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Doesn't it scare you how uninnovative the game is?


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I'm a consumer, not a developer. I'm not paid to come up with great innovations. I pay to enjoy great innovations. I'm allowed to not like something while not offering an alternative solution.


HAHAHAHAHA. This one made me laugh. The only person I've found who can actually admit that.

Edited by Nightrode
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'Innovation' is not what most MMO players are looking for. The average fan of the Great Beast that is this genre don't latch onto things that are wildly different from the norm.


They just gravitate to something similar, but slightly newer, once the current King has outstayed its welcome. Has WoW really reached the point where people are ready to ditch the time they've put into the game? Is there a new crop of teenagers looking for something pointless to do? Hard to really say.

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The big innovation here is that SWTOR has a well defined plot and story, coupled with voiced characters and npcs.


Not something you'll find in your average Blizzard product, btw.


What's innovative about voiced dialog? Well... other MMORPGs don't really do it well, when they bother to do it at all.


What's innovative about the plot and story? Well... compared to say 'WoW'... there is no comparison. WoW's wall of text ( that nobody reads ) just can't measure up.


SWTOR brings the proven character driven storyline, plot, and excellent voiced dialog that exist in many recent Bioware games to the MMO space.


Bioware has a track record of providing *excellent* DLC for their standalone games. I see no reason to doubt that the same minds behind "The Arrival" will provide us anything less here.


What's innovative about SWTOR? The people behind it know how to put *you* into the game, rather than just letting mash buttons on your night elf.


All of those points are ********. Blizzard knows how to engineer excellent games and it knows how to focus on the important aspects instead of spending half the money on content no one will care about in one month (voiceovers). And to put *me* in the game it needs more than some soundfiles and a mediocre story. Blizzard does that better with crisp, pinpoint accurate controls instead of the laggy sluggish mess we have here. Oh and all the DLCs were ****.

Edited by Gunfox
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End game is still X tanks, Y healers, Z dps, tanks build threat, healers heal tank, dps pew pew. Tank loses threat, tank taunts. Tank dies, group dies.

Have you done some endgame that proofs the above?

I havn't, so can't say much about that yet.


But for midgame, as far as I can see it's a matter of "how fast and easy" people want to do it.

Lots of heroics can be done with 2 and companions and even solo if you can wait a few levels.

I mean, I even tried to solo Flashpoint Artiss on a lvl 23 Trooper (Commando), and managed to get the first boss down.


So are you sure that endgame is so much different from "fast and quick" vs "working it out"?

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I have to agree. Also, every shooter ever made has this same problem. It's get X gun and point at Y and shoot to kill stuff. No innovation in that genre either.


Same problem with platformers. It's jump from X to Y. Been there, done that! And racing games? Don't get me started. You're always trying to get to the finish line. Where's the innovation?


Nice!! I think some of the dripping sarcasm got on my new shoes!! :p

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