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Forgotten Romance


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I think what they meant was the expansion itself isn't the problem. It's the recent discovery of issues that have developed within the original story line romances since the most recent released patches. Since this issue is starting in the original 3 chapters the problem continues when the character starts KOTFE as well.


Not how I read it, not how I read it now, but if that is the case, I am sorry to have taken it as such.

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I read as people have had romances prior to KotFE expansion (the OP's post links to a character who played the story in 2011), but when she went through KotFE the 'triggers' like Valkorian's dialogue and a letter weren't there for that character. And other's don't want to run characters through until the bug has been acknowledged and fixed.
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I read as people have had romances prior to KotFE expansion (the OP's post links to a character who played the story in 2011), but when she went through KotFE the 'triggers' like Valkorian's dialogue and a letter weren't there for that character. And other's don't want to run characters through until the bug has been acknowledged and fixed.


This is it exactly. With me, I took 2 characters through the new content as soon as 4.0 dropped, a knight and a agent. Both of their romances occurred just as they should have. That is the dialogue options about your old romantic partners were offered in KotFE Chpt. 2 and the mail from your old flame was received in Chpt. 4. But after the patches 4.1, I decided to take my main (who had been collecting those Alliance Resource Boxes up to this point) and none of the old romance references were available to him. No extra dialogue, no mail.

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Well, I have just experienced this bug and will not be taking any other character through that I remotely care about.


My Smuggler romanced Corso but flirted with Theron, and the game completely forgot about the Corso romance. No mention, no letter. Just a letter from Theron.


I chose to experiment with this character because she's the "flirt with any and all handsome guys" type, so I guess she'll end up with Theron for now. Hopefully she'll be able to get back together with Corso when he shows up, though if the flag is broken now, I guess he'll have conveniently forgotten about everything. Yay. :mad:

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I posted in the bug report thread, but I'll post here as well.


I'm curious to know if any male Consular has had this bug with Nadia. If even one person has gotten a letter from her, then this is a confirmed bug for those of us who didn't. If *nobody* has gotten a letter, then it's likely story-related.


I know the female Consular has this problem with Iresso, and I would ask the same question.


So far, it seems random and it seems like a bug. Please, talk about this on Gen chat--some folks probably don't realize there should be a letter and a choice to mention your love in chapter 2. The more people are aware that they have a bug, and report it, the more likely BioWare is to fix it.

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Not sure if relevant, but I'm curious (and the thread title reminded me of it). Is Senya romanceable? You can flirt a couple of times with her but... I'm sure it would help us congratiate with Valkorion (or piss him off)... before our sudden and inevitable betrayal!
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I posted in the bug report thread, but I'll post here as well.


I'm curious to know if any male Consular has had this bug with Nadia. If even one person has gotten a letter from her, then this is a confirmed bug for those of us who didn't. If *nobody* has gotten a letter, then it's likely story-related.


I know the female Consular has this problem with Iresso, and I would ask the same question.


So far, it seems random and it seems like a bug. Please, talk about this on Gen chat--some folks probably don't realize there should be a letter and a choice to mention your love in chapter 2. The more people are aware that they have a bug, and report it, the more likely BioWare is to fix it.


People on reddit have posted messages from both of them (and every romanceable character... other than Pierce, if you wanna count him as more than a flirtation), so yeah, there are letters for Nadia and Iresso and not getting them is definitely a bug.


I'm also one of the people who got Ashara's letter (my poor darling ;n; ) but never got the romance dialogue in chapter 2, which is really awkward when V goes on about how my SI should have let his companions die long ago but ten minutes later is all "maybe you'll find love too!!! :)". Jerk, I have a fiancé and just now you talked about how she's been dragging me down, you douchebag :mad:


I really wish BW would at least say something about them working on it, especially since they supposedly (finally) fixed the SoR intro issues...

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FYI I have taken my Bounty Hunter through to the beginning of Chapter 2 where you can see if you romance flag is set correctly, and that character is bugged as well. (Thank you, YouTube.)


Two characters starting the expansion, two character romances bugged.


BioWare, this is completely unacceptable.

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BioWare, this is completely unacceptable.


Sadly, this is clearly entirely acceptable to them. Otherwise, it would not have gone unmentioned and unrepaired for over a month.


The way things are going, I'm sure in a little over a week my voice will go silent on this issue, because my subscription will lapse and I will see no reason to even consider re-upping...and of course, that will relieve me of my right to an opinion.

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Sadly, this is clearly entirely acceptable to them. Otherwise, it would not have gone unmentioned and unrepaired for over a month.


The way things are going, I'm sure in a little over a week my voice will go silent on this issue, because my subscription will lapse and I will see no reason to even consider re-upping...and of course, that will relieve me of my right to an opinion.


Oh, you still have a right, especially if you are considering returning.

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Dammit I knew there was something wrong. Been playing again after like 2-3 year, im level 60 now, and I cant even tell if Im romanced to Kaliyo or Ensign Temple. None say anything "romantic" ... no new dialogue that ive seen, nothing. Look around for an icon or anything to tell me its romanced but again, nothing.


I see the only thing thats changed in the last couple of years is more content ......

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If you bring up the list of companions using 'n', and click on the romanced companion, you'll get a story and some bullet points about the character. One of those bullet points should identify the fact that you've started a romance.


I'm not fully sure if this works for sub-level 65, but you can check.

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If you bring up the list of companions using 'n', and click on the romanced companion, you'll get a story and some bullet points about the character. One of those bullet points should identify the fact that you've started a romance.


I'm not fully sure if this works for sub-level 65, but you can check.


I'm pretty sure this only applies to the new companions.

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I’m really loathe to play KotFE at all until this is fixed, in case my Warrior’s relationship with Vette isn’t acknowledged, since that was essentially what had brought me back to the game after a couple of years absence. Procrastinating by finishing every other class story will only take me so long.
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Given that it took them a year to fix the broken SoR romance intros, you can possibly look for a fix in October 2016, if they bother getting around to it. :rolleyes:


Why do I say this you ask? Vector Hylus and Lord Scourge are still wearing bras after 3 and a half years (when you put any skin revealing clothing on them, they have the female tube top bra on)


Yep, they really are soooooooooooo invested in getting back to story. Too bad they couldnt care less if the flags are borked six ways to Sunday...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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(I posted this exact thing in the thread in Bug Reports already, but I want to make sure everyone has a chance to see it.)


I got a live agent response today to a ticket I opened regarding this back on November 5th. I'd reproduce the ticket here for you, but after all the typing I just finished because I can't copy text from the game to the clipboard, I'm going to be lazy about it. Besides, I'm sure everyone here can guess the gist.


So, without further ado (and hidden in a spoiler tag to keep things short), here is the official response to my ticket from a month ago:




Welcome to STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC Customer Service

[s2-m7]: Greetings! I truly hope I'm not disturbing you, but I wanted to check up on a ticket you submitted a while back about companion affection concerns.

[Mojh]: Hello! I was wondering if I was going to hear from someone

[s2-m7]: Truly sorry we've been super swamped

[s2-m7]: but we've slowly getting there

[s2-m7]: So I see you progressed your character all the way through KOTFE

[s2-m7]: and nothing ever changed between you and the companion?

[Mojh]: No I haven't. None of my characters have gone through KotFE

[s2-m7]: oh I jsut saw that Mordecham was level 65

[s2-m7]: sorry thought that meant you completed the story

[Mojh]: My main (a sith inquisitor named Mordecham) has started Chapter 1 a couple times, but escaped out of the first conversation each time

[s2-m7]: Never seen a level 65 on chapter one

[s2-m7]: that's impressive

[s2-m7]: but to more pressing matters

[Mojh]: I've been afraid to send anyone I'm invested in forward if it could mean their story is permanently broken. Based on how she responds to gifts in general, Ashara is not romanced anymore

[Mojh]: You'd be surprised how overleveled you can get when you run through things like Bounty Week and Rakghoul Resurgeance :)

[s2-m7]: From what I can understand the companions are all sorts of weird right now until you go on the companion quests

[s2-m7]: because once you Start KOTFE it's a 5+ year difference between you and the companions

[s2-m7]: and you must seek them out again

[Mojh]: I've certainly seen a number of very strange bugs reported.

[Mojh]: I know my ship droids were all ten sorts of weird for a while

[s2-m7]: trust me I know all to well. I romanced Jaesa Willsaams and I've yet to meet her after the current chapters were done

[s2-m7]: and she was my wife in the game

[Mojh]: This particular bug is a much bigger issue than it feels like you guys are treating it as, though. People get very invested in these romances

[Mojh]: They are a big part of the story

[s2-m7]: well even more so now than before

[Mojh]: So, when they are broken for a large number of people, and there has publicly been nothing said at all for a month, folks get up in arms about that sort of thing

[s2-m7]: I've certainly seen the tickets

[Mojh]: You guys really need to say something, publicly, even if all you say is "We know and we're looking into it"

[Mojh]: There is a 40+ page long thread in Bug Reports on this, without even a single yellow post

[s2-m7]: I know there was a semi announcment made

[s2-m7]: let me see if I can find it

[Mojh]: Actually, if you would be able to make a copy of this chat log and email it to me, so I can show it to the other people in the forums, even that would probably help some

[s2-m7]: hmm that might be a tad difficult. Can you take a screen shot perhaps and upload the picture?

[s2-m7]: seems to be a popular way to get these things out there

[Mojh]: I suppose I can. That's going to be a lot of screenshots, though. I may have to retype it all anyway

[Mojh]: Ah well

[s2-m7]: sorry I didn't mean to make this into a hassle for you

[s2-m7]: I found your post though ^_^

[s2-m7]: Forgotten Romance

[Mojh]: Yup, that's mine. I actually started that off of the other post in Bug Reports. I think I linked it at the beginning

[s2-m7]: I want to let you know that despite the cliche thought behind it, bug reports really are looked into and complied into data that can be used to address pressing concerns from teh community

[s2-m7]: I know there's a possible priorty list of issues that have to be looked into, but companions are a big deal and people love the new system

[s2-m7]: so I have a feeling it'll be looked into post haste

[s2-m7]: it's just slow going in trying to catch up with the way tickets and reports are coming in

[s2-m7]: as you can see it's Nov 31 and I'm just now getting to your ticket that was sent on Nov 5th

[Mojh]: While I believe the bug reports are looked at, it really needs to be more transparent. We can't actually see what you guys are doing, so when you don't tell us, we only know the nothing that we see

[s2-m7]: Well to be completely honest we find out things around the same time our customer's do

[s2-m7]: I rely heavily on the Dev tracker for any little bit of information I can spread like wild fire

[Mojh]: I know. Honestly, the tickets are another problem. Too many of them (the Bug Reports especially) get closed with an automated message, without the problem being resolved

[s2-m7]: but I do agree getting some insight on regular basis would be pretty awesome

[Mojh]: I understand that Bug Reports specifically are not supposed to get any response other than the automated one, but when a ticket is closed, that tells us you guys feel the issue is finished

[s2-m7]: all I can say for sure is we are working as hard as possible to get caught up and try our best to make people not feel like they aren't being heard

[Mojh]: So, if SWTOR is done with the issue, but nothing is fixed, that cutesy little "customer service droid" post comes off as really insulting

[s2-m7]: yeah the ticket gets closed the survey gets send and your left wondering?????

[Mojh]: I realize the Customer Service department has very little to do with the actual nuts and bolts of the game, and I certainly don't know what your set up is over there

[Mojh]: But that being said, if the Devs don't keep CS up-to-date, then CS can't do their job. And CS has the very VERY important job of keeping the mob at bay and the money coming in from happy customers

[s2-m7]: I just do my best to make customers feel like they aren't being ignored and try to resolve what little I can

[s2-m7]: Indeed

[Mojh]: I understand. It's not exactly the same, but I used to work in a department store. I totally get the "dealing with customers" thing

[Mojh]: None of what I'm saying is directed at you personally

[s2-m7]: well I just thought I'd reach out and let you know we are still very much here and working around the clock to get things back under control and hopefully knock this queue down so you don't have to wait a month for a response

[Mojh]: I appreciate that.

[s2-m7]: no I don't take offense to any feedback or suggestion. I know how it feels to be on both sides and when your paying for a game you just want to get the experience your paying foer

[s2-m7]: for*

[Mojh]: Hopefully, I'll be able to get this all copied and pasted to the forums

[Mojh]: Well, I will say this. In less than two weeks, the subscription that I specifically started so I could play KotFE will run out. I've been stalled at the beginning since early access due to this bug

[Mojh]: It is extremely unlikely at this point that I will be paying for more time

[s2-m7]: I don't blame you for a second. I just went ahead and moved forward with the story in hopes that in the later chapters I'll get back to my original romance story

[s2-m7]: but heres hoping yeah know?

[Mojh]: I'm not willing to risk it. If story is supposed to be the big focus, then the devs should be working on stuff like this, instead of playing with the mechanical balance of companions who, while a little weird, were not out-and-out broken

[Mojh]: They don't need to make new bugs; the old ones are plentiful enough

[s2-m7]: I wish I could speak on their behalf, but I have faith it'll all get sorted out... hopefully sooner rather than later

[Mojh]: ...which, again, I know you have no control over. I just hope some of this gets to where the devs can hear it

[Mojh]: Frankly, the devs really need to start speaking on their own behalf more often. Letting us (and you) know what's going on would work wonders

[Mojh]: At the very least, actually updating those "Known Bug" posts to keep them current would be a great idea.

[s2-m7]: despite popular belief our Dev Team does read the forurms and truly appreciate the feedback, there's just so much of it and so little of them that it does take a much longer time to get these issues brought to light

[s2-m7]: oh those known issues lists

[Mojh]: Yeah. If they are not updated, there is no point in posting them. The most recent one if half-composed of fixed issues, and missing any number of issues I know about just from glancing at the forums

[s2-m7]: Well at any rate I greatly appreciate you time and I know I couldn't do much, but I hope this sheds some much needed light to our players in knowing that we haven't disappeared and we are crunching it to get back to a normal response rate.

[Mojh]: I don't remember who specifically posted those lists (Tait?), but whoever did really needs to go back and update it regularly

[Mojh]: It does, and I appreciate you getting back to me

[s2-m7]: I hope you have a great day!

[Mojh]: You too

Thank you for contacting STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC Customer Service. This chat session has been closed by our Customer Service Representative




I did my best to type everything out exactly, down to the most absent-minded typo, in the hopes that I wasn't accidentally misquoting anyone. So far, this is the closest thing I've seen to an official acknowledgment that the problem even exists, so I thought I'd share.

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They probably can't even find it. I ended up missing most of the livestream, but if the avalanche of complaint threads is any indication, it must've missed the mark by quite a bit. This thread isn't usually pushed down to the bottom of page four....
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I have posted in the Livestream comment thread since Eric has said to ask questions there. I recommend others do the same. Perhaps he will read it.


I also asked... I think twice. I just hope it gets seen lost amidst the sea of trolls and "HK-55" (GOD! What a mess!) I'd be interested to know how many of those people creating complaint threads about the Livestream contents were still sitting there spamming in an attempt to win the raffle... :rolleyes:

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