So, technically Khem hasn't been replaced because the game isn't over yet. They very well could bring Khem back one day, but lets face it, they won't. Can you really see them offering two Dashade companions for your outlander?

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Not to ruin people's fun, but Khem Val is gone. BW does not know and/or does not want to spend the resources to have people's Zash Khem or normal Khem be part of the story. So they will make a brand new Dashade for the story for people to play with and tell them that Khem has not been replaced.


So, technically Khem hasn't been replaced because the game isn't over yet. They very well could bring Khem back one day, but lets face it, they won't. Can you really see them offering two Dashade companions for your outlander?

Just like for Jaesa Wilsaam, the problem isn't getting the right version to come *back*. (That is, if an SW re-recruits Jaesa or an SI re-recruits Khem Val.) The problem (and it's a *lore* / story telling / player choice problem more than it is a programming problem) is which version should a wrong-class character get?


If my Light V trooper recruits Jaesa, is that LS Jaesa or DS Jaesa? What about a Dark V trooper? Or a Light V Agent? Can a trooper or, worse, a Jedi, recruit Khem?

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So, technically Khem hasn't been replaced because the game isn't over yet. They very well could bring Khem back one day, but lets face it, they won't. Can you really see them offering two Dashade companions for your outlander?


I know at least a couple of my characters wouldn't mind having a personal guard of Dashade for protection at times.


Though in all seriousness, we don't know anything about the next section of story at this point. Khem very well could be an Imperial only companion much like how they handled Pierce/Forex. We also don't know what over the course of time changes could have happened to the companions that haven't returned yet. Could a DS Jaesa still be as functionally insane? Could a LS Jaesa still be mostly Jedi-like and unromanceable? All we can do is speculate until something officially stated gets said.

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I know at least a couple of my characters wouldn't mind having a personal guard of Dashade for protection at times.


Though in all seriousness, we don't know anything about the next section of story at this point. Khem very well could be an Imperial only companion much like how they handled Pierce/Forex. We also don't know what over the course of time changes could have happened to the companions that haven't returned yet. Could a DS Jaesa still be as functionally insane? Could a LS Jaesa still be mostly Jedi-like and unromanceable? All we can do is speculate until something officially stated gets said.


The Khem copy is not an imperial only companion like Pierce. My JK wasn't able to recruit Pierce, but she has a Dashade. Now, it was some serious DS points to agree to him. Then, you have Doctor O petitioning you to force Sanae-Rae to sacrifice some of her force sensitives to serve as din din for the Dashade. You can tell him no, or my Jedi basically told him that he could ask her nicely, but told him that he was a smart hutt, and asked if he really thought Sanae would agree. :p

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I think the ideal for Jaesa (to me), would be to meet her and find her wearing nondescript gray robes, no Sith makeup, and clearly conflicted. Make the character make the decision about whether Jaesa becomes light or dark for them. It wouldn't be hard; that could be the quest for her. Like for Blizz you have to find the things and deliver stuff to the Jawas, for Jaesa you could guide her on a journey to the light side, or down the road to the dark side. Maybe in the 5 years you've been gone, she's become conflicted about her ideology and isn't sure what she believes anymore. The ideal place for this quest to take place would be the ruins of Ziost. You go to this dead world and find this girl that, internally, is dead. She doesn't know what to do...and you guide her to redemption or corruption. Then you've got Light Jaesa and Dark Jaesa still in play.


Then it gets tricky for romanced SWs, of course, but a brief line could acknowledge what they had ("We were in love, once...now, I don't know") and by the end of the quest you could choose to reignite the romance. If they did this, though, it would have to be the one recruitment quest that was fully-voiced, just to make those who romanced her content since all other romanced companions have gotten fully-voiced reunions. Still, I think overall this is the best way to do it.

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If they did this, though, it would have to be the one recruitment quest that was fully-voiced, just to make those who romanced her content since all other romanced companions have gotten fully-voiced reunions. Still, I think overall this is the best way to do it.

Well, the obvious (to me, anyway) observation here is that I cannot imagine any of the romance-target companions coming back via a KOTOR-style alert. I believe they will *all* return as part of the chapter stories(1). As you say, the ones who have returned so far (AJ, KDj, V and TC) have all returned in SWTOR-style wheel-dialogue presentation, as part of a chapter. There are, I believe, 19 returnable companions (one M and one F for each of 8 classes makes 16 plus a second F for Smuggler, Sith Warrior, and Imperial Agent makes 3 more for a total of 19), and we've had 4 so far, leaving 15 for Chapter XVI and KoTET combined.


(1) Finding a way for Elara Dorne will be ... interesting.

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