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A question for those defending the nerf...


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This. I've noticed far fewer complaints from players who play tanks or normally run with tank companions.


Companion effectiveness (or the perception thereof) seems to vary wildly based on character class and discipline, companion role, presence/influence, level and gearing, and the type and level of content being attempted. I wouldn't be surprised to find that there are at least a few players who feel very little impact from the nerfs.


Of course, the other side of the bell curve holds those folks who are finding stuff to be (from their perspective) virtually impossible -- or at least far more difficult and/or tedious.


And this is why I think, in part, we need to take a step back from the companions for a moment and look at the content itself. Remember a lot of these H2s are remodeled H4s. They could have screwed that transition up. So the companions at this point could actually be fine and the content itself that is borked.

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i have to appreciate the ongoing idiocy of bioware.


they claim to never wait too long before releasing operations....kotfe has zero operations.

they make radical changes to utilities, stats, levels, gear and companions to simplfy the game and attract casual, low-skill level players...thereby isolating what was left of the higher-skill players.

then they nerf companions so hard that all the casual players they attracts are now isolated and furious.


i swear their business case is being managed by dice rolls.

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While I certainly picked on people asking for the nerf, suggesting they scale back their companions by using companions of lower influence rank, and toggling off abilities, I also have always recognized the likelihood a nerf was going to happen. Solo and H2+ content should be reasonably easy, but at the same time harder group content needs to be protected.


Companions were better then the best players in the best gear, that isn't sustainable. People shouldn't be put in a situation where you vote kick the healer that group finder gave you because its better to run with a companion. This is harmful to the community, and had to be addressed, and the unwillingness of people to admit to that is at best childish.


Maybe companions were overnerfed, I'm open to that possibility, but I find myself "defending" the nerf because almost all the people against it are just against it and are making up stuff about how bad it is. Just like those players who couldn't regulate their own gameplay were ebing selfish and childish, now the people comeing here and tossing tantrums are doing the same thing. I seriously doubt a significant chunk of the people here wanting the nerf reverted have enven tried to play the game post nerf, considering there is almost no realistic feedback based on actual gameplay.

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i have to appreciate the ongoing idiocy of bioware.


they claim to never wait too long before releasing operations....kotfe has zero operations.

they make radical changes to utilities, stats, levels, gear and companions to simplfy the game and attract casual, low-skill level players...thereby isolating what was left of the higher-skill players.

then they nerf companions so hard that all the casual players they attracts are now isolated and furious.


i swear their business case is being managed by dice rolls.


Hey Pagy, newsflash, none of this game has ever been hard. Ever. So there's not much really to 'L2P' about. Some of the most challenging stuff on SWTOR are a few of the ops, and they aren't even that difficult. Stand on a certain part of the floor? No way! Stand -behind- the boss? GENIUS! Hit the same 28 abilities in a row that you read up on the e-nernets? NO FRIGGIN WAY. Do all that over and over? OMGZ THE SKILLZ.


You're not elite. You're not skilled. You're a grinder. Your long hours of grinding have given you high statted gear. Congratulations.


If you're playing SWTOR for the challenge, that's a bit like playing wiffle ball against a bunch of 5 year olds for 'the challenge'. If you're a challenge-seeking gamer, there are -way- more challenging games out there that are actually fulfilling: Dark Souls, for instance.


The guy at the start of this thread was correct. This isn't about challenge or skill. This is about the mind-numbing grind, and supporting the whiny dwindling grinder class, who have hours a day for months to spend on this game, wanting to feel vastly superior to the casual masses who were now able to do the same content they were. That's it. That's all.


This is one big vanity of the grinders, and it's going to kill the game once all the casuals leave over the pack of lies about casual play they were sold.


The grind is longer and more tedious than ever. All the people claiming to have an easy time with it, I hope they go through some of the content that due to the level floor is supposedly for low level people too on a low level, green geared, non-tank toon and get back to me. Going through the pre-60 story is now an extremely slow and not-fun slog.

Edited by positronics
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Hey Pagy, newsflash, none of this game has ever been hard. Ever. So there's not much really to 'L2P' about. Some of the most challenging stuff on SWTOR are a few of the ops, and they aren't even that difficult. Stand on a certain part of the floor? No way! Stand -behind- the boss? GENIUS! Hit the same 28 abilities in a row that you read up on the e-nernets? NO FRIGGIN WAY. Do all that over and over? OMGZ THE SKILLZ.


You're not elite. You're not skilled. You're a grinder. Your long hours of grinding have given you high statted gear. Congratulations.


If you're playing SWTOR for the challenge, that's a bit like playing wiffle ball against a bunch of 5 year olds for 'the challenge'. If you're a challenge-seeking gamer, there are -way- more challenging games out there that are actually fulfilling: Dark Souls, for instance.


The guy at the start of this thread was correct. This isn't about challenge or skill. This is about the mind-numbing grind, and supporting the whiny grinder class, who have hours a day for months to spend on this game, wanting to feel vastly superior to the casuals who were now able to do the same content they were. That's it. That's all.


This is one big vanity of the grinders, and it's going to kill the game once all the casuals leave over the pack of lies about casual play they were sold.


The grind is longer and more tedious than ever. All the people claiming to have an easy time with it, I hope they go through some of the content that due to the floor is supposedly for low level people too on a low level, green geared, non-tank toon and get back to me.


So true.

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Hey Pagy, newsflash, none of this game has ever been hard. Ever. So there's not much really to 'L2P' about. Some of the most challenging stuff on SWTOR are a few of the ops, and they aren't even that difficult. Stand on a certain part of the floor? No way! Stand -behind- the boss? GENIUS! Hit the same 28 abilities in a row that you read up on the e-nernets? NO FRIGGIN WAY. Do all that over and over? OMGZ THE SKILLZ.


If you're playing SWTOR for the challenge, that's a bit like playing wiffle ball against a bunch of 5 year olds for 'the challenge'. If you're a challenge-seeking gamer, there are -way- more challenging games out there that are actually fulfilling: Dark Souls, for instance.


The guy at the start of this thread was correct. This isn't about challenge or skill. This is about the mind-numbing grind, and supporting the whiny grinder class, who have hours a day for months to spend on this game, wanting to feel vastly superior to the casuals who were now able to do the same content they were. That's it. That's all.


This is one big vanity of the grinders, and it's going to kill the game once all the casuals leave over the pack of lies about casual play they were sold.


The grind is longer and more tedious than ever. All the people claiming to have an easy time with it, I hope they go through some of the content that due to the floor is supposedly for low level people too on a low level, green geared, non-tank toon and get back to me.


Question... Define casual play?


They promised you could level from 0 to 60 doing just the story quests. Accomplished.

They said the would turn the story FPs while leveling into tactical. Accomplished.

They promised that the lion's share of the content in this expac would be story/cut scene.. Accomplished


Where did they say the grind that existed before would go away. This is what I am struggling with. No where do I remember seeing "you will no longer have to feel like you are grinding to get ahead" or even something similar but more flowery. Much of what you say seems to be wishful thinking inferring things never actually said from marketing spin. You thought your inference was confirmed by the initial state of 4.0 comps but when BW went into panic mode over people completing H2/SF in a hodgepodge of 192/186 gear they corrected a mistake, according to their metrics. Instead of saying "my inference was wrong" you are making a claim with no evidence that BW somehow sold you a bad bill of goods.

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IDK that any BW game ever would be described as aiming for hard cores. This game has gotten easier with every version. They dumbed it down so much, you don't even have to pay attention to a main stat for your class any more. How is that catering to hard cores?


Then tell me please: Who actually is being adressed with the companion nerf and why?

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Hey Pagy, newsflash, none of this game has ever been hard. Ever. So there's not much really to 'L2P' about. Some of the most challenging stuff on SWTOR are a few of the ops, and they aren't even that difficult. Stand on a certain part of the floor? No way! Stand -behind- the boss? GENIUS! Hit the same 28 abilities in a row that you read up on the e-nernets? NO FRIGGIN WAY. Do all that over and over? OMGZ THE SKILLZ.
i wouldn't disagree with any of this.


You're not elite. You're not skilled. You're a grinder. Your long hours of grinding have given you high statted gear. Congratulations.


If you're playing SWTOR for the challenge, that's a bit like playing wiffle ball against a bunch of 5 year olds for 'the challenge'. If you're a challenge-seeking gamer, there are -way- more challenging games out there that are actually fulfilling: Dark Souls, for instance.

i would agree with this too but only to add that while this game was never hard, its constantly moving the bar to the "easier" category. it's all relative.


The guy at the start of this thread was correct. This isn't about challenge or skill. This is about the mind-numbing grind, and supporting the whiny dwindling grinder class, who have hours a day for months to spend on this game, wanting to feel vastly superior to the casual masses who were now able to do the same content they were. That's it. That's all.


This is one big vanity of the grinders, and it's going to kill the game once all the casuals leave over the pack of lies about casual play they were sold.


The grind is longer and more tedious than ever. All the people claiming to have an easy time with it, I hope they go through some of the content that due to the level floor is supposedly for low level people too on a low level, green geared, non-tank toon and get back to me. Going through the pre-60 story is now an extremely slow and not-fun slog.

grinding, or time spent, has always been the crux of mmos. as you've said, it's rarely about skill and about who spends the most time. put in the time, get the shiny bobble...rinse and repeat.


if content is too easy, then people wont grind it, get bored quickly, and leave.

if content is too hard, then people get discouraged and will spend their casual time elsewhere.


i'm only pointing out the fact that while bw continues to reduce difficulty, they managed to just piss off more people. they are complete fools with no plan.

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This is so much rationalized nonsense. The devs do NOT call the shots.


Sure they do. As this change shows. Its based on developer biases as it only adresses the hardcore scum that wants to feel special.


These decisions are now made by looking at financial models and then market analysts sitting down trying to figure out how that financial model, in particular, can be maximized.


Tell me please: Which financial model is working if thousands of average gamers unsub because a game is going to become too difficult after a single patch? How can you tell me there is a "financial model" that actually offsets these big losses? Why didnt they add a compromise which would adress both?


I tell you what. They just saw the numbers, gave nothing about their players, and tuned them down and overnerfed them. There is no marketing plan behind that. No financial model. It's just the biased view of a team of devs who think the game isnt challenging enough anymore.

Edited by geschmonz
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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


Being able to clear all content within a week of release as a baseline is bad game design/tuning. Sure some people always will because they are gaming savants but that's not the design goal.


The only thing that this change materially impairs is soloing H2 Star Fortresses - which I was legitimately disappointed that I could push with ~ 200 average gear and a Level 12 healer, with no Alliance buffs or even learning the instance (knocked down everything except the Exarch on one try, he took two due to aggro). There were YouTube videos of people doing the reactor fight wrong for ten minutes with no pressure because they could be healed indefinitely. What is this Alliance good for, again?

Edited by Canareth
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Tell me please: Which financial model is working if thousands of average gamers unsub because a game is going to become too difficult after a single patch? How can you tell me there is a "financial model" that actually offsets these big losses? Why didnt they add a compromise which would adress both?


I tell you what. They just saw the numbers, gave nothing about their players, and tuned them down and overnerfed them. There is no marketing plan behind that. No financial model. It's just the biased view of a team of devs who think the game isnt challenging enough anymore.


I think you are ascribing malice on the part of devs were incompetence equally explains it. They admit they screwed up and made companions too powerful in 4.0. Before long, they'll admit they screwed up in 4.0.2 and over nerfed. 4.0.3 or 4.0.4 will roll around and hopefully they make it so higher influence and legacy perks matter, without making the content trivial.


It's funny...a lot of people asked for a toggle of level synch, and a bunch of the same people that insisted it has to be mandatory are likely the same ones telling us to nerf ourselves if we think 4.0 is too easy lol. If you check my post history, I am in favor of difficulty sliders to make everyone happy.

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Hey Pagy, newsflash, none of this game has ever been hard. Ever. So there's not much really to 'L2P' about. Some of the most challenging stuff on SWTOR are a few of the ops, and they aren't even that difficult. Stand on a certain part of the floor? No way! Stand -behind- the boss? GENIUS! Hit the same 28 abilities in a row that you read up on the e-nernets? NO FRIGGIN WAY. Do all that over and over? OMGZ THE SKILLZ.


Keeping in mind that most of the human race has limited if any hand-eye coordination and most people (especially in the workplace) can't multi-task to save their lives, this is actually a skill. One many people can't be bothered to develop. Not sure it's a valuable skill online outside of gaming, but it is a skill nonetheless.


You're not elite. You're not skilled. You're a grinder. Your long hours of grinding have given you high statted gear. Congratulations.


Technically, you're both skilled and a grinder.


If you're playing SWTOR for the challenge, that's a bit like playing wiffle ball against a bunch of 5 year olds for 'the challenge'. If you're a challenge-seeking gamer, there are -way- more challenging games out there that are actually fulfilling: Dark Souls, for instance.


The guy at the start of this thread was correct. This isn't about challenge or skill. This is about the mind-numbing grind, and supporting the whiny dwindling grinder class, who have hours a day for months to spend on this game, wanting to feel vastly superior to the casual masses who were now able to do the same content they were. That's it. That's all.


Grinders (in general) aren't a class. Grinding isn't a fun activity. Few people who do it even enjoy it... Grinding is a necessity because due to budget and lack of gaming investment/resources, Bioware isn't pushing new content daily and never will. Grinding systems are put into place as time sinks until the next expac or horrible redesign the devs come up with. Grinding is "filler", when developers run out of ideas or aren't going to implement something that would take more time/cash to build. Cartel Market is the opposite of grinding, look at its popularity. This is the same reason that grinders hate cash shops.


This is one big vanity of the grinders, and it's going to kill the game once all the casuals leave over the pack of lies about casual play they were sold.


Not sure I agree with this. The biggest complaint, in every game I've ever played with grinders, is how dare the development teams after having forced grinders to invest hundreds or thousands of hours into their filler content, hand something on a silver platter to noobs/casuals. Time is an investment, right or wrong, and as I said most grinders don't actually like grinding, they're forced to do it if they want the rewards at the end. Grinders resent being forced to do something unpleasant for a reward, only later for that reward to be diminished by the fresh tears of casual players unwilling to make the same investment. THAT is the key cause for the war between grinders and casuals. Given the choice, casuals won't do it, they'll wait until the devs change the game. Grinders will do it, but on the semi-alluded to premise that the devs keep the rewards exclusive. The biggest fights are when that balance is disrupted. Case in point, level 60 tokens and crew skills.


The grind is longer and more tedious than ever. All the people claiming to have an easy time with it, I hope they go through some of the content that due to the level floor is supposedly for low level people too on a low level, green geared, non-tank toon and get back to me. Going through the pre-60 story is now an extremely slow and not-fun slog.


There isn't a grinder in the game that would disagree it's longer and more tedious than ever. It is easy, that's true. You're right that the slow to 60 (even with the SHARP increase to exp) is still quite dull. BUT......grinders had to do it. And as I mentioned above, here's the sticky point. Either you do the same crap-work that grinders had to (which even then it's faster with higher story exp these days), or you don't get the reward. IF you get the reward, AND don't have to grind out as those before you have, to get to the same point/rewards, it cheapens the time and rewards of everyone who did it before you.


Most players don't care about anyone but themselves, so casuals have no problems pissing off grinders if it gets them more/faster rewards for less effort. Grinders don't care if casuals have to suffer just as they did to reach the same point (and justifiably so, feel they should). Put yourself in the other sides' shoes, and then try to defend the argument of nerfing something or making it harder to achieve. To use a real life analogy, everyone wants a Bachelor's degree, but once you have yours, would you complain if your school made it 10 times harder/more expensive for the next person coming through to get it? I bet you wouldn't care, but if they made it 10 times easier/cheaper, I bet you would...

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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It's funny...a lot of people asked for a toggle of level synch, and a bunch of the same people that insisted it has to be mandatory are likely the same ones telling us to nerf ourselves if we think 4.0 is too easy lol. If you check my post history, I am in favor of difficulty sliders to make everyone happy.


I think "easy", "normal", "difficult" and "nightmare" would be enough. And group leaders would define the difficulty for their group. If content was harder, you would have more frequent loot chances of better gear.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?


because playing with a companion is how the game is designed to be played


why should anyone have to give up content just for others who refuse to learn their own character?


This game has always been about player and companion when soloed.

that IS solo mode design


So sorry but I dont think I should have to limit my experience to less then full game just for players who know full well they can still easily solo all the non ops/fp content but are mad they have to actually pay attention now.


Any other silly questions?

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I think "easy", "normal", "difficult" and "nightmare" would be enough. And group leaders would define the difficulty for their group. If content was harder, you would have more frequent loot chances of better gear.


never work because they would have to change the loot tables (as you mention) and those on easy mode would scream bloody murder that they dont get the same loot


and we all know it would only take minutes after implimentation before that happened.


The only way to really do all content at different difficulty is to make Easy mode, standard, hard mode, nightmare servers.


A entire server dedictated to that specific difficulty setting so everyone on server facing the same challenge.


But short of that happening, I think they should set servers to the NORMAL setting of a single player game.


Right now (even after adjustment) the difficulty setting of this game is set to ultra easy mode

It is the easiest MMORPG in existance right now

They need to up the difficulty to a nice standard normal mode setting

nothing hardcore, but also nothing ultra easy mode

Like life, going to either extreme is where all the problems exist

and currently we are to the ultra easy mode extreme setting

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The guy at the start of this thread was correct. This isn't about challenge or skill. This is about the mind-numbing grind, .


1) its strange how you types keep saying its not a L2P issue but when you actually read all the posts from those compalining you quickly understand what they complaining about here is having to use interupts, knockback, stuns, defensive abilities, and other non attack spam mentalities.


Some have even admitted outright they just want to hit attacks only while companion heals them through it


So sorry but it most definately IS a L2P issue for most of the complainers.


2) this game has no grind, never had any grind, still has no grind


Anyone that applies the word grind to SWTOR simply has no clue what thye speaking about!

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


I don't think it is fair to deride those that sought a more challenging game, nor their support for the changes. I do think it is fair to deride those that try to bully others into their way of thinking.


On a side note....Influence generation is definitely a good example of a grind in this game.

Edited by LordArtemis
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never work because they would have to change the loot tables (as you mention) and those on easy mode would scream bloody murder that they dont get the same loot


and we all know it would only take minutes after implimentation before that happened.



For years this game has had different rewards for different modes of group content...why not single player?

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No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


Honestly, I've yet to truly see any discernible difference worth complaining or exulting over, in terms of the most recent patch. Seriously. My main characters are ALL healers -- Scoundrel, Operative, Sage and Commando -- so my companions since 4.0 were specced out for tanking rather than healing. I'm only concerned at their ability to hold agro, and I haven't seen any real problems in that regard just yet. Eventually, maybe.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


The companions can still heal well over 1000 life per second. They can still absorb 100,000 points of damage or deal an additional 1000 dps. I think the heroic Star Fortress, one of the only challenging parts of the game for single player play, would be impossible without a companion.


There is probably only 2-3 hours of content in the game set at that current challenge level for SPer while there are hundreds and hundreds of hours for easy SPer experience.

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The companions can still heal well over 1000 life per second. They can still absorb 100,000 points of damage or deal an additional 1000 dps. I think the heroic Star Fortress, one of the only challenging parts of the game for single player play, would be impossible without a companion.


There is probably only 2-3 hours of content in the game set at that current challenge level for SPer while there are hundreds and hundreds of hours for easy SPer experience.


No way it's 100k, especially if they are only healing for 1000 ehps.




See for yourself, 49,172 damage absorbed (given) versus a fight lasting 4:18, that's about 190 damage absorbed per second.


PS I get hours and hours of challenging single player content soloing flashpoints, or at least used to before this patch made companions completely useless, and I was doing this since launch so it wasn't because of the OP'd companions that I could do it, they just had to be like they were from 1.0 to 3.0. Most MMO players know if you want challenging content for solo play, you have to metagame. Otherwise you are doing endgame and pvp if you want challenge.

Edited by Draqsko
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i have to appreciate the ongoing idiocy of bioware.


they claim to never wait too long before releasing operations....kotfe has zero operations.

they make radical changes to utilities, stats, levels, gear and companions to simplfy the game and attract casual, low-skill level players...thereby isolating what was left of the higher-skill players.

then they nerf companions so hard that all the casual players they attracts are now isolated and furious.


i swear their business case is being managed by dice rolls.


That's because you listen to the crap they feed you which are excuses. They simplify the game to make it easier on them while focusing on the main issue at hand, how to suck money out of you with the cartel market. Why work to make the game good when so many fools pour their money out for something that could be nerfed a month later or whatever they choose to do making it worthless.


A lot of things are done simply for the sake of the cartel market like removing companion gear for example. Soon no companions will have gear nor will you be able to put anything on them. Less work for them as far as balance goes and more money when the brand new custom skins hit the cartel market lol.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.

Why don't you understand your class? why don't you understand how moving your pg? use skills, tacts? play the game! don't watch your companion doing your job.

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No way it's 100k, especially if they are only healing for 1000 ehps.




See for yourself, 49,172 damage absorbed (given) versus a fight lasting 4:18, that's about 190 damage absorbed per second.


PS I get hours and hours of challenging single player content soloing flashpoints, or at least used to before this patch made companions completely useless, and I was doing this since launch so it wasn't because of the OP'd companions that I could do it, they just had to be like they were from 1.0 to 3.0. Most MMO players know if you want challenging content for solo play, you have to metagame. Otherwise you are doing endgame and pvp if you want challenge.


I was talking about in tank mode, they will absorb around 100,000 damage that would come your way if you didn't have a companion.

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How about you lot not be so absolutely terrible? You are the ones compromising this game by expecting the whole experience to be utterly dumbed down to your levels.

BioWare WILL change it back anyway, because you bunch of no-hopers have very big mouths, and it makes it look like you represent a majority, when you almost certainly don't. You scream in such high-pitched tones it's impossible to ignore.


Says the very loud vocal minority who asked for the nerfs in the first place. It's ok when you're loud, but others do not have such a right.


There's a term for this, it's called King Baby Syndrome.

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