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Oh what fun... blue screen.


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So, yesterday I once again subscribed to SWTOR and already played for some 3 hrs, today, I turn on my PC, as usual, then I try to open the launcher, nothing happens, then blue screen, and it shows this - driver_irql_not_less_or_equal. Funny thing is, yesterday there were no issues, and I have changed absolutely nothing, updated nothing. My PC is exactly the same as it was yesterday, but now TOR just does not work. What should I do? One more thing, I played with a friend, who also installed the game, subscribed, etc. And he TODAY has the same problem. Same blue screen with the same driver_whatever. Edited by TheBeatleDude
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I have the exact same Problem. No changes, no updates, worked fine until yesterday.


I updated my drivers (NVIDIA) but that didn't do.

My other programs work fine. (My eventlog also showed warnings related to Antivir, but deactivating Antivir didn't chance anything. It could be related or just coincidence.


Here's a photo of the bluescreen (sorry for the quality, but I didn't want to crash my computer for the 5th time just to get a better capture.



System btw. is Win7 SP1 64 bit.

Edit: Even Telephone support got lost, so some more clarifications:

It happenswhen I hit the icon for the game, the launcher doesn't even appear so we can't do anything with it. At one or 2 of my tries where I started as admin, the game at least didn't bluescreen me, in the task manager the process launcher was there, but that was it.

Edited by RiaStarchild
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I´ve got the same Issue.

The only thing that changed on my System was Avira Antivir.

There was an update today. Afterwards my virtual box wasnt running at it should.

Now I tried to start SWTOR and: Bluescreen!



Hmm, I didn't notice the update, but I use Antivir aswell. And it did couse some error I couldn't explain, hmmm.

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Just found this post. I use Avira and have to disable Real Time Protection for SWTOR Launcher to load successfully. Once logged in then RTP can be re-enabled.

With this I don't get the bluescreen and it seems to be there, but I can't see the launcher. So I can't login, theres just nothing exept the process. Nah, didn't do. Bluescreens after a bit aswell. Launcher is started, but kinda invisible.

Edited by RiaStarchild
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Two players in my guild have the same problem, they are on Windows 7 and also use Avira. But that's a very common anti-virus program in Germany so it doesn't mean much. There are players who have Avira but don't have this problem.


See also this report (in German): http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Launcher-fuhrt-zu-einem-Bluescreen/m-p/4989845#U4989845

Edited by Jerba
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It is Avira,


something went wrong with todays Avira patch. Avira registers the Swtor launcher as Browser.


Try it, deaktivate the Browser security scanner, start Swtor, activate the Scanner. It will work.


(found it out after 4 hours...)


Not everyone with Avira has the same Problem because Avira has different Patchtimes for each Service.

So Avira Pro gets it first and the Free or other versions get it a few hours/days later.

Edited by Yoali
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After patches sometimes the launcher will change and your OS or antivirus might think it a new application and halt permissions for it. Go whitelist it in your antivirus or just exclude the whole program folder from real time scanning and that sort of thing.


That BSOD you describe is the most common BSOD probably. It's the one I get. There are multiple reasons it can happen. Dying RAM stick, computer overheating, any number of software conflicts or driver issues.


This is definitely related to Antivir no longer granting the same permissions to the launcher though, just from reading this thread.

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It is Avira,


something went wrong with todays Avira patch. Avira registers the Swtor launcher as Browser.


Try it, deaktivate the Browser security scanner, start Swtor, activate the Scanner. It will work.


(found it out after 4 hours...)


Not everyone with Avira has the same Problem because Avira has different Patchtimes for each Service.

So Avira Pro gets it first and the Free or other versions get it a few hours/days later.


The swtor launcher is basically a browser , it is using the chromium framework and javascript , good to see the conflict has been identified


These sorts of issues are best listed at Answers HQ then the bug report forum, will keep an eye out for others so handy to know


There is also a german section for those interested

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I did try that already. That doesn't do. The launcher still is only listed as process, but not as task. It's not a login issue, it's way bevor that, the launcher doesn't start at all. The other trick helped at other times, not here. Not at all. Lucky you that it does.
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I did try that already. That doesn't do. The launcher still is only listed as process, but not as task. It's not a login issue, it's way bevor that, the launcher doesn't start at all. The other trick helped at other times, not here. Not at all. Lucky you that it does.


Can try this to see if it points to anything useful


Remove and re-add the exceptions for launcher.exe and swtor.exe or make an exception for the entire game folder if possible.


you can also go to a clean boot per here you will need to leave the bitraider services running though, or no play button may appear


if that doesn't help you can try taking bitraider out of the equations as per here this is a new game download but if all else fails it is a good thing to try.


This issue is best in Answers HQ though

Edited by OwenBrooks
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You´re not able to configure a folder exception for the Laucher.exe.

The "Browser Security" only accepts URLs as exception for Browser sessions.



No url to configure, no exception. There is no folder option.


You can only configure folder exceptions within the live system search function, but this feature´s not the problem. Its the BS.

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It seems that it killed my installation completely. I deinstalled Antivir and my game still doesn't work. Now I have to redo, and if that doesn't t do... guess what. How can it be that the game gets killed like that -.-


Edit: It did kill my SWTOR installation. After completely removing everything, reinstall works (yay launcher starts). (I'm installing with bitraider disabled).

Edited by RiaStarchild
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Unfortunately, despite your efforts to help, nothin solves this. Can this even be solved? At least by me, the user?

Your installation might be as damaged as mine. After I had deinstalled antivirus it still did not work. I deinstalled everything and downloaded the launcher, installed it (without bitraider, instruction here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6693353&postcount=2) After that I could install launcher and start it, right now I patching, seems to work so far.

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