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Companions were only OP for 27 Days!!!


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Its seriously amusing how people are crying foul over a system that was in place for less then a month, a system that was flawed from the start, that completely changed the entire game.


The game has been out for almost 4 years now, and we all got through content just fine with them that whole time. Now, companions are Still more powerful then they were in the last 4 years, and people are clinging to a 27 day period when they were so stupidly overpowered no one needed to even try, the companions took the 'play' out of the game, and all we needed was "W", "1", and a single-button mouse to trivialize content.


I cant understand why people are clinging to this 27 day debacle as if it were the only way companions ever were.


I just finished Heroic +4 Aurora Canon SOLO with a companion that had lvl 4 influence. They are still overpowered, I would still welcome another balance pass, no content should be this easy, but that isn't the point. The point is this: The overpowered companions of 4.0 were a mistake, and the mistake was fixed, nothing was nerfed.


Why isn't anyone complaining about the Ice Scrabbler Jerky drop rates now? They were fixed. We didn't get an Ice Scrabbler Jerky Nerf, the drop rate was fixed. In a month from now, when they get around to fixing the corpse pile ups, it wont be the Corpse Nerf, it will be a broken system fixed.


Companions were broken, now they are fixed. Now, and only now can they receive a much needed nerf.

Edited by PulseRazor
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I have to wonder why you're cool with companions being worthless for years at a time but they're really strong for a month and you feel the need to say -we're- unreasonable. Companions after the update could have used a small nerf, but they were around the same strength as us, having higher stats but less abilities to throw around in a rotation. Now they're back to being almost pointless.


Otherwise, they already said that tomorrow they're announcing buffs. So suck on it?

Edited by Djiini
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I have found that drinking large amounts of coffee helps with the new improved more challenging SWTOR. Plus, leaving the client running when you are at home makes it easier to log in for those that are struggling with finding the energy to log in. I can't stand death metal but its almost impossible to fall asleep to if you listen to it loud enough while playing swtor.


The game is more challenging now to play and we have to adjust or we are bad players. So keep an eye out for energy drinks sales or some buy one get one free bagpipe cds and let your friends know.

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Its seriously amusing how people are crying foul over a system that was in place for less then a month, a system that was flawed from the start, that completely changed the entire game.


The game has been out for almost 4 years now, and we all got through content just fine with them that whole time.


It didn't have level sync for 4 years, casuals could overlevel content for 4 years.


It also didn't have a system of grind called Alliance sending you back to all the planets to run the old heroics.


The changes came at the same time, in case you've forgotten already.

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Its seriously amusing how people are crying foul over a system that was in place for less then a month, a system that was flawed from the start, that completely changed the entire game.


The game has been out for almost 4 years now, and we all got through content just fine with them that whole time. Now, companions are Still more powerful then they were in the last 4 years, and people are clinging to a 27 day period when they were so stupidly overpowered no one needed to even try, the companions took the 'play' out of the game, and all we needed was "W", "1", and a single-button mouse to trivialize content.


I cant understand why people are clinging to this 27 day debacle as if it were the only way companions ever were.


I just finished Heroic +4 Aurora Canon SOLO with a companion that had lvl 4 influence. They are still overpowered, I would still welcome another balance pass, no content should be this easy, but that isn't the point. The point is this: The overpowered companions of 4.0 were a mistake, and the mistake was fixed, nothing was nerfed.


Why isn't anyone complaining about the Ice Scrabbler Jerky drop rates now? They were fixed. We didn't get an Ice Scrabbler Jerky Nerf, the drop rate was fixed. In a month from now, when they get around to fixing the corpse pile ups, it wont be the Corpse Nerf, it will be a broken system fixed.


Companions were broken, now they are fixed. Now, and only now can they receive a much needed nerf.


I think you already know the answers. You just wanted to make another topic to start another pointless argument.


And companions are not powerful than they were during 3.0. Customization is gone and level sync made all the difference. My 3.0 companion healed 4 times more in decent gear than a lvl 50 influence companion.


This has been discussed many times and players have even posted numbers to prove that.

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"The game was only super fun for 27 days!"


I've been here since launch, I've leveled 30+ characters to max, I've done it all. I love the game, but the grindier parts are, well, grindy. Having companions that actually did decent healnig and damage made my experience fun.


So while I got by without them okay for 4 years? That "only 27 days" was the most fun I've ever had in SWTOR.


Plus there's the whole fact that the current companions are MUCH WEAKER than they were in 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0... you know, when we could gear them. They're the worst they've been in 4 years now. There is no overreaction here. Companions were not returned to how they were even at launch, they were nuked.

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I have to wonder why you're cool with companions being worthless for years at a time but they're really strong for a month and you feel the need to say -we're- unreasonable. Companions after the update could have used a small nerf, but they were around the same strength as us, having higher stats but less abilities to throw around in a rotation. Now they're back to being almost pointless.


Otherwise, they already said that tomorrow they're announcing buffs. So suck on it?


because, in pretty much every single game i've played, mmo or otherwise, i never count on anything but me as a character in the game to get things done. If you play dead space, if you play batman, if you play splinter cell, even if you play mass effect, you have to play and progress the game.


Only in game like call of duty where i found that i could finish a level while pretty much doing nothing and letting my partners do the killing. And i do not find it fun. I prefer game like far cry or bioshock when i handle all the action.


See i never ever expected the companion to be more than a marginal help, after all, i am the hero in this role playing game, my companions look up to me. Skyrim companion were incapable to get through a fight without me, even with me, they would go down fairly frequently.


We've all played the same games more or less, i wonder what makes people now expect to have companion that does most of the playing for them. I mean if you play hitman, or crysis, or deus ex, you're are pretty much on your own, what suddenly change that we now demands companion to be op to get stuff done.


Even in game like dragon age or mass effect companion requires me to tell them tu use their ability, they don't play the game by themselves.

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because, in pretty much every single game i've played, mmo or otherwise, i never count on anything but me as a character in the game to get things done. If you play dead space, if you play batman, if you play splinter cell, even if you play mass effect, you have to play and progress the game.


Only in game like call of duty where i found that i could finish a level while pretty much doing nothing and letting my partners do the killing. And i do not find it fun. I prefer game like far cry or bioshock when i handle all the action.


See i never ever expected the companion to be more than a marginal help, after all, i am the hero in this role playing game, my companions look up to me. Skyrim companion were incapable to get through a fight without me, even with me, they would go down fairly frequently.


We've all played the same games more or less, i wonder what makes people now expect to have companion that does most of the playing for them. I mean if you play hitman, or crysis, or deus ex, you're are pretty much on your own, what suddenly change that we now demands companion to be op to get stuff done.


Even in game like dragon age or mass effect companion requires me to tell them tu use their ability, they don't play the game by themselves.


This games difficulty even for solo play was designed with you and your companions in mind. This was clear from day one. If that was the issue for you then why even play SWTOR? there are plenty of MMOS out there which does not require companions.


And why you never dismissed your companions? but wait i would rather try to get entire gameplay changed according to my preference, Other thousands of players be damned because i m incapable of simply dismissing my companions for solo play.

Edited by Gorrdan
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This games difficulty even for solo play was designed with you and your companions in mind. This was clear from day one. If that was the issue for you then why even play SWTOR? there are plenty of MMOS out there which does not require companions.


but for companion with reasonable powerlevel, like right now in 4.0.2 Not with the power level of 4.0

I have no problem leveling or completing heroics right now (except the poison one in makheb, where you have to click on 4 switch), so the balance seems right, would prefer a little bit more challenging but at least i have to play the game.

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but for companion with reasonable powerlevel, like right now in 4.0.2 Not with the power level of 4.0

I have no problem leveling or completing heroics right now (except the poison one in makheb, where you have to click on 4 switch), so the balance seems right, would prefer a little bit more challenging but at least i have to play the game.


3.0 companion customized with decent gear did more healing than 4.0 companions. I know this because all my comps were kitted out in ops and warzone gear. So your argument is false regarding 4.0 companions being the most powerful since release,

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I have to wonder why you're cool with companions being worthless for years at a time but they're really strong for a month and you feel the need to say -we're- unreasonable. Companions after the update could have used a small nerf, but they were around the same strength as us, having higher stats but less abilities to throw around in a rotation. Now they're back to being almost pointless.


Otherwise, they already said that tomorrow they're announcing buffs. So suck on it?


Companions were never worthless, and if you put the time and effort in, they'd be quite powerful. I have a hard time imagining a player so casual and inept that they'd ever have found the single player content in SWTOR difficult. And outside of the 27 days the TC is talking about, that content is easier now than it ever was.

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If you're one of the not so good players, it's really simple. Just get better. Play harder. That's all you gotta do, according the hardcores anyways. I find utterly disgusting and hypocritical that the so called elitists will shout down from the high mountain how bad everyone else is and how much the game needs to improve for them, yet they never write even 1 sentence to help anyone out. Never offer 1 tidbit of information to make things just a little better. Honestly, I don't know how the game has survived so far, but I'll say it's survived in spite of you not because of you.
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This games difficulty even for solo play was designed with you and your companions in mind.


And why you never dismissed your companions?


Seriously, you answered your own question.


Look, yeah, the nerf was a baseball bat tossed in a china display cabinet. No kidding. Obvious is obvious. But those 27 days or whatever were just stupid. It had to change.


I am pretty sure, come this Tuesday or next, ba-da-boom-ba-da-bing, we'll see a 'buff' that in the end equates to the smaller nerf that the companions really needed.


In the meantime, I think it would be advisable if people left off the stupid attacks on others for having a different point of view. My opinion on the matter, until I trip a metric of unsubs, doesn't mean jack all. Neither does your's or the OP's. Bioware nerfed it all on their own - cause, seriously, it didn't take a degree in astrophysics to conclude the companions were bonked in 4.0 - and (probably after seeing some unsubs) they decided to 'fix' it again all on their own.

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Yet another pointless thread on the same topic.


BW have already decided to make a change. We still don't know exactly what that is yet. Its not even saying this will be the last tweak of the game on this issue.


Your thread says nothing new that's not already been in other threads.


I fully expect new threads to spring up after the change or even when the info about the pending change is made Monday. At least then the threads will be talking about new info.

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If you're one of the not so good players, it's really simple. Just get better. Play harder. That's all you gotta do, according the hardcores anyways. I find utterly disgusting and hypocritical that the so called elitists will shout down from the high mountain how bad everyone else is and how much the game needs to improve for them, yet they never write even 1 sentence to help anyone out. Never offer 1 tidbit of information to make things just a little better. Honestly, I don't know how the game has survived so far, but I'll say it's survived in spite of you not because of you.


Please click here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=423


... and then select any one of the class sections. Please look at any one of the guides posted.


Look at all those sentences written by elitists to help you out!!! Oh my!!!

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Seriously, you answered your own question.


Look, yeah, the nerf was a baseball bat tossed in a china display cabinet. No kidding. Obvious is obvious. But those 27 days or whatever were just stupid. It had to change.


I am pretty sure, come this Tuesday or next, ba-da-boom-ba-da-bing, we'll see a 'buff' that in the end equates to the smaller nerf that the companions really needed.


In the meantime, I think it would be advisable if people left off the stupid attacks on others for having a different point of view. My opinion on the matter, until I trip a metric of unsubs, doesn't mean jack all. Neither does your's or the OP's. Bioware nerfed it all on their own - cause, seriously, it didn't take a degree in astrophysics to conclude the companions were bonked in 4.0 - and (probably after seeing some unsubs) they decided to 'fix' it again all on their own.


I don't know if i answered my own question but one does ponder that if someone is so good at SWTOR and feels companions make content easier then why not simply dismiss them? its a win win for everyone. 'Awesome' players get what they want and casual are happy with their companions.

Edited by Gorrdan
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Please click here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=423


... and then select any one of the class sections. Please look at any one of the guides posted.


Look at all those sentences written by elitists to help you out!!! Oh my!!!


You are confusing skilled friendly players with elitist jerks, Two very different kind of people.

Edited by Gorrdan
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I don't know if i answered my own question but one does ponder that if someone is so good at SWTOR and feels companions make content easier then why not simply dismiss them? its a win win for everyone. 'Awesome' players get what they want and casual are happy with their companions.


You did answer your question.


Companions round out the basic skill set a player needs to adequately play on their own. A DPS can choose to have a tank or a healer; a healer can choose a DPS to kill stuff faster (while they then healtank) or a tank to keep mobs off the player. A tank can choose a pocket healer or a DPS. As you said, that's obvious isn't it?


So, how is it a better idea to remove that then it is to try and fix the actual problem? Look, I have seen the hundreds of times you have thrown this 'fix' about and so I presume you are absolutely wedded to the idea that it was the best solution. But I think if you step back, it is clear that the fix isn't on the player - it is on Bioware.


Again, yeah, the nerf was overboard. I'll eat a sock if the 'buff' doesn't 'satisfy' most (people who play the game; not the forums). And, yeah, companions being too much was a symptom of other problems - but it needed to be toned down. (And other things need to be fixed too).

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Nice try, but not even close. I do applaud the effort though.


You are confusing skilled friendly players with elitist jerks, Two very different kind of people.


I disagree to the poster's implied message. He made broad statements that no one skilled here ever made an effort to share their knowledge. He painted in broad strokes - so I replied with one.

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You did answer your question.


Companions round out the basic skill set a player needs to adequately play on their own. A DPS can choose to have a tank or a healer; a healer can choose a DPS to kill stuff faster (while they then healtank) or a tank to keep mobs off the player. A tank can choose a pocket healer or a DPS. As you said, that's obvious isn't it?


So, how is it a better idea to remove that then it is to try and fix the actual problem? Look, I have seen the hundreds of times you have thrown this 'fix' about and so I presume you are absolutely wedded to the idea that it was the best solution. But I think if you step back, it is clear that the fix isn't on the player - it is on Bioware.


Again, yeah, the nerf was overboard. I'll eat a sock if the 'buff' doesn't 'satisfy' most (people who play the game; not the forums). And, yeah, companions being too much was a symptom of other problems - but it needed to be toned down. (And other things need to be fixed too).


Companions were never OP before 4.0 unless players made an effort to customize them. So it was on players the amount of effort they want to invest in making their companions powerful. Something that was completely taken away from players and replaced with automated system.


Was nerf needed? yes..but now they are even weaker than 3.0 comps wearing lvl 50 green/blue gear.


And i am sorry but if someone is gonna continue to rant about how companions have always made content so easy since release then only thing i am gonna say is dismiss companions instead of trying to change the very core of the gameplay in SWTOR.

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You could overlevel content and gear companions for four years. You can't any more. The companion nerf showed how deep level sync ultimately cut into stats and how much gearing played a role.


I think you are closer to the rub.


This game was designed 4 years ago with one model and now it is shoehorning in a new model.


I imagine it will work splendidly (enough) with content designed under the new model ... but it doesn't play completely well with older content.


Maybe a robust beta would have helped; maybe not. But I think it will take more than a 'buff' to companions to really fix what is happening behind the scenes.

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Maybe a robust beta would have helped; maybe not. But I think it will take more than a 'buff' to companions to really fix what is happening behind the scenes.


This i do agree with. I think with the comp nerf that it has exposed other areas of the game that have been ignored, never fixed, or never completed.

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And i am sorry but if someone is gonna continue to rant about how companions have always made content so easy since release then only thing i am gonna say is dismiss companions instead of trying to change the very core of the gameplay in SWTOR.


But that very change to the core of SWTOR gameplay was done in error! That's my point at least.


Dismissing companions is a bandaid. Fixing the actual problem is what needs to be done.


So, yeah, I disagree with you that the solution was on the players who felt the companions were overdone in 4.0.


You don't, that's fine. I sincerely hope whatever buff they get is enough to make you satisfied.

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