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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please reduce the required number of pvp matches to get certain companions in KotFE


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Beyond the unimaginable intolerance of forcing non-PVPers to do 20 -- 20!!! -- Warzone matches is the fact that the Imperials are doing it for *********** Lieutenant Pierce. At least the Republic is getting a cool companion out of the deal, but the Imperials? Those poor sods are stuck with that useless ******** that even Sith Warriors don't want.


It's a fact that just makes it even more disdainful considering it's also a block to other companions down the line.

We don't know that for sure, although Eric Musco would or could not rule it out as a possibility. "Just say no" seems the best solution. If you (and i don't mean you, personally) want Pierce or 4X, then you know what you need to do. If you are fine not getting them, then don't let that be a bar to future alerts.

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It's really not a hellish grind unless someone makes it one.


If people just did the 4 match daily, each day they would be done in 5 sessions. Sure it might take a few days, but why do folks feel like they need to have everything RIGHT NOW? If they just take their time, do it in bite-sized chucks, they'll be done before they know it.


20 matches is a lot, whether you enjoy PvP or not. The other quests you can easily finish up in less than 2 hours. This one requires at least that amount of time if you absolutely stomp 10 wins in a row. It's far more likely most players wouldn't finish this mission in 3-4 hours even if they do get carried to some wins. This is likely a 5-6 hour grind minimum for the majority of players and that is a lot to ask for someone to invest when you can get a companion like Talos, Yuun or Xalek in 20 minutes.


If all the companions took quite a bit of time to obtain, I would be fine with the requirement, but currently this one is extremely disproportional to the others.

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PvPers are toxic to their own activity .

Hey, another thing we agree on. When it comes to expanding the PvP player base, PvPers are, as a group, their own worst enemy. Kind of like the bumper stickers that read "Welcome to [the region I live in that benefits greatly from tourism], now go home."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I love to PvP...but if I didn't, 20 would be hellish to me. It's not that PvP itself is that difficult, it's really not, but it's extremely fast paced play and it's far from casual. It's also placing players in a competitive environment where they'll be judged and ridiculed by someone...I was in full 208 gear the day of release, valor 100, and I still had twits mocking everyone for being scrubs. PvPers are toxic to their own activity - I think 20 missions HURTS PvP far more than it helps. 4-6 would be ideal imo.


If we could just PVP our way through most of the game I'd be happy. Sadly, most players have terrible taste in MMO fun so prefer other ING activities. :rak_07: So I think it's more reasonable if BW improved things to like what TUX and others are suggesting.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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It's went too far. It's got to the stage now where they'd be ill-advised to change it, because then they'll get the backlash of people who DID 'grind' through the 20 matches, and will be demanding something more if they remove or reduce the requirements.
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It's went too far. It's got to the stage now where they'd be ill-advised to change it, because then they'll get the backlash of people who DID 'grind' through the 20 matches, and will be demanding something more if they remove or reduce the requirements.


Only if those people had 1-2 alts and finished all of them, those with more alts would breathe a sigh of relief.

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Or, there's always Option 3. Do the required PVP, get carried (and learn nothing because you care little for said content), and contentedly ignore the cries of those genuinely interested in said content that a carebear is ruining their fun (and justifiably so). See? Everyone loses. That's what makes games fun - shoehorning content.


Exactly.... god forbid they tie a companion to a HM Operation. Then we would have the same idiots that complained about how a level cap ruined HM Ops due to all the people that didn't know how to play their spec REALLY in a uproar.


See...same applies to PvP. PvP will now be inundated by people like me that hate PvP in SWTOR, that will just stand (be stunned and killed) over and over just to check the box.


What FUN Biofail created!

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Exactly.... god forbid they tie a companion to a HM Operation. Then we would have the same idiots that complained about how a level cap ruined HM Ops due to all the people that didn't know how to play their spec REALLY in a uproar.


See...same applies to PvP. PvP will now be inundated by people like me that hate PvP in SWTOR, that will just stand (be stunned and killed) over and over just to check the box.


What FUN Biofail created!


Those two situations are not really analogous. Firstly because there is no way to fail at an operation and still obtain the companion, whereas you can be terrible at PvP and still finish 20 warzones. Secondly because it would have no impact on the HM raiding community. Simply continue playing with your normal raid group and don't PUG players in PvP gear that won't be able to clear the content. Thirdly because many players beyond PvPers cannot complete HM operations either and so you would be restricting content based on players' abilities and not on their participation.


I personally wouldn't have any issues with it, but I regularly do HM Ops. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see one put behind SM Ops.

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20 matches is a lot, whether you enjoy PvP or not. The other quests you can easily finish up in less than 2 hours. This one requires at least that amount of time if you absolutely stomp 10 wins in a row. It's far more likely most players wouldn't finish this mission in 3-4 hours even if they do get carried to some wins. This is likely a 5-6 hour grind minimum for the majority of players and that is a lot to ask for someone to invest when you can get a companion like Talos, Yuun or Xalek in 20 minutes.


If all the companions took quite a bit of time to obtain, I would be fine with the requirement, but currently this one is extremely disproportional to the others.


What's the rush? 20 is a lot, but so what? Why does everything have to be so immediate in MMORPGs? In my days of playing MMORPGs, I've had quests that have taken months and had multiple difficult PvE elements to them. Does everything in the game have to be so fleeting? :jawa_frown:


This is taking aside PvP for the moment. I still think the best solution to this is to move the quest to the PvP terminal where won't even see it unless you choose to.

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Exactly.... god forbid they tie a companion to a HM Operation. Then we would have the same idiots that complained about how a level cap ruined HM Ops due to all the people that didn't know how to play their spec REALLY in a uproar.


I hate raiding these days, but I fervently hope they tie a companion to it. All they need to do is make the companion a reward dropped in the Operation. The problem they did with 4X/Pierce is that they created that alert. They should have just put them on the PvP terminal. People would have figured out soon enough they were there.


See...same applies to PvP. PvP will now be inundated by people like me that hate PvP in SWTOR, that will just stand (be stunned and killed) over and over just to check the box.


What FUN Biofail created!


Even the people who have been terrible with sub 100K damage have tried from what I've seen. I saw a guy this weekend who guarded, but he still called incomings, and tried to defend himself when he got attacked. Which allowed us to win the game.


Maybe try, you might be surprised how much less onerous the task is when you aren't convincing yourself you hate it.

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What's the rush? 20 is a lot, but so what? Why does everything have to be so immediate in MMORPGs? In my days of playing MMORPGs, I've had quests that have taken months and had multiple difficult PvE elements to them. Does everything in the game have to be so fleeting? :jawa_frown:


This is taking aside PvP for the moment. I still think the best solution to this is to move the quest to the PvP terminal where won't even see it unless you choose to.


There is nothing wrong with making them take awhile, but it needs to be uniform across the missions. You can't have some missions taking 100 times longer than others for the same end result of 1 companion. The expectation set by every other companion missions is 20-90 minutes. This is the only outlier that takes 5-6 hours.

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Hey, another thing we agree on. When it comes to expanding the PvP player base, PvPers are, as a group, their own worst enemy. Kind of like the bumper stickers that read "Welcome to [the region I live in that benefits greatly from tourism], now go home."

Don't get me wrong...they're by far the minority of PvPers, but in PvP you can get 4-6 matches in in an hour vs one Ops run, so you're bound to encounter them more frequently simply because the matches are so much faster. But they do exist and they do harm PvP participation.

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There is nothing wrong with making them take awhile, but it needs to be uniform across the missions. You can't have some missions taking 100 times longer than others for the same end result of 1 companion. The expectation set by every other companion missions is 20-90 minutes. This is the only outlier that takes 5-6 hours.


Ever wonder why the developers don't take us seriously? Here it is. People complain out of pure ignorance. You don't care if you know what you're talking about or not. You're going to spout these hyperbole falsehoods and hope that someone is going to be fooled by them.


As with the PVP dailies, winning a match counts as playing 2 matches for the purpose of recruiting Pierce/M1-4X. If you're actually good at the game, you could complete the quest in as little as 10 matches.


Your other problem is that your complaint comes from the idea that the quest was designed to be finished in one sitting instead of progressed over the course of many days. This is only an issue for someone who is suffering from crippling OCD and MUST complete giant quests before turning the game off. Master yourself and learn to do a few matches, and then do a few more the next day. Trying to make it look like BioWare is forcing you to play 20 straight warzones without break isn't going to fool anyone. Stop trying.


I'm not singling you out here either. Everyone whining in this topic is guilty of this and BioWare has done nothing wrong this time.

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Ever wonder why the developers don't take us seriously? Here it is. People complain out of pure ignorance. You don't care if you know what you're talking about or not. You're going to spout these hyperbole falsehoods and hope that someone is going to be fooled by them.


As with the PVP dailies, winning a match counts as playing 2 matches for the purpose of recruiting Pierce/M1-4X. If you're actually good at the game, you could complete the quest in as little as 10 matches.


Your other problem is that your complaint comes from the idea that the quest was designed to be finished in one sitting instead of progressed over the course of many days. This is only an issue for someone who is suffering from crippling OCD and MUST complete giant quests before turning the game off. Master yourself and learn to do a few matches, and then do a few more the next day. Trying to make it look like BioWare is forcing you to play 20 straight warzones without break isn't going to fool anyone. Stop trying.


I'm not singling you out here either. Everyone whining in this topic is guilty of this and BioWare has done nothing wrong this time.


Not sure where this is coming from. I'd have no issues with a mission that takes multiple days to complete as I stated. But when the other companions can be obtained within 2 hours (significantly less for most), this is a clear outlier. Even if you win 10 straight (highly unlikely for anyone), it would take you 2 and a half hours assuming 15 minutes per warzone including queue times. As many players will win few if any, that doubles to 5 hours if we assume you can complete a warzone every 15 minutes, which is generous at best.


Imagine if the Talos quest was only the first in a chain of 15 or 20 similar quests to get him. Sounds pretty horrible and grindy to do 5 hours of search and click quests, but that's what it would take to equal the amount of time they are asking players to PvP.

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Not sure where this is coming from. I'd have no issues with a mission that takes multiple days to complete as I stated. But when the other companions can be obtained within 2 hours (significantly less for most), this is a clear outlier. Even if you win 10 straight (highly unlikely for anyone), it would take you 2 and a half hours assuming 15 minutes per warzone including queue times. As many players will win few if any, that doubles to 5 hours if we assume you can complete a warzone every 15 minutes, which is generous at best.


Imagine if the Talos quest was only the first in a chain of 15 or 20 similar quests to get him. Sounds pretty horrible and grindy to do 5 hours of search and click quests, but that's what it would take to equal the amount of time they are asking players to PvP.


Again hyperbole and non-sense. Unless you're an agent, or you have tonnes of bio materials stored away beforehand, recruiting Dr. Lokin can easily take many hours longer than the average companion.


Your argument is non-persuasive. You may as well whine to the tune of "Lost Island is longer than the average flash point. This isn't fair. Change Lost Island right now!" Different content has different lengths. It's been that way since the game launched. Corellia is longer than Quesh. The Yavin dailies are longer than the CZ-198 dailies. Boarding Party is longer than Hammer Station. Recruiting Pierce/M1-4X is longer than recruiting Lt. Yuun.


The content is working as designed.

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Lokin took me 1.5million credits and I still need to do the next Rakghoul event. Since I'm not one of those players with tens of millions (or more) credits, I consider this far worse than 20 PVP completions, with wins counting twice, that I can do whenever I want.
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Again hyperbole and non-sense. Unless you're an agent, or you have tonnes of bio materials stored away beforehand, recruiting Dr. Lokin can easily take many hours longer than the average companion.


Your argument is non-persuasive. You may as well whine to the tune of "Lost Island is longer than the average flash point. This isn't fair. Change Lost Island right now!" Different content has different lengths. It's been that way since the game launched. Corellia is longer than Quesh. The Yavin dailies are longer than the CZ-198 dailies. Boarding Party is longer than Hammer Station. Recruiting Pierce/M1-4X is longer than recruiting Lt. Yuun.


The content is working as designed.


You can easily purchase the mats from the GTN, they don't exactly cost millions. And anyone with Biochem most likely has enough stock to unlock Lokin on 2-3 characters without having to get more.


As to your whole second paragraph, they have complained in the cases that rewards are no different (especially when LI was actually hard). But you also group content together. Sure, Corellia is longer than Quesh, but you have 1 mission on Quesh and 4 on Corellia for class story. You get more money for Yavin dailies than CZ-198. Not to mention some of this content came out at completely different times in the game and BW simply chose to not update what already existed.


Even in some of your cases, the difference in length between Yavin and CZ-198 for example is minimal. 5 or 10 minutes difference maybe. Same for any given FP. But when companions have a difference of multiple hours, that's something to take into account. You could cut the mission in half (5 wins, 10 losses) and it would still be the longest mission to complete for a companion.

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Again hyperbole and non-sense. Unless you're an agent, or you have tonnes of bio materials stored away beforehand, recruiting Dr. Lokin can easily take many hours longer than the average companion.


With the crafting changes it does not take that long. If you have a Bioanalyst half an hour on Yavin IV will do. Or simply run the dailies and harvest the nodes you find on the way. Last time I did and did seriously watch out for resource nodes I harvested almost five stacks of both Anodyne Extract and Metamorphic Cell Cultures.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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