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The silence from BW is a slap in the face to it's angry consumers


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So, you wanted feedback. You are getting it in spades and with very few exceptions, mainly those being the elite hard-core gamers who raid etc, the player base is NOT HAPPY AT ALL with the drastic extent of the companion nerf. There are threads galore and even people posting in the "Suggest Box" area about it as well.


What kind of response have we the community gotten? Dead silence. No acknowledgment that they even know we're upset or care. Total and complete silence. Are you ignoring us, BW? Not all of us are on Twitter, you know. I hope those that are are letting BW know of their displeasure. I am considering making a Twitter account for the first time simply to be heard by BW because it sure seems like the community isn't being heard on the forums right now. Or, maybe we are but they simply don't want to acknowledge that they screwed the pooch on this one.


Bw, you did a complete turn around from you promise of making the game casual player friendly. You lured us in, made us love the game again to the point many of us encouraged our friends and family to give it another go or even a first-time go and then this is what you do?


And now you won't even let us know you hear us? That really speaks volumes.


I unsub'd yesterday after playing with the nerfed companions to see if it was as bad as people said (and it is) but as I bought a 6-month sub time, you still have four months left to fix this before I'm gone for good. That's a very generous amount of time. I convinced my husband to come back tot he game. He sub'd only a couple weeks ago and was LOVING the game. He has no legacy thus no perks. Now he's mad because he feels cheated...and he's not wrong. He likely won't continue his sub either if this isn't fixed in a reasonable amount of time.


Bottom line: YOU NEED TO TALK TO US! YOU NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROBLEM! Then you need to FIX IT and say you are going to fix it and focus on fixing it as a top priority. Nothing more and nothing less.



Edited by mrsrachelm
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Solid rage post, would read and laugh again. 7/10.


Can you stop trolling please. Will you still be happy when there's no one to play with. If people aren't getting an answer they will leave. It will likely be a month before you see the impact but it does exist.

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Can you stop trolling please. Will you still be happy when there's no one to play with. If people aren't getting an answer they will leave. It will likely be a month before you see the impact but it does exist.


They're not going to stop trolling. They're the ones who are hiding behind heavy armor and have access to multiple defensive cool downs, etc. They don't need companions; so why would you need them? It's people like them that make others unwilling to group up; the risk of joining up with a condescending jerk like them is just to high these days.

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Can you stop trolling please. Will you still be happy when there's no one to play with. If people aren't getting an answer they will leave. It will likely be a month before you see the impact but it does exist.


If they were so bad that this nerf prevented them from completing solo content they'd have been a liability to me anywhere but on the enemy warzone team (and even then it wouldnt have been any fun).

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ok i did read your whole post.. no real need to.. same as every other post just about.. and i DO agree the nerf needs to be dialed WAY back


Do i think HEALING companions were OP? sure a BIT not the 70% nerf they got.. but they could have started with a 10% nerf and let that run for a week and see how things went... (I say this as a HEALER.. i feared after the 1st day that companions would be better healers then actual players)


Do i think DAMAGE companions were OP? not really.. was nice to see a difference between specs.. before 4.0 if you used ANY healing companion and had them set to a more DPS mode there was almost no difference in the damage out put and as a healer those companions were a waste to me even tho I liked playing with them because of who they were


Do i think TANK companions needed a nerf? NO WAY they sucked before 4.0.2 and they suck even more now..just healing the tank enough to keep him alive from 1 gold i pull agro


So i think anything will change? Yes.. maybe.. very slowly tho


So i think ANY of these thread about companion nerfs will have any affect on BW? HEELLL NO!!! they will do what they want reguardless of what we post.. there was a post last week that someone put a link to a poll that asked very simply if players thought they were OP and the VAST majority of that poll was happy with that they had and didnt want them nerfed.. and look at where we are now..


TL;DR version.. BW will do what ever they want reguardless of what players ask for.. sometimes they are right some times they are wrong.. we'll just have to see how long it takes for them to make more 'tweaks'

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So, you wanted feedback. You are getting it in spades and with very few exceptions, mainly those being the elite hard-core gamers who raid etc, the player base is NOT HAPPY AT ALL with the drastic extent of the companion nerf. There are threads galore and even people posting in the "Suggest Box" area about it as well.


What kind of response have we the community gotten? Dead silence. No acknowledgment that they even know we're upset or care. Total and complete silence. Are you ignoring us, BW? Not all of us are on Twitter, you know. I hope those that are are letting BW know of their displeasure. I am considering making a Twitter account for the first time simply to be heard by BW because it sure seems like the community isn't being heard on the forums right now. Or, maybe we are but they simply don't want to acknowledge that they screwed the pooch on this one.


Bw, you did a complete turn around from you promise of making the game casual player friendly. You lured us in, made us love the game again to the point many of us encouraged our friends and family to give it another go or even a first-time go and then this is what you do?


And now you won't even let us know you hear us? That really speaks volumes.


I unsub'd yesterday after playing with the nerfed companions to see if it was as bad as people said (and it is) but as I bought a 6-month sub time, you still have four months left to fix this before I'm gone for good. That's a very generous amount of time. I convinced my husband to come back tot he game. He sub'd only a couple weeks ago and was LOVING the game. He has no legacy thus no perks. Now he's mad because he feels cheated...and he's not wrong. He likely won't continue his sub either if this isn't fixed in a reasonable amount of time.


Bottom line: YOU NEED TO TALK TO US! YOU NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROBLEM! Then you need to FIX IT and say you are going to fix it and focus on fixing it as a top priority. Nothing more and nothing less.




Yeah I agree in the spirit of this the lack of response just gets me angrier and angrier, I want to play!

why cant you I hear you ask, well I log in, look at my toons and just UGH the grind... plus I am still really angry so it amplifies that, and I just log out again, is that right? maybe maybe not, but its how it is.


So now I am home from work and off to play WoW, even an acknowledgement right now would be great, you know a hey we hear you and are working on something, nothing on here, nothing on twitter...


My cancelled sub runs out in about 40 days, hopefully, well within that time frame something is done, and I don't get re-entrenched back in WoW, but hey I am just one person, it doesn't matter right?...

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They're not going to stop trolling. They're the ones who are hiding behind heavy armor and have access to multiple defensive cool downs, etc. They don't need companions; so why would you need them? It's people like them that make others unwilling to group up; the risk of joining up with a condescending jerk like them is just to high these days.


Sorc doing 'One and only' post nerf


His armour looks mighty heavy bruh.

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I also just found out, and confirmed it by actually looking for it, that they DELETED a post that was several hundred responses long of people saying they were unsub'g because of the nerf. They CENSORED those who said they were going to unsub! Now THAT tells me they did read the forums but it also tells me a whole lot more....
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No one cares about a video. Go back to playing the game if you love it so much. Why are you on here on forums if you got what you wanted. Thanks I downvoted the video.


Who said I wanted the companions nerfed?


I'm actually of the opinion that the nerf was a tad over the top, but the righteous indignation of the forum massive is just way to good to pass up and I cant play the game right now, so I'm here :)

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If they were so bad that this nerf prevented them from completing solo content they'd have been a liability to me anywhere but on the enemy warzone team (and even then it wouldnt have been any fun).

Are you really so ignorant or just trolling?

Liability? To you?

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I also just found out, and confirmed it by actually looking for it, that they DELETED a post that was several hundred responses long of people saying they were unsub'g because of the nerf. They CENSORED those who said they were going to unsub! Now THAT tells me they did read the forums but it also tells me a whole lot more....


People will quit if their not having fun. They really should keep threads up. For everyday for almost a month. Pro Nerf crowd complained on the forums. They created a dozen threads a day. They didn't censor them. I don't think they should censor us. It's that simple. You can't let one group create five threads a day. I complained about it to them. Then censor the second group. It's unfair.

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Sorc doing 'One and only' post nerf


His armour looks mighty heavy bruh.


Peddle that elsewhere. I've done it myself and it was difficult, more than difficult ; and I am a sorc. Now stop focusing on Star Fortess, it's more than bloody SF.

None the less that person is a god among gods and I will kiss his shoes.


You're still proving my point however, so thanks for that. I hope you're not in Shadowlands; good grief wouldn't want to group up with you.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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They have said that they didn't mean for the companions to be as powerful as they were. They also asked for us to try it and provide feedback.


Kneejerk reactions aside, there are enough sane, well written posts about the nerf that make it clear it was too much.


I don't think using live servers as beta testing is a good way to keep customers. It looks really bad and really cheap on Bioware's part.


I'm still playing, but I would like to know the point of leveling my alliance. It seems like everything is a meaningless time sink. Companions at lvl 50 influence don't mean anything (the devs said the powerful companions were not intended), so I assume a maxxed out alliance won't mean much either.


What direction do I focus on? Without some understanding of "the great plan" from Bioware, I'm not inclined to DO anything. I'd like to know more.

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I also just found out, and confirmed it by actually looking for it, that they DELETED a post that was several hundred responses long of people saying they were unsub'g because of the nerf. They CENSORED those who said they were going to unsub! Now THAT tells me they did read the forums but it also tells me a whole lot more....


Keep voting with your wallet and unsub! It´s all you can do!


If enough people rage quit and unsub, than the financial impact will be felt up higher up the chain in Bioware and Eric will be forced to roll back the patch!

At it surely seems he has ZERO apathy with the playerbase, totally clueless in math (as 75-80% nerf is not an incremental change in my book! ) and is now hiding somewhere in a corner, UNWILLINGLY to admit he screwed up! :mad:

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What are they going to say beyond what Eric already did 24 hours later? Eric made it clear companions were never supposed to that powerful out of the box and that, while he didn't use the word grind, a bit of a grind was part of the plan. This is further born out by looking at the weeklies, Alliance faction, H2 SF mechanics etc. That said...


Most of the feedback only amounts to "this sucks" or "I can't do this" with no details as to what "this" maybe, what their gear or class is, what they companion affection was etc. That is why I started a thread asking for people to provide this info because only with that info do they have a prayer of figuring out what the problem is. So if you don't give data for them to use as a starting point all they could say is what Eric already said again, but perhaps more bluntly... Something akin to "sorry, we understand that people are not happy with having to grind now, it feels tedious to them after flying through the content but this grind was always intended. We are an MMORPG after all and we need to keep you from getting that carrot at the end of the stick for as long as possible." Would that go over well? I don't think so myself.


I don't know if you are hoping/expecting BW to say "we are sorry, we hear you we are reverting them back" but I hope not because they are not going to say it and it has nothing to do with pride. The grind that the reversion of companions has revealed was always part of their plan. That grind is how they plan on keeping players playing in the dead space between chapter releases. They now find themselves in a lose/lose scenario because of their rushed and sloppy release. They will likely lose players over this change, however they were going to lose players to boredom if they didn't do it. I know players complaining about the reversion who had, before it, said "I don't know how long I am going to stay because I am sure steam rolling heroics I'll get old at some point. In the end it will just be people debating in hindsight, if the change did more or less damage in the long run than doing nothing. It seems that BW decided that doing nothing was more dangerous.

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So, you wanted feedback. You are getting it in spades and with very few exceptions, mainly those being the elite hard-core gamers who raid etc, the player base is NOT HAPPY AT ALL with the drastic extent of the companion nerf. There are threads galore and even people posting in the "Suggest Box" area about it as well.


What kind of response have we the community gotten? Dead silence. No acknowledgment that they even know we're upset or care. Total and complete silence. Are you ignoring us, BW? Not all of us are on Twitter, you know. I hope those that are are letting BW know of their displeasure. I am considering making a Twitter account for the first time simply to be heard by BW because it sure seems like the community isn't being heard on the forums right now. Or, maybe we are but they simply don't want to acknowledge that they screwed the pooch on this one.


Bw, you did a complete turn around from you promise of making the game casual player friendly. You lured us in, made us love the game again to the point many of us encouraged our friends and family to give it another go or even a first-time go and then this is what you do?


And now you won't even let us know you hear us? That really speaks volumes.


I unsub'd yesterday after playing with the nerfed companions to see if it was as bad as people said (and it is) but as I bought a 6-month sub time, you still have four months left to fix this before I'm gone for good. That's a very generous amount of time. I convinced my husband to come back tot he game. He sub'd only a couple weeks ago and was LOVING the game. He has no legacy thus no perks. Now he's mad because he feels cheated...and he's not wrong. He likely won't continue his sub either if this isn't fixed in a reasonable amount of time.


Bottom line: YOU NEED TO TALK TO US! YOU NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROBLEM! Then you need to FIX IT and say you are going to fix it and focus on fixing it as a top priority. Nothing more and nothing less.




you could benefit from a clean slap in the face

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I also just found out, and confirmed it by actually looking for it, that they DELETED a post that was several hundred responses long of people saying they were unsub'g because of the nerf. They CENSORED those who said they were going to unsub! Now THAT tells me they did read the forums but it also tells me a whole lot more....


If you talking about - Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll - tread they not deleted the put this thread from General to Off-Topic. Yep for BW this unsub wave is kinda off topic.

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Keep talking buddy, every time you post you bump this up ;]


Still waiting for an official response.


Why would I want it to die? It's amusing as hell (and as I previously mentioned I actually think BW went too far but people keep mostly skipping over that part)

Edited by Jackosaur
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