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So I just did the [The Tyrant] on Bel'Savis.


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"Not Afraid Enough" complete on my fresh boosted Level 60 turned 65 with orange gear missing mods and a rank 1 Elara.


Hardest part was the Elites and their Grav Round. I combatted this by keeping my group pulls to 3-5 using Elara's CC and Defensive Cooldowns. The Voranitikus was a joke and for the second part all I did was click the consoles and Hold the Line away from the enemies since they weren't required to fight.


For the Final Boss, I used Heroic Moment and quickly killed the silver and then easily took down the champion.


I agree the Champion Voranitikus was very easy since it was one on one. What was your health at the end of each mob pull % wise? Did you have to use your Heroic Ability for the mobs? I take it you were using your companion ability bar to select each target to cc?

Edited by Kakarote
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I agree the Champion Voranitikus was very easy since it was one on one. What was your health at the end of each mob pull % wise? Did you have to use your Heroic Ability for the mobs? I take it you were using your companion ability bar to select each target to cc?


I did not use my Heroic Moment for the trash groups but my health did get pretty low at times, it wasn't easy but once I got it done the rest went easy.

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I did not use my Heroic Moment for the trash groups but my health did get pretty low at times, it wasn't easy but once I got it done the rest went easy.


So in your assessment from testing multiple Heroics do you think most players which include ones who are leveling on the planet could solo the heroics you have tested so far? Take in mind that a lot of players who are currently leveling don't have certain abilities that we have at 60-65 and might not have Heroic abilities also.


I'm just curious if these changes were thought out or not when it applies to ALL level range of players just not end game level 60-65 players.


Thanks for all your testing :)

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So in your assessment from testing multiple Heroics do you think most players which include ones who are leveling on the planet could solo the heroics you have tested so far? Take in mind that a lot of players who are currently leveling don't have certain abilities that we have at 60-65 and might not have Heroic abilities also.


I'm just curious if these changes were thought out or not when it applies to ALL level range of players just not end game level 60-65 players.


Thanks for all your testing :)


I would venture to say it could be doable for any player, if they put a bit of work into learning their class when playing the game. Of course I can't say for shure beyond that because I was only able to test this stuff on a legacy with close to Max Presence Gain and I have a great understanding of the classes I play.

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Thank you for posting this thread, it's a very interesting read and isn't full of complaints....just facts. I truly appreciate that. Hopefully it'll help Bioware figure a few things out.


So far I've run 5-6 planets worth of heroics by myself (I haven't done Makeb, Belsavis or Voss yet though!) on a scoundrel healer in 216 gear (token) with most datacrons (cept fleet) and almost all of my companion conversations unlocked, with a rank 10 companion and I haven't had too many issues. A few mobs hit pretty hard but I guess you probably just need to know your abilities and how to survive when things get hinky. I think I died twice, but at least one was definitely my own fault lol.


I would be really curious to see how difficult they are without datacrons or the presence buff from comp conversations in green gear.....I used my token though already. :rolleyes: While I also agreed that companions needed a bit of a nerf (just a small one!), I don't agree with how far they went with it. Pretty sure they broke the nerfbat with that hit, lol. But it's good to know that most content (so far) is still doable without too many issues....hopefully.

Edited by blindxsecrets
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Thank you for posting this thread, it's a very interesting read and isn't full of complaints....just facts. I truly appreciate that. Hopefully it'll help Bioware figure a few things out.


So far I've run 5-6 planets worth of heroics by myself (I haven't done Makeb, Belsavis or Voss yet though!) on a scoundrel healer in 216 gear (token) with most datacrons (cept fleet) and almost all of my companion conversations unlocked, with a rank 10 companion and I haven't had too many issues. A few mobs hit pretty hard but I guess you probably just need to know your abilities and how to survive when things get hinky. I think I died twice, but at least one was definitely my own fault lol.


I would be really curious to see how difficult they are without datacrons or the presence buff from comp conversations in green gear.....I used my token though already. :rolleyes: While I also agreed that companions needed a bit of a nerf (just a small one!), I don't agree with how far they went with it. Pretty sure they broke the nerfbat with that hit, lol. But it's good to know that most content (so far) is still doable without too many issues....hopefully.


Thank you, I just wanted to help BW and everyone figure out what they could solo with which classes and set ups and I hope the information here helps hot fix balance any things they feel isn't quite there yet. Like Viper's Nest, the only heroic I've done today that I had issues with.

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Reno. Might want to try The Observer on Makeb. That Droid on the ship is hard. Couldn't get past it with a 12 influence companion and augmented 216s. Finally managed with a lot of interrupts and cc'ing the gold repeatedly, while using a comp at 27 influence.


What was your class/role?

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Lightening sorc.


I had just finished killing the droid on my Merc when you responded. I am about to do it again my Lightning Sorc, but I agree that Droid is a real pain.


I had to CC the Elite and quickly kill all the other adds while keeping the droid on me so it didn't aggro onto my Rank 10 Mako and once those were dead I backed off out of range with Mako and waited for the Elite to chase down after me and kill it.


Once the Elite was down I went back in and popped Heroic Moments and ended up using double uses of all 8 legacy abilities. The Second part was easy Since it was mostly just silvers and non silvers, so I aoe'd and mowed them down from weakest to elite. Final Champion is a joke, but that Robot was a pain.


I'll post again after I get done on my Sorc.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Just did The Tyrant myself in a rare mix of 186, 192, 198, 208, 216 and a 220 barrel on my VG shield tank. With 2V-R8 at influence 1 and set on DPS.

Put a guard around the droid and kited Tyrant. used a couple of DCDs and interrupted as much as the CD allowed.

About half HP left at the end. - no medpacks, no Heroic moment, no shoulder cannon, but still had anodyne versatile stim running after SF heroic run.


4548 mastery,

5809 endurance

1224 presence.

- Tho' I've not much to compare it to, so I dunno if this is good bad or ugly. Most of my 65s are slightly less in stats coz not geared as much/well - my worst geared 65 has 1590 presence - so I might try it on that char (DPS) tomorrow.


So I'd say that you don't have to be particularly special to do this - if we're using it as a benchmark. - Though I dunno if a DPS could kill so much faster than a tank to offset little or no mitigation..... - Something else to try!

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Just did The Tyrant myself in a rare mix of 186, 192, 198, 208, 216 and a 220 barrel on my VG shield tank. With 2V-R8 at influence 1 and set on DPS.

Put a guard around the droid and kited Tyrant. used a couple of DCDs and interrupted as much as the CD allowed.

About half HP left at the end. - no medpacks, no Heroic moment, no shoulder cannon, but still had anodyne versatile stim running after SF heroic run.


4548 mastery,

5809 endurance

1224 presence.

- Tho' I've not much to compare it to, so I dunno if this is good bad or ugly. Most of my 65s are slightly less in stats coz not geared as much/well - my worst geared 65 has 1590 presence - so I might try it on that char (DPS) tomorrow.


So I'd say that you don't have to be particularly special to do this - if we're using it as a benchmark. - Though I dunno if a DPS could kill so much faster than a tank to offset little or no mitigation..... - Something else to try!


I only originally brought it up because back in the day leveling up it was one of the harder heroics that no one wanted to group for. About to pull the Droid on my Sorc, stay tuned.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Thats a blatant lie. All classes in the game have some form of self heals. If you honestly thought this, you are a ****** player



depends upon what you mean by healing. There are those that have zero ability to heal others and whose healing is either from spell procs or med kits. And sometimes those healing procs are in a single line only.

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Alright Bobs, I haven't finished The Observer on my Sorc yet but since the rest is cake walk compared to the Droid I wanted to stop and chime in about it.


It took me 3 attempts on my Sorc vs. the 1 Attempt on my Merc, granted my Merc is better geared in 208s and 216's. With my Sorc being in Mostly 172s minus the off pieces I won in OPs. It took me and rank 9 Talos to beat it after everything was dead. I made the mistake of thinking I could take it on with Rank 10 Ashara after I had got done killing everything.


I had to use to Heroic Moment, my Free heal, my generic Bubble (which saved me big time over the course of it all.) and some of my regular Sorc heals mixed in my Lightning Rotation of pissing lightning and crapping thunder. This is another Heroic that maybe should be looked at because of the droid alone but the rest of it is very easy so idk if they will mess with it like they should with Viper's nest where the damage there is quite silly.


I hope this aligns with what you experienced or helps in the future, Bobs.

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Alright Bobs, I haven't finished The Observer on my Sorc yet but since the rest is cake walk compared to the Droid I wanted to stop and chime in about it.


It took me 3 attempts on my Sorc vs. the 1 Attempt on my Merc, granted my Merc is better geared in 208s and 216's. With my Sorc being in Mostly 172s minus the off pieces I won in OPs. It took me and rank 9 Talos to beat it after everything was dead. I made the mistake of thinking I could take it on with Rank 10 Ashara after I had got done killing everything.


I had to use to Heroic Moment, my Free heal, my generic Bubble (which saved me big time over the course of it all.) and some of my regular Sorc heals mixed in my Lightning Rotation of pissing lightning and crapping thunder. This is another Heroic that maybe should be looked at because of the droid alone but the rest of it is very easy so idk if they will mess with it like they should with Viper's nest where the damage there is quite silly.


I hope this aligns with what you experienced or helps in the future, Bobs.


Yep. I never used my heroic moment, so maybe I could have done it with my 12 influence akk dog. The stuff before and after was fine. Droids the kicker there. Thanks for doing all this. Togh for bw to get good feedback with all the arguing and hyperbole. Hopefully your thread stays clear from that.

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There your problem right there not every one is deck out i 208 augs mix of 220 and 216 gear. What some are decked out in is the free 60 gear as they have just returned with out all the comm stacking the people that have never left have. SO you player that keep saying i can do it . NEED to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. Some are going into heroic 2 that are meant for every one in all gear...


You are missing a few things.

1. You can't figure out what is wrong without data. Simply saying "not everyone is decked out in..." Means very little because you do not have the result of someone not decked out to compare it against.

2. This is still a gear progression based MMO. It now also has level sync. As such people have to realize that it is more than possible that going to do a heroic on say Makeb may be painful if you are under geared. Thanks to level sync, you are no longer going back to steam roll out leveled content. From a mechanics point of view it is now "current" content.


Back in the previous tiers even for soloing you would need to watch your gear, there may have been quests that you had to wait on until you got the gear, even solo. This expansion definitely seems to be the perfect example of "the more things change, the more they seem the same", its just that since the released overtuned companions we didn't see it.


I honestly am beginning to wonder if the change to the companions is actually, for the most part, simply a trigger for anger that should be focused at the real issue...level sync. The weeklies force people to go back to content they did scores of times before. They feel since its on a " leveling planet" it should be steamrolled. The problem is level sync eliminates the steamroll and so people are frustrated.


I am sure some stuff needs tuning, it always does, BUT the global "its impossible across the board" end of story I think may be more founded in the fact that some players at 65 don't think going to a level 30 world should be even a small challenge, the companion should be able to kill the mobs for you because you are 65 and already ran that planet till your eyes bled.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I can do it so its fine, or you should be able to is neither accurate or fair as an argument, never has been never will be.

However what you guys you are saying this whether indirectly or directly fail to realise is that YES the planetary OLD content is possible, but it is not enjoyable, not for the obvious majority of people here complaining.


At max we could solo easily anything low level, as it should be, this expac they took that ability away and made you no stronger that a lvl 12, this belittles the time and effort that went into getting to max.


But most were ok with it because the companions were OP and still gave us this feeling.


Then they decided we could no longer gear our companions to make them as strong or weak as we wanted, and took away customisation.

Then finally, they took away the companion and replaced it with a shadow of its former self.


So not only are you stuck with a sub par companion you also cannot do anything about it by gearing it.

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I can do it so its fine, or you should be able to is neither accurate or fair as an argument, never has been never will be.

However what you guys you are saying this whether indirectly or directly fail to realise is that YES the planetary OLD content is possible, but it is not enjoyable, not for the obvious majority of people here complaining.


At max we could solo easily anything low level, as it should be, this expac they took that ability away and made you no stronger that a lvl 12, this belittles the time and effort that went into getting to max.


But most were ok with it because the companions were OP and still gave us this feeling.


Then they decided we could no longer gear our companions to make them as strong or weak as we wanted, and took away customisation.

Then finally, they took away the companion and replaced it with a shadow of its former self.


So not only are you stuck with a sub par companion you also cannot do anything about it by gearing it.


I am not trying to say if I can do it, you can. I am posting my feedback to BW and to give other users experiences on various heroics and classes to find out what is still soloable and what is not because I have a lot of max levels to try this stuff on. It took me most of my afternoon to finally complete Viper's Nest on my Level 59 now Level 60 Sage. The fact that it took me so long is vital to let BW know that this heroic needs to be looked at because I was asked by several people to try it.

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there your problem right there not every one is deck out i 208 augs mix of 220 and 216 gear. What some are decked out in is the free 60 gear as they have just returned with out all the comm stacking the people that have never left have. So you player that keep saying i can do it . Need to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. Some are going into heroic 2 that are meant for every one in all gear...


you can buy 208 gear with common data crystals

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I am not trying to say if I can do it, you can. I am posting my feedback to BW and to give other users experiences on various heroics and classes to find out what is still soloable and what is not because I have a lot of max levels to try this stuff on. It took me most of my afternoon to finally complete Viper's Nest on my Level 59 now Level 60 Sage. The fact that it took me so long is vital to let BW know that this heroic needs to be looked at because I was asked by several people to try it.


I agree. I also think BW needs to be more "blunt" about the purpose of the expac and the path of progression to help things out. I see a lot of people complaining that they feel they should by the fact of level 65 be steamrolling the weeklies, but clearly Lvl sync means that was not the intent. People complaining their companions are weaker, but forgetting that they have been reset. Complaining about HM SF but missing that there is a grind for those (alliance rep to unlock in instance boosts.)


I will admit I am a weirdo. I look at games in a very analytical way because I want to know why things work a certain way so I see paths of progression and intent. Most players don't do this however, they simply play and when they see something that feels off they don't think about the why themselves and the silence of the devs simply breeds frustration because not knowing why something happened drives most people nuts.


I would wager if they explained again the purpose of level sync, the purpose of the companion affection (along with the removal of gear) that we would have half the angst we do now. Yeah some people may leave. They may say "so basically you just made me leveling to 60 a waste of my time? I have to have a challenge on world I already ran umpteenth times on all these toons? I have to rebuild the strength of the companion I have used for 3 years? Bye." However I think most players would say "okay, yeah not exactly happy but now I see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just don't pull something like this again."


Again not saying some encounters don't need tweeking, they do (thinking the one with the poison gas on Makeb as one.) But all the tweeking in the world doesn't address the underlying problem, a disconnect between the entire concept of what BW did with this expac and what many players expect/expected.

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