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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

how do we get companions back canonically?


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All my characters were at influence 10 at Kotfe start, which was the maximum you could have. So I really didn't have an opportunity cost attached to invest in this or that character.

I did have an "opportunity cost" attached to Treek and HK-51 pre-SF companions, you didn't. Nothing else to say other than that.

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IMDB can be edited by anyone can't it? The all the old companion actors are also listed as being in Shadow of Revan, but only a handful them actually were.


IMDB, yes, but you have to look at the source: thecredits in the game itself. You can see who BioWare credits themselves by watching the credits, available on the left hand side of the character selection screen.

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Without claiming it's a definitive indication of something, I did notice when going to SWTOR's IMDB page http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1320395/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast

and clicking on the various companion actors, that some have Fallen Empire in their credentials (Like Kira's, Mako's, ...), so I assume they have been contracted for voicework, yet others (LIke Risha's, Lord Scourge, ...) don't have it listed.

Could either mean they and/or their characters won't be returning, or they haven't been contracted yet but might be in the future.

Anyway, thought it was interesting :)


That could be the voicework at the very beginning of KOTFE chapter 1 when youre on Marr's ship, they fly your ship and talk over the radio about them fleeing the eternal fleet. We were discussing earlier that the companion flying your ship seems to be your first romantic interest.

Edited by Karkais
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That could be the voicework at the very beginning of KOTFE chapter 1 when youre on Marr's ship, they fly your ship and talk over the radio about them fleeing the eternal fleet. We were discussing earlier that the companion flying your ship seems to be your first romantic interest.


But not always. On my consular I got Iresso, while he's a male Shadow who romanced Nadia.

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But not always. On my consular I got Iresso, while he's a male Shadow who romanced Nadia.


Same. My Shadow who had no romance with anyone had Iresso, both my Knights (both female) had Kira even though one was with Doc, and my unattached warrior (female) got Vette.

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If I don't get Quinn back so I can kill him, and Andronikous for entirely different reasons, there will be hell to pay. I have a couple of warriors but I'd probably level more just so I could kill Quinn a few more times. Getting them back through the terminal seems to be cheating. I only used the Nico token on one character too. I'm happy to wait and see how the story unfolds. Edited by Rantank
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It has already happened.


I will leave the proof in the below spoiler tag:



Tanno Vik cannot be recruited, and after you encounter him, he sends you mail that he WON'T rejoin Havoc Squad.


Now, this does not mean we won't encounter him again, but since the original voice actor passed away, it's a good bet that Chapter 8 is the last we'll ever see Vik.


TV shows and movies change actors for characters all the time. This should not be an obstacle, as there are plenty of voice actors who could probably imitate him quite well.


EDIT: And this goes for *every* character.

Edited by Cedia
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Same. My Shadow who had no romance with anyone had Iresso, both my Knights (both female) had Kira even though one was with Doc, and my unattached warrior (female) got Vette.


It's the first love interest (male or female) you acquire in the storyline. Felix joins up before Nadia and Kira before Doc, so that's who shows up.

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My biggest gripe about this situation is when you gift up a companion (or several) and they disappear. I mean if you get Vik to Influence 50 pre expansion and he is not an option to return when you see him, that really doesn't make sense. (I imagine that at Influence level 50, that companion absolutely adores your character, is willing to take a bullet for you, kill for you, works extremely hard at making you happy, etc.) But the "canonical story line" treats them all as not having an Influence score (or worse by having a fixed score).


If I have treated Vik like a criminal the whole (basic) story (well he is) and we run into each other in the (new) story, having him tell me to 'go pound sand' makes sense, but if we've been scamming the Republic for extra credits this whole time he might be quite excited to get the "good 'ole days" back. And I understand that they didn't track how you have treated them in all the conversations all this time, but this could at least be represented by the Influence score.


Choices *should* matter more.


In this case, it's probably because Tanno Vik's VA died. It seems BioWare thought it would be a better memory to let Tanno stay as he was than be voiced by someone imitating that voice for the remainder of Knights and whatever comes after.


See: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0686257/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm

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I'm wondering when the starship escape hatch will be used.


The starship escape hatch has been usable since launch and is still to this day functional.


I believe you have failed to understand its purpose.


You can invite other players onto your ship. They can shop from your ship droid, they can use your training dummy. You can fly them to other planets. If your ship is parked they will exit onto that planet the same as you do out the main door.


But, what happens if you enter starfighter missions? Or park your ship at a location that is not a planet? (say you parked at one of the places you only go during a storyline mission)


How does another player get off of your ship ? They use the escape hatch and the escape pod puts them back on the fleet.


The escape hatch exists so that you could not troll another player and get them stranded in space on your ship.


Remember also: at launch there were no strongholds (to quick travel to), and the fleet pass had a very long timer on it. So a player who came onto your ship would be at your mercy and stuck there without the escape hatch, because they cannot pilot your ship and had no other way to get out depending on where you parked (or went off into starfighter)

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TV shows and movies change actors for characters all the time. This should not be an obstacle, as there are plenty of voice actors who could probably imitate him quite well.


EDIT: And this goes for *every* character.


There is already proof of this, as Tanno Vik's voice actor passed away some time ago.

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I have it on good authority that Pierce dies at the start of the next chapter.

Guess we should've worked harder to obtain him. :(



Ok, just trolling all those people who cried rivers over getting him and messed up people's PvP games for weeks. :D


Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Random question, i don't know if anyone has asked already. But do you get to keep the new companions you pick up along the way?



Well according to Darth Marr (in ghost form) talking to Satele Shan, it's a shame a lot of them have to die.



So don't count on it. On the flipside, my Commando is keeping Darth Marr. Seems like a fair trade off for not being able to get one of my old companions back in KotFE. :D

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My inquisitor is Keeping Marr..... Chapter II will possibly never happen for him.

-Coz Darth Marr licking my boots and picking up Desh around Kass city - priceless!


- Of course the force-ghost scene could have all been a dream (or vision of the future) anyways.... you never know.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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My inquisitor is Keeping Marr..... Chapter II will possibly never happen for him.

-Coz Darth Marr licking my boots and picking up Desh around Kass city - priceless!


- Of course the force-ghost scene could have all been a dream (or vision of the future) anyways.... you never know.


Or let's face it. This game already plays fast and loose with the concept of immortality.



How long has the emperor lived, how many bodies has he had? Revan coming back from the dead, and he wasn't young either? For all we know the emperor could just shove Marr back into another body to mess with him. There aren't really rules to how any of this works anymore, it's at the writers whim.


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