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an empty world


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My server is usually heavy or full and yet it seems like there are barely any people on it. I'm lvl 21 and I have yet to see a crowd or just a decent amount of people. It doesn't feel like an MMO, just another bioware game with a few people in it. What is up with this? They have large areas and barely any people.


What is the main "city" or gathering place for endgame players? like stormwind, dalaran, or shat were in WoW.


I hope this gets better and i actually get to play with a bunch of people running around at higher levels or else i'm going to quit.

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When people are just sitting around doing nothing in hubs that means they're bored. Be glad you don't see that.


On my server thats full on most nights I see plenty of people coming and going but never ones just sitting around.

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there are things to do in hubs, like selling, looking for groups, and other things. is the republic fleet the hub? cus i barely see anyone there. really i barely ever see anyone while i'm out leveling either at anytime of the day, it's just all-together kind of barren, even the /who's don't show many players and yet the server is "heavy" or full
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I don't mind not seeing loads of players around (the instanced areas help lag significantly) however I do think the worlds look empty and dead. Being in the middle of a city and seeing like five players and seven NPC's does NOT create a good atmosphere, I find it breaks the immersion significantly.
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i think it is more of a technical problem.


Just a hunch, based on BioWare's career section, it seems they are looking for Java developers for Server Software.



I have experience with programming MMO servers, and Java, just is plain old slow, and a memory hog.


Which is way they have multiple zone instances (which is very stupid for players, but smart for companies), that way they can just keep throwing servers at it, and it can scale.

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My server is usually heavy or full and yet it seems like there are barely any people on it. I'm lvl 21 and I have yet to see a crowd or just a decent amount of people. It doesn't feel like an MMO, just another bioware game with a few people in it. What is up with this? They have large areas and barely any people.


What is the main "city" or gathering place for endgame players? like stormwind, dalaran, or shat were in WoW.


I hope this gets better and i actually get to play with a bunch of people running around at higher levels or else i'm going to quit.


Seems to be the shards/instances.


Great for completing solo quests, terrible for creating the "Massive Multiplayer" aspect.

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Seems to be the shards/instances.


Great for completing solo quests, terrible for creating the "Massive Multiplayer" aspect.


Agreed. It was said that they would be gone upon release and that they would only be on starting planets. This is really going to kill the multiplayer aspect of the game. I don't understand why they call it an MMORPG when its more-so an SPRPG.

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Seems to be the shards/instances.


Great for completing solo quests, terrible for creating the "Massive Multiplayer" aspect.


this is why it seems to me a way to solve the problem is have the city's/fleets/ports ect ect non-instanced (if that's even a word) and when you zone out into the mob areas it is then instanced.

idk but when I have to run through a GIANT airport to get to my hanger, and there is not a single other person in there... well it sucks, why in the world would they make the port SO HUGE if it's Never going to be filled with people. if they were going to have 50ish people per world/area then what was the logic in designing them so freakin BIG?


like you said terrible for creating Massive Multiplayer aspect.

it's really, Tiny Multiplayer in Massive areas, and to me that fails. it needs to be adjusted or remedied one way or the other. FFXIV feels more massive than TOR and that's terrible...

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LOL, you're looking for the main gathering place for endgame players a week into the official launch?


yea, because i'm wondering if it is still just as barren at those areas. even at the start of the games the hubs are usually filled with people going about their business in the AH, training skills, professions, looking for groups, talking... a bunch of other stuff. I barely see that at my server's republic fleet, it's like i'm playing a single player game

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why in the world would they make the port SO HUGE if it's Never going to be filled with people. if they were going to have 50ish people per world/area then what was the logic in designing them so freakin BIG?



I was wondering this myself, some buildings are sooo huge, I get tired of running through them.

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I don't mind not seeing loads of players around (the instanced areas help lag significantly) however I do think the worlds look empty and dead. Being in the middle of a city and seeing like five players and seven NPC's does NOT create a good atmosphere, I find it breaks the immersion significantly.


In some ways, that really does not bother me. Take the SI story line. There is more than one occasion where I talk to a quest giver, and the gist of the dialogue is "wow a Sith, I would never think I would see one of you around here." I still giggle at that and think, "Ya you have not seen a Sith in all of, what, two minutes since the last Sith stopped by?" The fact that I am not flooded by my fellow SIs, in some ways, reinforces what I am being told in the dialogue. In time, I know that is not going to be the case, as BW starts to cut down on the pop sharding; but for now, I am enjoying this little bit of unintentional immersion.

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it's so dissapointing, i hope they can do something about it and make it actually feel like an MMO or i'm outa here o.0


same, I can't imagine anything will change within the 1st free 30 days, but that's my limit. I'm not going to pay a monthly fee for an empty game. I have already gave them 160$ for it ;;

which btw the ce shop items were lol and the area was empty of course... /sigh

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this is why it seems to me a way to solve the problem is have the city's/fleets/ports ect ect non-instanced (if that's even a word) and when you zone out into the mob areas it is then instanced.

idk but when I have to run through a GIANT airport to get to my hanger, and there is not a single other person in there... well it sucks, why in the world would they make the port SO HUGE if it's Never going to be filled with people. if they were going to have 50ish people per world/area then what was the logic in designing them so freakin BIG?


Yes, the gigantic space ports and hangars (some of which you can mount in, some not) are truly overkill.


We have all this tech and a big arse ship and yet no droid shuttle can come get us, no "beam up." It's always with the space ports >.>

Edited by EwokLuvr
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