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Please reduce the required number of pvp matches to get certain companions in KotFE


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I'd rather they didn't have the pvp requirement at all to get the comps, it sucks, but I suppose in the interest of compromise, I think like others have said, 5 matches, win or lose, both count, would be fair. They might get people to try it, or at least suffer through it.


In all honesty, I'd rather relieve myself of a body part than pvp. I hate it. I'd rather not do it, but I don't want to lose out on what Theron might ask next of me...that's cutting into my story fun. So I do hope they'll compromise and if not remove out right, or give us some other option like hunting 20 of something like we did for Qyzen, then a reduction to about 5.


Please Bioware, give those of us who aren't into PVP other options to get the comps you've gated behind pvp content.

If not another method, like hunting 20 of something...then a reduction to say 5 pvp matches, that count, win or lose.




5 matches? People would tolerate 5 pvp matches when they have ABSOLUTELY no interest in pvp?

Why couldn't people put up with 6 heroic star fortress runs in a group?


Where are the ranting, rage filled, pvp vs pve posts to fill up the front page? How many people are going to unsub over this?




This thought crossed my mind. Thats all.


For the record: I didn't care about the nerf, or the buff, companions are cool.

Also, I'm a warrior. I just rolled up in my sith mobile and told Pierce to get in.

Edited by Tarkashae
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5 matches? People would tolerate 5 pvp matches when they have ABSOLUTELY no interest in pvp?

Why couldn't people put up with 6 heroic star fortress runs in a group?


This thought crossed my mind. Thats all.


For the record: I didn't care about the nerf, or the buff, companions are cool.


Simply because 5 is less than 20. It's less daunting a prospect when you receive the quest.

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5 matches? People would tolerate 5 pvp matches when they have ABSOLUTELY no interest in pvp?


I would be "willing" to at least participate in 5 matches, but 20 is too many, it's like a huge -ve against PvP before you even begin. Knowing they may be stuck there for 20 matches people are more likely to play up from the start.

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0 is even less, as in "I don't want you, now let me talk to Lana and see if she has anything else to tell me."


I think both should be implemented, say no outright 0 PvP matches or 5 PvP matches (win or loose) for participation.


This would be the best all round solution, people get the option to say no or they get the taster of PvP that BW wanted and as I said 20 is not a taster its the full bottle.

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0 is even less, as in "I don't want you, now let me talk to Lana and see if she has anything else to tell me."


Oh sure, I would like a "Screw you Pierce/4X" option. But I doubt we'll see because Artistic Integrity or something like that. That's Bioware's signature move.

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nothing is being forced at all. it's optional.


if you dont want the pierce companion skin, then dont do the warzones.


all i do these days are warzones. i really don't care if pve'ers are in there not contributing. it's always been that way. it always will be. plus it works both ways to it all balances.


Let me be clear, if a PVEr wants the comp, make no mistake they'll do their PVP and enjoy some Netflix while randomly clicking buttons until it's over. Rinse then repeat. All this serves to do is annoy and lessen the experience those who wish to engage in the PVP content they're paying for. That's neither fun nor fair for either party. If you have no issue with this great, but I'm certain there are others who are bothered by it.


The question you need to ask is, "What purpose does this objective serve, and is it successful in doing so?" Personally, I don't think it really serves any purpose very well at all.

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Let me be clear, if a PVEr wants the comp, make no mistake they'll do their PVP and enjoy some Netflix while randomly clicking buttons until it's over. Rinse then repeat. All this serves to do is annoy and lessen the experience those who wish to engage in the PVP content they're paying for. That's neither fun nor fair for either party. If you have no issue with this great, but I'm certain there are others who are bothered by it.


The question you need to ask is, "What purpose does this objective serve, and is it successful in doing so?" Personally, I don't think it really serves any purpose very well at all.

then let those others speak for themselves?

even if these people do exist, it's more of an issue with the wz system itself not allowing us to votekick people easily. in cases where the player goes afk, that can actually lead to actions on the account.

but like i said, both teams will have these useless players. it balances. it's not a big deal. i've never EVER seen a scoresheet at the end of a wz and not thought "what on earth was this guy doing the entire time"

plus its unranked, if people take it too seriously then that's their problem.


none of the companion missions serve any purpose. all companions are the same now.

Edited by Pagy
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then let those others speak for themselves?

even if these people do exist, it's more of an issue with the wz system itself not allowing us to votekick people easily. in cases where the player goes afk, that can actually lead to actions on the account.

but like i said, both teams will have these useless players. it balances. it's not a big deal. i've never EVER seen a scoresheet at the end of a wz and not thought "what on earth was this guy doing the entire time"

plus its unranked, if people take it too seriously then that's their problem.


none of the companion missions serve any purpose. all companions are the same now.


Heh, if your conclusion here is that of all things, it's a faulty votekick mechanic that would be in need of addressing then you and I can agree to disagree. If you're enjoying your WZs then great, your fun is unimpacted. Personally, mine won't be either, but then again I'm trying to think of other players' enjoyment in critiquing the game. Carry on, chief.

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then let those others speak for themselves?

even if these people do exist, it's more of an issue with the wz system itself not allowing us to votekick people easily. in cases where the player goes afk, that can actually lead to actions on the account.

but like i said, both teams will have these useless players. it balances. it's not a big deal. i've never EVER seen a scoresheet at the end of a wz and not thought "what on earth was this guy doing the entire time"

plus its unranked, if people take it too seriously then that's their problem.


none of the companion missions serve any purpose. all companions are the same now.


Yeah, why not add a votekick system? That way, players who don't like PvP yet try to pull their own weight but still can't do very well (Would look at myself if I had a mirror) will get kicked and will be utterly unable to complete the quest. Great idea!

Edited by Leklor
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I don't enjoy pvp on here much at all. I get talked into pocket healing for it sometimes, but that's me doing a favor for guildies, not enjoying pvp.


Frankly, I don't care about either Pierce or 4X either though. For me, this is a complete non issue, though if things I do want wind up pvp gated in the future, I suppose I'll just go pocket heal for pvp guildies for a while and suck it up.


Ain't that big a deal either way.

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Yeah, why not add a votekick system? That way, players who don't like PvP yet try to pull their own weight but still can't do very well (Would look at myself if I had a mirror) will get kicked and will be utterly unable to complete the quest. Great idea!
if you're trying then it shouldn't be an issue.


why would they kick someone and go a man down mid-match unless it was SUPER bad?

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I must not have had this quest yet despite beating the 9 chapters. I never had to do a certain amount of PVP quests. I don't know what companion everyone is talking about you have to do quests. I know there was some quests they wanted me to start. I kinda stopped doing it. I grew bored after I had to zoom in with my binoculars. The quest grew stale. I grew uninterested. I would have done the PVP quest. That's all I literally do in game besides questing.
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I must not have had this quest yet despite beating the 9 chapters. I never had to do a certain amount of PVP quests. I don't know what companion everyone is talking about you have to do quests. I know there was some quests they wanted me to start. I kinda stopped doing it. I grew bored after I had to zoom in with my binoculars. The quest grew stale. I grew uninterested. I would have done the PVP quest. That's all I literally do in game besides questing.


You have to recruit yuun first, and that unlocks the recruitment for the other companions.


Ideally, BioWare should have implemented a 'no' option for -all- companions.

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You have to recruit yuun first, and that unlocks the recruitment for the other companions.


Ideally, BioWare should have implemented a 'no' option for -all- companions.


Yunn. Who is that and where do I recruit her. Is that one of the people that help me during the chapters. If not where and how do I get Yunn.

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In making my original post, I had thought making the suggestion of a reduction to be a fair compromise, and I still think it is.


I hate pvp, would rather not do it at all, and that's why I chose to play on a PVE server.


I see some other fair solutions, that would work fine for me too...the option to 'say no' or bypass a quest to get a companion that has been arbitrarily denoted as a 'pvp companion'. I don't want to think, that in refusing to pvp (on a PVE server), I'll be losing out on getting other companions because that requirement wasn't fulfilled. Biowaree decided to foist this gateway on us, just because they felt it would 'solve' their pvp problems. It shouldn't be up to pve-ers on a pve server to solve pvp issues. It's not really helping the pvp issues anyway, because people who don't want to be there won't be...or will be against their will. That's not a solution and Bioware must be positively mad if they think it is.


I think there need to be other ways to deal with this issue. I'm mostly concerned that I wouldn't be able to do any more stuff, because it will be stuck behind a pvp gateway.


I'm reasonable, forcing people who play on pve servers to do pvp things sucks, but in the interest of compromise, I would consider doing 5 matches. Or even better, the 'no' option to eliminate that quest altogether so you can reach any others hidden behind it. Or an equivalent like hunting 'x' number of things, in particular for pve servers, because if you chose to play pve, that's what your focus is...if a person plays on a pvp server, then it's reasonable to have/expect the matches to get those comps.


Some seem to think it's taking away something from the pvpers, but that's not the case with the comps. They came through storyline and pve quests. No warzones were entered at anytime 1-50 to get 4X or Pierce, so in essence, everyone is losing out on these comps, unless they're pvpers or willing to suffer. I don't pay money to suffer or be humiliated by mean people.


Server designation should be a consideration in designing content. PVE is for PVE and PVP is for PVP and people should have options that include doing what they enjoy and not be made to do things they adamantly don't to get a game achievement. And for those that were arguing that they should get to PVP instead of doing world bosses? Hey, that's fair, I have no problem with that. It's all about options for every play style.

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Yes please this. Bioware, you do realize that the PvP'ers don't want us carebear story casuals dragging them down anyway, right?


I know you probably thought that you are rewarding players who do PvP content.


But let me tell you, you are dooming them to endless matches with people like me who have no idea how to PvP running around until by the luck of the draw I finally qualify for my companions.


Everyone loses.


This! ...so much this, don't do it for me .....think of the poor PvPers they have enough to contend with then to deal with my sorry ***** ...LOL

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Server designation should be a consideration in designing content. PVE is for PVE and PVP is for PVP and people should have options that include doing what they enjoy and not be made to do things they adamantly don't to get a game achievement. And for those that were arguing that they should get to PVP instead of doing world bosses? Hey, that's fair, I have no problem with that. It's all about options for every play style.
you're asking for an overly complicated game design for a piece of the game that is literally pointless and just a timesink.


they already gave options for each character. if you dont want to do it, then dont. you dont have to. it's a meaningless character skin.

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if you're trying then it shouldn't be an issue.


why would they kick someone and go a man down mid-match unless it was SUPER bad?


Because I am SUPER bad. Despite trying. I've got terrible reflexes, I simply cannot understand the tactics used in PvP and seeing enemies run in circle around casting their CC only makes my head hurt.

I try but I just can't do it properly it seems. And seeing how some have gone as far as to PM me after a match to tell me to quit the game altogether, I don't think my chances of remaining in a match until the end would be very good.

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you're asking for an overly complicated game design for a piece of the game that is literally pointless and just a timesink.


they already gave options for each character. if you dont want to do it, then dont. you dont have to. it's a meaningless character skin.


Pagy, it's not so much so much the 'skin'...what worries me is what they have locked behind the gate...I don't want to see companions locked behind something that I hate and have a hard time bringing myself to do.


Plus calling people superbads doesn't really help make them want to play. :/

Edited by Lunafox
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Because I am SUPER bad. Despite trying. I've got terrible reflexes, I simply cannot understand the tactics used in PvP and seeing enemies run in circle around casting their CC only makes my head hurt.

I try but I just can't do it properly it seems. And seeing how some have gone as far as to PM me after a match to tell me to quit the game altogether, I don't think my chances of remaining in a match until the end would be very good.

all i can say is that i would be SUPER aggressive with wanting to kick people and i'm not even close to wanting to kick you if you're trying.


plus if you defend points, call out incoming enemies...you're already doing better than most.

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I had enough valor banked already just from casual off and on PVP, but Id actually just prefer a non-warzone method to build valor ranks and coms. I like pvp, but when I drift away its usually due to being burned out on warzones themselves, not out of lost interest in pvp.
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