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Poll in regards to the Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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They make too many drastic changes without fully testing or using common sense as how the player base will react, i know they could set up polls just like players do, but because they think they know better or its THEIR game they can do what they want. Not really you dont have a product to sell if no one likes it.
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Those unhappy where overwhelmingly outvoted in the last poll right after 4.0 launched about keeping companions the way they were. So I'd say you're incorrect.


First its not clear what you are saying. Are you saying a poll then said "they are not OP?". I searched first and could not find any polls, akin to this one with a link, started prior to 11/18.


That said did you read my link from Pew... One of the largest and most reliable non-profits that does polling? They show how internet polls are notorious inaccurate based on a variety of factors. The multitude of factors mean that it can still be flawed but instead of reason A being the issue... It's reason B.


The very structure of the poll is the issue. First it is opt in. That means passions will have a disproportionate impact and contribute to the poll often not being a representative population (coverage bias) When you have people weilding torches and pitch forks, especially if friends pointed you to an opt in poll, response bias can creep in. Also non-response bias can kick in if people who would other wise have voted in the poll have lost incentive because not they are content with a change. Lastly, as I stated, I voted multiple times in this poll.


Internet polls are great for PR Spin but for reliable metrics... Not so much.

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In this particular case both polls likely represent the playerbase, regardless of whether or not they are reliable.


IMO the majority having a desire for something does not necessarily mean it should be. I am sure that if folks voted, they would vote for companions to be even MORE powerful than they were in 4.0.


Sometimes what people want is just not sustainable. Just my opinion of course.


However, Bioware needs to realize that their vision for the game is obviously not healthy for the game in some cases, not when they seem to be making mistakes like this more often than they should. Perhaps they can't give players everything they want, but perhaps they can provide SOME of what they want, even if it is contradictory to their vision.


I still think that the place comps need to be is probably somewhere between where pro nerf and anti nerf players are right now.

Edited by LordArtemis
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In this particular case both polls likely represent the playerbase, regardless of whether or not they are reliable.


IMO the majority having a desire for something does not necessarily mean it should be. I am sure that if folks voted, they would vote for companions to be even MORE powerful than they were in 4.0.


Sometimes what people want is just not sustainable. Just my opinion of course.


However, Bioware needs to realize that their vision for the game is obviously not healthy for the game in some cases, not when they seem to be making mistakes like this more often than they should. Perhaps they can't give players everything they want, but perhaps they can provide SOME of what they want, even if it is contradictory to their vision.


I still think that the place comps need to be is probably somewhere between where pro nerf and anti nerf players are right now.


I totally agree with this.


I just said the same thing in another thread.


Time and reward are two things the game has to have balance with, takes too little time and people run out of things to do, gives too much reward for that time and inflation runs rampant.


I would be really interested to see if on the higher population servers there had been the start of an inflationary trend in the market caused by too many people being able to do high value missions too quickly.


But of course we will never see that data...

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Bioware ignored the poll prior to the Companion changes, they'll likely ignore this one as well.


There's only one poll they'll have to take notice of, that's the subscription one. Is it a poll? Well yes, players decide whether to go for option play, or option cancel.


There was obviously significant cost incurred in producing KotFE, and they have gone done the sub only route to recoup this.

If the sub numbers drop below their required target, they've lost.


And lets' face it, irrespective of your thoughts on companion strengths, they've completely messed things up here.


Ideal scenario - introduce KotFE with tried and tested companion strengths having done sufficient preparatory work on the pts.

Worst scenario - introduce with high performing companions, switch to seemingly ad-hoc low performing companions - resulting in cancelled subscriptions, all out forum war amongst the community and a significant break down of trust between the company and it's paying customers.

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If the sub numbers drop below their required target, they've lost.


Then i wonder about their extremely dumb decision in taking away the solo playing part from their game.


How biased must a dev be not to see he actually destroys the game he is developing with making it more harder? Dont they ever learn from games like Wildstar? Do they live in a ivory tower full of biased hardcore gamers that dont know better?

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I do find it kind of ironic that I left the game entirely because of the CSM and the way it was handled, and I return to see a companion change that was handled in almost the exact same way.


Not as dramatic as the CSM....they would have to have companions kill YOU every time you log in IMO to make the nuke that dramatic....but still, this is another one of those "should have known better" moments.


And I was able to witness it the first time I decided to give this game a second chance. I wonder if someone is trying to tell me something lol.

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Eric has a poll eliciting feedback on the current state of companions. If you have actually played since the patch, and have an opinion either way. submit your feedback and lets wait and see what is decided. as of right now what's done is done. submit your feedback, wait and see if there is a change. aside from that you can unsub rage/quit.


4.0 Level companions are gone, they are not coming back at that level. Time to get over it and move forward. I don't foresee 4.02 staying as they are either. I see a balancing in the middle of the two.


The entertainment value of the Rage/bait fest is wearing thin, time to move on, Move forward.

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I'm so happy with the changes I just celebrated by voting 5 times for it, and it only took me a minute to do, and I don't even have any special setup for it. These things are extremely easy to spoof in addition to having a horrendous sampling method. Strawpoll is for fun, it is absolutely not reliable for anything serious.


Now I'm not saying that the majority didn't like the OP companions, they very well might have, but this is not the way to find out.

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Then i wonder about their extremely dumb decision in taking away the solo playing part from their game.


How biased must a dev be not to see he actually destroys the game he is developing with making it more harder? Dont they ever learn from games like Wildstar? Do they live in a ivory tower full of biased hardcore gamers that dont know better?


hek arrogant Dev / Players all they have to do is look to Star Wars Galaxies and how that debacle went i can see this game going on life support and putting out content like Star Trek Online

Edited by malffurion
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Then i wonder about their extremely dumb decision in taking away the solo playing part from their game.


How biased must a dev be not to see he actually destroys the game he is developing with making it more harder? Dont they ever learn from games like Wildstar? Do they live in a ivory tower full of biased hardcore gamers that dont know better?


Have you read this post? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=855014


Where does it say that they intended to take away the solo game. There is ONE section where a player MAY need help, at first if they are under geared or learning but I suspect this is to account for a new player who may take advantage of a level 60. Beyond that the solo game is alive and well.


The problem isn't that the solo game is gone. The main problem appears to be that people are not happy with the solo game due to a 2 part issue that doesn't happen until after the story ends. Part 1...having to grind weeklies in content we have already seen/done. part 2evel sync meaning that this same "stale" content requires similar effort to when we were doing at level. The companions original state eliminated part 2 which has magnified part 1. So the solo game still exists some people just don't like it.


Why I find ironic is that when they announced no new FPs or OPs and that they were simply using a releveling mechanic there, many solo/story fans said "it is new content. It will be level 65 and provide level 65 rewards." Weird how they aren't saying that about the H2's isn't it?

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hek arrogant Dev / Players all they have to do is look to Star Wars Galaxies and how that debacle went i can see this game going on life support and putting out content like Star Trek Online


Hmmm what is funny is that what happened to SWG is that people left because suddenly people woke up to a game they found too easy first with the Combat Upgrade to make it more easily understood by new players (the skill system and lack of equipment restrictions confused many) and the NGE which simplified it even more. Here the complaints seem to basically be opposite. The only thing the two things share is people complaining.

Edited by Ghisallo
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So, looks like they are taking their sweet time to clean up their latest mess.


I can't be bothered playing today, and I'm unlikely to come back before they reverse that change. Hoping next week gets this fixed, else I will have switched back to another game, there are plenty.

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I'm so happy with the changes I just celebrated by voting 5 times for it, and it only took me a minute to do, and I don't even have any special setup for it. These things are extremely easy to spoof in addition to having a horrendous sampling method. Strawpoll is for fun, it is absolutely not reliable for anything serious.


Now I'm not saying that the majority didn't like the OP companions, they very well might have, but this is not the way to find out.


Even if 100 people voted 5 times each, 500 votes, Its still one side. You can see in the forums. Its very much one sided with few Trolls coming on "Thanking BW". The poll isn't 50 - 50 for needing an accurate result.

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Turns out, the poll wasn't deceptive - the majority is displeased with the companion changes.


Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




Record time for a response, too.

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I'm so happy with the changes I just celebrated by voting 5 times for it, and it only took me a minute to do, and I don't even have any special setup for it. These things are extremely easy to spoof in addition to having a horrendous sampling method. Strawpoll is for fun, it is absolutely not reliable for anything serious.


Now I'm not saying that the majority didn't like the OP companions, they very well might have, but this is not the way to find out.


You know the poll is IP related? Muppet. and really ..is anyone going to go to the extreme of using spoofer on a simple poll???

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