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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Typical Bioware! Always the Sledgehammer! Never ever finding a middleground!


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People left in droves over the years, because the leveling experience was a total chore before 4.0 ! (me included... got completely fed up spending more time meditating my health back up after each fight, than actually playing the game.... not to mention the totally useless companions that did jack s hit! :mad: )


So 4.0 came along with lots of hype! Lot of people returned (me included) and had a complete blast leveling a new character again!


Sure companions were a bit OP here and there and a little tune down ( say 10% or so as a start ) would have sufficed!

Not a blunt 75-80% SLEDGEHAMMER nerf! Making companions even more useless than they were before 4.0! :mad:


Bioware isn't even aware that players are exploiting the main hand weapon bug, which is what ACTUALLY made your companion god mode!


So instead of fixing THAT first! before nerfing the s hit out of the companions! would have been a better start! :mad:


But this is typical Bioware! Listening to the vocal minority, decked out in full RAID gear with millions of credits to spend on insta boosting their companions to rank 50! And so screwing over the rest of the playerbase who isn't interesting in maxing out their characters and just want to have fun playing the stories and regular content! :mad:


Making the content slow and boring with lots of downtime doesn't equal challenge!!! It turns the gameplay into a chore!! We are now in even worse state than we were before patch 4.0 ! What a total joke. :mad:


Seriously! They worked so hard to make the 1 to 65 experience FINALLY enjoyable. Tons of people returned and had a blast the last weeks and spread praised Bioware for turning the game around!


And then with a single patch they litterally destroyed all that overnight! Good job Bioware! Good job! :mad:

I feel truly sorry for the people that spend millions of credits before 4.0 to gain max influence and more millions of credits after 4.0 to rank up their companions and have all that nullified overnight with the typical Kneejerk reaction by Bioware!


I truly feel baited by Bioware by this whole ordeal! Vote with your wallet! I sure did and canceled my sub! I won't return until they fix this mess! Which is probably going to take another month. /FACEPALM

Edited by Jeronas
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they are still better than they where pre 4.0 with exception of tank stance and ability to hold agro which they supposedly improved with last patch I have not seen that being any noticable improvement.


They are definitely not better than before 4.0! No way! Unless you (intentionally or unintentionally) abuse the main hand weapon bug!

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The biggest issue with this change IMO is that everything feels slower rather than more difficult. So much of the new content consists of loot pinatas with ridiculous HP and little to no difficulty and especially the nerf of companion DPS is just making the content slower and more boring.
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The biggest issue with this change IMO is that everything feels slower rather than more difficult. So much of the new content consists of loot pinatas with ridiculous HP and little to no difficulty and especially the nerf of companion DPS is just making the content slower and more boring.


Exactly! And that has always been the main issue with the game before patch 4.0 and why leveling was always such a chore!

I never managed to get beyond level 35 or so before getting totally bored and fed up with the game and quit again.


With Patch 4.0 and the boost to companions, the chore in leveling was finally gone! For the first time EVER I have leveled a character all the way from level 1 to 65 past month! FIRST TIME! I had a blast!


No one will disagree that the companions could use a "LITTLE" tune down. Just a tad bit, like 10% or so and fixing the main hand weapon exploit, to turn off god mode!


That's all that was needed as a start and then collect more data again!


Any DEV with brains would fix an obvious exploit (like the current main hand weapon bug) first, before applying blanked nerfs! :mad:



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Sure companions were a bit OP here and there and a little tune down ( say 10% or so as a start ) would have sufficed!

Not a blunt 75-80% SLEDGEHAMMER nerf! Making companions even more useless than they were before 4.0! :mad:


Have to agree with this oh and if your thinking your comp will save you in world pvp they can be 2 shot at max rank by some on in pvp gear. takes a hole 2s to kill some ones comp. Least 1.0 2.0 and even 3.0 it was a challenge to kill some one some times in world pvp when they had a comp out now. The comp is dead because they can heal even if you gave them band aids


But since this expac was about choices dow what the rest of us have done go spend mil credits get treek and void out using any other comp as least with her she can heal better then my lana at 50 rank and treek is 10 rank BW Eric your DEV team fails again to do things right and test stuff get feedback before you do it no other mmo would nerf some thing with out it going to public test centers.


Nice job in making all the new comps slot machines whats next

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Look, even if the comps aren't as OP now, you still have to do only about a third of the missions available. Levelling is absurdly fast in 4.0 even after the nerf. I can literally do just the class story missions, and maybe one group FP a day, and still be overleveled, which is what I was pretty much doing back in 12x XP!


I can't believe that people are complaining about the grind considering what we had to go through before now.

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Look, even if the comps aren't as OP now, you still have to do only about a third of the missions available. Levelling is absurdly fast in 4.0 even after the nerf. I can literally do just the class story missions, and maybe one group FP a day, and still be overleveled, which is what I was pretty much doing back in 12x XP!


I can't believe that people are complaining about the grind considering what we had to go through before now.


It not the grind in itself that was the main issue to be frankly honest! I never minded the amount of missions I had to do.


It was the horrible slow gameplay that was the MAIN issue! The constant downtime between fights! That was the MAIN issue! All those trash mobs with ridiculous HP you had to fight through all the time is what got people fed up!


And now that chore is back! :mad:

Edited by Jeronas
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they are still better than they where pre 4.0 with exception of tank stance and ability to hold agro which they supposedly improved with last patch I have not seen that being any noticable improvement.


You are incorrect, they are worse than before. I ran heroics fine with my decked out Ashara, with Lana Im a sitting duck. Just sayin... And ya, I voted with my wallet, cancelled two subs.

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they are still better than they where pre 4.0 with exception of tank stance and ability to hold agro which they supposedly improved with last patch I have not seen that being any noticable improvement.


In 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 i did not 3 shot any one companion no matter what stance they were in took about a min tops i can kill them in 3 hits in 4s. Which means you flag you will pay for it sure BW keep it that way so i can make more people leave the game as we camp them and there comps. just laughable really

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Look, even if the comps aren't as OP now, you still have to do only about a third of the missions available. Levelling is absurdly fast in 4.0 even after the nerf. I can literally do just the class story missions, and maybe one group FP a day, and still be overleveled, which is what I was pretty much doing back in 12x XP!


I can't believe that people are complaining about the grind considering what we had to go through before now.


If your only goal is to level then sure, it is a lot faster than before. As for getting through the class/planet/etc stories, it definitely matters how long it takes to kill each mob.

At this point I'd gladly take a XP reduction per kill/mission if it meant mobs would die faster.

Edited by MFollin
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What i don't get is the silence from them they have to know people don't like the change and still they say nothing.


Oh an i cant wait till the next rakgual event people were dying in the tunnels before the nerf with the gold elites cant wait to see that disaster good thing we have 2 more of those before the end of the year so we can get more cancel subs.

Edited by Neoforcer
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You are incorrect, they are worse than before. I ran heroics fine with my decked out Ashara, with Lana Im a sitting duck. Just sayin... And ya, I voted with my wallet, cancelled two subs.

Wife and I just canceled. I told them I can't play a game where I can't trust the developers to be honest with their players. They can't make a change that provides a ton more fun and then suddenly jerk it away.


And yes, yes, yes, the old leveling experience was a tedious grind. Everywhere you go on every planet and on every ship you fight through endless clumps of mobs evenly spaced out as far as the eye can see. Need to go up to a starship and kill a Jedi Master? Well, be prepared to grind your way through 200 mobs spaced out in clumps of 3 and 4. Was no fun at all until the OP companions showed up to help plow through them.


Bottom Line:

Original game got tedious = I left

KotFE made it fun again = I resubscribed

Companion Nerf makes it tedious again = Goodbye, and I won't fall for the bait and switch next time.

Edited by Meraxos
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What i don't get is the silence from them they have to know people don't like the change and still they say nothing.


That is typical Bioware! They will NEVER admit they completely screwed up with yesterdays patch!

And probably need another month now figuring out what to do!


Every decent person knows what should be done! Roll back the patch and put it on the PTS first with better adjustments and test it there FIRST!

Instead of using your PAYING subscribers as test subjects in some kind of social experiment!


Seriously, I am almost starting to wonder if most of their devs are just Psychiatrists in disguise or something. :mad:

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Wife and I just canceled. I told them I can't play a game where I can't trust the developers to be honest with their players. They can't make a change that provides a ton more fun and then suddenly jerk it away.


And yes, yes, yes, the old leveling experience was a tedious grind. Everywhere you go on every planet and on every ship you fight through endless clumps of mobs evenly spaced out as far as the eye can see. Need to go up to a starship and kill a Jedi Master? Well, be prepared to grind your way through 200 mobs spaced out in clumps of 3 and 4. Was no fun at all until the OP companions showed up to help plow through them.


Bottom Line:

Original game got tedious = I left

KotFE made it fun again = I resubscribed

Companion Nerf makes it tedious again = Goodbye, and I won't fall for the bait and switch next time.


I am totally with you on that.

I cancelled my sub yesterday.

The game was too grindy at level 25+.

Freaking world of warcraft is less grindy then this game, even when it comes to tbc or wrath.

So yes, until they fix it i won't be touching it.

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I am totally with you on that.

I cancelled my sub yesterday.

The game was too grindy at level 25+.

Freaking world of warcraft is less grindy then this game, even when it comes to tbc or wrath.

So yes, until they fix it i won't be touching it.


Here is were the people that support the change don't get it Swtor cant handle loosing subs like this so when they get a message in there email about the game being shut down in then they will be here qqing on forums why it happen.

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What pisses me off the most, is that before Patch 4.0 if you had the willingness and credits, you could at least make your companions semi-useful.


The whole reason people swallowed the destruction of uniqueness of companions with 4.0, was that companions were more powerful and useful right from the start and made the leveling experience on planets a total blast!

All the tedium was gone!


Now with the whole sledgehammer nerf in patch 4.0.2, we are left with completely useless companions, with uniqueness taken away with patch 4.0 and a rank up system that is now also broken! As has already been shown that a rank 50 companion is now barely better than a rank 10! Another outright lie from our friendly neighborhood dev Eric! :mad:


If he is not going to revert this ridiculous patch! At least revert companions back to how they were at 3.0, so they are unique again and we can gear them up again! :mad:


If nothing gets done about this crap patch, I stay unsubbed and go play something else. Plenty other games to play.

Edited by Jeronas
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Wife and I just canceled. I told them I can't play a game where I can't trust the developers to be honest with their players. They can't make a change that provides a ton more fun and then suddenly jerk it away.


And yes, yes, yes, the old leveling experience was a tedious grind. Everywhere you go on every planet and on every ship you fight through endless clumps of mobs evenly spaced out as far as the eye can see. Need to go up to a starship and kill a Jedi Master? Well, be prepared to grind your way through 200 mobs spaced out in clumps of 3 and 4. Was no fun at all until the OP companions showed up to help plow through them.


Bottom Line:

Original game got tedious = I left

KotFE made it fun again = I resubscribed

Companion Nerf makes it tedious again = Goodbye, and I won't fall for the bait and switch next time.


Moral of the story. to avoid the bait and switch in the future, wait at least 45 days after expac release to return and check out the changes.

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Here is were the people that support the change don't get it Swtor cant handle loosing subs like this so when they get a message in there email about the game being shut down in then they will be here qqing on forums why it happen.

No offense, but this is a massive change, since it changes how the gameplay feels overall. Companions are massive part of combat.

Why the hell i should pay for something i do not enjoy. With companions nerf questing once again is a massive chore, which i hate since day 1 of sw tor.

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