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BW hold your ground, don't change the companions back to easy mode


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It won't let me edit the title for political correctness, apologies on that. :sul_angel:


The exceptionally loud 20-30 people crying on here do not warrant the changes they seek.


Your data showed how stupid easy the game was with these companions.

Now I'm not asking for a challenge, I'm asking for a balance.


The heroic 2 should be completed via companion and player. This has hold true. Those in crappy gear, low influence companions, not using skills available, etc. are the ones who are crying.


The "me and a friend can't do it" is all anecdotal. We don't know that they are in good gear, decent companion, etc.

Only your data will show this and you will make the correct changes.


The balance is this:


1) CORE STORY CONTENT should be done in any gear no matter what.

2) Side content, heroics, operations, etc. should require gear appropriate for the content. Heroics means you have some gear by using the comms/gear awarded from the story.

3) If players take the time to get gear, the content SHOULD be completed. This is assuming the player uses all skills available, uses a companion that can help them, and is wearing gear appropriate for their level. A lvl 20 geared player should be able to do lvl 20 heroics. A lvl 50 geared player should not be able to do the Star Fortress Heroics.



The "against nerf crowd" I see, I really think it is the case of they want to have everything handed to them with zero effort because they spend money on the game. Makes sense, but there needs to be a BALANCE. This means in an MMO with story content meets two requirements. The story is accessible to everyone and meeting MMO requirements is accessible to everyone.


This requires people to put effort in. Story requires you to sit through the content. You can make choices that companions like or dislike.

MMO content requires you to get gear and move your character forward. If you don't then do you expect the game to be easier for you? YOu can sit in your RP guild, but don't get mad that your empty shelled gear doesn't help you on heroics.


Bioware you made the CORRECT decision with the companions. It was a joke to play because I could literally AFK and they could complete the content. Right now I have to use CC (sometimes), maybe heroic moment, and sometimes bring a friend. I feel like I'm in an MMO again.


The story content is PERFECT, because I can do it alone. The heroics is PERFECT again because I might need a friend for the harder content. You did the right thing.


Don't change a thing. :rak_03:



Thank you all for your responses! Lets keep it civil cuties :tran_tongue:

Edited by JourrnoRush
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Our money is what speaks. I guarantee you more than 20-30 people have unsubbed due to the companion nerf. I had been a sub since release and spent nearly $1K since then on the sub, expansions, and cartel market.


How could you survive all those years with standard companions? And why did you stay all those years with standard companions?

Edited by Neglience
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I get it, just how the nerf came from 20-30 people screeching beforehand for the nerf to happen. I understand they probably wanted something reasonable, something better than what we've been given. But how on earth do you think this it is acceptable when companions are doing worse than they were pre 4.0 o.O


Calling for a middle ground is acceptable, considerate even. Calling everyone who doesn't like the change for which most people voted 'no' against, only for the vocal minority to once again get what they want, whiners... Not very mature.


As the poll stated it's not 20-30. It's not the minority, in this case you are the minority. You're the dying breed of hardcore gamer, I respect you for that, you play games that are difficult - you get off on the accomplishment. Others however do not, the majority do not.


Either or it's just a horrid circle of people screeching vile at one another in both instances. Shrug.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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I can keep voting. 230 people is not significant either. Thank you for your response.


I can't, others from the same IP can't either. Seems to be IP locked.


As for voting with the wallet? Yup, that's what we're doing. I used to spend over 60€ a month on the game over the past few. That just dropped to nothing. So yeah, we'll see.

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How could you survive all those years with standard companions? And why did you stay all those years with standard companions?


Before 4.0, you could go to any planet and just solo stuff. There was no level sync like now and you could gear your companions.

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OP; Get ready for being told you're an infant, elitist, nerd-herder, bantha-lover, dev-llicker, troll, etc..


Funny how that goes for most that are happy with the comp changes.


You are just a troll! Pure and simple!


Anyone with a bit of sanity and actually playing the game, will admit the nerfs in the patch went WAY overboard! :mad:


How the hell can you say this patch was good? When companions are now even worse than what they were in 3.0 ?!


They removed uniqueness from companions with 4.0! Every single companion is now the same with same three roles!

And now with this SLEDGEHAMMER nerf, they singlehandedly overnight ruined the entire companion system and turned to useless side kicks again! :mad:


My lvl65 Jedi Guardian, with average gear, in Tank stance and with full tank gear, does more than two times the DPS now, than any of my companions in DPS role! And everyone knows a tank specced Jedi Guardian´s dps is about the worst in the game.


So after 4.0.2, no matter how you put it! It´s far worse now than how it was back in 3.0, even when only slotting mediocre gear into your companion. :mad:

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We raised our Health pools approximately 38% at 65 in 216/220 gear to just over 80k ish


After Nerf Senya inf 10 Ameliorating Force = 3433, Senya inf 50 Ameliorating Force = 4345 an increase of 19%


So infact they were not Op, what they were was improperly coded for prioritizing their skill uses, 35-40% of healing done was overhealing and not required at all. Hell just standing there they spammed heals with no Mob interaction at all and just standing at fleet


All the well do this or do that, have to blah this or blah that to make it work but Doesn't take to much to figure out the issue


Glade I have a lifetime sub to The Secret World )

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How could you survive all those years with standard companions? And why did you stay all those years with standard companions?


Thats just it!




Before worst case you could over level content and do it, no more,


Companions with quest gear were BETTER pre 4.0 than they are now, more damage more heals etc


So.....people were able to use standard companions for years BECAUSE THEY WERE BETTER THAN THEY ARE NOW!


got it?



So to recap


BW spends all this time and resources to make companions fill all 3 roles WORSE than they had prior to the expansion ROFL


And no it is not going to change the hubris for the BW staff and smug Mr. Musco knows no bounds!


See that fact that every time someone mentions the 75% nerf they threaten them because the truth hurts rofl.

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lol just going by that poll shows the OP is talking out his ***. 250 against the nerf and a measly 24 for it with 25 not caring either way.


250 out of what, 500.000 ? All those affort those whiners put into this, i am pretty sure they are sharing this poll with their friends just to get more votes because their god-mode is gone and they desperately want it back.

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Thats just it!




Before worst case you could over level content and do it, no more,


Companions with quest gear were BETTER pre 4.0 than they are now, more damage more heals etc


So.....people were able to use standard companions for years BECAUSE THEY WERE BETTER THAN THEY ARE NOW!


got it?



So to recap


BW spends all this time and resources to make companions fill all 3 roles WORSE than they had prior to the expansion ROFL


And no it is not going to change the hubris for the BW staff and smug Mr. Musco knows no bounds!


See that fact that every time someone mentions the 75% nerf they threaten them because the truth hurts rofl.


Do you have some numbers for your claim ? I mean, that would be something BW might consider.

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250 out of what, 500.000 ? All those affort those whiners put into this, i am pretty sure they are sharing this poll with their friends just to get more votes because their god-mode is gone and they desperately want it back.


Didn't Bioware also do a poll for which was completely ignored when the majority who said 'No' heavily outweighed those who were for the nerf? Can someone find this poll please.


If you're not going to stop and think about what you're saying then all you do is prove you're being nothing but an inconsiderate *** who's talking out of their, dare I say it 'elitist backside'. Christ, the fact none of you are calling for compromise or trying to find a middle ground is just... baffling. This is why people call you elitists. You're ignorant to everyone but you and your elitist brethren. 'Hue, we can do it. Who cares if you can't.' I can do **** to, but I still see a problem.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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I don't really get this argument. My healing companion is rubbish now, his healing is about 10% as effective as it used to be. Now I completely agree that it was ridiculous how much he was healing before, a channelled heal should not be healing 25% of my healthbar per tick.


But it also shouldn't be healing 2.5% of my healthbar per tick, that's just stupidly low and not going to out heal generic trashmobs if you're not defensively specced.




I have no real problems with the changes to DPS and tank companions, they seem fairly reasonable, but healing companions are completely worthless now. I'm better of setting them to dps and just healing after the fight because their healing is fairly non-existent.

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