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Pt crit for nearly 28k.


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Funny thing if they nerf pt without nerfing sorc healing, people will just go on even more about "I cannot kill a healer".

PTs right now is almost the only spec (theres also maras and sins to sime extent) being able to highly pressure a healer in reg wz.

I'm not saying that PTs shouldn't be nerfed. I'm thinking if it's too hard to separate PvP fron PvE and do a proper PvP balance?

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i find funny when a vanuard finds funny others requests of nerfs about vanguards :rak_03:


Wow, good one.


Honestly though, I'd take a nerf to burst on VG's if they gave them a decent defensive cooldown.


FYI, Sorc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other classes, albeit you need to know how to play it.

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AP Pts are BS.


Operative Invinci-roll is BS.


Operative Mobility and Slipperiness in general is BS.


Sorc Heals are BS.


Being versus at least three sorc healers every freaking match is BS.


Juggernauts' CDs are still BS.


Bioware's treatment of Mercs is still BS.


Bioware's decision to make every class but snipers hypermobile is BS.


Map lag and general map defects are still BS.


The fact that 8v8 was taken out was and still is BS.


The list goes on.


Simply a troll thread.. I think the pvp community can easily coalesce behind some generic ideas of which classes are overperforming.


Looking at single abilities with no relation to their dmg etc is silly sauce. You threw some abilities out there of classes that are in terrible position since 4.0. Honestly show me the large #'s of ops.. oh wait we know they do NOT exist. The reason is because unless in the hands of a god tier player they have major short comings.


But in general classes that have 4m reqs on major dmg abilities and positional reqs as well should not be getting majorly out damaged by ranged classes. Or what is the point of putting yourself through the misery? Anytime an op is trying to survive they are doing little to no dmg. None of their defense is passive. Id rather they strip some of that crap and up the dmg or make it easier to stick to a target.. ala Burst of Speed for rogues in WoW.


Alas I digress.. I think you will find agreement that sorcs overall do too much too well.. PT's.. I'm sure there are a couple other classes/specs that over perform as well. Let's keep it simple so we can get changes.

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Wow, good one.


Honestly though, I'd take a nerf to burst on VG's if they gave them a decent defensive cooldown.


FYI, Sorc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other classes, albeit you need to know how to play it.


pt with dr on kolto for basic talent passive in both dps specs and gg. 35 sec on lol override and rebounder in enough.

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Funny thing if they nerf pt without nerfing sorc healing, people will just go on even more about "I cannot kill a healer".

PTs right now is almost the only spec (theres also maras and sins to sime extent) being able to highly pressure a healer in reg wz.

I'm not saying that PTs shouldn't be nerfed. I'm thinking if it's too hard to separate PvP fron PvE and do a proper PvP balance?


Are we playing the same game, the following classes can easily pressure a healer:


Carnage/Fury Mara - ~10 second burst windows, great sustained, tons of mobility healing debuff, slows/roots

AP PT - Basically any retard that can press buttons

Deception sin - Good burst (not god tier like PT) with amazing control

Hatred Sin - Great burst and sustain, also brings group pressure from dot spread

Concealment Op - Good burst with amazing control

MM Sniper - PT level burst, but positioning and intelligent use of dcds require a functional brain

Arsenal Merc - Great burst, good mobility, enet

Rage Jugg - same as fury mara, with higher crits.


Every melee burst spec is more than capable of shutting down a healer (deception/concealment make up any short coming in dps/burst with control); arsenal mercs and mm snipers are also fully capable of shutting down a healer but can easily be los'd and unlike their melee cousins they lack the dcds to wade into the backline to pursue a fleeing healer.

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Let's not allow this PT is crazy retarded escape BW attention. I love these pt/vang players.. "I'd take a nerf to dmg if they give us..." Umm NO. You fuggers are crazy ridiculously OP. Why would we compensate you for being brought to just ridiculously OP? No way.


Just finished a wz that we won. Our PT led dmg with 1.16 mil dmg (kinda quick wz) and 15 killing blows.. next closest on our team was 659k dmg and 6 kiling blows. Of course the leader on the other team was a Vanguard.


BW stop making a freaking JOKE of pvp in your game. If you really want to have subscribers you have to offer somewhat balanced pvp. We can get this in other MMOs. I want to play your game but not if this BS continues. It's bad enough that your engine is a tradgedy and game doesnt run all that great without an awesome cpu. Perhaps you cant fix that at this point.. but at least put in even a half hearted effort at balance.


I urge you to at minimum just look at the #'s. Take an average of how different classes do over perhaps 1000 wz's and then go from there. You will see severe differences I know without a shadow of a doubt.

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AP Pts are BS.


Operative Invinci-roll is BS.


Operative Mobility and Slipperiness in general is BS.


Sorc Heals are BS.


Being versus at least three sorc healers every freaking match is BS.


Juggernauts' CDs are still BS.


Bioware's treatment of Mercs is still BS.


Bioware's decision to make every class but snipers hypermobile is BS.


Map lag and general map defects are still BS.


The fact that 8v8 was taken out was and still is BS.


The list goes on.


I know this can be seen as a huge whine but...I agree with everything.

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So I was running warzones today trying to finish the dailies. Typical pub vs imp on Alderaan civil war. I was playing my sage. The pubs are getting monkey stomped as usual. Well I get ganked by a powertech and jugg that decided to attack the only node we held. I run over to try to help and the pt pulls me in and proceed to get killed in a matter of seconds. The final blow was an energy burst that landed for 27935 damage. Seems fair. :rolleyes:


I am fully augmented and geared. Telekinetics discipline. I wish I could get one of my attack skills to hit for that much. The most I hit for on a crit is typically 11k.




Sage tears, mmm so delicious.

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well as a madness sorc, u should remain silent, u guys are op as **** as well :rak_03:


Saying its so doesn't make it so. Dots are a mere annoyance and completely futile if a healer is present. Force lightning is single target damage certainly not game breaking (4000ish base over the duration of the channel). Not even close to any class that can burst someone for 28000 damage. TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND.



Edited by SumDumbWookie
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Meh, remove dotspread and madness is weak. Dotspread does not work in 1v1s. The only other strong thing madness has is survival and self heals


so basically all someone needs to faceroll everything


Plus they can kite you forever if u are half decent with it. and now with phase walk, well gg trying to kill a good one

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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so basically all someone needs to faceroll everything


You are full of bantha poodoo. The only faceroll are tanky classes able to burst for 28000. You find someone engaged already and you get a free kill. Nerf is coming.


You can be assured because as an avid pvper it literally makes me not want to bother. And I can't be the only one as most people have far less patience than one as myself. Once they start to really put effort into pvp they will soon learn how futile it is with certain classes.

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You are full of bantha poodoo. The only faceroll are tanky classes able to burst for 28000. You find someone engaged already and you get a free kill. Nerf is coming.


You can be assured because as an avid pvper it literally makes me not want to bother. And I can't be the only one as most people have far less patience then one as myself.


it seems clear to me u need to learn to play a madness sorc better, they can faceroll EVERYTHING but stealth classes, and tbh with sins they can even win


Oh and maybe juggernauts

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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it seems clear to me u need to learn to play a madness sorc better, they can faceroll EVERYTHING but stealth classes, and tbh with sins they can even win


Well after you have your burst damage nerfed into mediocrity like the rest of the classes damage you too can "learn to play better". There is no amount of running through an enemy team spreading weak dots a healer can heal through that will make 28000 burst damage through pvp gear acceptable.

Edited by SumDumbWookie
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Well after you have your burst damage nerfed into mediocrity like the rest of the classes damage you too can "learn to play". There is no amount of running through an enemy team spreading weak dots a healer can heal through that will make 28000 burst damage through pvp gear acceptable.


want to nerf mercs ? good wisp me in game i will /ginv you in a second :rak_03:

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