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What most Imp players don't realise is, they're destroying pvp


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From the beginning, it's been back and forth on about every server I've been on. As PVP got neglected, I do think we had more imp PVPers stay than pubs over time as well as imps side seeming more popular to begin with and as they put things behind PVP that PVEers want, I feel like you see more PVEers pub side and the smaller pool means you get stuck with them more often. Between the cool factor of imp, along with PVE pubs, and the larger pool to get pops with imp side, it's snow balled.



Personally, I had switched from my sniper to my gunslinger sometime around 2.0 I think. It was right after my server had the big open world PVP event on Voss that crashed the server, but I noticed pubs were undermanned. Now its gone beyond that so I might switch back to maining my sniper. Devs don't care and honestly, most the pubs I run into don't either so long as they get their shinies so I won't care either. Its about getting the best fight as i can and that probably will be imp vs imp.


I'm just not good enough to carry.


This on JC. So much this on JC. It is so bad these days. I think the vast wave of pve'ers who are grinding pvp with no desire to even try to gear up or learn is making it so unpleasant.

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Part of the problem is the faction division, most players play more imp, because, face it: Sith and Bounty Hunters are all the rage. Pubs only have Smugglers, and when was the last time we saw a cool smuggler? Nobody wants to play a boring Jedi or Trooper as his first char.


Once you made friends or even joined a guild, and you can't talk to with them when you're on the other faction, you start to play this faction only for questing and dailies or when nobody else is on and then switch to imp side for social gaming. Applies to PVP too: doesn't really destroy PVP when you can talk to the other team after the match.

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On most servers Imps dominate pvp, and that might be awesome for them, but it leads to attrition of players in the end.

Less people will be inclined to pvp Rep side. They'll either stop pvping or reroll Imp side, which leads to more Imp vs Imp pvp. Some might like that, but some don't. In the end no one benefits.

So if you care for a healthy pvp community, do some Rep pvp, you'll get a nice challenge and you'll help the pvp community in the long run.


As an imperial, I find this racist and discriminating. #ImperialLivesMatter

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Im on TRE and have kind of swapped sides recently tbh.

It was a bit of an accident but when messing with an imp alt i realised pretty quickly that imp v imp matches are drastically better than matches involving reps.


I've had more good matches in a week than i've had in 6 months of playing rep toons.

Im kind of reluctant to bother with rep now. I just know i can get a better match by logging an imp character.

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sure but you can reroll republic side, there is no fun in steamrolling a dead side over and over again with double premades.


Try it.


PRemades, premades premades, blame biolol, if premades would go vs premades, game would be fantastic, longer q ? I don't give a flying ****, if u want faceroll ppl, di it, with 25 mins of q.


Typical premades excuses "i want to play with my friends!!!111!!! " BS i say, probably majority of ppl claiming it, do not even know in real, trhe ppl they are quing with, but hey im lucky i want to play with my frieds and luck wants they are a tank pt, a sorc heal and 2 pt dps, lady luck upon us

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I get why some people are saying 'join up with other regular/decent/good players, and form a premade etc'.

I don't always wanna do that. It's kinda silly I'd have to resort to premades to win a match really.


The thread title may sound as a hyperbole, but I generally believe it will end up with only Imp vs Imp matches, and a severe hit in player activity. Some people in this thread said they went Imp and stayed there either because they liked it more because of the class/faction appeal (animations, dark side etc) or because there are better match ups.

Better match ups happen because more people go Imp. How is the Republic side ever gonna recover from that then?


The weirdest thing is though. A year or so back, TRE had quite a lot of good pvp guilds Rep side, and now they're all mostly gone.

Bioware could fix this by cross server queues (which will never happen), or cross faction queues (which is an awful idea lore wise).


I've been pvping on TRE for a long time, and about a year ago it was decently balanced although Imps still won more. I liked being the underdog to some extent, but there's a limit to that, it's no longer fun. If I wanted a carry I would have played Imp side. I sometimes play on my Imp alt and I can just run around and do nothing and win. So no, I'm not looking for carries.

And in closing, I mostly play at prime time, so that would be around 7-12 pm. Most people are online then so you'd think you have the best match ups.

Edited by Geeorgedk
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sure but you can reroll republic side, there is no fun in steamrolling a dead side over and over again with double premades.


Try it.


Tried it for several months when Servants of None on TRE left the game and ran with Lord of the Drinks, great people good players and lots of fun. The gunslinger however doesn't do anything for me, doesn't feel the same as the sniper hence why I'm always drawn back to imp side. I'd still be playing my snipers even if the positions regarding faction balance was completely reversed. So as I said, putting the blame on imps for destroying pvp...........extremely harsh.

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Dunno about other servers, but when on the Harbinger, it is generally like this:


The Harbinger Timetable


Midnight to 10 am Server Time (ST) (APAC Likes it Dark):



10 am server to 6 pm ST (East, Meet West!):

Slow, then Republic


6 pm to 9 pm ST (Friends You Need, or Rolfstomped Indeed):

Whoever has the bigger and better premie, Pick the faction you like losing on as solo, or git too good for your own good.


7 pm – Midnight ST:

Empire Ranked (Sweet Dreams Are Made of This)

(Gasp) Names, Ah! the names on the Fleet! (Recommendation: if you have not already done so, turn off the PvP say at this time).

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Im on TRE and have kind of swapped sides recently tbh.

It was a bit of an accident but when messing with an imp alt i realised pretty quickly that imp v imp matches are drastically better than matches involving reps.


I've had more good matches in a week than i've had in 6 months of playing rep toons.

Im kind of reluctant to bother with rep now. I just know i can get a better match by logging an imp character.


this. i had to move aswell.

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On most servers Imps dominate pvp, and that might be awesome for them, but it leads to attrition of players in the end.

Less people will be inclined to pvp Rep side. They'll either stop pvping or reroll Imp side, which leads to more Imp vs Imp pvp. Some might like that, but some don't. In the end no one benefits.

So if you care for a healthy pvp community, do some Rep pvp, you'll get a nice challenge and you'll help the pvp community in the long run.


Play smart, play objectives using tactics and strategy and most imps are beatable... Imps are all about brute force DPS... They don't guard half the time or they cap and run... They rotate nodes using brute force gank tactics... Just have a couple of speedster classes that can stay ahead of the imps gank and run tactics and it's an easy win...

Of course everyone else is getting smashed... So that's not always fun... I am seeing reps run lots of healers and tanks to offset the imp DPS... You can use those players as DPS sinks and let the imps pound away while your teams wins by playing objectives

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Tried it for several months when Servants of None on TRE left the game and ran with Lord of the Drinks, great people good players and lots of fun. The gunslinger however doesn't do anything for me, doesn't feel the same as the sniper hence why I'm always drawn back to imp side. I'd still be playing my snipers even if the positions regarding faction balance was completely reversed. So as I said, putting the blame on imps for destroying pvp...........extremely harsh.


destroying half a server yes, why? well most good reps on TOFN (for exemple) left or rerolled imp side, what does this do? new players that roll on republic reach level 65 and get 24/7 steamrolled after that they either rage quit or reroll, there is a very high chance the rage quit and or just quitting for no point.

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I played a pub trooper till lvl 10 for the hk part. Otherwise I will never play IMP.


Okay, this makes no sense.


From a "lore" perspective, the Dark side allwys seems to be the "stronger" all lore revolves around the "heroic" lightside underdogs vs the infiniate might of the empire.

That's a story tool. It's not exclusive to Star Wars in any way.


Even in cases where the heroes have the superior force they need to be placed in a situation that leaves them vulnerable. A lone assassin, for example, is not a threat to the entire Republic but could easily be painted as a threat to an individual hero or small group of heroes, so the narrative shifts.


This si why, abilities on Imperial characters OFTEN are supperior, in a pure PVE setting this differance is not very visible, but as soon as we tlk pvp then the difference comes.

Since the abilities are mirrors, and in cases where they were not exact (ammo versus heat, for example), a lot of work has been done to bring them more in line over the years, so if you have some specific example to cite then I would like to see it.


I think the "error" made is the way pvp is facilitated here, there is basically Death matches, regardless.


If you again look at the "lore" aspect........THIS is where Imperials excell.

That Imperials in stories are more inclined to violence does not in any way impact the mechanics of the character classes.

Troopers, smugglers, and Jedi are every bit as capable of winning a fight in the game as BHs, agents, and Sith are.

To say that Vader was meaner than Kenobi and thus Imperials have an advantage in PvP is absurd.


What bioware should have done is made "rep" friendly pvp missions, more to facilitate the underdog and less at the "kill to win" aspect.


A "good" lore canaon type pvp mission would have been on REP side, added objectives that despite a "being slaughtered" they ---->Rep side, could still "win" by complating objectives.


Basically giving each side seperate objectives.


Speaking of absurd... Look, they already have objective-based PvP in the game. Very little of it is actually "deathmatch" PvP.


PvP means "player versus player".

If one side is trying to achieve goals without engaging the other side then it isn't really living up to that billing, but you seem to want to make it a game where the pubs are trying to stay away from the Imps and run around clicking buttons or whatever while the Imps are having to hunt them down.


Again, based on an entirely faulty notion that claims that Imps are better at PvP because Vader was meaner than Kenobi.


Naturally this would require from the player side more tactics, maybe a somewhat "slower" pace pvp map, though the fights them selves would I think be almost unchanged.


This way it will be no problems in a pvp match....yes the imps killed the reps......however the reps mamaged to maybe stay alive long enough, to mke objective, managed to get one from the team to Complete a objetive etc etc making their "loss" in fight a partial "win" in objectives.


So everyone gets a trophy? Is that it? Some new-age social construct that lets everyone win all the time so that everyone can feel good about themselves?

That no one has to try harder to get better?


Look, you want to do the dailies and weeklies you don;t have to win, you just have to work longer to get them done.

They most certainly do not need to insert some "everyone wins" nonsense.


On that note......the only really ballanced pvp is everyone lvl 1 and given a stick to " fight it out"......just so that is being said.

That's not entirely true, it is but one of many possible examples. Give everyone any number of things and as long as thay all had the same things then it would be equal going in, with player ability (and internet connection quality) being the difference in performance.

This all goes to places that are best left for another thread, though.


I do however think on at least some maps there should be a "forced" que Trinity, meaning you have to get at least 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 dps, With then the last position "randomized"

This my definately help some I think


Help what?


All it would do is force premades and shoot the frustration level through the roof when you either couldn't find someone of a certain type or the person you found was terrible and/or disinterested in playing their role.


Whether it's a healer that won't heal or someone that just doesn't have any interest in trying to defend their door/turret, or someone that throws the ball to distant enemies.


Besides, there would still be the problems that existed with some of the old flashpoints... DPS queueing as tanks or healers in order to get faster pops.


Nothing like getting a vengeance juggernaut claiming the tank role or gunnery commando queueing up as healer to help ensure group failure.


So if this can happen anyway, why even pretend otherwise? The only people it really hurts are those with DPS-only ACs (gunslingers, snipers, marauders, and sentinels) and the DPSers that would queue honestly.


Tanks and healers would be fine fine fo rthe most part, but honest DPSers would be waiting in longer lines and when they did finally get their chance they may well be saddled with one or more DPSers that selected healer or tank because they decided that the rules didn't apply to them.

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Im on TRE and have kind of swapped sides recently tbh.

It was a bit of an accident but when messing with an imp alt i realised pretty quickly that imp v imp matches are drastically better than matches involving reps.


I've had more good matches in a week than i've had in 6 months of playing rep toons.

Im kind of reluctant to bother with rep now. I just know i can get a better match by logging an imp character.


Likewise, I'm also on TRE on this pretty much sums up my experience too. Rep matches are pretty hit and miss, mostly losses and have longer queue times. Switching over to my Imp mirror class and wins are more plenty, it feels much more balanced and queue times are much quicker. Obviously the number of same faction matches is far greater on the Imp side because of this, (over 50% of my matches have been same faction in the last two weeks on the Imp side, nothing like this on Rep) indicating there are far more Imp than Rep pvp players and there are more premades on the Imp side. So it all flows much more smoothly, quickly and just feels better. Sad, since I have always favoured Reps.


Whereas the good moments in Rep pvp are fleeting and yes, maybe Rep fortunes are better at some odd off peak hours on TRE...but that doesn't help really where it matters.


Still wouldn't say Imps are destroying PvP though;)

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Likewise, I'm also on TRE on this pretty much sums up my experience too. Rep matches are pretty hit and miss, mostly losses and have longer queue times. Switching over to my Imp mirror class and wins are more plenty, it feels much more balanced and queue times are much quicker. Obviously the number of same faction matches is far greater on the Imp side because of this, (over 50% of my matches have been same faction in the last two weeks on the Imp side, nothing like this on Rep) indicating there are far more Imp than Rep pvp players and there are more premades on the Imp side. So it all flows much more smoothly, quickly and just feels better. Sad, since I have always favoured Reps.


Whereas the good moments in Rep pvp are fleeting and yes, maybe Rep fortunes are better at some odd off peak hours on TRE...but that doesn't help really where it matters.


Still wouldn't say Imps are destroying PvP though;)


Tbh i find fighting reps as dull as fighting double premades on the rep side.

I'm geared at this point so i dont care much whether i win or lose really.

Imp v Imp matches are often great though.


Dont think its an issue with good players leaving rep side fwiw.

Think they just have far, far more bad players. There was plenty of great players still knocking about but they're being thrown into groups with half the team having 1k expertise.

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Look, you want to do the dailies and weeklies you don;t have to win, you just have to work longer to get them done.


Then, why do so many people go to Imp side where there are so much better players ? Do they want to get dailies & weeklies faster done than on Rep side ? Or do they want to be carried ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Then, why do so many people go to Imp side where there are so much better players ? Do they want to get dailies & weeklies faster done than on Rep side ? Or do they want to be carried ?


It really has nothing to do with either. Just want a good pool of players. Pub side, if you have no tank or healer or you are loaded with PVE players, you are more likely to get them every time in that time of day. Carrying 1 or 2 is fine if you have help and it's not for your entire play session, but that's not what happens.


To even have a chance for a good time like that, I need play my scrapper over my gunslinger because without a competent healer and tank, and a bunch of people who are no more than distractions for the enemy at best, my slinger cannot escape the focus that would be coming.

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Well, if that's all you got out of it, have fun when it's Imp vs Imp all evening, and half hour queues.

I've been pvping for years, I know you can't win them all, but it's getting ridiculous lately.


On my server, TRE, all good Rep pvp guilds are inactive/gone/rerolled. It's just sad really. Judging from other forum posts, it's not that much better on other servers.

But I'm sure you mostly play Imp and don't care. That's the main reason I started this thread.


I agree though if you queue with at least one extra person who knows what they are doing then it can help so much.


Played TRE the other night and won 3-5 as I had a guildy with me, whats your ingame name im a fully geared scrapper so we can tag if you want :-).


My mission is to annoy sorc healers/pt's/sins the most lol.

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