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Poll in regards to the Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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If BW did some sort survey about the companions instead of just during a board meeting "Oh ahhh, a topic came up. Some players saying the companions are OP" instead going straight for it.


Give me a min of your time to vote honestly if your happy with the changes or not.



Maybe BW was right, maybe they were wrong.




Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




Good job guys.

Edited by Tilvius
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Even if you remove threads people will still be upset at changes. Many people including me who left several years ago. It wasn't an empty threat then and its not one now. Many people will quit due these changes. I think people are seriously over estimating how many people will stay. When the people leave you can thank the Pro Nerf Crowd for killing the game.
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Wanna take bets on when they remove this from the forums?


Looking through the guidelines, I don't think I've broken any forum rules. I've created a constructive thread that's on topic. The poll is for the community for hopefully the devs have a look and perhaps make a decision of the results.

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And now we stand at


Happy: 6 votes, 6%

Neutral: 10 votes, 10%

Not Happy: 82 votes, 84%

Total: 98 votes.


Eric asked for feedback on the changes I think this say's a lot especially combined with the people unsubbing left and right. Be interesting to see what its like tommorrow as its going up while I watch.

Edited by Senkoau
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[sorry for the translation]

I will acknowledge that I adore this game there now I became addicted from her sie also.

I had to today the problem from decrease the time of game.

I played after several days to 2 in night it once.

Stopping moge almost playing at last.

I will come in on pvp and fighters only.

I hang cancellable campaigns on all figures, unless oneself something will improve in game.

I planned to make second account nephew there now teraż this juz would be the waste of money, he became discouraged quickly.

It is possible that BW did something wrongly, it happens.

In the coming days you will see how many people will play continue as actively as before.

I've been doing for 30 missions a day now when the physician does not cure limit myself to 10 gusting.

I have subscriptions to the end of the year but I think I'll stay with PvP until the return of normalcy in the game.

Well, I do not know what to do with the Campaign Fallen.

I did everything what you can and can not move X parts.

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Well, considering that majority of players voted that they were happy with how the companions were in 4.0, yet they still got nerfed, means that since majority don't like this nerf, means they will get more nerfed or it will stay like this.


Exactly! Bioware has time and again shown they only care in the handful of veteran players, with max legacy buffs, decked out in full Raid gear and millions of credits to spend to max out their companions.


This was just pure blatant Bait and Switch tactics! Lure people back into subbing, to quickly boost financials before years end and the hype of the new Star Wars movie.... and then a month later kick them in the face! :mad:


And that is exactly what happened and how it feels like.

It doesn´t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out and that he screwed up with the patch!

But the complete silence on this matter by Bioware just shows they don´t care! They got your sub money and walk away with it.

Edited by Jeronas
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The poll results reflect what many already confirmed. A small vocal minority ruined this game for a lot of people. Many people will quit unless the changes are reversed. Its dishonest that many came back during the companion changes and to switch changes on them after enjoying the game for weeks is not something I think people are prepared to re-embrace the grind. It's not fun the grind. It's boring. I sat there ready to log in.


I was on my 5th level ALT this month. I jumped on and off other ALT's. I was enjoying myself. Call it whatever you want "OP companions etc" now I lost the desire to log in. Like many people I am hoping they will reverse changes. If BW is going to be silent and hope the community embraces the grind. Then if people instead of doing that quit. What will be their plan to save the game.

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I think the only influence - or lack thereof-can cause reactions in BW.

Whatever we have posted here will not change their position.

Man appreciates what is yet when it will lose.


If posting here wouldn't change their position then you Pro Nerf people wouldn't have done it every day for a week. You wouldn't have ruined the game for the rest of us. Unless you are a Dev you don't know that and if they don't change anything. They stand to lose a good chunk of player base.

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Voted also, hope it helps. Subbed since launch, and really tired of things getting better, then in one mighty swipe, it gets ruined again. This time, they've gone too far. I will wait until I see some kind of response from the Dev's, but if they do the same as they have done in the past, which is ignore us until we go away, I will be dropping my sub after 4 loyal years of subbing on multiple accounts. So from me alone, they will be losing 3 accounts.


Thank you for taking the time to put this together, fingers crossed that the right people pay attention, I was enjoying the game more than I have in 4 years, until 4.0.2 ruined it once again.


Good luck

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I done unsubbed anyhow , voted with my money. To bad to since kotfe I spent more on the cartel market then ever before cuz I was having fun... to bad biofail is so firkin stoopid not to realize this. Edited by Kainne
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