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Progenitor's best vs Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing


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The Progenitor is widely known across the GSF community for giving the galaxy a few of it's best. A few of the eagle eyed among you will know Etri(etax) or Xinthos from several of the award threads. For those clued up it is also a scout-centric server. But that doesn't mean the skill of it's pilots is to be dismissed.


srw or <Shadowlands Reconaissance Wing> are a squadron of cross-sever players. Enough to fill a team in a GSF match. for any game mode. 8 officers and many other members otherwise.


I propose an evening where srw's pilots are our guests on the Preggo. And we pit our best against them.

That squadron would likely include but is subject to change: Etri. Moganas. Xinthos. Koleva. Cainin. Miriya. Teira(myself) and Rosy.


Therefore, I challenge the srw to join us on the progenitor. Preferably on Imperial toons. But we can war-game if necessary. On Saturday 12th decemeber. 6pm GMT. (date subject to change based on responses and availability).


Kindly leave you response below srw. We're happy to blast you :)

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I have a better idea. Why don't you guys meet on a neutral server so no one has home advantage?


It's not like the SRW crew can just transfer over to your server, so you're essentially asking that they put in a LOT of time to master some ships in around two weeks time. Interesting idea if not for that. While some of them already play there, I doubt they all have mastered ships there.


But hey, I could be wrong.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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I have a better idea. Why don't you guys meet on a neutral server so no one has home advantage?


It's not like the SRW crew can just transfer over to your server, so you're essentially asking that they put in a LOT of time to master some ships in around two weeks time. Interesting idea if not for that. While some of them already play there, I doubt they all have mastered ships there.


But hey, I could be wrong.


While you're not wrong about that. This evening was partially suggested by Vexxial-srw when we played together on the Progenitor earlier. They seemed happy with our home court advantage. So the challenge stands. Not to mention the fact that the reason I am sending the challenge personally is that I don't hop servers. And I'm not a fan of the practice. I'd like to test our mettle against those that do.


Depending on the outcome however, we could discuss rematches against them on a server where all of our pilots would be flying 100% stock. I'd be open for that. Depending on how this goes.

Edited by Faliketh
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I am on board for this, and I speak for Siraka as well when I say that we welcome the chance to face organized opposition. (Siraka is currently unsubbed, and thus is unable to post due to his questionable activities involving a goat)


In the next little while we will find out availability and find substitutes if some folks cannot make it, as well as do some battle prep by flying on Progenitor imp side to gain a bit of requisition ahead of the matches. That being said, if too many people (on either side) are unable to make that date, we may have to reschedule. We will most likely be flying on imp side, as that sounds like it is more convenient.


Additionally, Yallia will most likely be able to stream and record this event for anyone to watch if they are interested.


Thank you for this opportunity, see you in the skies!

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I have a better idea. Why don't you guys meet on a neutral server so no one has home advantage?


It's not like the SRW crew can just transfer over to your server, so you're essentially asking that they put in a LOT of time to master some ships in around two weeks time. Interesting idea if not for that. While some of them already play there, I doubt they all have mastered ships there.


But hey, I could be wrong.


Don't worry about that part, as far as I know, they already have characters on The Progenitor, with mastered ships and everything. Besides, as pointed out above, it's them that keep visiting our little backwater server, mass-murdering our newbies and generally unbalancing the Force. We're just a typical RP server bunch that roleplay while flying and make ship choices based on what looks closer to the fighters from the original trilogy.

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I am on board for this, and I speak for Siraka as well when I say that we welcome the chance to face organized opposition. (Siraka is currently unsubbed, and thus is unable to post due to his questionable activities involving a goat)


In the next little while we will find out availability and find substitutes if some folks cannot make it, as well as do some battle prep by flying on Progenitor imp side to gain a bit of requisition ahead of the matches. That being said, if too many people (on either side) are unable to make that date, we may have to reschedule. We will most likely be flying on imp side, as that sounds like it is more convenient.


Additionally, Yallia will most likely be able to stream and record this event for anyone to watch if they are interested.


Thank you for this opportunity, see you in the skies!


The date is, of course, subject to change. The Progenitor also has pilots that can take over from that list of people. many who would even relish the chance. Perhaps we could make an event out of it. I'm sure we'll have more than enough pilots for you to try your hands at. Even if the full compliment of our 8 men can't make it.

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Don't worry about that part, as far as I know, they already have characters on The Progenitor, with mastered ships and everything. Besides, as pointed out above, it's them that keep visiting our little backwater server, mass-murdering our newbies and generally unbalancing the Force. We're just a typical RP server bunch that roleplay while flying and make ship choices based on what looks closer to the fighters from the original trilogy.


Well, some of us, sure. I, for one, have never set virtual foot on Progenitor...just hasn't been on my radar. I would have to roll new characters and start from scratch...or transfer someone, which I'm not sure I'm prepared to do right now. That's fine, though, I'm always up for a challenge. Count me in, one way or another.

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Huge thanks to everyone in SRW and on the progenitor for being there today. For allowing us to practice and for having our backs. So sad I didn't get to fly but hey. Murphey's law on that one. I watched the stream so massive love to Yallia for having that up.


Hope to blast you again some time. Or be blasted, as it turned out :p

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Thanks to everyone watching the stream, at it's peak we had close to 40 viewers! That's ridiculous for a GSF stream. We had a great time, and would like the thank all the Progenitor pilots for inviting us and being good sports about it. Hopefully, we can do something like this again and motivate other GSF server communities to have likewise events. If you missed the stream you can find it here
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Some people reported issues with buffering while trying to watch the replay on Twitch. I divided up the event into the matches and put them on Youtube. Hopefully, it's a better viewing experience. The playlist can be found
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The intro video is very nice.


@OP, perhaps you should issue a challenge to Drakolich's team next. I haven't seen them in a while and it would be nice to get them back in the game.


I doubt you will see that ole chap and his ragtag group of bastioners any time soon or in the distant future. It seems to me that when the going got hot with all the transfers to harbinger, they disappeared into the cold of the night. maybe they went back to farming noobs on the bastion again?

Edited by Krixarcs
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I doubt you will see that ole chap and his ragtag group of bastioners any time soon or in the distant future. It seems to me that when the going got hot with all the transfers to harbinger, they disappeared into the cold of the night. maybe they went back to farming noobs on the bastion again?


Nope just playing other games.


I'd gladly get a group together if someone wanted to challenge us, everyone on my team has just been taking some time off from the game. It was actually really hard to keep going with the only competition telling us they could no longer play in the only time slot we could play in.


As always I love how blunt you are Krix <3

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Nope just playing other games.


I'd gladly get a group together if someone wanted to challenge us, everyone on my team has just been taking some time off from the game. It was actually really hard to keep going with the only competition telling us they could no longer play in the only time slot we could play in.


As always I love how blunt you are Krix <3


This is nice information to know. I will try to organize a team of harbinger's finest to duel

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