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Why Don't People Who Are Complaining Just Admit It?


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You are distorting what I said. I said during the fight before you faced Barras in the warrior storyline. Where you fought the cyborb half man half machine. Even as over powered my companion was. He was an elite and literally threw my companion around. That despite I was matching his level. Some reason they make some class missions unusually harder. For example making you face one or two different elites.
it's ok to admit you had a hard time with easy content. again, the fun for me is getting better.

It's amusing that you said you me literally a week ago. "I never taken a position in companions" here you throw around words like god mode so casually for someone that's never been Pro Nerf you certainty talk casually about it enough to fool me.
i dont think it's opinion, it's fact. companions were very powerful in 4.0. do i equate that to god mode? yes, i felt like i could not die with a healer companion out.

that opinion is directly not associated with the fact that i didnt care if they nerfed them or not. they are two separate topics entirely. if i felt like i wanted the companion gone, i would dismiss it. i dont need nerfs or buffs.

More people had fun with companions in 4.0 then they did in any other part of the game. That's the honest truth, several people have echoed that.
ok so a few people on the forum say that, ergo more people had fun that way.


thanks for, yet again, for the irrational declarations of fact.

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People complain because its cool to hate.


People complain because they have an inflated sense of entitlement


People complain because they have unrealistic expectations.


People complain because their definition of value is determined by egotism.


People complain because they cant read, or don't want to read.


People complain because it is easy.


This ^^ all the way

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You know why don't people who are complaining just say it: They want SWTOR to be over. It's got nothing to do with development issues, or all the ******** people keep complaining about. Just admit it that you are bored with the game and that it's been running for far too long (four years) and it's time to end it instead of just pussyfooting around it? How about that?


If you could pull your fanboy head out of a deep, dark, smelly place you'd know that most of us complaining are doing so because we love the game and want to enjoy it and see it thrive. We're just disappointed as hell with what the development team is doing with it.


I've been critical of SWTOR over the years but in the months leading up to FE and for the first few weeks was singing its praises, even if I still had some gripes. I want to be able to feel good about subscribing to the game, knowing that my money is going to a team of devs who care about their players (both paying and not) and treat them with respect. I don't feel that way at all right now, so that's what I'm continuing to voice my complaints.


But you can live in your fanboy fantasy world where you either blindly love the game or you're a hater that just wants to see it closed down.

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You know why don't people who are complaining just say it: They want SWTOR to be over. It's got nothing to do with development issues, or all the ******** people keep complaining about. Just admit it that you are bored with the game and that it's been running for far too long (four years) and it's time to end it instead of just pussyfooting around it? How about that?
The eventually diminishing number of complaints will be in direct proportion to the eventually diminishing number of complainers. It is what it is. Edited by GalacticKegger
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it's ok to admit you had a hard time with easy content. again, the fun for me is getting better.

i dont think it's opinion, it's fact. companions were very powerful in 4.0. do i equate that to god mode? yes, i felt like i could not die with a healer companion out.

that opinion is directly not associated with the fact that i didnt care if they nerfed them or not. they are two separate topics entirely. if i felt like i wanted the companion gone, i would dismiss it. i dont need nerfs or buffs.

ok so a few people on the forum say that, ergo more people had fun that way.


thanks for, yet again, for the irrational declarations of fact.


I said several times that you were Pro Nerf. All those times you said "I haven't taken a position " You lied back then I KNEW you had. I knew you were Pro Nerf but you denied it. I'm glad finally you can admit your true position. There's nothing "hard" about fighting mobs of three...pressing two buttons. You trying to insult me saying "L2play" is exact reason that this company went under a million subs from almost two million literally months after its release.


You will never understand. No skill needed to press two buttons to fight through the mobs. When 4.0 hit you and people like complained and kicked for weeks till you got the nerf. If you don't understand that simpe basic thing there's no need for me to further reply to you. Then you won't understand the bigger picture.

Edited by RogerApple
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I said several times that you were Pro Nerf. All those times you said "I haven't taken a position " You lied back then I KNEW you had. I knew you were Pro Nerf but you denied it. I'm glad finally you can admit your true position.
i hope you realise you quoted a post that proves everything you just said is false

There's nothing "hard" about fighting mobs of three...pressing two buttons. You trying to insult me saying "L2play" is exact reason that this company went under a million subs from almost two million literally months after its release.


You will never understand. No skill needed to press two buttons to fight through the mobs. When 4.0 hit you and people like complained and kicked for weeks till you got the nerf. If you don't understand that simpe basic thing there's no need for me to further reply to you. Then you won't understand the bigger picture.

i never complained about companions, as the post you quoted indicates.


thinking companions are overpowered, is a complete and separate opinion from feeling they should be nerfed.

i'll repeat myself for the 20th time, maybe this time you'll read and understand the words, i dont care about companions or how strong or weak they are.

Edited by Pagy
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You know why don't people who are complaining just say it: They want SWTOR to be over. It's got nothing to do with development issues, or all the ******** people keep complaining about. Just admit it that you are bored with the game and that it's been running for far too long (four years) and it's time to end it instead of just pussyfooting around it? How about that?


How about no.

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i hope you realise you quoted a post that proves everything you just said is false


I hope you realize most of what you said in the past was massive misinformation. Just like you refused to admit in the past when you had taken a position I'm glad you finally shown your true colors by throwing other words like god mode etc keywords only Pro Nerf Crowd. Thank you ignoring majority of my reply focusing on those parts. I'll move on to debate with someone who's up front about their stance. .

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I hope you realize most of what you said in the past was massive misinformation. Just like you refused to admit in the past when you had taken a position I'm glad you finally shown your true colors by throwing other words like god mode etc keywords only Pro Nerf Crowd. Thank you ignoring majority of my reply focusing on those parts. I'll move on to debate with someone who's up front about their stance. .
thinking companions are overpowered, is a complete and separate opinion from feeling they should be nerfed.
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This makes zero sense.

People complain because they are passionate about something and want it to be changed.

People who don't give a **** don't pay money for a game.


And yet, these people with arguments like "the people want pvp. the people want ops."

If that's true, why was there such a vocal minority about companion strengths? Companions have no impact on those at all. The two realms don't ever cross.

Alot of people on these boards are just out to cause chaos and discord.


As I said elsewhere, I pay because it's cheap entertainment, keeps my occupied, and I enjoy the stories and the community. They don't HAVE To give us anything extra. Remember, when the game came out, it was just a sub. Then we got coins. Then we got perks. Then we got early accesses. Now people expect the world, when they don't have to offer anything more than a sub. They didn't even have to offer all 8 character stories for free if they didn't want to. But they did. Because they are great. They may even open up other stories in the future for free plalyers, as they start churning out new stories.

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People complain because its cool to hate.

People complain because they have an inflated sense of entitlement

People complain because they have unrealistic expectations.

People complain because their definition of value is determined by egotism.

People complain because they cant read, or don't want to read.

People complain because it is easy.

So if you subscribe to a store's community entertainment service, are fed their latest replacement program, fire it up only to find out that it changed so much that it's no longer compatible with what you've spent years putting together, bring it back to the store's community and complain about the changes that caused the compatibility issues, which of the above would you be? Please feel free to select all that apply. Edited by GalacticKegger
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If you could pull your fanboy head out of a deep, dark, smelly place you'd know that most of us complaining are doing so because we love the game and want to enjoy it and see it thrive. We're just disappointed as hell with what the development team is doing with it.


this says it perfectly

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You know why don't people who are complaining just say it: They want SWTOR to be over. It's got nothing to do with development issues, or all the ******** people keep complaining about. Just admit it that you are bored with the game and that it's been running for far too long (four years) and it's time to end it instead of just pussyfooting around it? How about that?


This makes no sense. People who are bored do not complain about the issues here. People would be lobbying in favor of change if they were bored. The people complaining about unwanted change. They did not like the changes to companions (the buff or the nerf, the loss of their gear.) They are complaining about level sync, the lack of new content and the recycling of old via level sync and bolstering. They are complaining that what little new content we will see we won't see for 2 months...and that BW is essentially bribing us withe fluff in order to keep subscriptions current.


These are not complaints of bored people wanting a game to die. These are the complaints of people that were happy here and now see a host of changes that damage or remove what they enjoyed about the game in the first place.

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I'll actually admit it.


I want this game to shut down. I want other developers to take note of SWTOR's fantasized failure and try something different for once. I want this fanfiction-level Old Republic era to be a memory. I want Bioware to put their effort into actual singleplayer games rather than this jumbled compilation of failed ideas and unintuitive cash-grabbing. I want the games industry to stop making MMOs designed to cater to anti-social singleplayer gamers afraid of competition and challenge. I want my mom to love me. I want Star Wars developers to focus on the only canon era that matters and quit feeding into the power trips of people who want to be the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. I want Bioware to reevaluate their writing and come up with something that isn't derivative of their own work from the past decade. I want the gaming community to stop throwing their money at stale and dated concepts and systems.


I want video games to evolve.


Of course, that's just me. None of what I want will actually happen and I'm okay with that. A guy can dream :)


Why don't the people who love this game now admit it? If they cancelled SWTOR and make a full-fledged KOTOR 3, you wouldn't be upset in the slightest.

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You know why don't people who are complaining just say it: They want SWTOR to be over. It's got nothing to do with development issues, or all the ******** people keep complaining about. Just admit it that you are bored with the game and that it's been running for far too long (four years) and it's time to end it instead of just pussyfooting around it? How about that?


Because it's a lie.

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And yet, these people with arguments like "the people want pvp. the people want ops."

If that's true, why was there such a vocal minority about companion strengths? Companions have no impact on those at all. The two realms don't ever cross.

Alot of people on these boards are just out to cause chaos and discord.


As I said elsewhere, I pay because it's cheap entertainment, keeps my occupied, and I enjoy the stories and the community. They don't HAVE To give us anything extra. Remember, when the game came out, it was just a sub. Then we got coins. Then we got perks. Then we got early accesses. Now people expect the world, when they don't have to offer anything more than a sub. They didn't even have to offer all 8 character stories for free if they didn't want to. But they did. Because they are great. They may even open up other stories in the future for free plalyers, as they start churning out new stories.


Some people complain because they've invested so much into a game they love to play, and suddenly the thing that got them hooked stops getting made (ops). No one's asking for anything extra. Nobody asked for a playable HK mission. Pvp people have always wanted pvp stuff and have asked for it forever. Pve people want new ops, which were always provided with the game.


The thing about companion strength is that they never took away from the game. A lot of people say they don't do ops/pvp because they want something casual to do while they relax at home. Companions helped with that, even if they were overpowered.


We have to look at what people are asking for, and not just focus on the whining aspect. Companions nerfs took something away from the game: quick heroics, very casual gameplay. I tried a heroic SF after the nerf and I beat it without Alliance buffs, but with more difficulty than I expect a very casual player to care for. I'm not one to say, "You know, I got what *I* want, I'm happy and everyone else can just unsub if they're not happy". That's ridiculous. I didn't do heroic SF beyond my first char except when I tried it after the nerf, just to see if what people were saying was true. And it was, companions were extremely nerfed.


Similarly, what people are asking for now is not taking away from the game, but the same stuff we've always had that they stopped providing. They gave us an addition to the swtor story, but nothing else. KotFE story is great, no doubt. But a large reason why this game was considered a flop at launch was because there was nothing to do AFTER the story. We have rehashed ops, but everyone's done 'em all already.


We're not asking for the world, just the same kind of content they've always given us.

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Some people complain because they've invested so much into a game they love to play, and suddenly the thing [or things] that got them hooked stops getting made ...

< - - snip - - >

... Similarly, what people are asking for now is not taking away from the game, but the same stuff we've always had that they stopped providing.

Thank you! Edited by GalacticKegger
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This makes no sense. People who are bored do not complain about the issues here. People would be lobbying in favor of change if they were bored. The people complaining about unwanted change. They did not like the changes to companions (the buff or the nerf, the loss of their gear.) They are complaining about level sync, the lack of new content and the recycling of old via level sync and bolstering. They are complaining that what little new content we will see we won't see for 2 months...and that BW is essentially bribing us withe fluff in order to keep subscriptions current.


These are not complaints of bored people wanting a game to die. These are the complaints of people that were happy here and now see a host of changes that damage or remove what they enjoyed about the game in the first place.


Woot we agree about something lol Glad that happened before my sub ran out :p

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