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Star Wars Rebels and the OT


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No, it was raise too many questions and cause a lot of problems. Like...


1. Why did Luke never meet the Ghost crew? Or at least Kanan and Ahsoka to help with Jedi training?


2. Yoda says "when gone am I, the last of the Jedi you will be" yet completely overlooking the fact of again....Kanan and Ahsoka..


3. Where was Ahsoka at least when Luke needed help against Vader and the Emperor?


4. Obi-Wan saying "Then the Emperor has already won, you were our only Hope." again implying that Luke is the only one left to do anything.


Which then leads into you might say "Oh Obi-Wan and Yoda didn't know about them..."


Yet Luke didn't when he's with the Rebel Alliance of which they are apart of, he himself a Hero of the Rebellion and leading famous Rogue Squadron on many missions? So why exactly wouldn't Luke meet them?


Which then brings back if Luke met them, why didn't he say to Yoda or Obi "Well I found 2 other Jedi, they could help."


Which then completely negates of what Obi-Wan and Yoda said about him being their last hope/last of the Jedi to do anything.


Now you may then also say "oh they will go off and do their own thing..."


Problems with that are...


1. It makes no sense for them to ditch the Rebellion, especially Ahsoka when they are fighting the Empire.


2. The Rebel Alliance as of ANH and beyond seems to all be one huge organization rather than just smell sects as seen in Rebels, which means...they would be communicating and the like. Which again then leads to the fact, of why Luke never met them...hell where were they during the Death Star attack? Battle of Hoth?


There's just too many questions and things like that for Rebels to continue through the OT movies for it to work.

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No, it was raise too many questions and cause a lot of problems. Like...


1. Why did Luke never meet the Ghost crew? Or at least Kanan and Ahsoka to help with Jedi training?


2. Yoda says "when gone am I, the last of the Jedi you will be" yet completely overlooking the fact of again....Kanan and Ahsoka..


3. Where was Ahsoka at least when Luke needed help against Vader and the Emperor?


Something the series could answer. As for Yoda Kanan and Ahsoka aren't Jedi and may not want to be. Looking at Force Awakens the Jedi Order may not be recreated at all.

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Something the series could answer. As for Yoda Kanan and Ahsoka aren't Jedi and may not want to be. Looking at Force Awakens the Jedi Order may not be recreated at all.


I don't get that "they aren't Jedi" of course they are Jedi....just because the Jedi Order is gone, doesn't make them suddenly not Jedi anymore. Otherwise are Obi-Wan and Yoda not Jedi either?...No they are. Even Ahsoka says in the preview for the newest trailer for Rebels "Jedi business" and guess what also? The Inquisitors are hunting Jedi, which again...Kanan and Ahsoka are.


Even then again, you singled out this one thing, yet didn't address the rest and again it still wouldn't work.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I don't get that "they aren't Jedi" of course they are Jedi....just because the Jedi Order is gone, doesn't make them suddenly not Jedi anymore. Otherwise are Obi-Wan and Yoda not Jedi either?...No they are. Even Ahsoka says in the preview for the newest trailer for Rebels "Jedi business" and guess what also? The Inquisitors are hunting Jedi, which again...Kanan and Ahsoka are.


Even then again, you singled out this one thing, yet didn't address the rest and again it still wouldn't work.


Ahsoka left the jedi order....

kanan even stoped being a jedi fo a good while. ( he also never completed his training)


As Obi wan says... from a certain point of view... you can say they are jedi because of their connection to the order ( once a jedi , always a jedi, if you folow that mentality) .... from another point of view, they arent realy jedi. Vader ordered the inquisitors to hunt the rebels down ( him and the emperor dont even mention the word jedi to refer to the rebels) , in hopes to track down Obi Wan for instance. It depends of the point of view realy.


Is ventress still a sith? or an sith assassin? after she left dooku? I think not.

Edited by Spartanik
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Kana was just a padawan when OSS was issued. He would never have been a match against Vader, let alone Palpatine. Luke was trained specifically to face them, plus he is Vader's son, Yoda and Kenobi were hoping to use that against the Sith. So while Kanan is a Jedi he is just barely so. No wonder Yoda never mentioned him as a ray of hope.


Ahsoka USED to be a Jedi but she left the order. True she may be more powerful in the Force than Kanan but, again, she was not trained like Luke had been. Luke Skywalker was the only one capable of bringing down the Emperor. Ahsoka could very well have tried but she would have lost and Kanan would have bored Palpatine.



Why weren't they at Yavin? They were elsewhere making a supply run to another basr or something. Hoth? Who is to say they weren't there but left right before the Empire showed up. The Ghost could have easily gone to meet up with the fleet. How do we know they weren't at Endor? Because we didn't see them? All that proves is that they weren't on screen. Hell, Herra could have been piloting one of the B-Wings for all we know!


What I am getting at is that every one of your points against Rebels continuing through the OT period could very easily be explained by the shows writers. We just have to wait and see how it plays out. Maybe Ahsoka dies to Vader in a glorious duel to the death? We don't know yet.

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as for the structure of the rebellion. while the movies didn't say anything (the movies wheren't intreasted in the partiuclars of things) the Rebellion to EXIST would HAVE to operate via a Cell structure. if they didn't the empire woulda found Yavin AGES ago.
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True to a point all of you, however I'm also looking at this from a general audiences perspective really who might just find it odd. Also Brain a point, but it seemed like the Rebellion was majority stationed on Yavin....but i'll admit sure, particulars and the like.


But yes the show writers could explain all of it, although not sure how they explain as to why Luke, Hero of the Rebellion and up in coming Jedi Knight never even met them.

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True to a point all of you, however I'm also looking at this from a general audiences perspective really who might just find it odd. Also Brain a point, but it seemed like the Rebellion was majority stationed on Yavin....but i'll admit sure, particulars and the like.


But yes the show writers could explain all of it, although not sure how they explain as to why Luke, Hero of the Rebellion and up in coming Jedi Knight never even met them.


Think we'll learn Ashokas faith as a showdown with Vader is announced. As for Kanaan, Ezra and the rest, well, any plausible strain of thought is valid really, until the writers says what IS . . . They say the word is NEW Canon . . .


By the way, love to read all of your arguments, nothing more to add really, good read guys;

" You know ... It's true ... all of it ... The Darkside ... The Jedi ... All of it"


The one thing I hope to carry from the EU is the 'grey' area around the Force; Who is/becomes Jedi, what makes/creates a Sith, and foremost what about those Force sensitive that roamed the Galaxy the last 50 years.


They could not all been involved in the clonewars or attending the temple at the time of the Purge . . . that is in my mind an absurd thought. The inmind recruits, padawans, old knights . . . in a fading memory of the order Yoda and Obi-Wan survived, becoming tales, a thought that might been a dream . . .


The only question we need to ask is; Plausibility!


And that goes for the statement of Luke being the only one as well, what strain of thought is most Plausible after a life in isolation? In the aspect of potential to restore the Jedi Order and most definitely to defeat both Vader and Palpatine?

Edited by t-darko
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1. Why did Luke never meet the Ghost crew? Or at least Kanan and Ahsoka to help with Jedi training?

The Ghost crew (and Phoenix Squadron in general) could have been part of the overall attack force in RotJ (those A and B-Wings came from somewhere, and I am convinced we'll see the X and Y-Wings in the series soon enough), but low enough on the totem pole that they didn't show (or need to show) up to Admiral Ackbar's briefing. (That's assuming any of them survive the series.)


2. Yoda says "when gone am I, the last of the Jedi you will be" yet completely overlooking the fact of again....Kanan and Ahsoka..


3. Where was Ahsoka at least when Luke needed help against Vader and the Emperor?

Personally, I'm not entirely convinced that was Yoda who spoke to Kanan and Ezra at the Lothal Temple - it may have just been a manifestation of the Living Force, taking on a familiar voice, at least for Kanan (Ezra's more of a mystery). Or Yoda was only vaguely aware of them during the encounter. Or he forgot (he is over 800 years old after all :p ). Or they're dead. At this point in the series, we don't know.


As for Ashoka - Yoda may have no idea about her fate post-Order 66, since he went into hiding not long implementation, and there's so far no canon regarding them encountering each other before or after O66 - yet. As for why she's not there with Luke in his encounter with Vader - again, see above.


4. Obi-Wan saying "Then the Emperor has already won, you were our only Hope." again implying that Luke is the only one left to do anything.


Which then leads into you might say "Oh Obi-Wan and Yoda didn't know about them..."

Well, in Obi-Wan's case, he did spend 19-20 years as a hermit on Tatooine (which, even by the OT, is a fairly remote system, under the auspices of the Hutts (specifically, Jabba), who kind of do their own thing. He was probably busy keeping an eye on Luke, and may never have been visited by the Ghost crew - we'll just have to see as the series goes on.


Yet Luke didn't when he's with the Rebel Alliance of which they are apart of, he himself a Hero of the Rebellion and leading famous Rogue Squadron on many missions? So why exactly wouldn't Luke meet them?




Now you may then also say "oh they will go off and do their own thing..."


That's exactly what the series creators said regarding Rogue and Phoenix Squadrons in the "Rebels Recon" episode concerning "Wings of the Master." Rogue and Phoenix Squadrons are separate cells doing their own thing, at least until the big attack in RotJ, so it would make sense that Luke would not meet them. Also keep in mind that ESB and RotJ also has Luke off doing his own thing from the Battle of Hoth on (with only a brief stint with the assault force on Endor in RotJ) - he may not have even been present once Rogue and Phoenix joined up for the assault on Death Star II, and too busy/distracted by events to spare time to greet anyone from Phoenix.


That said, both squadrons do have a common contact in the Organas (Bail for Pheonix, Leia for Rogue), so it's odd Leia wouldn't have mentioned anything. Unless... see my answer for 2&3.


Which then brings back if Luke met them, why didn't he say to Yoda or Obi "Well I found 2 other Jedi, they could help."

Again, if they lived, he may never have had the chance. The Rebel Alliance cell based on Yavin and then Hoth seem to comprise just of Rogue Squadron and other users of X and Y-Wing fighters - not an A or B-Wing among them. We don't see the latter fighters until RotJ, which may be seen as an indication that the various Rebel cells have combine their collective forces for a strike on a target of opportunity. And again, Luke's off doing his own thing for much of the two later movies.


Problems with that are...


1. It makes no sense for them to ditch the Rebellion, especially Ahsoka when they are fighting the Empire.

Well, Kanan does have some issues with being a part of the Rebellion. ;)


2. The Rebel Alliance as of ANH and beyond seems to all be one huge organization rather than just smell sects as seen in Rebels, which means...they would be communicating and the like. Which again then leads to the fact, of why Luke never met them...hell where were they during the Death Star attack? Battle of Hoth?

Again, while the Rebel Alliance in ANH and ESB may be a large organization, they *are* missing the A and B-Wing fighters at that time. Granted, neither fighter was created until RotJ, but it does lend credence to the creators of Rebels that the ANH Rebels and Phoenix Squadron are separate cells that have yet to start working together.


But again, that Organa connection comes up...


There's still enough time in this series (both this season and next) to tie up whatever loose ends there are between Rebels and the OT. Until then, we'll just have to wait.

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Arch that's really what it's hinging upon just because Luke didn't meet them? With the Rebels in the movies not showing A-wings or B-wings? That's it...because that's pretty poor reasoning.


They would have at least known about Phoenix Squadron, they didn't have to be within the same group and it's not like Luke isn't traveling around the galaxy at this point and doing other things to where he could meet up with the Ghost crew.


Just because the Rebellion as a whole didn't show A or B wings up until ROTJ, doesn't mean that Luke can't still meet with them.


But right...just gonna have to wait and see what happens.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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