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Is it wrong, A Sith Jedi


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Hi Guys

I was wondering the other night about making a Sith Jedi, I've got the Sith open to all classes as my very first character was a Sith Warrior. So anyway, I made one, a female Sith Jedi. So as the story starts and your get off the spaceship and walk over to the first ever person you speak to, well that's about it. It just doesn't seem right Sith in the Jedi Temple, even looks wrong here as I'm writing this post. Could it, would it even be possible for a Sith pure blood to become a Jedi master. I just don't know how to proceed. Would she take the light side or dark.mor fifty fifty. So I'm asking you guys for help. In the vast Star Wars universe strange things can happen. But this might be too far. Have a think and see what you guys come up with. As always thanks for reading.




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Is a Pureblood Jedi a very rare thing in universe? Yes, it is. Is it impossible? Actually, no. Depending on how you play your own Pureblood, you might get an answer in a part of the Jedi Knight story.

I'm actually having my Pureblood Marauder romance Theron Shan, so I will likely make their son at some point. :)

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It really depends on how many members of the order subscribe to the "He/she is a Sith pureblood. They can't possibly follow the light" school of thought.


I recommend playing the Jedi Knight for the following reason:


You can convince a sith pureblood named Praven to turn to the lightside and join the Jedi order. On the flip side, one of the masters on the council is opposed to allowing the Knight to work with Lord Scourge. Going as far as to draw his saber on Scourge.


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I currently have a Sith species Jedi Knight (darksider) ;)


Only had a few occasions had someone said something to me. Most people run past stop turn around and run past me again to make sure they saw what they saw. :D


My inspiration was Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi by Dark Horse comics, Sek'nos Rath! And the fact of having my Sith with Scourge for FP/Heroics and general smack talk in PvP! Traitor! being the most common and nicest of the comments!

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I think you'd probably have an easier time playing a pureblood Jedi if you have a backstory for her in mind.


I made my own pureblood Jedi Knight a few days ago, and she is the daughter of my light-sided pureblood Sith Warrior(ess). My headcanon is that her mother smuggled her out of the Empire as a child because she expressed the desire to become a Jedi instead of hiding out like her mother did.


As far as anyone saying anything, well, the Republic is supposed to be accepting of all races, and the Jedi especially where deeds are more important than your skin color. (And yes, it's too bad that they didn't put in any special reactions, since they knew folks were able to unlock the pureblood race since launch and would undoubtedly make some of them on the Republic side.)

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Would it be a rare thing? Yes, very rare. However there is precedent in this very game



during the JK story you are met by a Pure Blood Sith Lord, Praven. He participated in the raid on the Jedi Temple and even had as his apprentice the son of a Darth. He was sent to destroy Caroline with a WMD but his sense of honor forces him to challenge the JK to a duel. Make the right decisions and he agrees to go to Tython to study as a Padawan.


By the time of Corellia one of your first missions as Commander of Jedi Forces, is to go and gather the Jedi who are currently scattered across the planet. One of the ones you find is Proven, now a Jedi Knight who is greatful to you for being the one who delivered his redemption.



So based on the above it would be VERY rare BUT it is doable, you just need the right back story. In the case above it was someone who somehow still had the old Sith Warrior code of honor and overtime he saw that this code was not compatible with the Nature of the Empire he lived in. You could have less dramatic ones as well...crashed transport... Only survivor a Sith child who is found and adopted by a "good" family, prisoner of war who had some revelation while in captivity? A Sith who became privy to the Emperors plans to gobble the Galaxy, which included him and said "heck no!!!" Lots of ways to do it.

Edited by Ghisallo
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It really depends on how many members of the order subscribe to the "He/she is a Sith pureblood. They can't possibly follow the light" school of thought.


I recommend playing the Jedi Knight for the following reason:


You can convince a sith pureblood named Praven to turn to the lightside and join the Jedi order. On the flip side, one of the masters on the council is opposed to allowing the Knight to work with Lord Scourge. Going as far as to draw his saber on Scourge.


I think it's more about how the two approach things.

One comes and in essence petitions to learn the ways of the light, to be redeemed, kinda like some stories where the Ming General tires of the Slaughter of innocents and goes to the Shaolin Temple. The other is unapologetically still a Dark Side Sith, he does not regret the Jedi he has killed over centuries, he is only there because he now sees the Emperor as the BIGGER enemy as Scourge has no interest in becoming mere fuel for the next ascension of the Emperor lol


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Sith Jedi would be a very very rare thing. I'm not so sure it's that it's wrong, but rather they don't say anything about it. That was my real issue with my Chiss Knight, no one ever goes "*** A CHISS?!" :p

Do most people (especially in the Republic) even know what a Chiss is? I always got the impression that there are so many species in the galaxy that most people are used to having the occasional conversation with a totally unfamiliar life form. And after you've met an Ithorian or an Ongree, the appearance of a Chiss or a Pureblood isn't going to seem that weird.


Basically, in the Republic, you seem to get blanket acceptance of unfamiliar species; in the Empire, if you're not human/pureblood or maybe Chiss they'll hate you equally regardless of your species. :)

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Hi Guys.

Well I'm truly impressed with the way you guys have come up with ways to help me with this major story issue. I really like the idea of her having her own back story, but like you said the Republic wouldn't have an issue with the colour of her skin. So I think the Jedi would be more interestied in her training then her origins of birth.

Really like the idea of a small child being the soul survivor of a crashed ship. Then taken in by two warm hearted people. So if a child is shown to care and love then when the Jedi comes along it shouldn't be a massive change for her to accept right from wrong ( light from dark ). So to show compassion isn't a sign of weakness and that peace isn't a lie. I'm now itching to start her story now, so she may prove that she can choose the right path for herself, and not be pushed or forced to choose the one a Sith must choose. As always thanks for reading and helping me with my decision.



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I think you'd probably have an easier time playing a pureblood Jedi if you have a backstory for her in mind.


I made my own pureblood Jedi Knight a few days ago, and she is the daughter of my light-sided pureblood Sith Warrior(ess). My headcanon is that her mother smuggled her out of the Empire as a child because she expressed the desire to become a Jedi instead of hiding out like her mother did.


As far as anyone saying anything, well, the Republic is supposed to be accepting of all races, and the Jedi especially where deeds are more important than your skin color. (And yes, it's too bad that they didn't put in any special reactions, since they knew folks were able to unlock the pureblood race since launch and would undoubtedly make some of them on the Republic side.)


I have one too, and my role playing background, since I'm on a RP server, Is that she is a survivor of the Red Reaper, who was from an agricole world, without any remembrance of the Sith teachings. She ended up saved by a Republic commando, and since she had a good connection to the Force, she joined the Jedi order.

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I think by lore that Sith have a natural connection to the Dark Side of the force. So even if they are raised in a loving home and their parents do everything right, they are still going to live a life tempted constantly by the Dark Side in ways that a normal jedi would never be. It could be really fun to RP that.
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Do most people (especially in the Republic) even know what a Chiss is? I always got the impression that there are so many species in the galaxy that most people are used to having the occasional conversation with a totally unfamiliar life form. And after you've met an Ithorian or an Ongree, the appearance of a Chiss or a Pureblood isn't going to seem that weird.


Basically, in the Republic, you seem to get blanket acceptance of unfamiliar species; in the Empire, if you're not human/pureblood or maybe Chiss they'll hate you equally regardless of your species. :)


They may not know Chiss, but they would know the Purebloods and I would bet have an instant reaction of "OMG! SITH! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" or one of killing it. You won't walk around as a Pureblood and not get lots of stares and possibly some hate for killing their family (be it, a totally unrelated PB I'm sure).

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Well, I do have a Jedi Guardian as one of my alts that is a Sith Pureblood. And she is Darkside.

Her backstory is the following:


Sith politics. A rival of her father - <this Rival was very powerful > managed to incriminate him for a crime he did not commit. He was put to death, and her mother fled while she was still in the womb. Her mother managed to escape to Nar Shaddaa, where she managed to find work for a casino security firm that was making sure force-sensitives didn't rig the odds. When she was born, a Jedi came along and - he being rather neutral-oriented - fell in love with her mother. Her new stepfather managed to give her some Jedi training, and then managed to get her sent to Tython - and the rest of her story happens as narrated by the JK story. Her basic motive for serving the republic? Revenge for what happened to her father and her family.

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Having a Sith Pureblood Jedi's not wrong at all. I have a couple I play occasionally and other than the random whisper I get from someone asking or commenting about it, that's about the only vaguely game related thing I can think off to mention.


There are several reasons why a Pureblood could end up as a Jedi. Found as a child is one, seeking redemption is another. I decided to go with a variant within Sith politics of what could be worse than death than seeing or knowing that your child who you had aspirations and goals planned for, end up abducted and sent to your enemy to be raised and educated in their image. We've already seen Sith do attach a strong importance to bloodlines and family, so rather than go the cartoonishly evil route of killing a rival's child, abduct them and send them to the Republic.

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My jedi consular is pure Sith. In my family tree she is the adopted daughter of Sith Inq. In my story she stumbled upon a jedi master, who reconized her potential and took her away to train in the ways of the jedi. Darth Nox was not pleased to find out his precious Sith daughter became a great Jedi. :cool:
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My Jedi Knight is a Sith Pureblood, he was my first legacy Character I made, years ago.


The thing is Sith pureblood is a misnomer They are Humans with large percentage of Sith DNA. If you follow the side quests on the Imperial side, you will find out that Siths and Humans had mixed completely and the red skin is just a remnant of some of their ancestors. As such being a red skinned Near Human with tentacle facial features, is all you really are. Yes, many follow the teachings of the Sith Empire, but if you notice, most of the 'Pure Bloods' are actually noble warriors, and as such being light side is not impossible, in fact it seems a natural course of things that they are loosing the one trait that made them True Sith, being one with the dark-side.

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I really like that you asked the question in the first place. People who enjoy getting their character stories right always earn *hugs* and appreciation from me, and when I say 'right', I mean for their own game-play. ^^


I always have a bit of a prob with mmos which funnel you down a 'special snowflake' story line because it kind of 'breaks my immersion, man!' We can't ALL be special snowflakes, after all. I used to be far more militant about this sort of thing, and a game where everyone had *my* companions would have driven me nuts. I've mellowed.


My point being, there's a load of game-breaking lore-twisting mental-gymnastics required to play the game anyway, and after all, you've been given the tools to do what the hell you like (! hurrah!) with your unlocks. Go to!


Added to which, as other people have said, there is some precedent. ;)


But I think, most importantly, there are always people in rl who buck-the-trend, break out and do their own thang.


Be Pure-blood! Be Jedi! \o/


But...be resigned to a life of ridiculous disingenuous garbage. Stupid Jedi. I hate them like I hate Elves.




P.S. - I think I might sound like I've been reading too many Inspirational Desk Calendars. I really just wanted to show support. I go now.

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Back in the days of the Je'daii, there were Sith Purebloods in the Je'daii, and they weren't necessarily evil. I could see a Sith PB trying to go back to the old Je'daii ways, where light and dark were not "good" and "evil", but just two parts of the Force that had to be kept in balance within yourself, and you kept your emotions in balance, not denied.
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